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Everything posted by Tenet

  1. It's a pointless side argument. Atreides - you do not get to tell people how to play the game. You can advise, and they can ignore at will. Just like you ignored my advice on how to properly get a duel. You did not try to evade the tag or indicate in any way that you wanted a duel. When we got into the tag, you whined about being tagged, and whined to be allowed to duel. That produces the opposite result. Some observations: A. You came with a Rattv - an easily replaceable daily DLC ship. We came with Wasas that are costly to replace. 1v1 duel would be inherently unfair at such conditions, considering we risk much more when sinking. You could have negotiated around that difference, you didn't try. B. When you want a duel, you question the other person's skill level. People duel superiors or equals. Beating on a weakling is not a duel. Present yourself as an equal, or superior, and people will accept the challenge more often. Do not beg. Begging makes you prey. Prey gets eaten. C. You had things to offer in exchange for a duel. You failed to even consider negotiating. Your feeling of entitlement is resulting in worse outcomes. D. You could try to be less obnoxious, and find others in your nation that will sail into patrols with you. It's not impossible. We even encountered a great group from GB in another patrol, but I respect them too much to refer someone that whines. They didn't whine, so they were noticed - and will more likely get fairer fights because they have our respect. You wouldn't belong until you manifest change. Good news, you are doing all of this by choice, which means you can easily improve by changing your attitude. Good luck with that!
  2. How will we keep the servers running if you do not buy DLC to make the game work? What do you think is Admiralty Connection or Prolific Forger? We have to help "Cowboys and Iroquois" get developed, and pay for both servers. That's not cheap. ) Of all the named groups, I understand why Danes would not want to do it - they have successfully resisted the Russian Empire attack, and took back territory, and I don't recall them spending time in chat claiming that they are getting "zerged" or that all is lost when one of their ports fell. In all fairness they should be the leaders with whom others join. Danish clans will not want to be dependent on the Dutch clans for crafting access - although if they later take over their own crafting port while Dutch, the problem will be resolved. I understand why there would be a reluctance, and this is why they are likely to remain the 3rd combat ready faction in this RvR. No one else really has that excuse. If people don't combine into 2-3 factions that keep fighting, the server population will keep dropping.
  3. You have one way to oppose the Russian Empire: Prolific Forger and all join the same Nation - most likely Dutch because they already have numbers and captured ports all over the map. French and Swedes and maybe even Danes should join together and create the alliance that in-game mechanics prevent from happening.
  4. The other meme thread had moderators posting. Yuck. MFW I learned how many Doubloons it takes to upgrade to Sailing 4 and Hull 4.
  5. What do you mean by "other proofs", you have NOT posted ANY proofs. Just hearsay and opinions. You can't post an opinion and then say "I don't need more proofs". The Opinion is NOT a proof!
  6. How do you know that the other "people and leaders" are not just as confused? Did THEY conduct the research, or did they also hearsay it from "people and leaders"? Your claims aren't theories - theories require facts. All you have is a hypothesis based on rumors - garbage in, garbage out.
  7. They had 3000 BR lead in that battle, but a bad wind. You have different info?
  8. How many are actually in Russia? Did you look at the number reports before complaining? Do you know how much BR Sweden had in that fight? I admit, they didn't have the wind, but if the odds were fair otherwise, the "game dying" is on them. Sweden was NOT attacked on any of its crafting ports. They were intercepted trying to take a port from weak pirates. Why do some Swedes cry about the game dying and about "Zerg" where they literally attacked a port for easy PvP, and merely received equal-PvP instead?!
  9. We fought them in the shallows, because that was the average level of the crews at the time. WO did a hell of a job grinding up first rates ahead of most of the server. They outpaced their opponents, and thus deprived themselves of content. Key things to remember when working with BL4CK and 7Grams: 1. BL4CK no longer use TS , just Discord, and want everything to happen on their sever, where they maintain full control. They do not communicate with other clans during ops, unless it is done on their server. It's not even about Discord having a variety of issues - it's entirely about control. 2. BL4CK do not adjust on the fly to developing situations - if half their fleet goes into battle screening, and half stays outside, they will not reform the battle group, even if that means failing to re-tag and failing to screen. Control is more important than utility. Success is only important if BL4CK was in charge, the efforts of others can be approached with casual carelessness. 3. 7Grams betrayed his clan members by claiming that BL4CK will not be reforming after release, then showing weeks later as if nothing happened - and treating former clanmates as traitors. This includes people that petitioned him to have a plan for release, whom he dismissed in response. Naval Action revolves around his personal messianic complex. He doesn't care about the harm he causes to others. 4. "He betrayed and berated you, not us, he will never do that in OUR clan". Opportunity always trumps justice and reputation. This is why both 7Grams and Koltes were fine with Nuevitas losing 900 combat medals and 360K dubs worth of upgrades, sabotaging negotiations for symbolic sale amounts. None of this would have been a problem if 7Grams , and to some extent even Koltes, were honest about their nature as the same kind of opportunists as most other clan leaders on the server. They think their shit smells like roses.
