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Posts posted by Drakedge

  1. 2 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    They really should of wiped all server properly, Put Global on top bill, than EU and than PvE and had us come in and make new chars/clans and what not.  Another issue is why do we have almost matching numbers during US prime time?  that means a lot of US players and of course other areas of the world are over there cause it still has the biggest population and that was exactly why I joined PvP1 when I first started to play back at the start of EU.

    You and I both. It is also why I initially joined PVP EU, after the wipe. I didn't switch to global until i learned my clan was there.

  2. 1 minute ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    They really should of wiped all server properly, Put Global on top bill, than EU and than PvE and had us come in and make new chars/clans and what not.  Another issue is why do we have almost matching numbers during US prime time?  that means a lot of US players and of course other areas of the world are over there cause it still has the biggest population and that was exactly why I joined PvP1 when I first started to play back at the start of EU.

    Yeah it's a sad affair really. We COULD have a peak time of up to 2000 players in a single PVP server environment, but instead we're slim pickings on both servers.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

     No one talked to us about the Keys.   We want it for exactly the reason ya'll are seeing, to be able to raid over there and have OW PvP since nations are so far spread out.  

    It wouldn't be so bad if the EU population would let the cool kids play in their pond. *laughs* Take a look at my one pvp server thread and how they whine still about port battle times and yet fail to see how it works both ways. 

  4. I whole heartedly agree. 

    I just feel that basic cutters should flatly not be allowed in any pvp fight period. 

    You gain nothing from killing them, no exp, no gold, no pvp marks.

    You gain nothing from fighting with them, no gold, no pvp marks, no exp (tested this earlier, appologized to the guy we killed as a result as we did not expect a 0 reward thing. As such won't be doing that again, massive waste of time.)

    So you have nothing to lose, while your opponent has everything to lose? Yeah... that sounds fair lol. 


    It would really be a simple change to the code: allow_pvp_no

    (yeah i know the line of the code is most likely not reading exactly like that)

    It's not to say someone couldn't go grab a 7th rate like a pickle, or privateer, or what have you and still fight, but at least in those situations both parties stand a chance to gain something.

  5. Just now, qw569 said:


    Could you tell me how to determine the alts?

    I'm sure the players and developers do not have a mechanism for determining the alts.

    It's described and shown through the rest of this thread. It's rather obvious they are alts when they are sailing in the middle of the very people you are fighting and are:

    • Not shooting the enemy
    • Not being shot at by the enemy
    • Not participating in the battle, or objectives of a port fight
    • Leaving a fight when it starts to block out slots.
  6. Exactly, fight us on the open water, totally cool. Beat us legitly in a port battle, awesome. Win, lose, who cares, as long as the fight was legitimate, fair, and fun. 

    Which a couple of things would ensure that. closing out this exploit for starters, and taking basic cutters out of pvp all together. You shouldn't be able to fight in a ship that has nothing to lose, and gives nothing in return for a fight. But that's a topic for a different thread.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, SS Minnow said:

    Ah Ok so slipping alts into port battles is a valid part of the game...guess everyone should buy more alts...have fun I guess.

    If the game was further along than it is, I would go buy 10 of them right now since apparently this is seen as a legit tactic. Then I would just farm CP through blocking out rats specifically. Wouldn't be hard to grind hostility with that many alts anyway.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    3 US nation alts by pirate members got into the port battle.  The alts were confirmed to be pirate by a member of your clan later in a battle after the PB.  You/your clan was seen escorting these players up to the battle and then attempted to screened US players out to get slots for those 3 pirates alts.  This is some shady shit and I believe a tribunal offense.  


    Wish list is confirmed to be Jobaset's alt, I believe self admitted on his stream. 

    Brag and bolster about your prowess in port battles, but you, your clan and your friends are resorting to shady tactics to get conquest marks.  Shame.    

    I suggest you get with these players, you know who they are.  Right now I am one the reasons why there is not an official US/Brit/Dutch alliance again on this server because I'm attempting to stick to fair play.  This is not fair play.  If those alts are seen in our battles again and I see BLACK members escorting them, my position on the alliance will change.

