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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. That and along with actual numbers of each nation would be nice like they did before the patch was announce. I'm so sick of folks saying Pirates is the largest nation on GLOBAL. NO WE ARE NOT. We prob have a little more numbers than we had pre-patch, but I bet you it still stands about the same as this, but with US and GB flipping rolls as GB got a lot of PvP EU clans added to there numbers. PIRATES GOT ZERO. Most of our new numbers are from returning players that left a long time ago are actually new players with a few clans flipping over after been sick of GB/US being so toxic and unorganized in nation it drives them away. Something like this would be nice before this patch drops and every one getting another set of Forged papers so that we can properly try to maybe balance some of the other nations out a bit more even like than they have been. In modern times you rarely see home front wars cause who wants to go to war with there good neighbors? So I say yes and no, but this would only hurt small nations and small starting nations as they can only branch out from there capital and not venture out to set up there own clan/nation base some where away. The part that sucked about the old flag system is you had to leave frog ports to to an enemy on the other side of the map. If you don't allow this we will never see any fighting again. You will have US and GB not fighting each other and every one fighting pirates as we are the only nation that has pretty much a region next to all the other big nations. Hmmm and why exactly you have problems with Pirates? We did exactly what you just explain the game about and we did it with less numbers while fighting the two largest nations.....organization and team work goes a long way. This game isn't about fair fights. It's called NAVAL ACTION cause it's about doing things. You know taking actions and actually fighting. This involves all things PvE, PvP, and RvR aspects of the game. But they need to do it proper, I know EU complain saying that if they make combine Dutch/Dane/Swedes into one nation. What they should do is give a proper count of all nations and numbers. Combine those into one so we only have Dutch/GB/France/Pirates/Spain/US. Give all members of the Danes and Swedes a chance to roll there chars over to a new nation before patch (every one should get forged papers any way before the patch) or they will have to create a new char with redeemables. That will allow those nations to pick other nations and balance out the servers a bit more. Though the thing is they need to give us players the tools to do this.
  2. While I agree the demasting right after patch was way to easy, but it needs to be back to pre-patch levels, but part of the reason every one was demasting ships was cause with Repairs and the speed meta it was the only way to catch these speed demons is to get them demasted very quick upon start of the battle or they will just out run you and out repair you. Specially with Surprise and there super laser accurate stern guns they can keep multy ships at bay chasing them while folks tend to miss half there shots on the bow guns even if they have more combine. I think the laser accuracy needs to be removed from the stern guns with the current in game system it's not needed any more.
  3. This is point on, 100 players should be able to out play 25 players with alts. It's all about being organized and working as a team. Folks with alts just do what others can do with a little team work and organization. I'll use an example today's Savannah port battle on GLOBAL. It was 24 Pirates defending against 25 US. I'll let folks in on a secret....that wasn't 24 pirates they where playing. They lost to an even smaller number of guys with a few of use dual boxing to fill in the numbers. I won't say how many, but it wasn't 24 players in that fight. So when I use to say 15-20 all the time is what keeps beating them I'm not joking. Back in the flags day I have had two chars in two different port battles before back on the old flag system. It makes our 15-20 guys look more like 50 guys when we do this. Again this is nothing more than organization and team work. Many of us have refused to dual box port battles like that any more as it burned us out but it was the only way to fight against the largest nations in the same alliance that refused to fight each other. So far the info looks good and I think it will be a nice change, the only problem I'm seeing is the Neutral Town thing will prob be over done as every one will just make the port neutral so they can use it like the old alliance system or something. Maybe can we think about the Land Grant system that got shot down for this system so that those that went to the port battle can buy buildings in ports cheaper than those that don't incase we set ports to neutral or something. Oh and please don't put a range on hostility missions as that keeps smaller nations from heading out on there own or setting up far away beach fronts of control.
