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Jno. Enfield

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Posts posted by Jno. Enfield

  1. My dear Commodore Roberts,

    It was with greatest Pleasure that I received word from the Admiralty that I was to again serve under your Broad Pennant, and again on the West Indies Station. I am sure that you have already been informed by the Admiral that you are to expect the Eurdice, under my command, to arrive on station in the coming spring (or, I daresay, that you used your not inconsiderable influence to ensure my posting, for which I can only give my thanks at this time, but indeed pledge my continued loyalty, blood, and sweat in the months to come towards expelling His Majesty’s enemies from the West Indies). Eurydice is a fine Vessel, and not unknown in the Waters of the West Indies as you well may know, she having been at The Saintes in eighty-two. I have been on half-pay for far too long, and growing soft whilst seeing to the affairs of my family’s estates in Hampshire. The life of the country Gentleman, whilst having its appealing Qualities (the Hunts this year have been capitol, old friend!), is one best left for those days when Weather and Sea have taken their toll, and one must retire from the Field of Honour to the Parlour of Dotage.

    At present my Command is undergoing refit at Portsmouth, and my First Lieutenant, Willoughby, is preparing to lead a Press as soon as the next large Vessel pays off in the Port. I expect to sail on the first good tide in the next Month. This letter goes out with the next Packet, and should find you before HMS Eurydice does.

    I remain, Sir,

    your most humble,

    and ob’t serv’t,


    Jno. Enfield


    p.s. It is with further joy that I learn that Brown, Cartwright, Hardy, Eden, and Emero have already been posted to the Station. Please pass along my regards, and inform them that I bring with me a case of the finest Claret for each of them, aside from Eden, for which I bring some Madeira, knowing how his Constitution reacts so violently to Claret. My surgeon has also promised to supply extra Blue Mass, at my expense, for Mr. Hardy’s use, as I presume little has changed in that matter since last we met.

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