    Precisely. But again Texas, feel free to ignore the facts. Cause apparently one botched battle is enough to judge us by, and not the 1,000s before it. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Now if that port battle was a Pirate vs US and we put alts on the US side that is an exploit and needs to be reported.  Though since this was a US vs Spanish why shouldn't some one or other chars get in there just like yours?  

    I usually like to try to stay civil and such in discussions here, but are you dense dude? Cause I mean it's okay if you are. 

    Here lemme break it down for you.

    1. 3 alts playing the USA side tonight were involved in a fight against the pirates, where they neither fired a shot, nor were fired upon. Even though they were in the middle of said pirate fleet in the battle itself.
    2. Same said people then join the port battle and sit in there with their sails down and do not contribute to the fight.
    3. This thus earns them a passive flow of conquest points to then funnel back to the pirates that they are ~obviously~ alts of.
    4. It as well prevents three legit US players from generating CP from the same port battle. 

    How on Earth you do not see that as an atrocious exploit and vile and disgusting tactic that should be a bannable offense I do not know. I suppose the only way for you to see how terrible such a thing is, is for it to happen to you in reverse. Since clearly you do not care for the health of the game and fair game play.

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, Sir Texas Sir said:

    You forget we can sink those said pirates and unlike ya'll we make sure our clan gets agro so we are all in the fight before the 2 min timer.  You know team work and all.  Maybe if ya'll stop warring about alts and work on your team work you might actually get good at this game and stop loosing fights.  Ya'll all ways want to blame others on things instead of just fixing the problem yourself.   I said it before if you don't want them in there and there is nothing against the rules for them to send there alts into the port battles as long as they aren't fighting on the other side.  Than get your agro up and be the first to enter the port battles.

    Listen, stop saying "get good" and crap like that, it helps no one. We lost 1 battle to you. 1. If we lose every battle against you then sure talk trash. 

    "Get aggro" yes, we have otherwise how did the port battle begin in the first place? After two minutes it still opens to everyone, and then those that didn't grind get punched out by the alts that are just there to exploit that mechanic. 

    Is it you doing it, maybe not you specifically but there are people who are. Don't pull wool over your eyes when it is not happening to you, because soon enough it will and then you will have no legs to stand on to complain about the exploit being used against you. As to you "it's not a problem" so, why should you have a right to bitch about it when it does right?

  11. 6 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    I would love to see a screen of that port battle to see who all showed.  I bet you it's prob not pirate alt at all, but hay who knows.

    Oh just wait till the tables get turned against you and people utilize the same exploits against you to stop your future battles from being prosperous. Or make pirate alts to farm your cp and give to their own nation. 

  12. 23 minutes ago, SS Minnow said:

    At our port battle this evening, there were 3 pirate alts farming conquest pensions.  It was obvious.  Can anything be done to stop this or will  it just be part of the game?  If so, we will end up with an alt farming game instead of a skill based game.  After 3600 hrs. playing I hoped there would be an elegant solution to this chronic problem.  I haven't seen one and can't suggest one.  I can say with certainty that it will lead to a dead end for us if this is not addressed.



  13. As I stated, I have reported it, sent in screens via f11 and other means, as well as a video evidence. I did not see your name listed in the battle in question though.

    I am not against spies. Spies are fine, spies happen in real life. It's a part of the game that keeps things interesting at times.

    What I am against is exploiting. 

  14. The reason I am not posting those videos, and screens is because of TOS. They have instead been sent to the developers. This is not about specific individuals, but rather about the exploit as a whole, for any server, from any nation, against any other nation. Don't think you're the soul group that warrants an argument against such an exploit.

  15. And yet, it happened again today, just now. That's why I am making this thread here. It was not with Demic. Also, I did not call him out on this forum, you did. 

    The screenshot you are using is from the USA discord. 

    I also did not accuse anyone of hacking, but I did and do accuse people of exploiting. How then Texas, do you explain a battle that happened this evening, in which two alts of the pirates were right next to pirate ships, they did not fire at said ships, and the pirates did not shoot them either. 

