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Dick Brave

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Everything posted by Dick Brave

  1. Kann meinen Vorrednern nur zustimmen. Ergänzend empfehle ich Dir noch Dir einen netten Clan zu suchen. Da wird dir bestimmt geholfen und mit mehreren macht es auch gleich viel mehr Spaß.
  2. Again, this was no comment. I just asked a question! And as I already mentioned, I got an answer. Btw: A real Gentlemen would never show off with his victories like that. A real Gentlemen wouldn't see the need to do so. On the other hand, you're Pirates, and Pirates are... now, they are Pirates.
  3. Indeed, I got one. Indirectly. Exactly what I would have expected.
  4. Why do people need to show off like this? Do they have either a narcissistic disorder or a very small one... or maybe both of it? I have the gut feeling, that this is really a Pirate thing.
  5. Schön, da Du hier ja überhaupt kein Argument vorbringst, darf man dann davon ausgehen das Du geistig eine Flatline darstellst? Ich habe schon mal in einem anderen Thread beschrieben, wie eine solche Softwareentwicklung funktioniert. Wen's interessiert mag gerne mal unter dem Begriff SCRUM bei Wikipedia nachschlagen. So, oder so ähnlich werden die bei Gamelabs arbeiten. Wesentlicher Punkt dabei ist, dass es eine Person (oder ein Team) gibt, welches die Anforderungen aus der Community bewertet und entscheidet woran bis zum nächsten Patch gearbeitet wird. Dabei wird mit Sicherheit auch primär auf ein bestimmtes, vom Game-Designer vorgegebenes, Ziel hingearbeitet. Mit anderen Worten: Die Jungs schauen sich das Forum (vermutlich auch nur das englischsprachige Suggestion Forum) an und sehen dort zig Vorschläge die auch noch meist kontrovers diskutiert werden. Diese nehmen sie auf und bewerten sie danach ob sie sich unter der Prämisse des Game-Designers ins Spiel einbringen lassen und legen eine Priorität fest. Und jetzt rate mal wie viel die Stimme eines Einzelnen hier ausmacht wenn er nicht grade die Knaller Idee hat sondern nur an bestimmten Punkten herummäkelt. Also: Macht konstruktive Vorschläge im englischen Forum wenn es was helfen soll. Herummeckern im deutschen Forum hilft genau gar nichts. Abgesehen davon, als Segler würde ich sagen, dass sich das Segelverhalten (zumindest beim Cutter der mit meinen Erfahrungen ansatzweise vergleichbar ist) nach dem Patch besser anfühlt. Abschließend noch eine Frage: Warum zum Teufel versucht man mit dem dicksten und unbeweglichsten Schiff im Spiel eine Wende (für die nicht Segler: mit dem Bug - also Vorderteil - durch den Wind drehen) bzw. geht auf 30° an den Wind. Die sind mit den Pötten in der Schlacht damals schon nur Halsen (für die nicht Segler: mit dem Heck - also Hinterteil - durch den Wind drehen) gefahren aus Angst in der Wende stecken zubleiben und ein statisches Ziel abzugeben. Also ein wenig Kampftaktik und geschicktes Manövrieren können schon mal helfen.
  6. In our "first fiery encounter" like you call it YOU Sir were getting personal. THIS was completely inadequate and the reason why I stopped posting in a thread that have been started as some nice roleplay. Now I will getting personal, but unlike YOU Sir, I'll use some kind words: Since this thread, esp. the post you were referring to, has absolutely nothing to do with the Spanish Nation, could you please be so kind and stop spamming this thread with your off topic posts. Additionally I believe that weird posts of pseudo-religious content are somewhat displaced in such a forum and may upset religious people, so i kindly ask you to stop this.
  7. You're Danish? So this isn't your business anyway.
  8. Probably. But being a Republic (you know... democracy and so on) we have decided to make this available to EVERY Dutch Nation member - not only the ones that are on TS at a certain time. We have expected all this mockery. Esp. from people who have oviously nothing else to do or to say. But we also consider the importance of this post to reach as much Dutch Nation members as possible as a much higher interest than a hurt ego of a Dutch Nation High Council member. So, at least we are going to stand that (except for me - but that's the reason why I'm not a Diplomat).
  9. Why the hell are you jumping into that thread? Does that topic belong to you in any way? You'd better go and pray for your own dark soul. God knows I'm not a friend to any (Ex-) Pirate, but in this case Wilson has my sympathy. So join your Crusaders of the Santa Hermapohrodite and patrol your greasy Spanish ports and for heavens sake leave us civilized, educated and cosmopolitan people alone.
  10. I know, sometimes it's hard for Frenchies to understand a foreign language si once again, only for you emphazied and in really large letters: Any honourable Captain of the glorious Dutch Nation may apply for that post. This clearly excludes you! I suppose you only made that post to make a post since it is without any substance.
