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Anne Wildcat

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Everything posted by Anne Wildcat

  1. Use them up. Because of the new ship building they will not be of use and I think wiped.
  2. Some people just don't like PVP at all. I remember one person posting on here that because they were disabled, or something to that effect, they stuck to just the PVE server. Why alienate 100 of the 600-700 players (or less bc of alts) that we have now?
  3. I think they just need to rework small/large battles so you can see who you are facing and what ships they have while waiting for match to start. Maybe remove loss of ship & any gold gain.
  4. Some people want 1 dur ships, my opinion is that it will be too hardcore. We will see. If Devs eventually decide to go back to multiple durabilities, may I suggest on crafting being able to chose the number of durabilities and scale resources to match.
  5. As someone, I believe @Christendom posted in another thread, anyone that can see the battle should be able to join, may I add at the location they were at when the battle started. There should be some way to code in that anyone in field of view of the attacker or defender, let's just say the small circle now, can join. No timers needed. The defender knows who can join, the attacker knows who can join so there are no unexpected surprises mid battle. Although, isn't that what this last ROE was with the instant close?
  6. I'm sailing for rats no matter what. Not sure which server though. May start on both and see which one has more open sea enemies and less rats that should be nats.
  7. What sucks is anyone in battle is blind to the outside world. If I'm hunting in French territory, for example, and end up in a small battle, forever open timers let anyone join in and I have no clue they are coming, they can surround the battle, enter from all sides, and basically I'm screwed. If I knew others were coming, I'd run but I have no idea what is going on on the open seas when I'm in a battle. At least two minute timers reduces that fear as there is limited time someone can join.
  8. If there were no teleports or battle instances, yes, but with a sped up open world, battle instances where you cannot see who is nearby on the open world while in battle, & teleports that would allow people to jump from South America to Charlestown to join the fight, please no.
  9. I haven't played UG but do find history interesting. For those who like Civil War history here is a site you may like. Decoding the civil war. https://www.zooniverse.org/projects/zooniverse/decoding-the-civil-war
  10. Long timers favor carebears that sit in port waiting for someone to cry out. If you want to fight, sail on the open world. Just now I sailed with two friends up the US coastline. With long timers anyone we could attack can cry out so everyone jumps out of port and join the battle. The 3v1 3v2 3v3 ... we actually spent our time hunting for can turn into a 3v10. Want a fight? Get out of port!!!
  11. I'll still run if I'm losing as I don't have many ships. ?
  12. Thanks for the news! I think I'll try to start from scratch anyways and keep the redeemables.
  13. i really dont think it's splitting the playerbase as I assume PvP2 will merge with global.. So PvP global will be the carebear alliance fighting pirates and PVP EU, the eastern alliance fighting who? (maybe pirates too)
  14. Copper too! I'm just curious as to if the new ships will still need notes even though quality is dropped. And if selecting speed requires copper ingots, crew space rum, etc.
  15. I would like to see freeports kept but modified so that nations need to fight on fromts. Maybe freeports cannot hold SoLs but can still dock frigates and lower? This way the privateer/pirate playstyle isnt effected. Maybe even have freeports but no outposts there? But that would definately hinder the privateer/pirate type.
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