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Posts posted by Thonys

  1. the desolate color scheme is very much present in this game, it should add more color before and with a much-needed update to make the appearance attractive, it makes me desolate. in short: matte, colorless, and old-fashioned. I don't understand why this was chosen. it seriously needs more light .more hdr and not only grey,  blue ,brown, industrial look

    • Like 2
  2. On 9/12/2020 at 1:37 AM, Skools said:

    Hi all,

    I play NA for a few weeks (Britain), and I try to make money by trading. I travel between Fort Royal, Santiago and Savana. I 'hide' my traders behind my main ship (trinco or neufchatel), I guess this is a good idea. When I take 1 indiaman and/or 1 trader, it seems ok (I always travel carefuly, I don't even take winds), I have never been attacked so far. But each time my fleet is 1 main ship + 2 indiaman, I get attacked by Pirates. And each time I have no chance : either 6-7 pirates in semicircle just when I'm too far from the port to go home, or a heavy ship (e.g. Wasa) that comes from nowhere and boards my indias. Each time I lose about 500K reals, and I have to restart everything from scratch. So boring. The last time, I was just reaching a port (after 1 hr travel), there where some trinco/essex/frigate PNJ in the area (I saw them before and after the attack), but the pirate (player) ship really seemed to be at the good time and the good place to attack me.

    Here is my question : is this normal ?

    yes.  i am afraid it is.

    - Is there a rule in the game that makes you more visible/vulnerable when you add 2 india in your fleet (= a big deal) ?

    yes your more vulnerable , you have the speed of the fleet arrangement in ow  (what means your prince does go around 24 knots- instead of 28  [+ without windboost] ) 


    - Can one clan/player see what other players do (what their fleet is made of, where there are going, their ranking) ? When I see a "fiend player" in the open world, I can't know anything about him or his fleet, am I missing something ?

    they can't see your fleet composition ,but they are not stupid.

     + you can be spotted by a alt player-  disguised as a friendly nation player . he can activate a second account of him, and becomes active on that location in OW. just to attack you.


    - Could this be a cheat ? What the use of attacking a neufchatel with a Wasa in the middle of nowhere, when you start the battle ofwind ? Oh stroke of luck, there were 2 full indias in the fleet.

    they are just looking for vulnerable players in fleet in trader vessels (or combo)

    - I already know that I'm paranoid :-) But I am also REALLY so unlucky :-

    don't get paranoid-  and yes you are a bit unlucky (for the moment - it will change :) after this read )

    also look very carefully at your route the time of your trading and always look at nation chat and get on discord and ask around if it is save (if you see player who are not active in the nation defend be aware it can be a alt , who is looking for you.

    my advise is don't trade alone...... in a fleet composition

    but ask your fellow clan members to accompany you with battleships

     you are also probably trading in a dangerous trade route ( look for the opportunity)

    it's just  more than just take a ship and trade ......like there is no predator on the water .


  3. this is not due to the ship but due to the rebalancing of the guns
    this has nothing to do with the ship.
    the ocean has always been a better ship.
    the relapse is caused by the guns.
    therefore you have the feeling that the santissima does not come into its own compared to the ocean, the rebalancing of the guns has resulted in a greater difference in the use of certain ships and whereby the old values have become far apart with the current use and feeling of a certain ship.  you will have to adapt to the current interpretation of the total picture of the use of a certain ship.

    it is what it is 

  4. 20 hours ago, HMS Victory said:


    It'd be great if the XP generated by travelling could go towards traders' ship XP as well, not only rank XP. It doesn't make too much sense to limit this to battle XP only, if you know what I mean.



    you can use/make  a battle trader to grind>>  for slot xp

    and indeed it would be great to get some free xp to insert to a ship of choice (slots) or to increase rank xp  (like war thunder or any other game )

    this is especially important for players who do not have direct access to the higher ships who, due to the location of their area, are unable to compete in their pursuit of participating in port battles, among other things

    an example: my santisima/ocean/vic  only has 1 or 2 slot lock  open after 8000 hours
    you see there the possibility to achieve this is too limited due to the type of area where you operate
    which also means that the possibility to fully participate in the game tempers the fun, while this limitation is removed in other areas


    perhaps a feedback  suggestion could be made.

  5. it seems only :

    standard: Share \ edit\ quote\ \ multi quote 

    sub: \ link\code\preview\quote \emoji \ bullet and numbered list \and various text arrangements. +  attach image and url other media

    not:  a insert button for spoiler.


