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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I agree the conquest system set up wasn't good, but with the new system I'm going to bet you see less and less port battles on EU cause of that ELITE status. The new options will allow folks to set prime time for there Clan to fight. It might even encourage if there is no server restrictions for folks from other time zones to come play in those nations. I refuse to fight on GB or US nations and I'm a US player so what am I left with on EU? Pirates? I tried to help out when we where slow on PvP2 pre-patch but was faced with a lot of rude players that refuse to get a helping hand by some one that doesn't live in there area of the wold. Some of them could of had a full very powerful RvR clan come over and help them, but we where pretty much told bugger off they didn't need our help. That is why they can't recruit other time zones players the the majority of the US/AUS or English speaking (as I heard some one posted early) players tend to play US and GB and not other nations. And this is exactly why ya'll can't recruit other players from other nations/time zones. You do know there are other players in this game than Americans and there are EU's that play in different time zones than the little safe one that a few of you ELITE clans want to only fight in. If you notice when I speak of times zones I include all three main times not one or another even though I'm a US player. I play mainly in US/SEA times but I could be on during EU. Remember @admin stated 50% of the Sales of this game comes from the North American market. So we need to find out why we loose retention to that market and I'll tell you right now I know one of them. Cause of Bias folks that think this game is all about them and not the rest of of the world. You want to have a successful game you need to work all the markets not just one. If you keep to favor only EU and one time zone your going to loose out on 90% of your player market and the game is going to die. But hay you will have your safe time to RvR so you won't loose sleep or work hours worried that some one else might actually have fun playing a game.
  2. What I like is that clans don't have to listen to an alliance and if they want to take a port they can and than hold it. If they want to turn it into a International trade zone they can. If they want to screw over a nation that has heavy econ in one port than they can take it, turn it Neutral so they stay and jack the prices up on tax through the roof. I'm going to bet you we are going to see a lot of carebears cry when folks do this. Those players need to stay in the safe ports if they don't want this to happen. On PvP2 we had the same problem with the nations, but it was more the big nations against the little, but this will allow a few clans that don't agree with the rest of the nations to do what they want. If a British clan hates the US Clan even though the majority of the US and GB have an alliance that clan can still go to war with the other clan it has a problem with and not involve all of that nation.
  3. Please see Koltes post above. To say we don't like PvP is BS. I PvP mainly on my second account cause it's set up more for light ships and frigates of the OW style of fighting. I even solo hunt with that char. Coming to some one's capital and kiling a crap load of new guys and traders is not PvP either...well it is but doesn't make you the kings of OW PVP like some act. They gave up after two weeks. We actually keep to our plans and finished them and by time (2 weeks) they got bored and stop playing and went to EU. I'm sorry some of the players on this game has attention span of a nat and Legends is prob going to be there game when it comes out so they can get that instant fight over and over. We tried 3 in with Pirates having there own mechanic in POTBS and while it worked, it really didn't give the big picture like you would want in an OW sandbox game. I think they should drop it down to 6 full nations. GB, Dutch, France, Spain and US. US had a big part of the area during that time, way more than Dane/Swedes. I say drop those two cause of that. Yes I agree pirates need there own mechanics. They should be a faction not a Nation. Maybe them more like Privateers that can fight for any of the main nations (Merc Units in Mechwarrior Online is a good example). Than if you don't have a LoM than your just a Pirate/Outlaw. This way you can have your players that want PvP and can move around to get it more than just being stuck in a core nation. Many Privateers didn't sail under there home