  4. So your telling me every time Pirates got one ported/region we couldn't make it? US is the only nation that never has been one ported so don't give me that crap. No Savannah doesn't belong to US, as you can see it's very much in Pirate hands and until ya'll can get your act together than you won't have it back. How you think pirates dealt with US owning Bar6acos and Brits owning Cap Frances? Ya'll have had us down to one port/region many times and we still bounced right back. You don't get better by avoiding the fights though. OW PvP seems very healthy and a lot of US players I never seen OW PvP are now doing it compared to pre-wipe. MARS use to be know as nothing but a PvE clan, but I seen them in almost every screen shots of OW PvP so something is working, it's just guys like you, Geof and others that can't get it figured out NPG is toxic and there way doesn't work. Re-rolling isn't going to solve anything, all your doing is running from a fight. Just like going over to EU. Which by the way is deader than hell during US prime time so most of those that left have came back or went to play other games. Ya'll solution for every thing is if we can't beat them we will just hide or stop playing. That is why you aren't going to win. You need to stop listening to guys that think that way. They are the same guys doing it when I was US over a year ago and they are still doing the same things today and that isn't working. WHy don't you listen to a clan that has been successful and take some advice from us. And stop blaming it on Pirates, if we had all rolled Spain since wipe we would have all yellow dots in place of the Black ones right now. Hell we keep joking about next big patch just doing that to prove a point. Pick a dead nation and roll an alt into them and show folks this isn't a Pirate problem since they are just another nation with FFA option only. This is a problem with nation organization and team work. Until certain nations figure that out they will never get a head no matter what their numbers are in game.
  5. I have no plans to vote on any other US ports being taken. We don't want them. WE actually want them to move to the gulf and take some ports on there own and than maybe we will give something back. Maybe, but until they prove they aren't a bunch of British Loyalist they aren't getting anything back.
  6. No one is saying don't PvP, we just saying if you attack our ports we will keep taking yours. It's not rocket science...lol
  7. Savannah Port Battle was today...they lost a lot of ships. We didn't loose any, but they brought out 1st rates. Actually it's more like we let them flip two ports into port battles and than upon that second one we take one of theirs. Surprise they haven't figure this out yet. It's always 2 for 1 with the US cause we honestly don't want to one port them. Last I checked we have never attacked you directly. You have flipped two of our ports as you where the first to attack us at Keys before we took a port. We waited for two ports to be attacked and put in port battle again before we took Bermuda. We honestly don't give a crap about US if they just go do something else. I think it's US that has a grudge they can't let go and move on. Than again a bunch of British Loyalist would never turn against there master now would they? To be honest we where actually waiting after the patch/wipe to see how US/GB where going to act and many us wanted to support US if they where out number against GB, but no they did the whole piss off two clans that went Brits and than piss off the Pirates. When VCO/TF went Brit we where actually expecting an alliance to maybe be offered to help the US against GB. What these guys don't understand we had no plans to start any war with US or GB as we don't have the numbers, just one very good clan that is organized. I really don't joke when it's 20-25 players that are beating whole nations. Hell it's more like 15-20 on average. Notice every time we have taken ports from them was after they had attacked and put two ports into port battle. Than we put one and take it. We aren't being aggressors on US at all other than OW PvP. Actually I don't hate any one, but I do notice folks that leave a nation tends to want to kill that nation more than any other. Like former US guys go after US and former GB guys go after GB. I actually avoid the US myself and don't even keep a ship over along that coast for OW PvP. Just my SOL for the port battle in port. GS6 I think actually is set up there as there main base, that is why ya'll all ways have fights with them. I think the only folks in BLACK/BLOOD that hunt over there do so in off times when nothing else is going on.
  8. Savannah SOL port battle 24 Pirates (started with less) vs 25 US Odd reason we had no forts or towers on our side. I F11 that at the start. We started with about 16-20 guys as folks haven't made it on line yet and we where kinda not expecting that many to show. We figure take it to a fight and don't even worry about circles. We keeped A but the fight was between A and C. That dragged over towards B. US keep B and C the whole fight but the points by sunk ships beat them to 1000 points. 10 US ships lost with 1 first rate captured (the Bellona captured was skuttled in fight). After battle report US lost all three of the L'Oceans and a Bucentaure in battles after the fight. There was some odd stuff going on with those battles too. We had one guy in mine that got put in a pound on shore and me and Good Time where put right on the shore when I had tag him a good distance away from the port. Maybe way to many battles at once or something? 9
  9. I know we both have post made asking for this info over and over and over and nothing. I would love to have seen those numbers after wipe, compared to before and than a month or two later and than now. I'll bet you we will find out some nations aren't as dead as they are playing off as being, they just refuse to fight.
