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Posts posted by Jehuty

  1. Seven provinces, 80 gun 2nd rate ship of the line, gets obliterated by santi or victory

    Hollandia, 82gun 2nd rate ship of the line, same story

    Chattam 80 gun 2nd rate ship of the line, repeat of last two


    We are talking about 24/26 more guns for the victory than the biggest dutch ships, 34/36 for the french l'ocean and an entire 54/56 more guns for the santissima... while the dutch ships are good looking, they are no match for a "modern" first rate.


    edit: also not to mention both the seven provinces and the hollandia are before the timeline of the game(although i would love to see both of em ingame)


    Not correct.


    The Dutch made this ship :

    Eendragt 100/106 (1703)


    Besides that , I think it's BS the Zeven Provinciën (1665-1694) can't be in this game which is a bit in the perfect timeline , while we have some ships in the game after the ''perfect'' timeline.

  2. Moaning about it on the forums is not doing anyone any good. I'm sure there are ports in Brittish territory they could use. The Dutch should of done a deal with French If they were both facing Sweedish aggression rather than both getting stomped separately.

    It's a huge world and one Sweedish clan cannot be everywhere at the same time.

    Let all the softies who can't handle a struggle quit. They are no good for a team anyway.

    It's when the chips are down you find a hard core. It's this hardcore that can drive a nation on to great things, not all the cry babies.


    You don't get it do you ?

    If a starters area gets run over you won't have any new players joining that faction or even players quitting the game.


    You can't do shit against a clan with 100+ active hardcore members who are actively raiding your ports and blocking Capitals.


    Why are some people so stubborn to understand this ?

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  3. So all your ports are being attacked and still majority of players (and you amongst them) care only about missions instead of defending port? Well, you get only what you can take. 


    If all you care is missions - welcome to the PVE server.


    No I don't.


    I actually tried to defend the port(s)

    But it was 25vs5 because all the other players couldn't make it , they got attacked infront of the port.


    Most of us tried to defend our ports , but they(the Swedish) had like 50/60 people outside Willemstad.

    The Dutch don't even have that much people online as a whole most of the time , and to make things worse they had help from the Danish/Norwegion faction.


    We don't have enough players to counter such an attack.

    People that wanted to help got ganked by Swedish players waiting outside Willemstad , so couldn't help defending while they took our ports.


    In the meanwhile , new players were complaining they couldn't do any missions and thus logging of.

    They can't do shit in their cutters.

  4. Dear Captains.


    We would like to express eternal gratitude for helping us make Naval Action happen. We dreamed about recreating beautiful age of sail battles as they should be since we were small kids. Thank you for supporting us during early days and for your continued support going forward!


    We won't let you down!



    ps. Steam page is open now.

    Feel free to add the reviews - we need them!



    It's a great game and I enjoyed playing it till yesterday evening, because of the following stuff that happened.


    The Dutch on EU pvp 3 mirror got totally steamrolled yesterday evening by the swedes , quite some players left the faction already because our whole starters area is captured. ( Zoutman / Fort Oranje + 3 other ports )


    First of all , please make the starters area(protected area) bigger so you can still do some questing if loads of ports are getting captured.(missions should actually spawn inside that protected area)

    People got ganked yesterday around Willemstad as soon as they left the protected area (20/30 swedes were waiting outside while a group of 25 kept on capturing other ports) , it's just stupid you can't do anymore questing around your starters area and get forced to log off because you can't do shit about it.


    Besides that it shouldn't be possible to conquer 5 ports in a 3 hour time span , that's just ridiculous.


    Please consider ''fixing'' these problems before it's too late and you lose allot of players.

    Don't make the same mistakes as they did with PotBS please.

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