    Don't try to deny something that is painfully obvious. 


    Also you guys should be complaining? Please. You took advantage of the day that conquest marks were mistakenly turned into pvp marks and bought your ags. Instead of those marks being disabled as they were supposed to have been. 

    Then, let's also not forget the tactic where yall attack  yourselves to drag in players otherwise unable to be drug into the fight. As well as a host of other things. 

    Tonight there were at least three alts that were blocking port battle slots and did nothing to contribute to the fight during the port battle. They did not set sail, they did not fire a shot. They were also just so happened to have been the same people in the middle of a pirate fleet that were neither attacked, nor attacked back. 


    One possible deterrent to these atrocious tactics would be to make marks national. AKA, if a PVP / PVE / or Conquest mark is earned on Nation A, it can not be traded or sold to Nation B. As well as things bought with said marks.

    • Like 1
  16. I know that this is likely difficult to police, however. Recently there have been issues with people using "alts" to lock out slots on a port battle. Or a big fleet battle. 

    What they do is they get into said fight with their alternate account and then when the battle begins they leave, and lock out the slot for the battle for the side that is getting exploited against. I have filmed them doing this, screen shotted it, and F11'ed it as an exploit as well.

    This needs to be addressed quickly, as it is a detriment to the game. 

    I understand spies, I encourage the tactic, but when you use those alts to directly lock out legit players from fighting in the battle then that needs to be changed quickly. Otherwise what's to stop 20 people with alts from ruining a potential port battle by joining and leaving. So far it has only been a maximum of 3 people at a time, but in a 25 v 25 fight starting the battle 3 ships down because those slots were locked out is a significant disadvantage.

    • Like 2
  17. How popular was pvp2 back before the patch, yeah, you probably can't name any significant battles that happened there. Think back when there was a large US force on pvp1 how many great battles were fought between the US > spanish, brits, pirates, french. All of that is thrown away for what? A sad cry about port battle times?

    Again and again and again and again, there were countless times where port battles were registered during times just as inconvienent for the majority of the player base of that time zone done in the other direction. I really wish I could have the same sheet of wool you pull over your eyes so that I could look away from this travesty of an administration here in real life.

  18. Just now, Cornelis Tromp said:

    What I see here is nitpicking. The nation of Denmark is alien to the average US player, so he wouldn't pick the nation to play in a game when he can choose Brits, US or Pirates. Same reason why we don't get a regular influx from that half of the world. Denmark and Sweden don't have the movie/book popularity boost that US/Brit/Pirates have. Simple as that. John Doe NA player won't pick Denmark or Sweden. Period.

    And considering the distance of Denmark and Sweden from the three nations you just mentioned, Denmark is also on the least threat level from the US player base, so again, no problems seen.

  19. 50 minutes ago, Ted Nougat said:

    I think if it's a ship on OW and it has cannons, it should be able to attack. And historically, pirates used swarm tactics.

    Sure, but the basic cutter loses nothing on a death, rewards no gold for killing it, no exp for killing it, and no pvp marks for killing it. This is the problem. There's no risk to the cutter captain, and no possible rewards for the defending captain should he or she win.

  20. Okay in one paragraph you contradict yourself. You say both that Americans' are a problem for denmark and swedish port battle timers, and then you say we are unable to locate the territory on the map. You see the problem with that statement right? How and why would a nation that supposedly can't look at a map be a threat to your nation?

    The excuse is a weak one, a very very very weak one. "awh, we don't want more battles and pvp because gosh darn it there could be battles at night!" 

    Why does it hurt the game to have more people playing it. Also if there were other good reasons not to bring the very small player base together beside this port battle complaint then maybe it would be worth listening to. Yet it is the only excuse that keeps popping up. 

    There's a plethora of games that have global pvp, and some of those games require a greater ping connection and yet there's no issue with global connectivity to those games. 

    The excuse is sad, and it's akin to yall asking for your own bathtub to play with your rubber duckies because you don't want to add bubbles to your bath.

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