  10. Back w hen I played WoT we had a rule, if me or the caller of the fight wasn't the first dead than we did something wrong. We lead from the front not the back so we almost always went first. Specially since I tend to take the scout/vangaurd roll in fights. It some times works for NA too. Well some times it works out as it lets the leader be free to call the fight and over watch it.
  11. Quiters never win....that is the problem with todays generation is they would prefer to quit and ignore the problem instead of fight it out and solve it. As for the OP topic I thnk Port Maintenance would be good, but also I think it would hurt some of the big nations that collect tons of dots. When every one was grabbing up Spain ports for the points/dots it would not have ended well for US or GB for sure very early in the game since patch. Though if the victory was off the max points you have you can still maintain enough ports to be the winner and not keeping them all as the ones not upkeeped should fall into a neutral status even if it's historically owned by one nation or the other. That is why I liked this War Company concept they came up with and making it more clan base not National based. If you don't want to RvR you can just stay out of it and not fight over those key regions/ports. Though keep the game PvP OW in all areas (though do think Capital regions need a Rookie ROE system to help the new players out). And I do think PvP and RvR content should be separated from PvE content. If you want PvP/RvR (they should share rewards type) content you need to do PvP/RvR content or buy it off some one that does. That is why I liked the PvE/PvP marks system cause it did exactly that. I hate every one gets a trophy crap right now so the Conquest Marks was wa better system than the current Victory Mark system. Though I think to fix that they should do something like this. Every one on the game gets one victory mark at the end of a map count. Lets say make it every three weeks. This will give even the guys that sit in port something to look forward to. The winner gets 3 Victory marks (like how as it's one per week). The second place gets 2 and third gets 1. This way it rewards folks that aren't in first place to so they are willing to fight and not just give up cause they didn't make 1st place. Give non combat rewards in Port Battles to the winner. Paint Chest would of been a great way to do this to encourage folks to show up but they can still trade these with PvE guys that don't want to PvP/RvR. Have the same rewards offered in a shop for PvP Marks so the PvP guys can get them too if they don't want to get involved in the RvR. The PvP shop should have some ships that aren't easy to get through normal means. Ships like the Niagra, Ingermanland, Wasa (make it BR above Wappen and lock out of 4th rate Port Battles) would be good ships to put in the shop that are't key RvR port battle ships, but they are ships that not every one will want or need to own to do RvR. Actually all three of the new ships would work for this as they aren't exactly the top ship of there tier bracket. If a none PvP/RvR players wants these ships they need to either do PvP/RvR or pay some one that does them to get them. And this is why you don't win, cause you just quit ever time things don't go your way. If we did that than pirates would never leave Mort Cause we would be one ported and camped by all nations....oh wait that did happen before and we still came back and brought US down to 11 ports (the reason we had that war with them) and than Brits to 1 cause they back stabbed us while fighting the US. Oh but I love how folks all ways forget how and why those exchanges happen. Just like your nation every time we took a port from you was after you put two of our ports in Port Battles. We ignore all the agro but if your strong enough to put our ports into port battle and come fight us than you should be strong enough to defend your own ports. I think that has been a very fair trade off that we have waited every time for you to attack us twice and flip a port since patch before we flip one and only one back. Maybe if you stop trying to poke the big bear you wouldn't have lost two ports to us, but no PIRATES ARE EVIL SCUM AND THEY MUST ALL BE DESTROYED.....all along while loosing half your ports to the Brits and shaddy deals.....yah and you wonder why you nation keeps loosing....lol Oh and Geoff for a player over a year and half old why aren't you Rear Admiral yet? Sitting in port being a keyboard commander never gets you any xp to level up.