nations flags. Many of them actually got rich by fighting for the other side. The other problem is you get a different spread out of nations depending server and player base. EU players are so against dropping extra nations cause those are the oens they like to play cause it's prob the closes nation to there home nation, but sadly those nations were't big influence in this region at this time. It's like saying I can have a US nation in WWI battle front type game. Yah we helped out and did some stuff but US wasn't really involved in that fight even though we had troops, we just supported the other nations for the most part. This game is suppose to be about the Caribbean not the Meds or North Sea. I loved that you brought up Ender Games, great book they destroyed the movie which could of been so much better. It crushed him at the end to find out it wasn't a game all along and he was actually commanding real fleets the whole time and the death of thousands along with a whole race destroyed at his own hands. What I think is funny it wasn't even two weeks from when they started to camp Mort to when they gave up and run to EU server cause they got board. Just like the guys that just give up and stop playing after loosing one port even though they have 20 other ports still. I swear some of the players on here have attention spans of a nat. We look at the whole picture and long time results of things. That is why when we found out how weak US is we did not attack them. We only took ports after they flipped and brought two ports into port battle. Than waited until they did it two more times before we took another. You think the get the hint that if they don't attack us (not talking about OW PvP) they might stop loosing ports to us. In real wars there are calls you make and some times it means you will loose lives. We made the call to tell folks not feed ya'll by going out and getting killed. Just wait and we will see. We waited and got ready and now look....France PvPers got bored and ran off and than blame we don't want to fight. Funny how when we are ready to fight or every time we came out you ran. Ya'll only fight when you want to, just like we prefer to fight on our own terms. Your doing not different than what we have been doing, well other than getting bored and stop playing after two weeks....lol.....oh look a shiny silver piece...wonders off distracted....
  4. Those 75% are not RvR players. I bet you prob not even 10% of them are made up of RvR players. Folks play on EU to get the numbers to PvP in OW. How many port battles ya'll have a night? A week? If you actually start looking at the numbers that actually do RvR is a very small part of the population. You don't want to do fights in US or AUS times than you set your ports owned by your clan to EU times. You loose that port it's your own fault. Don't worry about the rest of the ports your clan or other none EU players own, let them worry about those ports. If your nation can't fill a time zone slot than don't over extend yourself. Recruit....maybe if some of you stop being royal arse to any one that isn't from the EU you might recruit more clans of other time zones. I started on EU server and than left for the main reason folks where very rude to new players and that was in the US nation where just about every one spoke English mainly. This gaming community and that is folks from all over the world is very toxic to new players and folks that want to learn the game. That and there is such thing as to much population back than. We had to sit in ques to log in and they split the server to Mirror (which didn't work out). You couldn't go out and out and do a mission without getting ganked by a fleet of half a dozen ships back than. So I went to the smaller population server to level up and learn the game and stayed there. Again if they did a proper wipe many folks would of picked one server and stuck to that one, but they didn't wipe every thing and a lot of folks din't get there xp/ranks on the other server even though they did what was asked of them. They did the merge/wipe very piss poor like and than didn't support the servers so folks can balance out the nations and numbers. You mean like the very small minority that imposed RvR restrictions on another server? Really how many folks actually do RvR on EU? Prob very little over all. It's mainly reserved for the elite clans that won't let any one else in them. Not every one in EU has your same work scheduled. I'm American and have all ways picked EU or SEA servers cause I worked night/grave yard shift and they would have the most players on when I would be free to play.
