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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I said punish those that use Exploits and you don't need an alt to do that. There is nothing wrong with having Econ alts, it's the same as me having my three char or 5 guys that have a small clan. They by right should still out produce me if they work together as a team. I just have more control over my three man team than they do of there 5 man. As for fights if you can't beat one guy playing two chars when your two players than the issue isn't the alts, it's your own gaming skills. The guy playing multi accounts at one time is more distracted and has to do more things and more than likely to make more mistakes cause of it. So can't use that as an excuse and use I have been in two fights at the same time with two different chars it is not fun. The bans I speak of is not for having an alt, it's for breaking rules and exploiting which one doesn't need alts to do that.
  2. The way to fix alt abuse/exploits is to be harsh on punishments with them. Stop trying to make all the rules around folks that exploits. The reason we don't get XP for damage cause folks grinding alts. The 1 hour recently kill should solve that and if folks are caught give out char bans for them. This is one thing that would make the grind way easier for new players and folks grinding out ships trying to get slots. Also known as a Lag Switch. The only real way to use one is if your hosting the game on your own computer, not a server side game like Naval Action. Which shows even more how much these folks have no clue what they are talking about when they blame there poor game skills on some one hacking or cheating. Lag Switch Noun:1. A device used to intentionally slow or completely stop data flow from the modem to the computer/gaming console for a short period of time. In online games, using a lag switch will allow you to become momentarily invincible. Your opponents are very easy to kill if you use a lag switch. Most leagues and ladders prohibit lag switches and consider them as cheating. 2. A device that lets you cheat in online games. Verb:1. To use a lag switch to own an opponent. 2. A joking way of saying your going to kick some ass. Does not really mean you plan to cheat. Either definition of both the Noun and Verb can be used depending on the context. Noun: That guy lags out everytime I shoot at him! Lag switch alert! Verb: That guys been camping all game! Time to lag switch that hoe!
  3. They aren't exactly rookie zones, you can still PvP in the OW along all that coast line.
  4. Though as a clan that does have alts they can be used to cause trouble, but if any nation is half decent they should be able to keep alt trouble makers out of the War Companies and if they can actually get their heads out of their arse they should be easily fight back any Alt War Companies and keep them from controlling any of the regions. It all comes down to the fact you can now push such clans/chars out if you get organized unless that clan is more organized than you or your nation is. Which really won't matter if it's a bunch of alts in a clan causing trouble by taking one nations key ports or a clan of really organized players. I get how this will help with the random Joe blow alt from joining fights to lock out players or who puts buy contracts up and buys all the goods. You take the port and control it so they can't do that. Or you can take an enemy region/ports and control it with your very organized Clan of just normal players. So instead the issue becomes more that it's organization and team work issues not alts effecting the port battles and control of regions/ports.
  5. We need port battle rewards to return. It's kinda not right that the whole nation of guys that don't do anything get rewarded cause of a group/clan/war company does all the hard work. Something simple as bring back the Paint Chest for the winners of port battles. Some they can use to stand out from the rest of the crowed that isn't game balanced breaking and to show the hard work they have done.
  6. Cartagena de Indias Line Ship Port Battle: 17 GB vs 20 Pirates. Pirates won port battle by cap points.
  7. That is why war clans can fight other war clans in same nations. Again what the diffrence if a bunch of players do the same? It shouldn't matter if they are just a bunch of alts a big clan should be easly able to beat them.
  8. Make it a neutral port like how PItt's use to be would prob work even better. That way any one can come and trade there and get the Cedar but it's not exactly safe either. Though I have to say bermuda cedar is something that some might think worth fighting over, but if some one takes that region and turns one of it's ports into a freetown?
  9. I can see keeping clan info private but wouldn't be a bad thing to late have the Charter/Company roster known on a web page or something later on. At least so you can look up the Charter command. Though we can at that time just make a post that is only for Active Charter/Company's on each server. I use to run the Port Battle on on PvP2 like Tutonic does now for global. I'll make one up when this patch drops for GLOBAL so folks can post Company Names and info when they are formed.
  10. It did this to me on testbed but they where suppose to have fixed this. The reason you prob couldn't put crew was cause you had the other fleet ship. So you would have to go to that ship (command it to stop) take the crew off and sink it. Not sure if you can do that or not and than move to the Indef and put crew back on it. If you F11 it and explained things Devs are pretty good about replacing ships lost cause of game bugs. Just give it some times. They tend to check the logs at the end of the week before the weekend so you might not hear back until than unless they post sooner on here.
  11. I'm not sure but by looking at all the board modes I have and I have just about all of them now. I think the first part is the source the bonus comes from. Like Axes is from the Boarding axe book and Handbook is from the Melee training. Though I could be wrong but that is what it looks like to me.
  12. They can do this and than have Nassau the secondary captured-able capital like they have mention to the other nats. Though be honest having the pirates in the middle like that and Mort has all ways meant pirates where in the middle of a hot zone.
  13. Hopefully we can get this for clans when Unity 5 updates done. War Company's would be nice to have a flag for them to that all can carry with the clan flags on top mast.