  12. Koltes hunts KPR and I do believe he's been in French Waters as a solo hunter. I don 't think I have ever seen him up on the east coast. As long as you been playing this game you should know that, but than how often have we seen you on the PvP leaderboard? I don't think I have ever seen your name and I have only seen you out in a few PvP fights to be honest. Hell even I have made the PvP leaderboard with my main or my other pirate a few times. None of my kills other than one at west end was some one below the rank of Flag Capatian. All the screens that been posted and I been seeing most of the folks fighting are above rank 5. I'm sorry ya'll need to learn that a baby seal player isn't some idiot that can't play the game. A baby seal is some one in there first few ranks and learning the game, not a Rear Admiral in a basic cutter. Now what Lionshaft has been doing at Mort the last two weeks is baby seal clubbing. He is sitting in a basic cutter and jumping into newbie pirates missions or going after solo traders with a ship that is meant for new players. Since he prob has no other ships it's all he has is the basic cutter. I actually agree with you it's a tactic that all sides used. It's stupid to fight an engagement that is way heavy handed one sided or the other. That is what I think is funny about @Slim Jimmerson post if you look at the numbers and BR's most of the ones you see a big lost was very one sided. The other funny thing is most of the fights that was even close he wasn't involved in and it was others doing the fighting. He acts like BLACK is all pirates. GS6 is a fairly new clan and new players many of them started with the patch and have been up there fighting big time. They are the ones getting the majority of the US kills off the coast, but they are the ones getting killed most the time too. Guess what folks that is how you learn and get better. Not sitting in port and bitching about loosing a port or getting your capital camped. As for our actions we have a set plan of actions we wanted to get done. Hell the patch has only been out what 2 months if that. We took our time to build up a RvR fleet cause we honestly thought US and GB was going to do there stupid Alliance and they tried it and was going to try to keep us down to one port. Well that didn't work so now we are working on our PvP ships. Those that aren't solo hunters and mainly PvP players that is. Each folks have there own way playing. We have clan members that are casual players and some that don't have any alts at all and it takes time for them to get new ships and trained up and ready. Remember we where expecting these big wars with all these PvP1 guys that bragged pre-patch that we had no clue about RvR and they where going to come and show us how it's done. As for the speed/invis thing....it really didn't kill it, what it did was made revenge fleets a pain around capital. We would before hand get a fleet out and defend against gankers of solo traders and such. Now it's a little hard. Specially with the meta for just about every one is now speed fit ships. Who cares if it's fragil as hell when you have a billion repiars you can do. I honestly think they need to bring back demasting to levels closer to pre-patch. The reason so many folks where demasting after patch was cause one it was way to easy and two it was the fastest way to shut down a speed ship from escaping. Also don't be bragging about who owns OW when even you admit numbers have dropped big time. even on our side. When there is nothing to do or the devs bring in retarded uber grind mechanics folks loose interest. Even we see the numbers drop for us. Though that doesn't mean they all quit the game. It just means they are doing other things until it picks back up again. Hell I'm going to be pretty much AFK the next two weeks as I have to move and get settled into a new place and I been putting off a lot of packing. I told the guys don't expect me in game but if you need me poke me on steam or TS and I'll be online. Numbers also drop a bit around this time of the year cause of school starting and folks getting things back into a new scheduled with kids and such. Maybe with next patch we see some changes and some folks well return. Though for sure if RvR mechanics change we will do the same too. Though none of this matters as it really has little to do with the OP topic. The fact that the majority of the US is still a bunch of British Loyalist...lol
  13. http://www.navalactionwiki.com/index.php?title=Agamemnon9 Really? looks very much like that says 24's to me. Which means your going off out of game source and not in game experience. It very much carries 24's though.
