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Posts posted by tonyxyx

  1. 19 minutes ago, Bach said:

    No, I was a solo hunter from last year. It was easy. Especially with the battle exit screen teleports.  Didn't have to think ahead, plan an outpost logistically or set up any money making side projects.  Just sail off KPR, hunt the 20 degree line on the handy provided map grid and sink players doing mostly missions.  At some times it was even boring.  You didn't make much money off the player kills because most of them were not hauling cargo. They were grinding out missions.

    This year its got challenge. Especially with the battle screen teleport get out of jail free card removed.  Its not impossible but the days of sailing off a national capital taking prizes the old way and teleporting home when it gets tough are essentially gone.


    Sorry but i don't consider hunting going in players missions,I like to chase in the OW,that's where the fun and the battle begins to me.

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  2. 22 hours ago, Bach said:

    Solo and small group hunting has probably had the greatest changes in the game. But that is because last year was easy mode for them. So it is a big change. 

    WTF are you high?Last year Devs killed solo players with ai fleets and forts everywhere making solo playing almost impossible.Now it is defintely impossible.

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  3. I agree with KOC,in my opinion there should not be bots or forts at all in a PvP server.They basically turned the PvP server into PvE and we already have a PvE server for those who don't like to fight players.I would prefer  the old formula tho,a player can have a fleet till a certain rank,2 Snow,just to give new players a bit of cover till they make some experience in combat,that's it.The game simply offers too much proctection and that's no good,it also remove motivations from new and old players,why should anybody bother to get good at the game and finally achieve a well deserved victory in battle when most of the time the game does it for you?Or the game mechanics are just a repellent against any PvP activity?

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  4. I ll write this in english just cause it's the last time i write here due to the fact google translate sucks and i can't really understand everything.

    You guys seems to refuse the truth,we got screened by spanish players multiple times before even thinking of attacking your ports.I think you saw that was not only me and my mates doing hostilities but almost the entire faction.Have you wondered why or you just think every pirate wanted Venganza?

    Un saludo o7

    P.S. I ve heard a pirate came to your ts talking in my name or the rest of the guys.I don't know what you were talking about but you must consider it his personal opinion and in noway mine or others members opinion.He's not our diplomat.Please contact Enriellargo for further communication,thank you.

  5. Está claro que tenemos diferentes pensamientos.
    Ayudar a alguien a la batalla del puerto no significa que no podrá luchar en el mar
    No voy a matar al pvp en el mar, yo juego sobre todo para lo.

    Este es mi motivación, no una excusa.Te hago una pregunta, si no con la otra alianza,con los que podemos trabajar juntos? o si desea nosotros que luchar solos?

    Espero que entiendan con esta traducción. o7

  6. Lo siento que me siento odio hacia ti, no lo es.(i am sorry that you think we hate you,it's not true)Pero, ¿cómo se puede decir que la batalla del puerto no es algo diferente? Cada vez que hay una batalla puerto tenemos que luchar contra tres facciones.La realidad es la siguiente: estamos jugando un juego y todo los players tiene que proteger sus intereses.Lo que teníamos que rechazar la colaboración y sucumbir a su alianza?


  7. Lo que diga puede ser correcto, el problema es que ahora la mecánica del juego (alianzas) ponen en una gran desventaja facción pirata.Por desgracia, hay dos grandes alianzas ahora, español-sueco-francés y luego están el británico-estadounidense-holandés.lo que debemos hacer? rechazar cualquier propuesta y continuar luchando contra tres facciones solos?Yo personalmente lucho todos los días contra los americanos,los inglés y el que me encuentro en mi camino, pero la batalla puerto es una cosa diferente.Antes de la llegada de alianzas piratas y españoles colaboraron o al menos se mantuvo neutral y luego se han aliado con los enemigos que participan en el puerto de batalla o screening contra nosotros. No teníamos más remedio que adaptarse a la situación y seguir adelante, creo que cualquier persona inteligente puede entender todo esto.

    Un saludo.

  8. 9 hours ago, Jorge said:

    Buena batalla, pero teníais una superioridad de barcos enorme. Aún así muy buena. En cuanto al deshonor, vosotros lo bordais perros falderos de los británicos.

    deshonor porque se negaron a luchar y luego hacer una trampa.

    en relación con el Inglés, que tiene los suecos y los franceses como aliados y nosotros simplemente nos adaptamos a la situación.

    que no es ahora que ya no estás tres facciones contra los piratas no te diviertes más?

  9. I've prepared a full turning Trinco and she turns like 3.30 in the harbor.With upgrades,rum ration lightweight ropes and blocks etc etc she does even better.I've already defeated frigates class ships and i can definitely say that  she can t really outurn a frigate but in good hands she s not that easy to stern rake,hope this helps.

  10. emblema-decima-flottiglia-mas-300x300.jpg

    Hello Captains!

    We re a group of players always looking for trouble,we used to play for the BIA multigaming community and now decided to start our own hardcore pvp guild.If you 're looking for trouble too,  you may want to contact us.

    Fair winds,Tony.

    Some ingame contacts:Tony-elite92-CaramonMayer.

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