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Posts posted by Fuzzyhead12

  1. 13 hours ago, Tenet said:


    This is what many people currently in-game don't seem to see or understand:  we are a tiny minority of survivors compared to a huge majority of new players that get very quickly burned out from the mindless Basic Cutter grind. 

    Out of the 10000's (100000's?) that bought the game on Steam and during alpha, only about 1500 remain active.

    We could easily have DOUBLE the population if the developers adjusted the beginner experience to actually reflect what the game provides - the amazing fun of sailing a Mercury or a Surprise or one of the many other iconic ships.  Can they not comprehend that so many people quit the game without ever trying those ships out?

    If they are intentionally causing this attrition to keep populations and server costs low, they are making a huge mistake, because people won't just leave, they will be disappointed at the lost potential and will complain on STEAM REVIEWS, causing them to slide, causing FUTURE SALES to disappear. 

    I remember last year how developers discussed the Ratio between Money Earned and Ship Cost. 

    They said "You die 5 times but during those battles you earn enough to buy a new ship of the same level, so you can eventually come back and fight again." Where did that logic disappear with this patch? Are we intentionally lied to? Why are the rewards not 5x larger on smaller ships? Why are the smaller ships not 5x less expensive? You killed durability while at the same time increasing the actual cost of an equipped ship. 

    Why is this increase in difficulty not reserve to 5th rates and above?

    Why is the existing community not up in arms over the deliberate killing of the newbie population, the lifeblood of community growth and future competition?! 




    I Am a small ship fan, I usually use a niagara or mercury for PVP, but if i look at the current ship prices.

    Brig 60k

    Merc 90k

    Snow 80-90k

    Niagara 100k

    Suprise 100-120k


    so why would i choose ever a Brigg classed ship, then a Light frigate is more costeffective, its the wrong way around

    Briggs,Schooners, Barqs, these should not get higher then 60k in sales, yes a niagara should not cost more then 60k.

    and a gap should exsist between a brigg and a frigate, the suprise can still stand on her 120k, so we would still have a gap of 60k, i can buy 2 niagaras for 1 suprise.

    that would encourage smaller players into PVP, will make a higher demand for lower ships, making it easier for low level crafter to bring their ships to a captain and so on.

    so make some adjustment to Crafting material s needed for Brigg and lower classed ships and boom suddenly 1,5k sailors

    • Like 1
  2. tja so ist das numal mit den heutigen gamern, die haben halt die ganze Total lost RPGs, nicht mitgekriegt, und sind verwöhnt von COD ,BF3 und andere titel, wo man an der hand gehalten wird und auf alles einen marker hat. Ein spiel macht erst spaß wenn es schwer ist.

    Man stellt nen spieler heute ne mauer vor der nase, er rennt dagegen nd beschwert sich, anstatt einen weg drumherum zu suchen

    • Like 6
  3. 3 hours ago, Pad Seayew said:

    I'm more of a fan of having special flags and pennants.

    The barkies themselves are based on historical models.  I'd cringe and disconnect to see a Surprise with the name Victory on it.  Or an "HMS" or "USS" visible anywhere on the stern.

    History is part of the appeal of the game for me, and while a fleet of Vics and Santis may be ahistorical, it doesn't make me gag like some of these suggestions. 

    Unique shipnames, but no shipclass names, means you can either sail a Suprise with the standart Suprise on her butt, but cant call her HMS Victory these are destinctive shipclassnames

  4. so since the wipe is comming i started to be more active, and ive alredy claimed some heads again in me Niagara, called the Cuckoo.

    so far ive sunk 74 and boarded 34 ships in her, i havent counted all engagement where i was victoris because the opponent went fleeing but there are also a couple of dozens

    She is now on her last dura, and she claims the fastes ship of the seven seas, because she is, ive lost the duras because my mistakes and sometimes bad RVR placement.


    go hunt her down, board her sink her, whatever yar choose give me a challange, ill not exit to port after an escape in the battle instance, however ill denie fights then i get outnumbered or way to far outgunned.


    her current form, go slay here and you can boast about other captains that youve sunk the Cuckcoo, she will sail around KPR untill the wipe go get her

    • Like 4
  5. 14 hours ago, Genma Saotome said:

    My proposal in the base note was about what is displayed in port.  Let people use whatever names they want... they're the only one's who will see it after all.


