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Everything posted by blademage

  1. May be an odd suggestion, but for me it would be great to "clean" up the forums after release. Don't (re)move the old content, but It would be great, especially in the Guides sections, to see what's up to date and what is outdated. An automated [RELEASE] Tag on new topics would help
  2. Was wirklich toll wäre, wäre mal eine aktuelle Anleitung zum Crafting, die alle neuen Aspekte beinhaltet. Die meisten Guides hier sind ja noch aus '16 und '17 und sind längst nicht mehr aktuell (verwirrend, falsch, etc.).
  3. I never experienced that issue, but wouldn't the ping indicator in the upper right show endless ping times?
  4. Thanks for the update @admin In addition to pressing players into clans, they may not like, I'd suggest a "simple" rework on the warehouse mechanics. 1.) Either allow more warehouses in different harbours (e.g. a crafting Warehouse, a Gun-Depot, an Academy for Books, and a Trade-Depot) or 2.) implement different ranks within the clan and set vault permissions (e.g. crafters, traders, cannoneers, suppliers,... that may or may not put/take things into/from different tabs) Ranks could be: Seaman, Flag Officer, Diplomat, Supply Officer (f. crafting, for trading, for guns, for supplies like reps and rum), Admiral 3.) and increase storage "capacity" (available slots).
  5. Man kann übrigens theoretisch auch ganz ohne exploit der delivery Missionen zu so viel Geld kommen. Macht halt imho keinen Spaß.
  6. I fully understand what @Admin says but still would like to understand, how such a massively different perception of a combat situation is possible. Is it possible that there is a "blind spot" (e.g. an angle where balls go through the enemy ship without doing any damage at all or bounce directly down to the water,...)? I can imagine that the other players had their ships equipped with Edinonorg 1-pood Cannons, what allowed them to do you massive damage at closest range, but have no idea, what you did, not to harm them. Btw.: yes floating batteries are a very relaxing upgrade on a Lo/Wo Santi/L'Ocean. I love my L'Ocean with only cartagena and 5-Rings(, a boarding-power-machine on pve Server^^).
  7. I spend no more than 4 hours a week sailing to different harbours, trying to sell them.
  8. They have been. Historically the russians used them first (around 1800), then the french and a few years later the british (1830s). They were an advancement from carronades and short (medium) guns that led to modern ballistics and artillery as unicorn guns were able to shoot explosives and other complex loads. They lost their superiority to modern "steel warfare" in the 1860s to 1880s. BUT no deck was equipped with just edinorogs. Usually only 4-10 guns per battery was an edi. The others were matching normal guns. If "available" (or short) in other sizes, I geuss it will rebalance them.
  9. Even if not really historically accurate, I'd suggest half poods for class 8 armaments (and maybe upgraded "copper half poods" as class 6). They could have the same differences (ups and downs) over mediums/carronades as their big sisters or, more realistic (at least for class 8) have heavily increased longrange penetration. Further, they should, as 1poods, not be craftable to stay a very rare option, you don't want to loose. please discuss
  10. Willkommen zurück:) Stimmt schon. Macht ne Menge Spaß und bietet garnicht erst die Möglichkeit Unsummen auszugeben
  11. This game is not about fun. This simulation is about the horror of war, greed and bloodlust, fear and struggle. Oh and not to forget: about bad luck:)
  12. Repairs are a very interesting aspect of the game. I already once thought about setting up a "West Indian Repair Company", but game mechanics don't really support that (too expensive to produce, too difficult to handle logistics without much more outposts in different nations, etc.).
  13. Was die Zeit angeht, wirst Du es ja inzwischen schon bemerkt haben: PvP dauert solange es dauert. Es kann schnell gehen oder sich ewig ziehen (wobei es ja auch den Battletimer gibt). Wenn Du PvE Missionen machst, sollte wohl 20 bis 30 Minuten ein realistisches Zeitfenster sein. Klar gibt's Abstriche beim Realismus. Du wirst nicht geswattet, wenn eine Mission fehlschlägt oder musst Dich vor dem Kriegsgericht für den Verlust seiner Majestäts Schiffes verantworten, es bricht keine Cholera an Bord aus, die Dich und Deine Mannschaft vor erreichen des Missionsziels dahinrafft und auch wirst Du feststellen, dass sich vieles, dem Spielfluss zu Gunsten in Zeitraffer abspielt. Nichts desto trotz ist Naval Action alternativenlos und ein riesen Spaß. Dass es kein "zweites Eve/WoW/SuperMario/Monopoly/..." wird, ist klar. Es ist eben Naval Action. Und damit genauso einzigartig. Es kann die wenigsten Spieler (speziell die, die keine besondere Affinität zum Thema haben) auf ewig binden und faszinieren. Viele Leute kommen und gehen, manchmal kommen mehr, manchmal gehen mehr. Aber eine gewisse Spielerzahl ist da und sobald die Regeln endlich mal fest stehen, wird es sich auch kontinuierlicher anfühlen. Ich habe nach einem Jahr Pause vor drei Monaten wieder angefangen (am PvE Server) und hab meine Freude dort. Für mich war der PvP Server nichts mehr, da ich nicht die Möglichkeit habe, immer regelmäßig zu spielen, so dass ich auch mal eine Handelsfahrt machen könnte mit (Spieler-)Geleitschutz. Und ohne ist man weitestgehend aufgeschmissen, was ja auch im Sinne des Erfinders liegt. Darum gibt's den PvE Server und gut ist's so. Noch ist das Spiel nicht ganz fertig (Beta steht noch aus^^). Segelverhalten und Kampfmechanik würde ich