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Jim Beamreach

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Everything posted by Jim Beamreach

  1. Because it brings money in devs Pockets. But with the Paint dlc!!! Waiting for more paints.
  2. Ups, meine Aussage bezog sich auch mehr auf denn PvP Server.
  3. Herzlich willkommen zurück. Eigentlich gibt es in jeder Nation ein paar Deutschsprachige Spieler. Bei denn Preußen, Schweden, Briten und Piraten wollen die Meisten(rein Deutschsprachigen Clans) Holländer und dann der Rest. Ob es bei Polen, Russen und Spaniern reine Deutschsprachige Clans gibt wage ich zu bezweifeln. Bei denn Amis sind es derzeit nur 5-6 aktive deutschsprachige Spieler die ich weiß. Aber auch keine rein Deutschsprachigen Clans.
  4. I find it funny how people acting, cause of the Wipe. From bad Steam-Reviews to i will not Grind again. All thinks i coud understand. But what i can not understand are the people that make bad Reviews how bad all is and what a bad Game it is with over 2 to 6k hours in the Game and play all day long. I got 3.5k hours ingame. Startet over a few Times and i will do it again. But what i can say i will not run throug the Ranks i will do it with all the Time i need. Yeah it is disapointing that the XP get wiped after 3years of promises that the XP will be untouched. But as long i get my fun in the Game i will not make bad Reviews.
  5. There are more then 50 players. 50 is in the Moment more the difference between PvP and PvE Server.
  6. I can confirm that Scoose is not a Russian Alt. But what HE has done there i got now idea.
  7. It is a Gift from Devs. Not more not less. You dont payed Money for it. Some players like her, like some like to Sail Snows or Brigs and others hate them.
  8. Why do we not go back to gold for done damage? Like it was befor wipe. Woud be not so complicate. I have brought up this some time ago. Give players a small reward for participating in a battle even if they lose. Gold for done Damage and Xp and if it is from PvP a Mark like in the Patrolzone. Reaction was more like go away with this if someone lose then he loses and shoud not get rewarded for losing.
  9. I dont belive Insurance will change anything. I can remember times where Players get at least gold and xp for done damage. But devs where saying it brings to much gold in the game. Now we get some xp even if we fight your butt off.
  10. With PvP-marks and gold for done damage we woud not need a Insurance i think. But it is to easy to make so lets make it more complicate.
  11. Nothing agains Paints and bowfigures. Why dont make 1 Mainpaint and one we coud unlock after #XX Battles on that ship agains players or Ai(PvE-Server). Same for Bowfigures Sailcolor or whatever. Some additional Paints and stuff can be purchased for Real Money as a Dlc.
  12. I like it to not know where i am. No i dont make a joke here. I was sailing Afk to a bottle get disconnectet. Get back to the Game after a few hours and Maintenance where between. I had the knowledege where i did come from and elaboratet my Location with the Tradetool 160k there 180k there and 140k too this port posible location coud be there. I startet heading forward to reach my bottle a view minutes later i arrived at the wreck. This are thinks i like to elaborate my owne Location.
  13. What is not a bad tool is the Map https://na-map.netlify.com/ it has some Tools like compare Ships with Windcurves and you can compare different Woodtyps what shows in % how much u lose or get Thickness. Here are the RNG additional Trims https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1t8DDHiC6dA22dM5Q_tMZdTiyNo-Jvlv7OZDfvB5GqEg/edit#gid=0 Ship speeds https://sites.google.com/view/speedtrials/lineships Thats are all i have.
  14. Cayo Biscaino is in Spanish hands as far i know. The port that was defended by France and Pirats was 2 days ago Rio Seco a Prussian port.
  15. Im with you there. But perhaps the problemes are not the Ships by them self at all it is the way how we coud build them and stack mods on them. If a ship can only be build by 4 typs of Wood 2 common woodtyps reachebal in every National-Zone and 2 Woodtyps there are more rare and only to get in Capturble Ports. The 2 common have the same basic stats then the two Rare woodtyps, the only difference woud be that the stacking of 2 rare Woods will imcrease the chance of the additional Trims or the chance to get a better build than 3/5. So every ship will be more to the basic datas with a slight variation on additional Trims. No more hiper fast Wasa or Bellona only if you put some mods on them but Permaupgrades and Shipknowledge shoud then be updated too. No more numberles stacking of Speed and Hullmods. At least i think it woud do the Balancing a bit easyer if there where not a so wide Variation of on Ship. So every ship gets more or less a roll in OW. Looking forward to the next updats to mods and Shipknowledge.
