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Everything posted by Voi_Ta

  1. Ahoj, rekl bych, ze to bude tim, ze program automaticky zmensil pismo, protoze "Mira obratu" je moc dlouha. Tim se posunuly radky. Jinak, muzeme na tom spolupracovat oba, poslal jsem ti PM
  2. Aktuální progress 750/4451 = 16,9%. Pomalu, ale jistě... 🙂
  3. Started working on Czech translation today. Can confirm problems with game font for ISO Latin 2 charset, specifically czech characters like "ěščřžýáíé" etc.
  4. This thread is dedicated to Czech translation of Naval Action. Ahoj námořníci, Ač to úplně sám nepotřebuji, rozhodl jsem se přeložit do češtiny tuto skvělou hru. Doufám, že jí to pomůže k většímu rozšíření mezi českou a možná i slovenskou komunitou. Překlad je zatím na cestě (Status v druhém příspěvku). Snažím se přednostně překládat funkční části (tlačítka apod.), potom budu překládat popisky a nakonec loading screen hlášky apod. Jak nainstalovat? Než zapnete hru, stáhněte si aktuální verzi češtiny na GIThub: https://github.com/vkresala/NavalActionCzech (kliknout pravým a "Uložit jako") Nahrajte do adresáře hry [Steam knihovna]steamapps\common\Naval Action\Languages\ Zapněte hru, až se načte přístav/loď, jděte do nastavení (ozubené kolečko vlevo nahoře) Klikněte "Options", následně "General" (vlevo) a vyberte v "Language" aktuální verzi češtiny Nakonec je potřeba hru restartovat (vypnout a zapnout) Jak pomoci? Reportováním bugů zde na fóru nebo raději přímo na GIThub (sekce Issues) - PROSÍM ZATÍM NEREPORTUJTE CHYBĚJÍCÍ PŘEKLAD, pouze pokud je něco přeložené špatně nebo překlepy. Aktivním zapojení se do překladu - dejte mi vědět do zprávy, je toho ještě dost k překladu 🙂
  5. Selling dlc ships is never good idea. It ruins economy, you just redeem ship a day, trash it and continue. Full lot pho is about the anxiety of losing something you worked for. Let them sell paints.
  6. Ship compare - i have trouble recognising, which ship is the faster. I would prefer solid color for ship in column over grey other ship. Great too tho.
  7. Req should have br 130 and Herc 170. You cannot rebalance whole game around two ships that are completely out of charts. Second, separate thing is that there are currently only br 80 and unlimited battles. It is like if they cancelled all but welterweight and super heavy weight in boxing.
  8. I also had a similar idea, maybe more extreme. Increase the max crew by one at a time. With every battle, there would be few men added. This way you could decide for youself - should i buy Bellona when i undercrew it by 50? Should i wait until i undercrew it by 20? Or buy it when i fully crew it? It would be fun. Also it would enable people to sail more ships as they progress. Now i just get level, buy the most powerful ship my crew allows to sail and grind more. There is not much decision making. Removing the ranks for crew is a bit tricky imo, milestones are important motivating factor.
  9. I agree with you that all ships are fun and dhave its own place. I was arguing from the point of progression. I have limited resources and can buy only one ship - Bellona or Agamemnon. As they are priced very similarly, i chose Bellona. But this way, i have less ships I can look forward to during the grind. I basically skipped one step.
  10. Currently i see a problem between Post Captain - 400 crew = max 5th Indefatigable Flag Captain - 650 crew = max 3rd Bellona I basically completely skipped 4th rates and i think it is a bit shame. I don't have reason to sail them. On the other hand, 120>155 crew is very small difference regarding ship progression imo.
  11. Btw you might want to check conditional formatting, it can save you a lot of manual work.
  12. How are you doing regarding the ship pictures? Can we help somehow?
  13. Don't sail anything you cannot afford to lose.
  14. I would like to see transport contracts instead. Let players deliver the cargo or ship.
  15. 1) the problem is that it is profitable. The players don't lose ships and they don't sink ships. They pay only for repair and they get more for the damage. So if you have pvp deaths or kills you are obviously not doin it. 2) another way how to check for this exploit would be to check with whom were the fights. If it is always 1v1 with the same person, without any kills, it is more probably the exploit.
  16. I guess it is a problem mainly among pirates. I cannot imagine how to arrange a battle with enemies at our horses, they hate us with passion. The border is short and I thing somebody would definitely join etc. What about granting xp for pirate only if it sinks? Also i guess it could be analyzed by moving patterns during combat, I guess offenders will be rather stationary and not trying to outmaneuvre the other for 30 minuter.
  17. I think there should be some way how to encourage people to play for smaller nations (sn) and make them able to compete big nations. -add "suggested" to underpopulated nations when creating new character -bonus money for small nations -bonus to resources production for sn -bonus xp for sn (not sure about this) -reduce cool down of teleport for sn
  18. Right now it is impossible to change nation without losing everything. I am Czech and I sail for Denmark. There are only few players speaking my language. When I meet other czech speaking guy it goes like "What nation do you play?" "GB/pirates/whatever" "Me Denmark" "Can we play together?" "No we cant..." "That is sad..." Maybe it is not a problem for nations that are in the but for those that aren't (Germany, Russia and 180 other) it is a problem. You buy game, start playing and then you realize your friends play different nation. I suggest make it a bit difficult to switch, but not impossible. To avoid exploits. -Player must be without clan for 24 hours. -Then he can start the change -24h period when he is marked as leaving the nation. Player doesn't have access to national chat. It can be cancelled in the period. -if not cancelled, after the 24h all ships and equipment are sold. All outposts destroyed. -player appears in his new capital. Money, xp/rank, blueprints are preserved. -------------- If you are Czech and reading this, start as Denmark :-) jestli jsi Čech, začni za Dánsko. Už nás to pár hraje a pomůžeme že začátku.
  19. I would like to see wind indicator on the same side as in open world. Also I would like to see the minimap close to sail/wind indicator. It too difficult to keep attention to everything now because gui is scattered all around screen in corners. Or make the positions editable.
  20. Are we staying on old server or moving to new one? Also I am working on the excel for resources for shipbuilding.
  21. I think ships are not cheap at all. It depends on how much time you can play. I can play 1-2 hours a day max and since the start (5 days) i managed to accumulate 30k gold. I don't like the idea that i would have to grind for more then a month to fight in a brig five times. The pvp goes this way: If i have to grind for the ship 5 hours (week) and then have 5 lives (weekend fun), i will probably don't worry to lose it and enjoy it all. If it is 50 hours (month or two of grind) I will be cautious or not play at all. Losing ship is not always based on your skill, like you have to go to battle for your clan or get ganked by superior numbers. So you will always lose ships. I know it is difficult to balance the game between hardcore players who play all day and people with jobs or other responsibilities. That is one reason how free to play works. People with time buy for ingame money, people with jobs pay with real money to get things faster. In the end free players are making the community and the developers and servers are paid with people who pay the real money. Usually the second group doesn't have time to write about things on forums so they are not so vocal. But without them the game dies.
  22. Please as group choose other nation, there are already too many British.
  23. So it is almost the same CPU and my graphics is 70% stronger and you have lower fps so the difference might be in graphic card. What settings do you use?
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