  5. That would take organization and dedication to stay on path. The thing is US and GB has the numbers and they don't need each other. They just need the dedication and drive. Not trying to insult them but many of them have the attention span of a nat when it's about battle plans and getting stuff done and they give up the moment something goes wrong. That and they refuse to listen to the guys like you, me or other players that actually have a clue about how to fight and break some one down. The war of attrition I'm very much familiar with. Many of the things we did pre-patched I and others like @JobaSet came up with and doing to wear down the much bigger alliance of the US/GB/DUTCH which was over 70% of the games population in one big mega alliance and they still couldn't one port us. They had the numbers, just not the will. Than they piss off most of there good players until they leave and join other groups of more organized players willing to work together. US an GB curse is that the majority of there players are PvE/Carebears that just want to show up when they have numbers and on a wining streak that is a sure win not a maybe. As soon as they loose a fight or some one shows up to fight them all those numbers go into hiding and than blame evil pirates on why the server is dead. No it's cause you keep giving up and hiding and not fighting on a game called NAVAL ACTION on a PvP server. You want to only PvE and have a happy safe place go to the PvE server. I know they will love the extra numbers. I call BS cause they have more 1st rates they let on. It's now been three months what the hell they been doing all this time with there money and econ? I know for a fact some of those with those Mortar Brigs have 1st rates back in ports. We saw about a dozen 1st rates leave Bermuda the morning before that port battle. They have the ships, but they don't have the will to fight and loose. That is what us different, we aren't afraid to loose our 1st rates cause we can replace them the next day. That is still my first Vict I build myself and i have 2 others and a L'Ocean on my alt. I built every one of those ships myself with little help from the clan, all the while supporting the clan with building other ships. West End I was the only one to have a Heavy Rattler that day it was flipped. All those others and some more where crafted and unlocked. It's cause we have the drive to win and work together. If they can ever figure out how to do that they will crush us, GB and most of the other nations. Same goes for GB if they ever can get there head out of there arse. Exactly what are they doing with all these first rates we see grinding missions that haven't made it to port battles. What are they doing with all them labor hours too? I know it's not building good ships cause most the ships we sink are store bought. Maybe if they lower there prices, pool there resources and work together they will be a better deadler war machine.....lol yah that will never happen. The problem is they would hold grudges and never listen to us. How many folks after patch left to go to another nation to only be accused of being a Pirate alt or spy to later return? We try to give them advise and they take it as us demanding things of them. Even if you, me or any other of the Vet players went over there and tried they would not get there heads out of there arse and work together. They been doing the same thing since i left US a year a go (June of last year) and they keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. When something doesn't work you find a new way. Just about every major player that left US was one of there battle callers or heavy PvPer. Maybe you need to look at why they leave and fix that. The number one reason is that I hear, "Cause they won't listen and want to keep doing the same stupid mistakes over and over." Like continue to fight a much stronger RvR team and constantly losing. I would stop trying to beat that RvR team until I got my own properly trained up and ready for them. As much as folks like to make it seems like we are killing nothign but noobies, most of the screen shots of fights around CT have been mid level and higher players on both sides. The OW PvP has been helping US, but notice it's only certain clans/players doing it over and over. Those are the guys that need to lead the nation in war. Not the concul members that sit in port and never show up to fights. I get the Congress thing, but by the sound of it it's a bunch of peace time traders that don't want to war. Maybe war is what you need. We got good by constantly being at war with every one. Why you think I keep saying GB and US need to fight each other? It's so they can get experience and become better players to give us a better fight. Honestly I can give a crap about the DOT's but you have to flip prots to get folks to fight or put one right next to a capital. It pretty much generates constant PvP between those nations that have the ports right next to each other like that. Most of the Pirates at CT aren't even BLACK/BLOOD, yes some members go over there and fight on OW, but it's a small amount of us. Just like we have a group og guys that like to fight at KPR. If we where truelly camping CT/KPR you would never see a ship leave them. Maybe with this next patch we will take extra alts and make a national clan like we have done pre-patch (you really thin Danes and France got all them extra players from PvP1?) and show folks that we can do this with any flag. It will have the same results, but we refuse to join the two larges nations. Than again if we joined US and made them go to war with GB wonder how that would turn out? HMMmmmm I still have all my forged papers.....maybe we should all roll into Spain and show them the true Spanish Inquisition? I hear the Swedes can use some numbers too...?
