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Everything posted by Dalriaden

  1. uhm a) midshipman wouldnt be able to come into the pb, and we always let anyone who wants help in screening fleets Common sense seems challenging for some people though.
  2. Because, honestly, what is the point of the circle if you just time yourself to run through it and continue avoiding an engagement? Once back in the circle your br should can count again and if you dont make it back in your ship sinks. IF a port battle ends any ship outside of the circle should be automatically captured and given to the victor. ^timing their run outside the circle
  3. This, if the current build has bugs on the internal test then they'll have to address those which could push it back.
  4. My motto for mmo's has always been if it's red its dead...but now I'm a brit so that's a quandary.
  5. Rus's response learning they would have to fight their way out of morant after failing to capture it:
  6. How can you surrender after a fight is over? -.- Seems like an exploit to me and definitely not in the spirit of the game. I bring it up because we had a screen force fight danes after a port battle then we retreated for the heavier fleet outside to get into position to capture their pavels, however they apparently surrendered two third rates after we all escaped for their pavels to capture and return home.
  7. And for anyone who thinks we will work a treaty with the russians in whatever nation they play for (because one hour they're danish the next spanish then pirate gg on implementing that faction switch timer) or pirates:
  8. Same defense at la bermeja, arenas, baxo nuevo, triangles, arcas, alacranes pre negations? How about Chiriqui, Almirante, Talamanca, Mantina, San Juan del Norte, Sanot Tomas, Omoa Truinfa de la Cruz, Morro Chico, Truxillo, Black River, Placentia, Belize, How about the defense (or lack there of of Cuba?) No it might be easier to tell me what Spain led by REA has actually defended? And is it our fault those two had no timers on them? Or is it that the Spanish just have no defense other then the timer argument? Congrats on defending a shallow water port, once.
  9. I doubt at this point anyone is dumb enough to try diplomacy with RAE, even the pirates have more integrity. Not to mention RAE has consistently worked to undermine the Spanish nation to have the dev's step in.
  10. Uhm I could care less about the pirates fighting the british, or the british fight the french, what I'm pointing out is a serious flaw in the game. If it will get your pantaloons unbunched and help get the sand out of your whiny parts replace Pirate with british, or french, or whatever faction you so choose. Quite simply however pirates are just another faction and shouldn't be.
  11. Mines 180, it's higher for the aussies playing on it, so unless you're in a 3rd world nation playing off a potato it doesn't.
  12. To expand on this one step further, it highlights a reason there needs to be a change to pirate mechanics (and I don't mean keeping them out of 1st rate ships, I don't care about that) as of right now there is nothing preventing the entire player base from going pirate and capturing all ports and fighting each other for fun outside of whatever national allegiance a player itself has. Also I guess if someone violates a treaty, multiple times in one day, you should just let it slide. (I think someone has spent to much time studying the Obama style of foreign policy)
  13. Well like most games these days that get covered by "big" name twitch streamers and youtubers at release it will see a massive explosion in population, then as soon as they move on a lot of their followers move on as well. It would be nice for an increase in server pop limit and a merger now though. Even at this point I feel there's a lot of british population that doesn't realize you can do anything besides missions right outside port royal.
  14. Spain violated its treaty. It lost ports. We even gave them a freeby earlier when they "mistakenly" attacked Corrientes and said ok mistakes happen no big deal. Then it was violated again not long after. The only reason spain is in the situation it is in, is because of REA and the Spanish players, not because of timers or other mechanics. Spain has constantly chosen to dig itself into a hole and then cry broken mechanics in the hopes the devs will alter the game to suit the vocal minority and cover their poor decision making and playing ability.
  15. Decisively beaten? You captured unopposed ports, pass the hemp you're smoking saying you've decisively beaten anything. As for the treaty you can take it and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Thanks for sending out a wake up call to the 90% of britain who sits in port royal playing the market perhaps now that they see some risk to their investments they'll set foot on ship and sail.
  16. One frigate can't attack 10 line ships, the BR is to high...and I guess it's absolutely impossible to plan for a screening force and how to break through...lol.
  17. Zerg in a game where battles are limited to 25 on each side? If you cant defend a port because of a blockade it just means you failed to plan properly when it came to port defense and don't deserve it.
  18. Their "commonwealth" can't even fully subdue the conquered, what does Britain have to fear other then the chance of internal strife destroying this so called commonwealth before having the opportunity to hear the song of fully winded sails and the roar of cannons and men? My hats are off to the Drunken and all who refuse to bow to tyranny and stand tall in the face of an overwhelming force, some of us in Britain eagerly await for news from these brave sailors and plot ways to render assistance.
  19. Unfortunately the generation that is to lazy to eat cereal because it has to wash the bowl and spoon is now in college and old enough to buy games. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/02/23/this-is-the-height-of-laziness/
  20. Since all of those can be filled by his clan tactics let me quote you some norse sayings: 16. A coward believes he will ever live if he keep him safe from strife: but old age leaves him not long in peace though spears may spare his life. here's another: 8. Happy is he who wins for himself fair fame and kindly words; but uneasy is that which a man doth own while it lies in another's breast http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/havamal.html
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