  14. Glad to hear you got on, sucks for the AMD guys right now but that is part of testing. I think Wasa would be better keeped as is and moved to 3rd rate. So that way it can be kinda like a jumping point between the 4th and 3rd rates for folks. That will keep it a king of OW heavy hitting but not control port battles to much. It needs a BR bump up to above the or equal to the Wapen. I would make it 3rd rate or keep it 4th, but make the BR 350 and limit all 4th rate port battles to 75 to 300 BR so that it can be used in only SOL port battles if some one wanted to bring something other than the big boys. Do you even play the game? The Aggy had never had 32's it carries 24 and 18 lbrs just like other ships of it's class except the Ingermanland that has 32's, but it's an old glass cannon so it's guns are balanced. I would like your source of where the Wasa only carried one or the other? I found two sources. https://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=10979 But this sounds more like what the in game ship is based after. https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kronprins_Gustaf_Adolf_(linjeskepp)
  15. Are go Spain like we constantly joke about. Most of us all got an alt we could roll one nation and it would do no diffrent. Than it will be Spain dots all over the map instead. I bet we can do it from one port too. It's not like we didn't do it as pirates when we where one ported or down to 2 regions (pre-patch). Numbers don't mean anything if your not organized. Look at Pre-Patch PvP2. US/GB/Dutch had an alliance and we where still able to bring US down to 11 ports before it started and this was after US 1 ported us. Than we brought Brits to one 1 port, it was the attitude of the GB/US/Dutch to not fight us even though they had plenty of numbers. Why fight when you can just use your alliances ports right? That is the problem with most these guys that cry about loosing ports. They love to show up when it's 25 vs 0-15 but as soon as the numbers become more like 25 vs 20-25 they stop showing up and trying. If you look at most of our port battles we only had 20-25 in them with hardly any screeners to help. I'll let folks on a little secret about GT/SLM port battles. That wasn't two fleets and even GT we didn't have a full 25 in there and we still won and most of the guys in SLM that wasn't there at the start where guys that rushed over from GT when it was done or telported cause they had ships in that port ready. I do not joke when In the past I said they are only fighting 15-20 guys or now it's more like 20-25. Yah we have had over 30 something online a few times, but that isn't the norm, it's on average 15-20 guys. When we 1 ported Brits pre-patch I was fighting many nights two port battles at once with a char in each one. So not only where they fighting smaller numebers they where fighting guys playing two chars or in more than one fight at once. I know we clash on views a lot but I have to say I have to agree with many things you say here, but remember that US/GB alliance still didn't stop GB from being 1 ported. The reason I say ya'll should fight each other is to get experience and to get organized against another group that is the same skill level and organization as your own nation. It's not cause we want to watch the world burn, ok maybe watch both nation burn is what some wants, but not myself. I got better fighting folks not sitting in port complaining or avoiding fights. Right now both nations needs fights they can win and they need moral boost. Loosing over and over is not working for them doing the same thing over and over. It's time for some change. I been saying this for over a year since I left US. Tell me exactly what pirates have that Nationals don't other than FFA fights? I would like to know this magic skills/powers we have that ya'll don't have? Other than organization skills and team work? So stop seeing us as "PIRATES IN TRADITIONAL TERMS." WE ARE A NATION AND YOU HAVE TO GET OVER THAT MIND SET THAT WE AREN'T. But the rest I agree with you about organization and team work and stop listening to leaders that aren't helping the nation. I bet you US and GB set up a few battles and let US expand a bit and than pick one region to fight over you will see an increase in numbers of players on both sides. One of the reason folks stop playing when I ask them and they are in US and GB is cause they get bored cause no one is fighting each other and we can't beat the pirates. Well that means you need to pick another target and not some small nation that can't fill a port battle. It was never a demad, it's a suggestion, just like our intentions post wasn't demands it's just a post about our intentions and I though we where being very reasonable by allowing US to spread into the GULF with our help if they wanted it, but ya'll can't swallow your pride for two seconds and listen to folks that are getting stuff done and been down to one port/Region and bounced back many a times. We didn't do that by sitting in ports ignoring the problems and not fighting. Geoff can I ask you exactly why you as a player that is over a year and half old (3/3/2016 born date I think) is not maxed out rank yet? I notice a lot of you very vocal NPG guys and other US are not maxed out ranked or just recently before the patched maxed out? Maybe cause your sitting around with your thumb up your arse and not fighting? Dead In the Red my other alt (yes that is me for those that didn't know) ranked up completely through PvP from when he was Spanish (first 3-4 ranks) to Curse. I did have to grind out half the last level through missions though to