  6. I'm actually for a merger if they put the server in a location that folks like SEA player and AUS can over all get a decent connections. I hear all the time Pings don't matter cause this isn't a twitch shooter, well if it doesn't than put the game in a location to better suit all players around the world not just one. I like the new system cause it lets clans pick when they want to fight and defend their owned regions with the helps of others on friendly clans. For testing have one server (well and the kiddie pool we call PvE) and when the game goes live open up as many as you think you will need in those locations and set special rules for lock out times if need to be, but for testing we don't need silly lock out times other than made by clans that own those regions/ports. If you an't defend it in your prime time than that is your own fault. The other thing is give us the tools we been asking for. I know myself and @Jon Snow lets go been asking for numbers of active players over the past few months since the patch and for each nations so we can see just how balance the nations are and the Numbers. I'm sure some folks will be surprised when they find out which nations are the actual big ones, just not full of active PvP/RvR's is all. I did like the flag system for instant fights. Even if you didn't plant the flag you a lot of times go great OW fights out of it as they tried to stop you. Flag system would work great for a raid system if they would just listen to us. Raids don't have to capture the ports. Make them 12 vs 12 raid fights. Winner gets large agro (this system worked better with regions not single ports) towards hostility. I think the problem we are going to have with single port system is there is not enough players/clans to maintain a large chunk of them so they will be constant ports going back to neutral. The Gulf of Mexico would be a good example of ports that will prob end up going back to Neutral all the time unless it's where one or two clans set up to do there eco, but they still need to bring in enough month to pay for the upkeep of those ports. They could use raids as a way to disrupt some ones econ in a port/region but not take control. Say a clan raids another clans port but doesn't want to keep it. They get a percental of the production from that port of goods and the port stays in a chaos mode for 36-48 hours before can produce or build anything in that port. The port is treated as neutral if it was an national until it reverts back from the raided status. Raids can be limited by ship types too for certain ports. you can't bring anythign bigger than a 3rd rate at one, or 5th rate at another. Since your not going to capture it, the raid doesn't need a full 25 players. One of the biggest issues I see with the new system is filling in the last 10-5 slots of a port battle. Normally this is done by the random folks that show up if it's not controlled by all one clan. In the new system that means that random clan needs to be on your friends list. That solo player is shit out of luck unless he instantly joins a clan and than leaves it after the port battle.
  7. Actually if you looked at the numbers GLOBAL didn't start loosing players until this patch was announced we stayed pretty strong with 250-300 players until that was announced. It was EU that lost a big chunk of it's players from day one of the patch. To the point of almost half there prime time players, but I"ll be nice and say they lost over 35% of there numbers. We where keeping 200 strong all day long in all times zones. If anything some one needs to look at EU and see why it was loosing so many compared to global. I think if they had done the mergers correctly and properly wiped every one on both servers you would of seen a higher number of players on GLOBAL and prob way fewer on EU. Hell I checked all three servers and at some times even PvE had more players on than EU and I don't remember the last time I seen them over 100. Maybe during certain prime times, but when you have the PvE server dropping numbers. What i think is funny I never seen a game that had time zones restricted to only during none working hours of once region. They might have battle zones but it's a big block and include any days and if you can't defend tuff titty you loose. Ya'll had made your own port timers restricted that it's chased off folks that would prob come help ya'll. EU timers are more for the 10% elite few not the majority of the players. I would love to have seen the propor numbers on each server if they had did a proper wipe and folks didn't stay on a server cause they where tied to there clan mates tag and friends but all could move together and make a fresh start on any server of there pick. The fact that many folks got screwed out of there XP killed a lot of folks from switching servers when the time came. That whole thing was done very poorly over all.
