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Everything posted by Mored

  1. Hmm so every ship has the same basic armor class? from my feelings the constitution has a much higher armor class than a renommee for example, but ok than i am wrong. But i found maybe corrupt data in the blueprints for the Belle Poule Blueprint (Id 312) on grey quality, here is the data: "Qualities":[{"Requirements":[],"RequiresLevel":0,"MaxPermanentModules":1,"MaxUpgradeModules":2}... The RequiresLevel for grey quality is 0. shouldnt it be 28? same for the "Name":"Le Gros Ventre Blueprint","Id":486 ... "Qualities":[{"Requirements":[],"RequiresLevel":0,"MaxPermanentModules":1,"MaxUpgradeModules":2}, gues sin that case it should be 27
  2. WOOT cant wait to check the new api!!! After i checked the new values/data i am really happy, awesome work guys. BUT i couldnt find the "Armor_Type" of any Ship. Where is this information? I saw that Live Oak Wood Type and Teak Wood Type the Armor Type is reduced by -1 (which means an increase in armor and less penetrations).
  3. In a line battle a bigger broadsight weight gives you a big advantage atm. This will change if there are more tactical possibilities will be discovert by players. If speed or maneuverabilty will become more important like in open world battles, other ships are prefered
  4. Die armen Briten können einem fast leid tun. Naja aber auch nur fast, denn so wie ihre Arroganz keine Grenzen kennt, kennen wir auch keine Gnade. Den "kriegstreibenden" Piraten *hust* wurde von den Briten,US und Holländern der Krieg erklärt. Am selben Abend griffen uns die Spanier an, die aber auch im Krieg mit den Briten sind. Nachdem wir gestern Tiburon gegen den Massiven Angriff der Briten unterstützt durch Holländer abgewehrt haben, kamen bereits die ersten Holländer aufs Council TS um Verhandlungen aufzunehmen..... Mitbekommen habe ich es aber nur am Rande, da wir gerade eine weitere Stadt von der Unterdrückung durch die britischen Krone befreiten... Derzeit haben die Piraten kein offizielles Bündniss, dafür 3 Kriegsgegner (inclusive der Briten die uns seit Tag 1 bekämpfen). Keinen Kontakt zu Schweden oder Frankreich und einen NAP mit den Dänen. Ich bin gespannt wer als nächstes kommt.
  5. The problem is that in real mechanics a ship turned if it identified a enemey vessel (what was long before in reach of a cannon) Sometimes it tooks days until the hunting ship catches his victim. I dont like that idea, i like the cat vs mice where the mice is able to escape.
  6. there are so many reasons why this would not work. But the biggest one are the players itself. Players always find a way to play like they want. Example PvP, i really like pvp and it would be nice if you can find enemys with a mechanic that will not let them flee or outnumber you but thats not how it works. In reality it looks like let see what we can gank today. So for example we did a pvp campaign last sunday against the Spains with Renommee and Trincos only. We captured Ingermanland,Constitution,2 x BellePoule,Pavel,Frig,Constitution,2xTrinco and a Trader Snow. We sunk 2x3rd and a Constitution (fire destroyed them before we could board them). We lost a Trinco that was ganked and not one of the fights was "fair" i dont see a reason to punish these players more than necessary for beeing at the wrong place at the wrong time. Its always the same, some people think if they do a lot of ganking they have a high skill in pvp. If you want more action, do battles. If you want more reward attack ports...
  7. Its because you dont understand pirate mechanics. Pirates can attack each other, BUT - any other pirate can join the battle on side of the defender (and only on his side and they do it to sunk him than). So if you do it in front of a town, a bunch of players join and attack your ship. Its much easier to just find a npc and do it and you dont need a partner then (even if its much easier to do it with a fast partner). And of course any other nation can do this. Sorry but this is again just a try to misscredit pirates, but i would really like to see the pirates are allowed to attack pirates mechanic removed, one of the biggest disadvantages for our nation (you cant even sail with a trader without beeing attacked by your own nation without any convoy protecting you)...
  8. You compare two different thinks mate. If you become a pirate by attacking the same fraction you are playing for, you lose the possibility to dock at any harbour that is not pirate or free (also neutral). So you lose everything that is not located on your current ship or at a outpost on a free town. If you switch the server you will lose the same like any other player, dosnt matter if you are pirate or GB player. If you want to switch nation with a new char you will lose everything, even if you go to pirates, dosnt matter. For the political situation - Pirates are under attack from Spain,GB,US -(french,sweden and dutch are not in range). So the only nation in reach that dont attacks us, are the danes atm. So it will also be correct if i say that all against Pirates except the danes?
