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Everything posted by Alado

  1. Conquest marks converted to combat marks at 10 combat per conquest mark thanks
  2. i hope a new full wype, and again 800 players for a another month
  3. Spain has been defeated by its own jealousies and idiocy. There is no worse enemy for a Spaniard than another Spaniard. The attacks of birtanicos or pirates are temporary, but those of the own Spaniards are forever. And given that Spain still has too many ports, in relation to its population and being of this half Alters British. I believe it is time for other nations to take the ports they need.
  4. Alado

    PVP EU just crashed.

    RVR only with basic cutters
  5. I only think that i buy a game like all, and i would like have all ships of this game. In which i want use it is my problem. Why i need a clan to have it?? Why i need do rvr to have it? Why i cant play N A like i want? Im not a sheep, and want have a sol, to see it, to kill cutters or to suicide alone in pirate waters. Maybe no have sense to you, but to me have no sense that i cant have a ship of this game, only becuase a few said that in game was to many bigs ships, when they have this ships. RRemember ports battles a few days ago. 50 loceans in one, and 25 agas in same side in other. I dont want that any give me one how a present, i want have the chance to get one. I want play NA like i want. Have or not sense to you.
  6. sin duda, después aunque han hecho algunas mejoras, la norma ha sido cargarselo
  7. limit 1rst.of another ships its a ............................, sorry, because only limit to solo players, battle ports will have the 50 sol , because we are very hipocrite. "Limit limit limit, but.... i want one"
  8. BUeno, pues eso, como ya se han ido, al fin vamos a tener un chat libre de insultos, vamos a disfrutar. no?
  9. muchas gracias. La verdad, que aunque no me gusta que dejen la nación España, los entiendo y me alegro por ellos. y lo de que no seais aliados, pufff la verdad ha sido muy muy raro, pero en fin, no es malo ser aliado de alguien, y ya sabemos que a los ingleses les gusta tener a sus esclavos.
  10. Yo no se a que viene tanto duscutir. A Rey muerto, rey puesto, o el Rey ha muerto, viva el Rey. Usea, ahora que los indeseables ( según leo) se van por fin, quienes o quien ocupan el trono? Sólo espero que el trol no lo sea, aunque me da igual.
  11. Cm only serves for solitary players can not get to be able to get sols. I see a photo of a port battle full of first, you have to be very hypocritical to ask to be limited for everyone, and then the harbor battles with 25 locean
  12. One repair like before wype. Its ridiculous that repairs ship in a battle, but unlimited is insane.
  13. Aaaaaaaamen Lo de los repairs es de risa. Prefería lo de antes, tienes una reparación y punto. Ayer leí algo así en el chat de la nacion, de un grupo que intentaba cazar a un pirata: "Ojo, está a punto de salir, lo metemos otra vez y le terminamos de gastar los repairs"
  14. https://www.google.es/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.meo.de%2F19554%2Fthe-annihilator-xxxl-dildo-ref-9387-00.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.meo.de%2Fen%2Fdildos%2F4516-dildo-long-dong-50-cm-18-inch-ref-9603-00-4044938043537.html&docid=g7alc5AUxVZyhM&tbnid=yzrPeHMUJOJStM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwjB44WY797UAhVMnBoKHflhDoAQMwhbKCwwLA..i&w=2000&h=2000&bih=958&biw=1920&q=dildo&ved=0ahUKEwjB44WY797UAhVMnBoKHflhDoAQMwhbKCwwLA&iact=mrc&uact=8 made in lobolandia
  15. Hombre cagarme, cagarme no.. pero casi XD De todas formas de Cabrero a Pastor como es su reverendisima, poca diferencia hay. Por favor siga con su trabajo quemando a herejes y deje la poesía para almas más sensibles.
  16. Si el primero me parecio pornogay, este me parece escrito por un cabrero.
  17. una grafica que me peto hacia lo mismo que eso
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