  8. No it wasn't proven, the problem was the flag system was very poorly regulated. It needed proper cool downs and means to protect a port and not just take empty dots on off hours. If you and your NONE 24/7 lot want to have protected ports than only take and control those ports you have time to defend and set the time slots to times you can do so. If you can not protect it in your prime time than the problem was never the port timers, it's your own actions as to why you lost it. If my clan is an AUS/US prime time clan and I take your port in EU prime time when you should be able to defend it the best than that is an issue on your own defense. Your prime time your port you should be able to protect it against us in our off times. If you can't than that is an clan/nation issue of having the proper players no matter the prime times of other players and when they set there ports. If you don't want to attack none prime time clans for your nation/clan than take your fighting to another nation with clans in your prime time. The old system was flawed cause of bad Flag mechanics and folks being able to pull tons of false flags and no proper cool downs. If some one can't defend a port in there prime time against a nation that isn't say EU prime time than they wouldn't been able to defend it against another EU prime time nation/clan. You guys keep forgetting what @admin has said in the past. 50% of the sales of this game is from the North American market. I think part of the problem is the retention of those players. With one server you can have a mix of EU, AUS, US time zones. With the new clan based RvR it means it's not the nations job to show up to every port, it's the clan/clans that control them that will protect those ports. If those clans can not hold those ports in there prime times than that is there problems and some one else is going to take it and put it in there own prime time. With port Maintenance and upkeep Clan/s will only be able to hold the ports they can maintain and hold properly. No more of this taking every dot on the globe and keeping the. You actually have to have the resources and man power to keep those ports or they will go back to being Neutral. I'm going to bet on both PvP EU and GLOBAL you would see the big nations loose a good chunk of there ports that no one use if it was currently under the new system. With the new system we are going to see clans taking over a area and protecting that area as there own. More than just a nation as a whole. @admin It would be nice if we can get a proposed map of what the map will look like after the port reset so folks can comment on how things will start up. I can see kinda in my head an ideal, but we really need to see what the Dev's have planing like back when you posted this map.
  9. I kinda like the concept of Victory marks, but they should be for Port battle wins more than just map wins. Now clue what they plan to do with this next patch, but than they can be exchange for combat marks if you want or have some special paints you can only get with Victory Marks to show off your hard work. Paints don't make you OP and you can still trade them.
  10. With all these down times happening lately would be nice if we got a little thank you from the devs.....shamelessly doing my "GIVE EVERY ONE A PAINT CHEST" again....are ships are just to bland looking right now. I know ya'll might be changing that system later, but would be nice if we could put some different paints on our ships until such time the paint system is changes.
  11. This is why XP needs to be off damage done and keep Gold /Marks off the Assit/Kills. So you get rewarded with at least xp for your fight even if you did't do to well. That way your not walking away from the fight with nothing. If they bring back XP for damage you will get a lot more xp for the fights. Also ship travel xp should go towards the ship along with your mission reward XP for doing the missions. These added things will cut down on the actual grind for xp. Right now most of us don't need the XP cause we are maxed out. I really wish once you max out a ship you can put that xp towards a free xp pool and use it towards another ship. Maybe limit it to only being able to use to unlock the first three slots only of a ship. Please don't tax every thing to death, it's going to get old and complicated real fast. I don't think player vs player traders should be taxed either. The only thing that should be taxed are contracts and actual purchases from the in port shop and ship sales. If your going to start taxing every thing than I want any thing bought out of the Admirality Shop taxed too. Just joking about that last part, as that shouldn't be taxed either. What they need to do is separate your combat perks from your crafting perks. Have the combat perks tie into your rank. Just like it is now, but instead of having to share with Crafting they will be tied into your crafting level. We have 50 crafting level. You can get one crafting perk for every 10 levels you have. This way the solo guy can do both craft and fight instead of having to switch his states around all the time. You still need the reset permits encase you change up your combat perks but this way it helps the Solo and casual guys actually be able to do more than one thing.
  12. Same for me and rest of my clan mates that are online. I haven't tested Testbed, this is odd cause the servers are not in the same location so one crash shoudn't effect them all.
