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Everything posted by codyproxy

  1. Current system is good, free towns aren't there to promote ganking. Like pietjenoob said, they are a refuge, not a point to teleport to for your pvp hunting.
  2. Frankly i don't think that you want to restrict items to only PVP-ers. Everything should be archievable (at least in terms of costs) by doing PVE/Missions/Trading. I don't have a problem with getting more for PVP (in terms of exchange), as long as people who aren't PVP-ing every night can also get all stuff in the game.
  3. Meh, pirate life should be hardcore, just let them attack each other without extra warnings.
  4. Yes, i meant no 'gps'. Yes, when you don't know your current position, you have to discover where you are, using land masses/towns. It's one of the things i love about this game. And no, i don't use F11 for getting my position, it isn't really meant for that.
  5. No, please no! When you see your x/y position, it's the same as having a dot on the map showing where you are. The current system is fine, especially with that new tool. As long as you know your current position, you can plot a decent course to your destination. Please, no radar in this game.
  6. I really don't see a problem here. You are describing a situation where multiple nations join up in purpose against only one nation. This is currently not the case, and even in the future i don't see that happening. Even if it would happen, that means that the other nations which do not border your territory, must to sail a LOT before they are able to gain hostility, fight the PB, etc. The only reason you have a lot of PB's now is because you are spread out too much as a nation. Define which territories you will want to hold, to defend, which are better defended than other, which have the needed resources, and focus on that.
  7. Wow moments... - Afraid in the beginning to sail too far from Willemstad. Some day i did a mission, came back in a huge storm. Couldn't see anything but a vague shape what should be the island. At a certain point i, and some other ships who were also struggling to get back to the port, could see some lights of the city, but somehow couldn't get to it (land in the way). It was kinda funny. - My first Snow. Now i really felt like i had a big ship. - Figuring out manual sailing, and trying to apply it well with my surprise. The surprise is an awesome ship. - My first Port Battle in my surprise, mainly frigates then in PB's yet. No lineships yet. Didn't know for shit what i was doing, without clan or TS, but at least i was trying to help. Sank while fighting in the chaos. - My first 3rd rate, now that's a ship! Bought those huge carronades for the rear, the sound of it! - My first Port Battle in my 3rd rate, between other 3rd's and maybe a vic already. Very cool, sailing in line (if it goes well), it's really a different level than the normal battles. - My first victory... amazing ship, although slow of course, which is to be expected. Still like it more than the Santi.
  8. Uh no, i don't think you can release the game yet (as in 'it's finished'). Maybe you don't see it anymore because of the many amount of hours you played the game, but the UI is pretty horrible, there's no music (like if you are in a port), no tutorials.... Also about the testbed server, it's probably because technical issues (difference in database structure/tables for example).
  9. Not for me, it works. Although a list of prices would be really nice.
  10. codyproxy

    0 frames

    You could try to reinstall the graphic card driver. If that however doesn't help, it's indeed a good chance something has gone wrong with your graphic card itself (although i'm not sure if that's the only hardware component which could cause it). How's your memory / cpu doing?
  11. I noticed this as well, they do this a lot (pew, pew, pew, pew...) instead of a full broadside. I don't know why though.
  12. Did a flag captain fleet mission today with 2 others. An AI pavel and 2 AI 3rd's joined us, against like 10 enemy AI, 1 pavel, few ingermanland's and many consti's. Although it was hard, we sank them all, of our team only the 3 AI didn't survive. It was fun. I really don't get where this 'AI is overpowered' comes from, I also read someone's post about that he didn't know what to do next now his grinding was over. Really? I am max rank, but i didn't care already about exp before i got there. I just love to do some nice battles with people, sometimes capture a trader, sometimes creating a ship. Why should you care that you 'cannot grind' anymore?
  13. I only liked number 3 so i didn't vote. I really like the idea that you can send unlimited (until it's full) ships to an outpost, and then with a timer based on distance. The capped trader abuse system won't be needed anymore, and you still don't have to sail each ship for hours to the outpost.
  14. The patch post didn't say anything about already captured ships before they apply the patch (would be a bit strange too), so no, cap as much as you want before the patch is applied.
  15. You know that the method 'send my warship to port X by capturing a trader' wasn't intended that way in this game right? That everyone uses it is another matter. Also, capturing a trader in a victory is quite doable, you can after all make a mess of his sails immediately at the start.
  16. 'procedural'.... the magic word nowadays. The problem is, it's not magic, and the longer you play with it, the more you see a pattern. First you discover town X, which is kinda cool, that you discover ship A, which is also cool. However there can be only so many different things, there will ALWAYS become a pattern in it - and quickly it'll become boring. Just my opinion of course.
  17. I have not really trouble with navigating, but sometimes i just wish i could draw on the map, or set a point on the map temporarily. I've created 3 missions. I go to the first one, easy. So i join battle, being busy for 20 minutes or more. Than i get out of the battle to OW, but i don't know my exact position not anymore - which is kinda BS if you knew it before, and because you are on the open sea, you don't have landmarkers. I also think that if you are in a party, you should be able to see each others mission markers (or be able to switch to another one's map in the party).
  18. I don't really think this will solve anything? Let's say nation A has many US players and nation B has many european players, and they are at war with each other (let's call them Europe and US). When a player of US wakes up, he sees 10 of his ports are taken. However, those ports will be available for capture in a few hours in his timezone, so they attack those ports. Because most players of Europe won't be online, they are captured easily back -> and it's the other way around also of course. So this will only result in more port battles, but with less defence.
  19. I don't get why so many players think the 'move assets by AI in OW' is such a good idea. The risk is way too high it'll fall into enemy hands, and most people therefore won't use it.
  20. Why shouldn't they be able to attack you? It's pvp, not too many limits please.
  21. The 'mission impossible timers' faction? Oh wait, read that wrong...
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