    I very deliberately did not make a suggestion about showing ship names out in the open sea, mostly because there will be far too many idiots that will chose the most offensive name they can type. 


    well you could only show them in battle, i mean on logical reasons it would be very hard to know the name of a vessel untill oyu are in its range of cannons

  6. i think you should earn the nameslot for your ship, maybe by suriving dozens of battels or sink/captured dozen of ships

    also that screening for names is bollocks, we alredy screen for players and nations, then we see the ship type and fleet, why not adding under or above the shiptype the personal name of that vessel


    quality controll, do we really need that? i know from the good old navy field were you named your ships, but names were uniqe, you couldent have rommelxxx, if someone else had it, so making names unique and adding a cost for renaming your ship, maybe admirality store items, will solve the whole stupid name thing.

    and if that dosent work, well there is still a complain function.

    • Like 2
  7. 49 minutes ago, sruPL said:

    Look at Europa Universalis war mechanic. You get war exhaustion if the war is taking too much time and casualties. Also call for peace once you humilate your enemy to stop humilating him over and over or for the long period of time. You get negatives if you don't sign treaty. There are war goals, demands, truces after war, etc.

    actually, Wars are infact a reset button for high inflations in real life, iam suprised that we havent another big war alredy with the current inflationrate and the straight ahead financiel armageddon, otherwise then that there is not much room to cut or reset an inflation other then destroy a huge amount of money, items that are value or other sort that happens during wartimes

  8. 2 hours ago, Eldberg said:

    Easiest way to combat that is to introduce an exponential crew maintenance cost. Captains usually did not pay their crew, but the government/military did. Due to this being a game it would be incredibly difficult to have a central pot that everyone draws from for crew costs, so instead the cost goes to the captain. Essentially, the bigger the ship, the more more you pay per in game day to sail it.

    Add maintenance cost for the ships as well as a degradation on ships that are anchored that again is exponential on the ships size. This way, players will simply not be able to afford to have 5-6 1st rates in dock while sailing a 7th. They will become a rarity, something you only pull out for the defence of the most valuable ports.

    these suggestions only hits new players, but not the ones that have alredy 400 or even 600 million gold, yes there are players with that much money, the problem of current overflow of ships is sitting in the economy with unlimited resources and unlimited gold that also lead to an exeptional inflation, and hurt again small new players.

    also most people only using their SOLs for pve farming. 1strates atm only have a place in portbattles, outisde of that its hard to gather a hitsquad of SOLs. But even i was part of such hitsquad with a handfull SOLs and me in a frigate, fighting offa supirior enemy

  9. Yeah, run that through your head for a minute...


    How in the world does that make any sense?


    These weight changes were unneeded and provide nothing good to the game overall. They only succeed in making the game much more time intensive and grindy, which is very bad for player retention. There seriously needs to be a limit to how grindy you make this game. Too much, and you'll chase players away. What you have right now, is far too much.


    Please...revert the change. Not everyone has hours and hours to spend sailing between ports trying to get all the mats they need.


    Or at least increase the weight limits on the LGV and Indianman back to what they were before you nerfed them. 


    Please...don't make this game a grindy mess where it takes literal days to get anything done...


    cotton got pressed into block from 1m length and 50-60cm wide and height they were weighting about 300kg, they were transportet like that

  10. snip-


    Boarding will change to a diffrent systeme were you are able to move units rather then the current tic tac toe mechanic, other informations are not aviable to that topic. none of the Admins, devs or mods stated if it be 1st/3rd person, or RTS gameplay


    But a similer Boarding as in POTBS is likley

  11. I am ok with rare exclusive ships being in the game, but if the blueprints exists, it needs to be more accessible to all.  Limiting blueprints to just a select few for winning tournaments and participating in your events is just going to make players angry especially those of us who have dedicated so much to crafting and reached level 50. 


    Exhibit a:  http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/16898-tournament-price-changes/


    This person is salty because he wants access to blueprints that he does not have.  Give him a way to get them.  If he captures one of these rare ships, and he breaks it down, give him a 5% chance of obtaining the blueprint.  Breaking down a ship like the L'Ocean to try and obtain the blueprint is a huge investment with no grantee of obtaining it.  He would either need someone who already has the BP to continually craft the ship so he could break it down or capture the ship from an enemy and break it down.  It would become a risk between breaking down the ship for a chance to receive a BP to craft or using the ship and risking it in battle.  The ship will still be rare as only your most dedicated players would ever risk breaking down the ship to receive the BP.  I believe this is a fair trade off.   

    no, let keep some hsips rare


    the comunity is aperently focused on those Metaships, while there are alot of diffrent designs and choices for the players to achieve the goal, me as a pyrate, love sailing the Brigg types, atm iam sailing a Niagara, i can outrun any rattle, and outgun everything else that catches up with me, i even fight solo against frigates or 4thrates if i have to and if they are alone. Its one hell of a pyrate ship i tell ya, you can start abattel on yuor terms, and end it on your terms.