  13. I made all my boarding ships Pink if they had a pink paint for them. Just something about beating some one in boarding with a pink ship. Pink ribbons is the same here and your story is way better than mine, I hope every thing has been going well with her treatment since. Lost a good friend to breast cancer and she was still very young. Something I brought up is to make the 5 slot on a ship special when you unlock it. Have one paint for that ship you can only get from unlocking the 5th slot. It basically shows your ship is elite status and if some one captures it the ship keeps that paint until the player changes it. API files showed an OUTLAW paints for the Heavy Rattler, even if it hasn't been designed yet something like that would fit perfect for the 5th slot reward. While I think they can have some paints as PvE rewards too, but they need to give something extra for PvP/RvR cause all the good drops are only in PvE. You get hardly nothing for PvP. Remember you can still buy this off any player that wins them. I use to have so many paints for ships I didn't use I would give them away when I made ships for folks. You might not know what paint you got but it was like my extra little treat for new players. I was giving out Cerberus and Essex like candy pre-patch to mid level players.
  14. Cause they need to get every thing else working including nationals and conquest and other system before they spend time on making any pirate mechanics. That is if they ever do. This isn't about pirates it's about working on the RvR and conquest system that is not yet nailed down and set in stone along with other things involving OW PvP and PvE. Until such time Pirates are just another nation just like the other 7 other nations, we just gt FFA battles is all.
  15. Paints would actually be none combat rewards for Port Battles and PvP players, but the rumor is they are doing something with paints that will make them like ship knowledge slots, once you learn it you can just pick which one, but like I said it was just a rumor or comment. Though would be nice if we had them in game right now cause a lot of ships look to much the same.
  16. We have always picked targets for a reason. We have never had the numbers to fight nations straight out. I don't joke when I say they are pretty much fighting 15-20 players. When guys come over from other nations and find out it's not far from the truth it blows there minds when they think we have about 50 players. It's an illusion we play well. Yes we have more than that in clan, but that 15-20 is our steady active numbers. Ever notice a lot of the port battles we are always short one or two guys even with a few Mort Rats added in? We actually love PVP but just like the French PvPer s we are going to fight on our terms not theirs. If they didn't have the attention span of a Nat they would be getting some OW PvP. What was it only like a week or two and they got bored and ran off to PvP EU or some other game? Basically we beat them by using the bore them to death tactic that the US and GB try on us by not showing up to Port battles and other fights.
  17. You can't lock a clan of your nation out of a port. Port battle yes by not adding them to the friends list. What I don't like about the friend list it doesn't allow for some random clanless to join either. That is how a lot of times clans recruits new folks by letter them roll with them while they do agro and join the Port battle if there is room. It's also how a lot of the extra slots are filled that one clan couldn't fill themselves. As for same nation clan vs clan that wasn't mention in this post so maybe that was removed from the list of changes. To me the patch will give clans more control over port battles and ports than a nation. So you don't have one nation that every port battle is filled by and controlled by one clan. Other clans can still go off and do there own thing if they want. You just have to have the numbers or friendly clans to suppose the attack. I like that the none owned neutral ports will have AI defenses as it keeps from just every one grabbing random empty ports too.
  18. It doesn't matter the mode you state for a nation, it matters the players. We been one ported/region several times and always bonce back very strong on our server. There is a reason we set up shop at our capital region and not spread out all over the place in case we did get push back to one port/region. Many folks call pirates easy mode, but they never been at war with just about every nation or one ported and had to survive either....lol.
  19. I see you been exploiting, hacking, breaking the game now? I think some one else in clan had that happen to them a while back. As for a leader of any nation raising up and taking control I would love to see it, but never would happen with how unorganized some nations and stubborn that they will refuse to work with each other are carry such long past grudges. Taht and be willing to actually change from what they been doing for the past year that hasn't worked.
  20. shhhh your going to spoil my master trade plan I posted in the other thread....lol. Though I assume Neutral port owned by a clan yes. No one owns Free Towns so that would be a no.