  16. @Aj4x Willkommen zurück in Naval Action. Es ist im grunde egal wie du dich entscheidest es sind in ziemlich jeder Nation Deutsche Spieler vertreten. Schweden hat eine große Deutschschprachige spieleranzahl ist aber wie es Christoph schon erwähnte etwas eingeschlafen. Spanien ist eher Multinational und im Chat wird viel auf Spanisch geschrieben, aber im großen un ganzen eine Nation in der es noch gut zu leveln geht ohne gleich mit Gankern in kontackt zu kommen. Auch was PvP Ausflüge angeht ist die Zentrale lage gut. Die Briten finde ich werden stark abgefarmt und sind daher meiner meinung nach eher ungeeignet um am abend in ruhe ein paar Missionen zu machen man hat hier zwar eine sehr hohe Spielerzahl aber auch sehr viel uneinigkeit in der Nation. Zu meiner derzeit eigenen Nation (USA) kann ich nur sagen die Amerikanische überheblichkeit ist ihr größtes Problem. Wenig vielfalt was die herkunft von Spielern und ihren Realen Nationalitäten anbelangt. Hier sind es nur eine Handvoll Deutscher Spieler und der rest sind meißt Amerikaner. Portbattle sind selten für Europäische Spieler erreichbar. Da diese oft mitten in der Nacht stattfinden. Sprich hier währe eine echte Underdog Nation neben Polen. Aber egal wie du dich am Ende entscheidest. Wünsche ich dir viel spass.
  17. Not more Mod power. We shoud get back to more basic ships. That ships that run from basic stats 11.5 knots shoud not run 15 knots anymore. We need Hunter and Brawler. Like a Class System where the Ships where setup in Real. A Renomee for take Sails and a Indef or any other Frig to take down the Enemy. Like it was when i startet playing.
  18. Yeah, the Mods are one thing that brings unbalance. The next is Mods stacking like on Requin Crewspace + Light-Ham + Hams gives her over 300 crew there shoud be a massiv moral sink if the Crew sit there like in a Sadin-Can. What i also dont like is the Woodfitting for Ships cause ships like Renomee that where in the old Days mostly used to hold the enemy in Battle until the Brawl Ships get in range are now getting more useless cause we can build Steampowerd Bellonas and stuff if we use special woodfittins + mods. Ships shoud be only get a slight difference from there main Stats by using different woods but not like it is now. Lets say we coud only use 4 typs of wood for every Ship, 2 for Frames and 2 for Planking and both where not much different too each other.
  19. I did a nearly same suggestion some time ago: But most disliked this.
  20. Perks i hate them all, remove them and make it like it was in NA-L, you get a new ship unlock more things with experience that you get from Battles and all ships will get more even. More Skill based no Magicperks and Upgrades. DD is a major pain. Same for the Woodtyps the most of them are rare used like oak but we have them for a reason i do not understand. Crafters will say they like the wide variaition in crafting blablabla .....! But do we need this? Sometimes are many options good, but less can be more. More fun, more Balance, more Skillbased. Dont let Ships that coud sail in reallity max. 12 knots sail 14 knots it feels false. Waiting for the Patch back to the Stars se you soon.
  21. @Sento de Benimaclet Go to Vera Cruz, to do Missions or to another port, where you can sail out and can do Missions without sail around a island. There is no need for Cancellation go out of the comfortzone.
  22. @admin Is it posible to seperate the Exams from Tutorial. If someone has done his tutorial it will show a new button for Exams. And the Sail-Button will be free. Then players must not skip the Exams. Coud be that it is confusing for new players the way it works right now.
  23. How will the mission PvE/PvP reward look like? And will this changed apply to OW hunting too, PvE/PvP also cause of the word mission? Sorry if i ask to much.
  24. Befor i forget about the Tutorial part when the player shoud get his ship out of irons there is a legg. With the tut-steps i think. I let my ship sail backwards and turnt after i get to 90 degrees i saild to the Circle and stopt the ship after that the instructions goes to the next step. Will test it tomorrow caus in 6h i must get to work.
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