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Admiral Horatio Hornblower

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Everything posted by Admiral Horatio Hornblower

  1. Yo a usted no insultar. Usted ser diplo? Yo recomendar a usted deber mejorar actitud. Venir mejor para espana, evitar asi estar in guerre con muchas naciones y russia no abandonar a ustedes y preferir jugar ahora con france, enemigo de espana. Saludos desde cayo de sal y isla de pino.
  2. I almost guess it correctly. After only 5 weeks these guys are doing exactly the same as before. Same people, same ideas.
  3. Usted juega? Yo no ver a usted en batallas y combat news. Posible que clanes espana no contar con usted para batallas puerto. Es usted mal jugador?
  4. Saludos amigos espanoles. Yo ver como GB estar cerca de capital de espana, habana, y junto a pirates, danes y france. donde estar russia y usa, amigos de espana? Ustedes estar solos ya, russia no interesar espana. Russia ahora jugar con france, la nacion que derrotar a espana. La nacion enemiga de espana.
  5. Hahahahahahaha You have them here, in the forums, with posts that contradicts eachother and most important, in the game itself. But the russians can't see anything in front of their noses, that's why you are so easy to convince by anolytic+north. You are probably just doing what they want. They control you dude, open your eyes.
  6. Tener usted hambre de victoria? 4 derrotas en mismo dis ser mal alimento para moral de espanoles. Usted estar en gran batalla y no hacer nada para impedir gran derrota de su flota. Nosotros disfrutar este Trafalgar in little cayman.
  7. This is a message for all nations, If you have been betrayed (like France & USA), switched nation because you had no other choice, lost your friends and clan mates because of the actions (the zerg) done by the spanish-russian alliance this is the time for delivering Justice. GB will lead the charge against them (7UP, VIXIT, VLTRA, @Captain Reverse, @North... ) and we won't stop until they all surrender. Join us! Glory, honour and victory awaits us in this noble endeavour!
  8. Yo no usar google translator como tu para hablar aqui. Ser tu de VIXIT clan? Tu clan perder little cayman in 20 minutes. Nosotros reir mucho de elite players de VIXIT. Quien ser comander de battalla? @tonyxyx o yordi? Nosotros recomendar cambiar de comander. X clan ser mejor antes de ir a espana, jugadores respetar X clan antes. Ahora VIXIT solo ser buenos in requins y ganking nuevo jugador en KPR.
  9. Don't the US have a military alliance with Spain and a good relationship with Russia? Go and cry to them.
  10. Sus clanes elite (VLTRA, VIXIT, 7UP) fallar a espana. Ellos perder rapido todas las battallas in little cayman. Flota rusa-espana perder contra la Royal Navy igual que in Trafalgar. Nosotros aceptar su rendicion inconditional. Yo recomendar su rendicion antes de mayor humillacion y derrotas espanolas. Rusia no venir a salvar a espana.
  11. Little cayman estar abierto. Agradecer oro espanol para mantener Royal Navy. Usted no comentar que capitanes no espanoles hacer perder little cayman. Donde estar flota capitanes espanoles? Ellos esconder?
  12. Never trust a russian, my friend. And anolytic and northviking are among the biggest liars of the entire server. They manipulate and deceive people to achieve their own goals.
  13. You can try. Look dude, the 7UP, VIXIT and VLTRA fleets have been smashed in Little Cayman by a GB fleet. Even @Captain Reverse and all BF sank. @Anolytic and other REDS too. This is the begining of your end. @Lord_Draxyou should be reconsidering your alliances and friendships. Spain didn't help you much when they were zerging everyone and it wont help you when they fall into oblivion.
  14. Yo estar en caymans. Yo pensar muchos espanoles no importar espana. Yo no ver @Suricato Rojo@Alado @Sento de Benimaclet @Alvar FaƱez de Minaya @deltonos
  15. Final de espana cerca. Ustedes ya no ganar durante el dia, ni la noche. Clanes elite de espana fracasar.
  16. Spain: "We don't care about port" "Please conquer our ports so we don't pay the taxes anymore". Spain attacks rio seco, cayo biscaino, cayo anclote, arenas, arcas, cayo de sal and defends cayo vacas. Spanish logic. @Christendom @Aster @King of Crowns
  17. So far: Russia are in friendly terms with USA. Some russian clans have alliance with spain. REDS attacks GB again. Now tell me again anolytic that russia has reseted their diplomacy agreements. Same people, same ideas.
  18. When was the last time spain flipped a french port? A week?
  19. What do you think about this? @Hethwill the Harmless @Powderhorn
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