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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. Good god, the French knew how to make handsome ships. If we only got a handful of French Corvettes, i would never sail in a niagara again. As 6th rates of the period they are stunning.
  2. It's not a form of analysis, it's a form of manipulation - "If I shock them, I might get what I want or initiate a response". Again, Why use the term "Cancerous" again this is a highly emotive term.... Then using another emotive term like this "But hey trying to tell "millennials" that know everything is HARD to do!" is just a crass generalization. Your entire position is an "Appeal to Emotion". There is no analysis at all....
  3. I don't think making an "Emotive Argument" like the "Dev's are Spineless" helps your cause at all. Have you ever abused someone and got a positive result? If so, you are a Bully, if not then it was pointless because the person you are trying to influence will go defensive and your otherwise sound argument will fall on deaf ears. I think making a rational case, based on your points and getting others in the community to support your position is far more powerful than insulting the Dev's. It's about effecting change in a positive manner, rather than a negative one.
  4. In port... I'd like it like Captains desk in his coach cabin at the back of the ship surrounded by ledgers and books, like a background... Remember Rail Road tycoon with ledgers and books...But with more of a Naval Captains desk etc. Everything was written in ledgers back then, so some nice "font's" and a nice style would make a nice tone to the game, very in keeping. Font's like this... Maybe 5 or 6 back ground interiors, so one for cutters and sloops etc (small and spartan), getting progressively grander until you get like a Victory sized Cabin! Victory,,, Smaller ships. Simple icons with an elegant Font, would work.
  5. Seen and given you a like definitely a "Sink, Burn or Take her a prize" option. Personally if it floats, I capture it, send it to my outpost and if it's knackered send it to the Breakers yard for spares. But grabbing Cargo is a big draw for me.. Having thought about it some more there would 2 examples where they would fight tooth and nail to the death or try to escape... Smugglers and Pirates, as basically if they surrender they are all going to be tried and hung from a yard arm anyway. But traders and foreign navy's would strike colours at certain points, even if Pirates and smugglers went down swinging.
  6. Suggestion - Ship Morale in PVE Battles not just Boarding. Okay, so back in the 18th / 19th Century Ships didn't just fight until they sank. They were far too valuable to sink out of hand, "Striking your Colours" was not dishonourable if you had acquitted yourself well, e.g A Cutter trying to run from a 4th Rate, but was damaged, was expect to put up a token resistance - But no Sane captain would fight to the death versus such over whelming odds. So this brought about the term "You did all that Honour Demanded" e.g Don't be stupid and sacrafice your self, ship and ships company for vanity. Most Ships engaged would strike their colours when the odds became too great or losing was inevitable. Therefore I would like to see some kind of mechanic, where ships in PvE would strike rather fighting it out until sunk, which was rare. A good example, would be having 2 or 3 reload shocks consecutively who take the fight out of any crew. Or if you lost all of the armour on one side. It would make engagements more decisive in PvE and less of a "Chase a crippled cutter around for 15mins" when the outcome is inevitable - It just doesn't add to gameplay or Realism.. ALSO - THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!
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