  9. database view, export/cache this in a xml and everyone is happy. Split it up in: data that changes frequently - market amounts, prices data that changes only once a day - port ownership data that changes only by patches - blueprint data, metadata of ports
  10. Als Pirat hat man den Vorteil sich aus den Frauen aller Nationen die schönsten auszusuchen. Schade das die Briten sich dazu entschlossen haben unserer Hauptflotte konsequent auszuweichen. Die letzten Angriffe waren leider komplett ohne Gegenwehr....
  11. Naja aber die Briten verlieren die ganze Zeit und outnumbern hat bis jetzt immer geholfen, daher rekrutieren sie jetzt alles was geht
  12. In the video it shows that the pump is destroyed (black) so i guess it has to do something with the formular that calculate the amount of water which is removed by the pump if the pump is damaged. The question is what happens if he didnt repair his pump, unsinkable? i hope they dont used that unsigned byte....
  13. and it depends on which cannons are used
  14. Wir wachsen stetig und bemühen uns auch weiterhin, allen deutschsprachigen Piraten einen sicheren Hafen zu bieten. Bei uns ist immer was los, egal ob PvE oder PvP. Als größter deutscher Piratenclan sind wir natürlich auch im Piratenrat. Am besten kontaktiert ihr uns im Piratenchat oder Ihr hinterlasst hier im Forum eine Nachricht
  15. Thx a lot for the information and of course for your extra work to make it possible
  16. not much to say, but if you want more realistic you should start with your own nation. No SOL was in private ownership, even a admiral gets his order from the goverment. He was not allowed to attack Towns at his own he was not allowed to sail where he wanted. In times of peace nearly all SOL where on hold and not ready to sail. this is not a game of repeat history not even near to it and this is good because its a game. If you want some difference between the nation give them "additional" special ships/modules
  17. I am not sure if the dicision was already made, but i guess there are a lot of emotions in here (which i can understand). Lets see facts: It is not an exploit to buy a flag -> everyone can do it It is not forbidden to create a second account it is not forbidden to trade between nations (free towns make it possible and it should also be ok). So even if he decide to buy the flag and not attack the town, this is not a exploit its just a decision (even if this prevents another one to buy it). Was it nice to do it that way? Of course not, but was it using a exploit or something forbidden? I guess not. It was abusing the correct working game mechanic. Everyone knows how it works and it is also no exploit (the developers created this and it works exactly like it should). This is a alpha version of the game with some strange mechanics and it needs to be changed if it can be abused like this.
  18. Today was a patch with new content, so may i asked if this will be updated also?
  19. Will the api also be updated with this patch (in the api thread it was mentioned).
  20. It seems that the diplomatic stuff will get the next main fokus, so in my eyes its wrong because ther is not enoug experience with that atm. The main problem is that players dont see the whole game with all the consequences that will occur if you change something in the mechanics. There are some solutions that are working in other games, but they have their own problems. At the end you have to decide what is the best for this game, I can imagin that a "companie system" will work for Naval Action and it has some historical background (east india trading company).
  21. its so funny how people think pirates should play, especialy if they play for another nation.....
  22. And the really funny think is: in 6 month after they may change nearly everything, people will complain about exactly the same thinks they do now. Every game, every time there will be guys that have a different opinion about how to play that game "correct". Best example is shown actual ingame. British was/ is the biggest Nation from playercount and they are so arrogant to think they can dominate all. They thought they are unbeatable, but we showed them that they are not. No one is that in a game where politic is made by players. You cant force them to play their role. If they want something they just do it. For example you can declare a "peace" between pirates and british but there will be pirates and brits that dont respect that and fight each other and thats fine. No diplomatic system can change that, there will be always ways to do it. So i also played eve a lot and the clan/alliance based diplomatic failed there also, because it will always ends with building up a "super" power that dominates all other entities.
  23. Really funny thread. I dont see a reason for this "aggressive behave" against players. They want to play the game like they want. In my eyes it should not be possible to do "agreements" with other nations. If you dont want to attack just dont do it, but dont try to force others to act the same.
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