  10. I heard you offer steep discounts on San Agustin, is that true?
  11. Check out the brainstorming thread on this very topic. I've recorded some more ideas on keeping it balanced.
  12. To gain ownership of the port, BL4CK will need to retake the port from Spain. That means that the port would be attacked twice. Each conquest reduces the building levels by 1. Before: Sailing 4, Hull 4, Crew 3, Gun 2, Mast 2 After Spanish conquest: Sailing 3, Hull 3, Crew 2, Gun 1, Mast 1 After BL4CK conquest: Sailing 2, Hull 2, Crew 1 Combat marks lost to Pirates exclusively due to the Spanish/BL4CK operation: (200+100)+(200+100)+(100+50)+(50+25)+(50+25) = 900 Combat Marks Lost. You were going to do 900 Combat Marks (and Victory Marks, and Doubloons) worth of damage, without any intervention from anyone else. Edit: The two attacks would also cost the port 360000 dubs. Here is a visualization of that amount: This loss of resource happened due to Spain and BL4CK capturing the port twice for their operation.
  13. HIP HIP HOORAY! Thank you for that video clip, that is exactly what should happen!
  15. Wow, I actually didn't think about that, I should rework that option in the suggestion. Would you accept this system if it included some sort of exception for smaller hunters? There kind of is a justification - smaller ship, smaller sails, could appear like a fishing vessel from distance, etc etc.
  16. Could you substantiate this part of your claim? I only have one account, and on that account, when I go out on a Raid, the worst thing that can happen is that I spend several hours staring at my screen trying to detect an enemy, and find nothing. It requires a lot of very intense observation of nothing to perform ALONE what used to be performed historically by a TEAM of spotters. If I am not mistaken, this was a sort of Punishment duty in the period Naval Action covers. One of the worst psychological tortures available is forcing a person to look at a light, while preventing them from dozing off or getting distracted. It is often used in interrogations - a light is pointed at your face while you are chained to the chair for hours. Why does Naval Action include a simulation of that torture as part of gameplay? Clearly my suggestion would benefit everyone, particularly actual Raiders.
  17. Please read the full conditions outlined in the proposal, as these have been updated: What the perk does: The Enemy Sail Spotting perk will create an Audio and Visual notification (bell rapidly ringing in a 3-ring pattern, and a telescope icon will blink). Cost: 1-2 perk points Default Activation Conditions: 1. Enemy Player Ship with any Sails used will be detected a second after entering visual range. 2. Stationary Enemy ships with sails down are not detected (to change this into any other range, proximity to land has to become a factor, to enable hiding near coasts). 3. The perk has to be actively toggled on when leaving port. It can be turned on and off. 4. Audio notification can be separately toggled on and off. Possible Modifiers: A. Fleets with Trader Ships have 1/2 the activation distance. B. Higher Masts (higher BR ships) get farther detection (?) - this might be a better way to balance trader ship detection, rewarding bigger trader ships over brigs, and rewarding Frigates over Xebecs. B.1. Provision to give smaller combat ships an advantage or immunity to the rule - to keep it rewarding for smaller hunters engaging bigger targets. (?) Gameplay Improvement Justification: With the server population dropping, and open world losing players, Raiding will become less and less rewarding, since it often requires long periods of staring at the horizon with no results. This perk will allow Captains to find opponents and engage in PvP without having to suffer all that visual fatigue, while limits are designed to keep existing methods viable. Raiders who decide to instead lay in ambush with sails down, especially using land to cover their presence, should still be able to perform that activity, and will have to be detected by the captain himself. The perk should probably be less effective on Traders (A), to promote the role of Escorts by other players. Historical / Roleplay Justification: Captains often spent a majority of the time in their quarters, or conversing with their officers - while dedicated teams of spotters were arranged around the ship and on top of masts. This perk represents such a spotter team, and once an enemy is sighted, it alerts the captain by ringing bells and reporting the likely type of ship sails.
  18. Your idea will bring life into the game by allowing new players to try out PvP in a fun tier where there is nothing to lose. This will allow them to actually "try again and again and again" as in other PvP games until they improve. ACCESSIBILITY is the main problem of PvP in Naval Action. Your idea would be a step to improve access, and so I see no reason not to support it. Details can be worked out and balanced, the main idea is solid.
  19. I find this argument interesting. Here is another thought: The "1700 people" that are still online, are also a Minority. 100,000+ people own the game, and most of them no longer play it. Lets say that there are 95000 people who have stopped playing. They are the majority that paid for the product during Early Access and decided not to play. They are the majority that should be catered to so they come back, start playing again, and get confident enough in the game to spend their money on DLC.
  20. Tenet

    Fake news!

    Open Broadcasting Studio - Project. It is a video/audio capture software that is free and Open Source (official release verified to not have a virus). You can use that program to Stream to Twitch, Mixer, DLive, or to record video to your drive. This will allow you to present Video Evidence if any "magic" happens when you play. Turn on the recording when going out hunting.
  21. Tenet

    Fake news!

    https://obsproject.com/download Problem solved.
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