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Posts posted by Batman

  1. 22 minutes ago, Maculosa said:

    Pour la traduction, vu que certains semblent avoir du temps à perdre à répondre à des trucs dénués d'intérêt à leurs yeux, allez donc perdre votre temps chez votre pote Google.



    I don't need Google. Everybody speaks French.

    You just need to talk a lot of meaningless bla bla, oui.

  2. I want the old rep system back tbh.

    You made a mistake and you got punished for it, for example dismasted or received a horrific sternrake.

    These days, it doesn't matter if I dismast my enemy or can knock out his crew. Playing smart is not rewarded and mistakes are not punished.


    I've had battles where an enemy would just start sailing upwind because "rep ready in 5 minutes". Great skill and tactics.

    • Like 5
  3. 17 minutes ago, Thonys said:

    you have war with everyone you said...

    now they are attacking you, and you start whining about sleep?

    silly brits...



    I should have added tags like irony and sarcasm so silly dutch can understand, too.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Old Crusty said:

    Tell me, how are we supposed to test things if you don’t give us the information?


    Once they changed the layout for forts around harbours overnight. If I remember correct the next day was a PB at Flatts, Russians attacked vs Pirates or the other way around.

    The discussion basically ended with devs saying: "You have to be smarth enough yourself to figure out these changes".

    @Christendom was part of of the Russian side and he will probably remember more accurate what the devs said back then. There was also a thread about this issue, I think.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Rabman said:

    Honestly this is admin's fault. KoC has lost it waiting for this patch to drop and for release to come

    Do something else meanwhile? Like, get a life and leave the computer alone for a few hours?

  6. 16 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

    ill change my name to yo daddy to make in 100% accurate.   hey batman I got a joke for you..... whats red and best dead??...……………………………________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ lobsters.    #forumpvpbestpvp


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