    So instead of focusing on the "fastes ships" you should look into who is the better sailor, or who is better gunboat, or sho is the tankiest one and use that.

    get away of the Meta ships, support smol players add diversity to the game.

  12. the trinagle fight was discussed earlier, and only would work if pyrates are in fact the enemy of everyone and everything, but aslong pyrates are handled as a nation they cant put it in, i would prefer a triangular fight situation as a pyrate, let eh nationals fight each other then take whats left or is far enough to be attacked.


    but this mechanic would bring way to many open questions too, it could work yes, but it needs some kind of ROE that it makes fairgame for all

  13. No Mans Sky, Mechwarrior Online, H+G, all these titles, havent dilivered what they planed in the first place and took my money to do something else.


    Every month patching a mech into the game, without actuel game content is not a quality patch. Even if i need to admit MWO got better in the gamecontent.


    Fractured Space, is a mtachmaker game were you dont really gain anything, its a Moba with spaceships, you dont have a gameworld to work on.


    So i think we need to look into: What is content, and how do we mesure the Quality of content?


    Every developer can patch a ship tank or gun each month in the game, but is that a High Quality Contant?, No it only gives the player more choices to play a ship, and sometimes results into another powercreep and a spam of said vessel, seen with the rattle in NA, but this content dosent provide long term satisfaction to most players. 


    so what determines the quality of a patch?


    Bugfixes are a good quality of patches, as said above most of them can be done severside so people will not see them, still its allways nice to see a small anoying UI bug to vanish, it incrases the overall game quality and shows that the Devs still care for small issues, Counter Example, IT-1 from Warthunder , by gajiin. This tank is the only tank that will not suffer of a ammunition explosion, aka ammorack. Acording to a speaker of Gajiin :" Rocket Fuel dosent blow up it burns slowly", is the reason why this tank will still driving like that since 4 months, other bugs on this tank are, reflecting Tracks, solid shot ammo get reflected by cast irion tanktracks, the player can still fire witha dead gunner, you cant damage the launching pad for its ATGMs or the ATGM itself, and the list is big and anoying, gajiin has some other bugs that drove me away of the game and they refuse to put the resources together to fix them.


    Quality of content?

    A patched in Vessel might be alone a small quality patch, but what if you combine it with a new mechanic, Game Labs will introduce 2 new vessel with a overhaul of OW taggin mechanics, also you can only get these 2 new vessels by boarding an AI to test the possibility of one dura ships.


    the next patch includes that resources will be lo0cated at their RL position on that time, new requirement for crafting new mechanic for portbattels and some minor stuff. Alone a single ship need 1 month of 3dmodeling and scripting before its finished, we get 2 of them, together with a complete overhaul of stuff, Thats a high quality patch, while i didnt see a need for changing the ROE.


    also other high quality contant,

    Questlines with story, WoW

    Gamemechanic overhaul


    and other stuff



    so you need to actuel look into the quality of a contant patch and not saying we need every month new contant.

    • Like 1
  14. This is what the fox2run crowd has been begging for forever so it should make people happy.

    well its unbalanced, since only people in a battlecircle can join, the secound circle will spawn you IN THAT POSITION relative to OW, means if you sits infront of KPR and sombody infromt of the greenzone get pulled, then you can sail all that way up to help them, so almost an half hour of sail to just see the enemy demast the ship and finish its gank(i asssumed a ganksquad) this system only prevent the spawn on the enmy head, mechanic we have currently, the 2 mins timer was balanced for both sides, but that the enmy spawns on your head was just bollocks

    I am not liking the changes to combat in the open world.  It is a dream for gankers and the idea of helping friends is dead.  Already, Pirates on the US server are running ganking teams.  You can get help in sometimes (it's still hard) but once these rules are in place they will be able to gank lone sailors with impunity.


    At a bare minimum, if you are in the waters of a nation, let friendly ships enter for a period of time.  But really, keep the large circle but let the battle be equalized for a period of time if the attacking force is larger.

    Why do it allways to be the pyrates, we arent terrorist, we are independend black flagged privateers, as alll other privateers of other nation we can gank if we want, as so can nationals

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