  11. Im Kampf gegen Franzosen, Dänen und Schweden und natürlich noch die Spanier und die schwarze Piratenbrut gibt's viel zu tun! Wir rekrutieren weiter, frei nach dem Motto: Viel Feind, viel Ehr! Auch Anfänger finden bei uns einen Platz und Hilfe in Form von Tipps, Training und Schiffen.
  12. Now, in the meantime (three weeks!) we are quite sure that this was a Pirate or Spanish spy trying to disunite the Dutch Nation and Great Britains alliance. Probably it was you? So after all not a loss in any way. Be assured, that Dutch Captains are ready to fight you everytime, anywhere.
  13. The honourable Dutch Nation High Council requests applications for the post of a Dutch Nation International Diplomat --- Due to the current reorganisation of the Dutch Nation Diplomatic Corps, the Dutch Nation High Council has decided to elect new International Diplomats. Any honourable Captain of the glorious Dutch Nation may apply for that post until 1st of September and introduce himself to the Dutch Nation High Council on 1st or 4th of September on invitation. Applications can be made here or directly to the Dutch Nation High Council.
  14. What the ... is that pink unicorn doing with that innocent dolphin. I'm most irritated. APC - Nice Idea, but we don't need that badge to bring fear to the pirates - a Dutch flag is sufficient.
  15. Those ordinary words may be suitable for a tavern in the harbour of La Habana, but I doubt that even Spanish diplomats would use such phrases of an ordinary seaman. But since the Spaniards are, oh what a surprise, not subject of this post, I guess it's not your business anyway, except you were allied with the Pirates.
  16. Gentlemen, my honourable Danish Sirs, the Dutch Nation High Council offers its cooperation to the Nations of France, Sweden and Denmark-Norway to face this new Pirate thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15705-official-announcements-of-the-dutch-nation-high-council/?p=295045
  17. The honourable Dutch Nation High Council offers their cooperation to the grand nations of France, Sweden and Denmark-Norway to encounter the Pirates thread led by the unholy brotherhood of the SORRY clan, within the good spirit of the Treaty of the Antilles. --- With the Treaty of the Antliies our four nations have created a zone of safety for our traders from Canalete to the island of The Settlement, from La Mona to Santo Tomé de Guayana. As we saw during the past days this safe zone is threatened by the Pirates spawn. Coming from the north of our four nations territory the grand nation of Denmark-Norway faced this thread first. Therefore Denmark-Norway has already entered the state of war with the SORRY brotherhood. It is the believe of the Dutch Nation High Council that the Pirate clans will not stop their advance to the south. Therefore the Dutch Nation High council recalls the good spirit of the Treaty of the Antilles and kindly ask the grand nations of France, Sweden and Denmark-Norway to stand all together with the Dutch Nation and send the black breed back into the dark holes where they came from and where they belong to. The Dutch Nation Diplomatic Corps is ready to talk to the diplomats of France, Sweden and Denmark-Norway to conclude a mutual agreement of cooperation against this thread.
  18. Whoever deals with Pirates should be aware that Pirates are... Now, they are Pirates.
  19. Hallo Tuffi, mit den kleinen Tradern (Cutter und Lynx) kannst Du in der Regel den großen Kampfschiffen (sprich Rahsegler) einfach hart am Wind segelnd abhauen. Damit Du immer den optimalen Fluchtkurs hast schau mal hier rein: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/270595997003255499/2D7D31B3CC7EC465A7119FD45299BDFF52CF2276/ Außerdem kannst Du bis zu zwei Schiffen in der Flotte mitnehmen, das kann auch schon mal helfen. Gold kannst Du, grade am Anfang, gut mit Missionen machen. Aber der wichtigste Tipp: Schau Dich mal nach einem netten Clan um. Da wird Dir sicher dabei geholfen die ersten Schritte im Spiel möglichst schmerzfrei zu überstehen.
  20. Now, there are official statemends about peace, war and treatys player may rely upon even when they are not organised in a clan. For sure, our diplomats are talking to out allies diplomats about such topics. But we have to take care about those unorganised players too and obiously a post in the National News forum seems to be the best option to achieve this.
  21. Today the honourable Dutch Nation High Council consisting of the representatives of the Clans XIX, ARSE, LIONS, PVP, WOLF, 7UP, PPP, AIE, PFK has decided to declare the Dutch FDM Clan rogue. --- This clan has stated by a representative that it does not follow the decisions made by the Dutch Nation High Council. As a result of this the Dutch Nation High Council wanted to warn the Dutch allies that this clan might attack ships of our allies in open waters. Furthermore the Dutch Nation High Council declares that any member of this clan may be considered fair game.
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