  21. I honestly think the Wasa/Vasa or what ever folks call it would make a better ship int he 3rd rate slot than she is as a 4th with her gun load out. Having slightly less crew than the 3rd rates but a good heavy load out. This keeps it out of 4th Rate port battles, but gives folks a stepping stone ships to fight in for the bigger ships. What about the Xebec? I still think they should make that a pirate only ship.....lol
  22. No what Pirates need is proper mechanic so they aren't just another half nation bastard like they are now. Honestly Swedes and Danes should go as they had really every little presence int eh area at this time. I think this is a question a lot would like answered and the other thing the ETA all this is planned. If it's going to take 4-5 months than I might as well just unisntall the game and move on to something else as it will be so dead before that.
  23. Oh man you know there would been a Pirate Civil war for sure if that had happen. We wouldn't be putting up with him one bit either....lol I agree a lot of the issues was cause of how they handled the Merger or lack of proper merge. We where really surprised we didn't get any clans in Pirates from EU. I think we got a few players, but not groups. It honestly scared us at first when we noticed the numbers the US and GB had with what they had showing up at the empty Spanish ports. It's why we didn't start any fights. We instead took the time to get every one into the proper ships needed to fight that fight when it came and it sure enough did with the Key West port battle. US couldn't hold it's Grudges and than went for the Bahamas as we had expected and had ships ready to fight them. We had unlocked our shallows ships to 3-5 slots to be ready and set up folks in Morgan. The biggest issue has all way s been that certain other nations are stuck on doing the same thing over and over and over that doesn't work and than they can't get along with each other cause every one wants to be the king/leader.
  24. Fixed it no you are right my math totally sucked. I was listing the labor hour cost not the materials cost. @Remus has a very awesome spread sheet for the actual cost of things if you produce them at cost yourself not counting things like permit and buying from others. Admin needs to watch the use of Free Town and Neutral towns. Neutral towns will be like the old Pitts was before they did the Regional map patch. Though I don't think it will have the safety green zones for nats like it did since pirates will be able to us it too. Free Ports El Rancho, Tumbado, Shroud Cay, La Tortue, La Mona, Aves (that will be a new one but makes since), Dariena and Guayguayare will be just as Free Towns are now, no teleport in or out of them. Now what I'm understanding of Neutral ports is you can set a captured port to Neutral and let every one no matter what nation use it with or you can set it to your nation and only limit players of your nation to use that port. This way say my clan takes Sant Iago a coal producing port, but we want to share it with the Brits and French in the region. We can set it as a Neutral port so any one can enter the port and set up production in that port. Which if we have an alliance with the Danes they could come us it as a staging port to attack the Brits as they can set up an outpost there. This will allow small nations to use Neutral ports without having to capture them there selves. I actually like it, but might see a problem if some big clans turn the map to pretty much all neutral ports. Than there will be no reason to fight over the resources at those ports. Than again Pirates could be dicks and do like we did with Operation Lone Ranger on PvP2 and take all none friendly silver ports and make them pirate only ports to keep folks out of them other than pirates, alts or smugglers. Are we could make them all neutral ports and jack the tax's up through the roof for any one to use them. This going to make things very interesting if they keep certain resources to only captureable ports. But this is going way off topic other than the fact that now you can set up a neutral port instead of Freetown to stage multi nations from in a front line of a fight that you set up with other nations to fight from. Say Pirates and Brits (yah right) are at war with the US. Using @Anne Wildcat example up there of what French are doing. French bribes BLACK to take a port in that region cause they want to help the US fight off Brits and some of the Pirate Rogue clans. BLACK has had problems with said Rogue clan so they set up a port battle. Instead of turning the port Pirate and locking it for pirates only to use they instead set it Neutral. Now any nation can use that port. Being the folks we are and wanting to make a buck, we jack the TAX way up and charge every one Pirates, US, Brits, and France high tax on all trade. We than sale to all sides Repairs, Ships, Cannons and what not. Than we proceed to PvP the US, Brits, and French....hell even the Rogue Pirate clan. Like I said it's going to be very interesting and I can see folks all ready going to have a cow when things like this happen.
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