speed it up. My third char (former Dane that is now a pirate crafter) is Flag Captain level. All three are level 50 crafters. I did them all legit in game. Yah I got a billioni hours, but my points is you get good and I'm not even that good at this game by playing the game. So point is maybe stop listening to the guys that aren't getting stuff down and take advice from others that have got stuff done. Part of the problem is they won't listen to out side advice or others that might lead them better. If it's not working than try something new. When I say things they should do I saw it as a player wanting to see them do better not as a BLACK clan member Pirate trying to boss them around. Alt or not it's funny how this great leader shows up, runs a port battle or two, gets destroyed and than is no where to be found. We have never seen him in the OW. Maybe the problem was they let some unknown come and lead them when I'm sure they have a few guys in Nation that can actually do the job if folks let them. US biggest problem is NPG to be honest and Loinshaft. They need to stop following them and stop doing the same old crap over and over that doesn't work. They need to try something new and not listen to the same old vets that keep the nation down. He and others where the same guys around when I left. There is a reason why guys like that never leave. To be honest we think he set that new clan up at West End as I was on twitch when they ran it up watching Appolo's stream while doing some work. The stuff he was telling them was leading them to some great victory/fight, but instead it was leading them to a slaughter he didn't even show up to lead. There was zero communication with our clan or any other pirates about that. If they wanted to set something up and came and talked to us we could arranged something that wasn't a once sided slaughter, but the suprise attack/flip during an off prime time means a fight to us. If they had contacted us we could of arranged to have the smaller clans come in and fight with them or just do a big brawl out side or something. Hell if they can keep there grubby hands off the rest of Bahamas I wouldn't mind (and this me speaking not my clan) giving them West End for light ship fighting and traders in that area, but every time we give them part of the Bahamas they try to take it all. @Christendom A while back I saw a screen shot of something you said in Nation chat. Wish I could find it but didn't save it from who ever posted it but goes something like this and it sums up the problems with US and GB. Forgive me if I get it slightly wrong, "We tried to flip 2/3 ports tonight and end up loosing 2 other ports instead." It was actually a very smart move to try that, but not at that time and not with the ports you picked. Part of the problems is US tries the same ports over and over that we have defense set up. Not really sure what happens with the GB flip group as it was very little points gained if I remember that eve. So instead we went and flipped and took two regions that weekend our selves. I think the problem with mainly US and we will add GB in this is they do things, but when they do them they try to big. They need to take the baby steps in between. Start with some off the way port that isn't heavily defended. Do some test runs. That is why I suggest US take some Gulf ports. Does GB really need those extra regions right now? It would give the US some safe zone to grow in and build, but the battles can still be contested to let both sides get some experience. Than do like ya'll talk about and meet in the middle and fight over one region to get both sides trained up and with more experience. Is this really that unreasable of a suggestion to help out two nations?
  16. I actually thought she was going to be a third rate with that gun lay out. Being something between the 3rd rate and Bellona, but with a little less crew for guys that are still not wanting to use all there crew on one ship when at the 650 crew rank. I was thinking the same she will turn into the new heavy king of Port battles. I think she should be with the Bellona as the Frigate hunter in OW fights not the king of Port Battles. I only made a Teak Teak one (did this with all the ships to test a base line). They honestly need to remove the super accuracy with all those stern guns. Even with 4 guns I seen a surprise hold off half a dozen chaser cause he can hit with every shot and destroy sails while the chasers have bad accuracy and can miss most of there shots at range. Than you add in a ship like Wasa with 6 Bow and 4 sterns. That thing will be a mean support ship for sure in a fight to keep something in or out of a fight if it can catch up to them. @admin @Ink It's honestly time to remove the super accuracy the stern guns have and give them the same accuracy as all the other guns have on a ship. With the mods I had set up on my ships this morning I had insane accuracy and angles for using both guns that the sterns I could pretty much put on my targets mast every shot at a distance.
  17. @admin Did you seed the shop with a mixture of cannons/Carros? So folks can try out different load outs in such ships and the mods with different guns. Might get something funky with one type that isn't effecting other guns. Basically put some longs and Carros in the shop to go with the mediums and hopefully enough money to buy the cannons for each ship? Since it's not ready yet heading to bed for a slight nap and than it should be up by than.
  18. And right when I get to a good part in another game that came out with a new patch. Time to get to a resting point and pop right over.