  14. If it says MELEE the bonus goes to both attack or defense. If it say's either ATTACK or DEFENSE than the bonus only goes towards the one that is listed. As others said the FIREPOWER is for the Muskets, Cannons and Grenades (which why are they catch on fire so easy?). What I want to know is what is the accuracy effects of the Boarder Cannons (old gunnery handbook). Cause prepatch I never realy saw any effect to these when you used Muskets or cannons.
  15. I think they should do it like they did the region patch. Give every one credits and supply back for the buildings (so every thing it takes to level your shipyards and workhouse) and than just move or redeem the rest. A lot of folks will be moving to new locations and what not depending on how the new map will be set up. Maybe give out another forge papers so folks can change nations too. Speaking of that wish they give some credit for the papers we have.. I prob will never us mine....lol
  16. If a War Company Disbands than the port needs to go back to being neutral. Fat chance until they come out with some mechanics we are still a nation. Believe me we want pirate mechanics but it's not on the top of list for them to do. They will get all the national stuff taken care of before they work on pirates if they ever do. So until than you have to deal with the fact that yes we are another nation. When the time pirates do get there own mechanics I"m pretty sure that will be a whole patch in it's self.
  17. And did you try to go over to your ship and capture it back by putting crew on it? The other thing is you can order the mercury to stop and take crew off it too and than go put it on the other ship depending on how many fleet slots you have.
  18. I think you underestimate US and GB. They have the numbers but they just need to get their heads out of their arse and get organized. They didn't loose as many players as folks think, the problem is they have a very very very very very large numbers of PvErs that only come out to fight Than large clans and such will just make up more than one War Company to own more than 5 ports. I don't think Forged papers users should be allowed to go to the winning team. It's hard to lock things out by population cause they have to go off active players not just size of the nation as a whole. I know other games won't allow you to join the wining side if you change. I like the fact some of them do bonus for joining
  19. Hold on every one hell froze over for what I'm about to say. "Thanks for making the post @Slim Jimmerson" By what I see on the combatnews it seems GS6 has been giving as much as they been taking a beaten. I would only say it would be fair if they post in here too. It's nice to see another younger small clan fight it out like PARF for US they are a very new clan. It's also nice to see the MARS guys out fighitng when they are mostly known for PvEing it and not really fighting. Keep it up US. Maybe ya'll can take back some British ports and stop being colonist soon. I vote for US Independency..... Remember folks the only way you get better at something is by doing it. So keep up the good fight on all sides.
  20. Actually it does, if you are in another ship it counts that hold weight against the ship you scroll over. So you want the accurate speed for that ship you need to be in that ship when you look at it.
  21. I would put it around the 550-600. We all ready have ships at 470, 500 and 650, but not in the middle. This will also give new captains to that rank a ship they can crew and have a few spare if they loose. Wasn't the Vict the only one that could structurally carry them? It would give a bit of a bigger difference if they put the 42's only on the Victory and Pavel (not sure what it carried) and the Santi, L'Ocean and Bucc was restricted to the 36's. While it's not really much of a difference I do prefer to run the 36 meds when I run a brawling DPS build on the L'Ocean over the 42's for the slightly better reload and lower weight, but it's so small most won't notice it.
  22. I figured I'll pop in and sale my labor hours to some one and than buy some stuff to set up a ship or two just in case I want to go there when GLOBAL is down or if I want to test something.
  23. Yah and I'm one of them, but Nationals shouldn't be telling me how to play my pirate and they shouldn't be coming up with mechanics that only punish pirates. Notice I always try to add in some pro and cons for Pirates and Nationals when I talk about Pirate mechanics (like pirates can only capture ships, nationals can't). Other wise you have a bunch of nationals playing like pirates but in there big SOL's cause they don't have the restrictions of ships like folks want for pirates. There should be restrictions on Nationals side too. As for the ships what ships are pirates ships? This is a game and they should have some special pirate only ships if they are going to limit them in some way and if only Nationals can craft and own SOL's that aren't captured. Personally I think Rattlesnake should be a ship every one gets. The Heavy Rattler should be a Pirate refit just like the Pirate Frigate is a pirate only ship. Than put a limit that any national using such ships should be treated as a pirate if they capture them and keep them. Just like any pirates that steal a SOL would be hunted by any Nationals out there to take it away and if you restrict ships from porting into ports according to harbor types there are only certain places that they can port in that SOL it gives nationals chance to get it back. Say Kidd's is the only deep water port Pirates own that isn't capturable, the player has to get that SOl back to that port or one that there Company Captured from a National to port it in. This will piss off @Hodo, but I think that new Xebec should also be a pirate only ship. No one is saying you can't get a pirate to build one for you or capture one, it should be a pirate only option to craft. Maybe turn the level 1/2 ships yards into Pirate Yards that has limits on what they can build in those shipyards over what a National can build in there level 1-3's, but no national can build a pirate ship no matter what (can't even learn the BP).
  24. I really did like the PvE zone in the GULF concept the devs came up with and wished they had merged it. IF the guys wanted a safe zone than they would have it. No one promised them the whole map. Though I did recently logged on to set up all my chars. Never know when you might need them. Did the same with EU server too.
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