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Staal Carsten

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Everything posted by Staal Carsten

  1. This is exactly my concern too. The "testers" are screaming about "Ohh they listen SO much" yes if your a tester! The rest of us is kept in the dark. Only very little is shared about the vision of the game. And i fear, we get yet another "World of tanks". Great game at the start, but the "pay to win feature", made the development team rich, and the game was ruined, because they stopped caring. I don't want 100 % PvP. I want things to do when I'm just cruising around. And the fact that rank 8,9 and 10 missions feature the same ships, makes the missions way too boring. On the other hand, finding a fair PvP fight is close to impossible. Either they run or I run. I think the game is exciting still - but I feel it die slowly, as development is too slow and planned update information is kept from us. I my opinion they released the game to public way too early. Online players are pretty demanding to keep around. I'll soon reach rank 10 - then its game over, as the grind is over. Soon premium ships will appear, and after that premium accounts, then premium ammo, just wait and see. Like someone said before. I would also like to pay a monthly subscription of 15€. If the studio behind the title, were informative, and big enough. Unfortunately that is not the case, And soon some ofter title will appear on steam, and get my attention. Please share if you have knowledge, that support the opposite.
  2. Non Plus Ultra (Ingen er bedre) PvP server 1 DK-NO Vi er en lille dansk klan. For os er den rette person væsentligere end at vi skal være store. Vi gider ikke drama eller teenagere, som ikke ved hvordan man skal opføre sig. Derfor er vi en klan for 18 -20+. Vi hænger ud på TS, når vi er online. Vi laver XP i grupper, hvor vi sammensætter efter typer af missioner. Vi har netop lavet et samarbejde med den største klan, om at vi kommer med på Port Battles og PvP sammen med dem, så vi kan holde fast i vores værdier. Vi deles om opgaver i forhold til crafting. Det vil sige, at vi giver materialer og ressourcer til hinanden, uden at skele til hvad man kunne sælge det til. Til gengæld laver vores crafter skibe gratis til medlemmer. Vi tager gerne nybegyndere ind! Hvis det lyder som noget for dig, og du er 18+ og med TS. Så hiv fat i mig eller en af officererne i klanen. Azenya [NPU]
  3. NPU / Non Plus Ultra Danmark-Norge (server 1) Azenya Danish in clan / English in nationschat
  4. And a person like yourself, who can't have a point of view, which you don't agree upon, should crawl back into your Pizza and Coke dominated shadow, where the only light you get, is from the screen! Incredible how you "tester" tend to clap eachothers backs.
  5. Well then I'm in trouble. Give me a refund, and I go elsewhere, if my point of view is not welcome or better yet kick me out!
  6. Server 1 - DK-NO need a Bellona. No crafter is accepting gold as payment. It was a generel suggestion to make notes available to all, so we again can supply the mats and pay a fee for the craft. I have contact with a crafter he wants 4 notes for the craft and 4 notes for the payment. 1 note = 140000 - 250000 gold. Thats about 1,5 - 2 mill gold for a ship. That can't be right.
  7. Its impossible the get a ship crafted. Crafters don't care about gold, because its too easy to get rich. The only thing crafters accept is notes. I don't care about crafting, that means I'm lvl 5 in crafting (what you needed to craft notes before) Now you need to be lvl 35, to craft a highgrade note. I can't make them. Nobody will sell me some. And crafters only take notes as payment = impossible to get a Bellona for eksample. Do we really want notes to be ship building currency?
  8. I would like a slider system for the distribution of crew in combat. If I want exactly 101 crew out of 150 I should be allowed. Now I have to click on/off 6 and 7 for boosting my abilities. Not very smooth. Give me the full power to distribute my crew as Captain of my own ship. If for some reason anyone but the usual posters on this forum see this. Please do something about the russian in the nationschat. I know there are lots of russians, but on server 1 every message in english drown in cyrilic letters. Quite simple, implement english in the nations chat. If ppl want to use their own language - create a clan. Give us a joined clan warehouse, to stockpile crafting mats for shared use. Also give clanleaders the option to make ranks in the clan. Can't believe I just wasted time on an idea. We are completely ignored by the development team!
  9. Thats the same thing as saying "We don't give a fuck about our players" If I hear nothing I will stop playing. I just lost 500000 gold to a bug.
  10. Neither of you guys are DEVS - I asked for their response. I did an f11 too. Too annoyed for the good tone! Sry guys! #edit: I bought the game for its full price. I know its Alpha. If something really stupid happens like this... I expect the DEVS to take action.
  11. Hello, Just bougth myself a Gold Trincomalee from a Russian farmer. 1st battle on a Flagkaptajn mission: Within the first minute I was rammed and borded by an NPC Constution, with 100 Morale and 100 Preporation. I have no clue HOW THE HELL he got his preporation up that fast or how he was able to bord med at the speed of 7 kn???? I'm so annoyed - I simpy want my durability reset. If I lose my ship in honest battle, I'm just fine - but with an AI able to pull such an ability... its just lame, and not worth the while! So DEVS please contact me ingame. PvP server 1 EU: Playername Azenya.