  19. Maybe if you did more than trading you wouldn't still be a Commodor after a year and half of being in game. Really how have you not made Rear Admiral yet? You been Commodor for as long as I can remember (ok maybe flag captain). This is partly why ya'll can't fill SOL port battles you have Vets that can't even fully crew ships and than they expect the newer guys to fight for them when they show up in Surprises and Reno's while the new guys are in the biggest ships they own. Maybe if you did more fighting (and we aren't talking on here or global chat) and less trading you might win a fight or two. And yes there is more to this game than PvP, but your on a PVP server. Ya'll keep forgetting that part of the game. If we wanted to one port US we would of done it a long time ago. In fact the only time we have attacked US is after they have taken ports to Port Battle twice. Each time we have took a port (and only done it twice) was after your nation flipped a port into a port battle twice. If ya'll never flipped a port since day one ya'll would never have lost Savanna. I'll be honest though we where going to take Bermuda sooner or later as it's to close for it's own good to Kidds and well it's a nice safe place ya'll where hiding it. If you want a safe place go play in the Gulf. That is the safe zone for folks that don't want to PvP and do there happy little trading. As for TAO I even posted on that showing the rules as Green on Green is not acceptable by any one. You can look I even have reported some one that is now a clan mate (when he was US and jumped in on my side of a mission). I don't put up with it and they shouldn't do it for any reason. Though let the devs handle that and maybe they will learn there lesson.
  20. I thought it was going to be a 2nd rate, or was that another ship they have in the works? I think maybe a Danish Ship? So would it be like the Aggy and a 3rd that is treated as 4th in game? The other thing is is the 36 pnds Kanoners 32's or 36 in game? Would be interesting if it was the l'Oceans 36's with the 24 lbs on second deck. Would make it more like a mix hybrid ship with strong broad side but not a lot of guns total like the 2nd's. I would wish they fix the proper 42 and 36 lbs guns for ships that actually carried those guns as it wasn't only the L'Ocean. Putting the 36's on the other 1st rates and keeping the 42's on the Victory would be interesting. They still have more guns, but the Vict would have the heavy lower deck. For the other two ships here is the info I found on them. Prince de Neufchatel - A 18 gun Privateer like ship with bow chasers. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_de_Neufchatel l'Hermione (not the SC Hermione) is the one I assume they mean. A 32 gun 12 ponder Frigate. I'm thinking something around the Surprise/Renommee size but with 12 lbrs instead of 9's? Some one just found this....if that is the load out and that is 12 lbrs than I think I might like this ship. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_frigate_Hermione_(1779) Kinda wish we got the Pandora early....oh and talking about gift ships for the Naval Action: Legions. That should be the Premium ship that only backers from the original game get as a nice little thank you ship from the devs or something like that. It's still low tier but not a yacht.
  21. I'm just waiting for the mud slinging to start lol Depends the topic and the folks that are in it. It could be good for maybe doing some national or events things where you want to have topics on them. Other things I can see is going to be nothing more than mudslinging and accusations and such. Hell all ready seen it with one post that pretty much starts off the accuasations...lol
  22. A bad player still is not a newbie or baby seal. So stop calling these guys that even though many of them play like noobs. Believe Lionshaft has only learned one thing from me and others., how to be sunk multi times. I don't think he has ever sunk any of my ships as I can recall, but I have sunk many of his. I'm actually tempted to bring my alt with his privateer back to Mort just to constantly sink him until he gets the clue it's not going to work camping low level missions. I have actually been impressed with MARS lately, they are a PvE clan for the most part in the past and use to run like crazy. Now I been seeing them in almost every screen shot fight in the OW. Though honestly what ya'll need to do is tell Lionshaft screw it and that other guy Danial? Who most o us are sure is an alt that pretty much used the US to get what GB wanted. Funny how once they got what they wanted ports he is now where to be found. Tell those old timers and British Loyalist screw ya'll and take back you regions. Though start small. We welcome a fight from ya'll, but we want a proper one not a half ass one. That is why I'm suggesting that you take back some of your US ports you had that Brits took from ya'll first to get some experience for you guys that need it. Apparently they care enough about those dots to keep TAO from flipping them. Though nothing is going to happen until you guys stop sitting on your arse and do something. GB has done so much in the past to stab ya'll in the back ya'll need to stop thinking they have you back and understand they are doing more harm to your nation than