  6. 15 hours ago, Citoyen said:

    the French want the « Goudse kaas«  manufacturing secret 😋😉😆

    more seriously, consult with the other Dutch diplomats who are in contact with their French counterparts without having to discuss it in the public square😉

    Ha yes, "the secret"
    well it's actually not that big of a secret you just have to make sure you don't let it get moldy
    like so many french cheeses.
    those french cheeses then start to smell enormously.
    and yes then nothing beats a nice piece of Dutch glory from Gouda.

    But seriously.
    I know about it, and I like to hear it.
    but be assured some of them know nothing, and some still know nothing, some are innocent and some are not happy, and some feel betrayed by both parties, but in their minds may crush you by all the actions that have taken place.

    "A further escalation will turn the West to the East where these waves look like a storm with crushing force unparalleled in French weather gods."

    Let's talk in the open.
    under the open sky of the mighty shorer of Pampatar,

    what was your goal . what do you want more .

    we are a very peaceful nation :)

    • Like 1
  7. @Ink

    today i was sailing in enemy french waters in ow 

    and the prince suddenly stopped  it should do full speed sails up (90 degree of wind) and it did 0 knots

    turned it in the wind and for a moment it was taking about 6v knots of speed 

    later on even that was reduced to o knots

    restarted the game and the same result it did not speed up >>  only turning was possible

    other ships seems not effected and where just sailing by

    made a bug report 


    also i was not on the shallow 







    i am stuck in ow and going nowhere.

    and can not move. even after a restart. it seems i am in irons.



    Proclamatie | Proclamation


    Le conseil national de l'amirauté a tenu une réunion sur les questions nationales.
    Ordonné aux navires de commerce de s'armer pour la guerre contre les flottes françaises en progression qui combattent et prennent le contrôle des portes hollandaises la nuit et en même temps sans avertissement préalable
    la trahison sera sanctionnée par une double représaille sur les navires de guerre français et les défenses qui seront confisquées pour éviter de futures menaces nocturnes.
    les français devront également payer pour leur expansion et leur terre de coq. au lieu des flottes de corsaires habituelles qui se rencontraient de temps en temps, une infraction a été commise dans l'intérêt du pays.

    C'est pourquoi la chambre a décidé de retirer les navires de guerre stockés des boules de naphtaline et de les préparer avec des hommes, des armes et des munitions d'une valeur de 15 millions de florins.
    un soutien supplémentaire a également été promis par le commandement de l'armée pour ajouter des marines de la garnison maritime à tous les navires en pleine force.
    Le sud des Pays-Bas sera également engagé dans la bataille avec les hommes des détachements maritimes et des unités terrestres à Bruges et à Anvers.

    La France a été déclarée guerre à partir d'aujourd'hui jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit chassée de ses frontières.

    Les beaux poulets voleront autour de vous comme des coqs sur le toit des voisins.

    Fin du message.






    這也適用於在rue de Poule上出售麵條的中國人




    Национальный совет Адмиралтейства провел заседание по земельным вопросам.
    И приказал укомплектовать корабли и снарядить их для войны и наступающих французских флот, которые сражаются и захватывают голландские ворота ночью и ночью без предварительного предупреждения.

    предательство будет наказано двойным возмездием французским военным кораблям и оборонительным сооружениям, которые будут конфискованы, чтобы предотвратить будущие ночные угрозы.

    французы также должны будут заплатить за свою экспансию и страну петуха. вместо обычных каперских флотов, которые время от времени встречались друг с другом, преступление было совершено в интересах страны.

    Вот почему Палата решила вывести военные корабли, которые хранятся, из нафталиновых шаров и подготовить их с людьми, оружием и боеприпасами на сумму 15 миллионов гульденов.
    Также была обещана дальнейшая поддержка со стороны армейского командования для добавления морской пехоты из морского гарнизона ко всем кораблям в полном составе.
    Южные Нидерланды также будут участвовать в боях с бойцами морских и сухопутных частей в Брюгге и Антверпене.

    Франции объявлена война с сегодняшнего дня, пока они не будут изгнаны за ее границы.

    и это также относится к китайцам, которые продают лапшу на улице де пуль.

    Красивые цыплята будут летать вокруг вас, как петухи на крыше соседей.

    Конец сообщения.




    National board of the admiralty has held a meeting on country matters.
    ordered trade ships to arm themselves for war against the advancing French fleets that fight and take over Dutch gates at night and at the same time without prior warning
    the betrayal will be punished by double retaliation on French warships and defenses that will be confiscated to prevent future nighttime threats.
    the french will also have to pay for their expansion and land of cock. instead of the usual privateering fleets that met each other now and then, an offense was made in the interest of the country.