aber schon mal als fertig bezeichnen. Es hat aber noch einige Baustellen: - Lootmechanik und Loot: Hier kann man noch das eine oder andere verbessern. z.B. Erreichbarkeit der Wracks (Notwendigkeit sie mitten in der Schlacht zu looten) oder die Verteilung der unterschiedlichen "Lootklassen" (Skillbücher, besondere Skillbücker, Kanonen, Repairs, Upgrades, besondere Upgrades, Handelsware,...) - Spieler: jeder verlangt was anderes von den Entwicklern, einige sind, wenn Ihre "Forderungen nicht erfüllt" werden, sauer und gehen. - Wirtschaft: Das derzeitige Wirtschaftsmodell ist zwar nicht total schlecht, aber von interessant leider recht weit entfernt. - PvE Content: Da geht noch einiges mehr, als die derzeitigen Combat Orders. - Crafting: Ganz ausgereift und ausgeglichen ist es auch noch nicht. Es gibt noch viel Spielraum für Ideen. - Interface: Das kommt bald "Test UI - Please ignore" - Anpassungen: Paints für die Schiffe, Segel, Flaggen, etc. sollen ja wieder kommen. Gab's schon mal, mal sehen, wie oder was kommt. Nichtsdestotrotz macht's eben richtig Spaß und ist für jeden eine Empfehlung, den Segelschiffe interessieren, die Ära oder das Setting begeistern kann oder der einfach mal Abwechslung sucht.
  14. Thank you for this great navigation tool! Since I seem to have lost my fleet navigator in battle some years ago and did not yet find adequate replacement in all my reserves, this helps me a lot doing the job on my own. One thing less to worry about for an old rear admiral...
  15. As a crafter, I only get the cool boni on Traders, where I don't need them.
  16. Exactly that. I hope for crafting/trading rewards, that are usable in Admiralty. E.g. a "Trade-Mark" each 2000 oak planks or for harvesting 2000 fir. So resource- and material-crafter would get a usable reward for supporting the economy.
  17. Please add reduced speed and turn to the mast thickness of sturdy rigging. A "fail" on PvE Server.
  18. Auto crafting would be nice, but on the other side it would cost a lot of hours, that now are delivered by others that craft the components. It would need a checkbox! When talking about crafting: What about a shipyard-depot, where we could store the mats and dock limits per port?^^
  19. @admin I understand your point of view and like the way you see these things and are willing to talk about it. Thanks for that! I know that there are this examples of gifted names in history. On the other side there always was a chance to improve the ships, rework them without scrapping them completely. What I suggest, is the option, the opportunity to upgrade ships during a refit process It'd be fine if it only were the number of slots to be increased when the planking being changed e.g changing the planks from WhiteOak to Crewspace with the planks and frame parts needed, some extra coins, e.g. Lignum and Compass Wood and the original (selectable, or the only empty one) ship and players can slowly, step by step upgrade their ship this way, even from grey ones, if they capture a ship and are lucky to find a wanted bonus on them. Or crafting a complete refit (e.g. for each ship, in different qualities, adding one or two slots?) that can be used on a ship (right click > use and select the ship). How would you like this ideas? It would imho bring much more meaning into crafting again
  20. 1.) Well the Wind could sometimes (e.g. every 10-15 minutes for 1-2 minutes) change turning direction, it also could simply change its rotation speed. It also could change intensity (if possible).But well, we're used to it as it is 2.) Heel ist great as it is now, maybe more different ballasts upgrade could help further customization 3.) leeway is fine now 4.) turnrates are a bit low now. Maybe for realism, but it is a bit less fun 5.) some have become real bricks... 6.) still a pain 7.) downwind turning seems to fit the rest
  21. Customization is great, diversity is great, different "levels" of ships are great. But as all the others already said: the current "new" system brings more frustration than fun. It takes me about 4 weeks to get everything needed for a Santi and when I click craft, it tells me, that I crafted a shabby one? No. That is a reason to quit playing again. I understand Admins idea of giving crafters a gift. But it isn't for most crafters. Colourful nameplates are nice, showing that there is something special. OK. I guess for most crafters the better way would have been the predictable one: Select more details before crafting (wood, trim, 1-5 slots, one integrated bonus, each at cost of mats or gold), have the ships refittable, upgradeable for more slots, gifting just small randomly generated boni (not as much as now) to the basic ship stats, e.g. 0.01-0.1kn top speed or 0.05-0.1 turn rate, 5-100 HP on sides or bow/stern,... but not, like it just is, things that render the ships useless or overpowered. Regarding history: How often were the certain ships scrapped and rebuilt from scratch? How often where they refitted, replanked, modified, ...?
  22. I'll have one ready for 530.000.000.000 Gold, 4.000.000 combat marks and the mats required for 600 tries and don't forget to bring the permits...
  23. So crafting a ship is back to rolling dice? That would be very sad. Wouldn't it be possible to to make it predictable? E.g. by a combination of added "ingredients" as we select the trim now? E.g. more slots require additional Combat Marks and the "refits" require certain goods, upgrades or crafting region?
  24. I guess thats the point: it simply is annoying to interrupt battle for looting and even more annoying and then frustrating, if you miss the loot.
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