  12. The other server is full. This one is empty. I'm not making a drama of it.
  13. Well I can't say how many is too little. What I can say is - that the current amount of players on my nation side is nowhere near enough to play the game. Expanding and defending. We are gettng steamrolled by the Pirates. If not them then the Brits. Trouble is, that there is free migration. 50 guys just left the server for Server 1. If we really try our best, we can create a fleet of 12 ships. Thats no fun for me. If nothing is done about this issue, then I'll find another game to spend my sparetime on. /Staal
  14. Hello development team! I'm playing on the PVP 3 EU server. Doing anything as a Nation (DK-NO) is impossible. The base of player is simply too small. I'm not gonna change server to server 1, like many other do these days. So merge the two servers, to give us all a more rich game enviroment. Really sad to see so many players go to other games, because one server is getting depopulated. I know its a Alpha and all. All I say is ppl are leaving, because the game does not have the playerbase for so many servers yet. So please do someting about this fast. Never got a response from a dev on this game before, could be nice now! /Staal
  15. Yes I'm bored too. I don't understand, why devs are giving a timeline, and when they can't keep it, they leave us in the dark. If you want an informing community, then you must lead the way. If the patch is delayed a month, just say it. I think we can all understand, that you are giving it the best shot. Kinda reminds me, how Blizzard did things back in the early WoW days. Complete darkness. Lets hear the words.
  16. In order to play with the US - I have to play at night. Not sure my boss is gonna like that.
  17. Its quite simple actually. The game is a Alpha. Wipe the map. And do so while implementing an alliance/diplomatic feature to the game. Playing a small nation on a extremely low populated server, is pure agony. If nothing is done, I won't get to see the game in Beta. No drama about it. Just a fact. Other games will get my attention. So if PvP 1 degrades at 2000 players - go buy a bigger server - alternatively force players from PvP 1 to the other server. Thanks "Van Pelt" for your very usable information - notice that Britain was the usual raiding target by the Danish, many years before this era. You are in fact a (bi)product of the same ancestors that I have. Only difference is. They got me, because they wanted to. And you because they were on raid (historically speaking).
  18. Hello devs. Now Denmark-Norway on PVP EU 3 is doomed! The biggest clan on our side, just migrated to PVP EU 1. That leaves our small nation 100 accounts shorter. Surely you must have considered this, as you allowed it. But now my game is less than nothing worth, as both England and Pirates (allied) will take all our towns, and there is nothing to do about it. My suggestions is. Enlarge the capacity, wipe the map, and merge those two servers. Close the option to migrate. Damn I'm in a bad mood right now.
  19. I'm usually not a quitter - therefore my post. Would you mind giving some examples of these mechanics? I might be blind. But when not trying to fight the Pirates usually 1:3-4, then our clans are arguing in the nationschat - and blaming and poaching members. I would love to bring my nation back into the game - sadly I can't see how.
  20. Hello, First off, I'm fully aware that the game is in alpha, and the game is subject to changes. I'm playing as Danmark - Norway on the PVP EU 3 server. The ingame balance is horrible, because there is way too many pirates. Many of the nations, is not even being played by players (USA for instance). France got wiped out from the start. Leaving their towns like free loot. Because all nations is at war, the big are getting bigger, and the small nations are getting their behind kicked everytime we try something. So what to do? Join the Pirates to help them conquer the map, or at least make it a two nation war (England vs. Pirates) or simply go play something else, until the game intall some kind of diplomatic situation, where somebody (game devs) are monitoring the balance. If the point is, that each server will be left for its own fate. Then EU 3's fate is sealed. This is not an to whine about it or create drama - but spending your sparetime getting kicked hard every day - is not fun at all. I like the game alot, bur we are still very far from a game, that has a fair balance to it. Just my 5 cents. /Staal
  21. Looking forward to the update! Flu is for children <--- joke! /Staal
  22. Kom glad og vær med! Nu er de Danske clans blevet forenet og har fælles TS. Vi skal stadig bruge flere spillere. /Staal
  23. Nu også med et skibslotteri hver mandag. Vores clancrafter sætter et gratis skib til lodtrækning hver mandag, som man kan vinde. Need before greed. VI har ret meget brug for aktive spillere på danmark siden, da vi bliver presset af Piraterne, som er temmelig aggresive. Kom og vær med. /Staal
  24. Hey Devs, First off: I know that you all are working very hard to fix everything for us, and I'm looking forward to the upcomming content update. However, it would be most appreciated with some kind of maintenance overview. Could be very simple: Servername green/red dot (green online/red offline) and a note on the ETA for the server to come online again. Thanks for a great game, and keep up the good work! Staal Carsten out!
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