    That is why the chamber has decided to remove the warships that are stored from the mothballs and to prepare them with men and weapons and ammunition worth 15 million guilders.
    further support has also been promised from the army command to add marines from the sea garrison to all ships in full strength.
    The southern Netherlands will also be engaged in battle with men from the sea detachments and land units in Bruges and Antwerp.

    France has been declared war from today until they are driven outside its borders.

    The beautiful chickens will fly around you like roosters on the roof of the neighbors.

    End of message .


    De National raad van de admiraliteit heeft een vergadering gehouden op lands aangelegenheden.
    En hebben bevolen de schepen te bemannen en in te richten voor De oorlog en de oprukkende franse vloten die bij nacht en ontij nederlandse poorten bevechten en overnemen zonder een waarschuwing vooraf .

    het verraad zal worden bestraft met een dubbele vergelding op franse oorlogsbodems en verdedigingswerken die zullen worden geconfisqueerd om toekomstige nachtelijke bedreigingen te doen voorkomen.

    ook zullen de fransen moeten betalen voor hun uitbreiding en landje pik.  in plaats van de gebruikelijke privateering vloten die elkaar zo nu en dan tegenkwamen een overtreding is gemaakt in het teken van het lands belang.

    Daarom heeft de kamer besloten de  oorlogsschepen  ie opgeslagen uit de mottenballen te halen en gereed te maken met manschappen en wapens en munitie ter waarde van 15 miljoen guldens 
    ook is verdere steun toegezegd van de legerleiding om mariniers van het zee garnizoen toe te vo0egen op alle schepen in volle sterkte.
    OOk de zuidelijke nederlanden zullen in de strijd worden betrokken met manschappen van de zee detachementen en land eenheden te brugge en antwerpen .

    Frankrijk is  de oorlog verklaard met ingang van vandaag tot dat ze buiten de landsgrenzen zijn verdreven .

    De mooie kippen zullen jullie om de oren vliegen als hanen op het dak van de buren. 

    Einde bericht .


    Trade  | and |  War 


    • Like 4
  9. 28 minutes ago, Macjimm said:

    A method to purchase extra dock spaces and outposts is available right now.  Check out steam.  Lots of dock spaces and outposts are on sale, for $17.37.

    And there is no limit.  Players can buy as much as they want.

    but you ca n only use one account at the time

    also this is been ask so many time : (/ dlc +dock slot/ more ports /more dock space/ ) 

    one of the reasons i do not buy dlc anymore simple i do not have the space for it.


    • Like 1
  10. 15 hours ago, Bartas11 said:

    No thx, no funny pics on sails or pink, yellowgreen, black white red , rainbow sails etc.!

    Please let us the little serious age of sail feeling this game offer.

    i think, that if we have sail paint .

    it will be the natural colors for sail  like:  dark brown /red brown /white /creme./light brown /black/

    and no Science Fiction colors....


    if it will be yellow, pink, and rainbow stuff, i will VETO it and as final result abandon the game ...:))


  11. perhaps players will have a paint for only sails in the future.  (who knows ! )

    at the moment we still need to wait for the ship paint update what suppose to be ready for update into the game a while ago

    but it seems it has been postponed (i am not sure > it was announced a while ago  )

    at least we have no info for the Time of arrival  on that paint update anymore.


  12. On 23-7-2020 at 18:17, admin said:

    Hoe is het?

    хорошо он ест много ЛГ.
    и ты все еще хочешь делать много других вещей!
    думаю, это даже многовато.
      возможно, добавление золота - вариант, потому что время = деньги легче понять.
    столько времени, чтобы смотреть (читайте Труда против: часы) на созревающее дерево, вам мало.

    Google translate

  13. On 7/30/2020 at 11:32 PM, Bonden said:

    I just watched the movie Greyhound (with Tom Hanks) : a great movie, very realistic and which is filmed from the point of view of the captain of a destroyer in charge of protecting a convoy crossing the Atlantic against German U-boats. I couldn't help but make the connection with SL, in which privateers will be attacking convoys protected by a Navy brig or a frigate. Everything is seen from the captain's point of view and the chain of command is well represented. The stress of being overwhelmed by multiple attacks from all sides of the convoy is also well captured. There would be a nice game to develop (a kind of response to Silent Hunter) 😉


    great idea to make trailers 

    but also for naval action

    perhaps a player made .....contest ? 

    who makes the best trailer for Naval action and seal legends?

    • Like 4
  14. is it normal 

    when creating the player on test bed (same as pvp server)

    you all start first rank of the captain scale (in my case as a jonker )  ?


    [My cutter almost sunk from the medals on my chest from the pvp server] joke


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