the pirates every have. In fact the daily fights between US and Pirates is making you guys stronger. That is why I say if ya'll did a port battle against GB I bet you will prob beat them if you can get organized. Than get the moral up, get the guys ready and take on us big boys in a fight. If you want we will even help ya'll screen those fights so you can actually have the fight in side the Port Battles. We don't need any more regions, but we want to see US grow and than we will talk about no longer defending Savanna and maybe letting ya'll have it back. Though that wouldn't be a BLACK call, we aren't the only clan in game and I know GS6 is set up there as a home base. You mean while you do what you do all the time? Sit on your arse and let others do the hard work. Oh and it's not an order, it's only a suggestion by one player. What I have said has nothing to do with the clan at all. I been suggesting US/GB to fight each other since I went Pirate over a year ago. The problem is ya'll need experience in fights and both your nations are about equal on that but you never fight each other other than a few proxy fake fights. I mean really why are the two largest nations have not had a port battle until this patch for almost a year? Ya'll get your arse kick around cause your way to win a fight is to hide and avoid a fight. You never get batter that way. Like I said these are suggestions from player in a clan/nation that has been one ported and bounced back and keep bouncing back and can beat some of the largest nations/clans with only a hand full of players. I don't joke when I say your getting beaten by only 15-20 or 20-25 players. Look at the names, hell look at the Leader boards and look at the names that are in the top 20....it's almost all ways the same guys at every port battle.
  23. Just for your info next time something like this happens do a CTL+L and it will show you the battle log and show any green on green. I know right now TAO ( @sounthernrebel78 ) is not putting up with some of the US clans and NPG is one of them, but GREEN on GREEN is still against the rules (expect sinking them for stealing loot is a grey area). Only pirates can do this and have a pirate FFA. Now if they just used the Pirate alt to trap you and than turn and let the pirate sink you that wouldn't be against the rules. Shady as hell but still not against the rules.
  24. You mean under agreement from British loyalist clans that refuse to fight them? Yah we all saw the cost of Savannah. Fail at screening and they loose half there regions. Call it what you want but you still took them forcing them down to 4 regions even though your suppose to be helping them. Farm noods? Didn't know Flag captain and above was noobs. All the screen shots I been seeing of fights on both said weren't new players. So give the baby seal clubing thing a rest. I mean don't only only play in Pickles? I'm sure you killed some noobs in....oh wait I have never seen you on the PvP board so you prob don't do much of any thing other than bitch on here. Oh and LIONSHAFT has been out side Mort in a Basic cutter jumping into low level missions and killing them, so don't start this kiling noobs thigns. Now that is farming noobs. There was a pretty big fight out side CT last night and most of the ships where 4-5th rates so not sure where your getting they are all noobs. If I'm currect the pirate side was even very out number. Unlike Brits they have been fighting and a lot. @Slim Jimmerson has been posting up some of the fights. You want to know how you get better at this game? It's by fighting and not making peace with the other other large nation in game. GS6 almost fights daiily win and looses ships to US so it's not a bunch of noobs like ya'll are trying to make them out to be. I honestly think they can kick GB if they can ever get organzied and stop the inter clan fighting. They have much better OW PvPers cause they are constantly fighting us. Something GB doesn't do....maybe the reason your so fast to point fingers is cause your scared they might actualy get there act together and stop being British Loyalist and fight back for once?
  25. Says the guy that has shown up to stop them from fliipping a port. It's not like ya'll need those any more. We have reason to keep Savanna as it keeps them in check from attacking us constantly which they have yet to come close to winning. Might be wiser to group up with other clans and fight a foe that is more easy to beat in battle. I would love to see a real 25 vs 25 fight between both your nations. I bet US as a whole would give you a lot more fight than you had in the past if they stop being British Loyalist. That and we refuse to give the British Loyalist back lands they will prob just give to GB any way. They need to prove they can take and hold lands from ya'll before we offer anything back to them. So US get to kicking them British Loyalist out of your way and get stuff done. Little hard when the rest of the nation refuses to fight any one. I mean GB took 5 regions from ya'll...Pirates only took 2 and ya'll keep trying to fight them. Maybe listen to us for once and we might just back off. Hell even come to us and talk terms. You might just find out we make better allies than back stabbing Brits.
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