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Posts posted by Batman

  1. Victory Marks sind RVR Exklusiv.

    Du musst also an einem erfolgreichen Port Battle (offensiv oder defensiv) teilnehmen. Am Beginn der nächsten Woche, Montag nach der Maintenance wird dir dann eine VM gutgeschrieben, wenn der Hafen nicht zwischenzeitlich von einer anderen Nation eingenommen wurde oder du deinen "Lord Protector" Status verloren hast weil ein anderer Spieler deinen "Platz" in einem nachfolgenden PB eingenommen hat.

  2. Indeed a waste. Later the government regretted to sink her, but shortly after WW2, nobody was willing to pay upkeep for two ships of the line.

    I think the same guy who bought Trincomalee and preserverd her tried the same with Implacable, but failed. Pretty sure @Sir Lancelot Holland has quite abit to tell about this case.

  3. On 11/25/2018 at 12:47 PM, admin said:

    7 kills on the fresh account with no books and skills 


    Please show us video of NEW player getting 7 pvp kills on his first day in Naval Action.


    S'il vous plaît, montrez-nous une vidéo du NOUVEAU joueur obtenant 7 victoires en pvp lors de son premier jour en Naval Action.

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  4. 11 hours ago, Vernon Merrill said:

    Its common knowledge that devs prefer players to find out certain mechanics by playing the game.   

    In addition, admin has already stated that any patch notes will not be posted until the next large patch.  

    Not giving patch notes is pure lazyness.

    There is like no excuse to not give patch notes, especially since NA is still in early access.

    Look at companies like Gaijin or Frontier. Every single change, and be it just a value changed by 1% is listed in their patch notes.

    And GameLabs is like "We can't give you full patch notes because multitude of changes"

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  5. See, that's why I DON'T like Discord. It's free, so every 12-year old thinks they need to set up their own server, so you end up with hundred different servers, all having the same topic.

    While Discord certainly is good for text based communication because of it's features, I prefer Teamspeak for voice comms.

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