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Count Maurice Benyovszky

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Everything posted by Count Maurice Benyovszky

  1. Well I'll be damned... Turned off MSI Afterburner -> Instant fix, the game is working.
  2. Yeah, everything updated and I'm using MSI Afterburner. Maybe I'm missing some redistributables specifically for Unity 5.0? I had zero problems on previous engine.
  3. Hello Long time no see... I wanted to visit Naval Action after some time off but the game won't even start. Error log attached. What the error log says: "Write to location 80004484 caused an access violation." Wonder if it's on the Steam side or Unity engine? EDIT: Still crashing on startup. error.log
  4. Well, my solution has got one more plus. Solo trading. With the new update, when cargo is affecting ship speed traders needs escort. That means you need friends or a clan. There are also those who prefer to be a Lone Wolf. To be honest AI fleets are only useful for distraction. If you wish to fight with other player, they will often get in your line of fire, hit you or generally speaking they will lower your efficiency. I'm not the Lone Wolf player myself, so it's not much of an issue for me. At least the First fleet perk should be unlocked by default (removed). It makes no sense that you need a perk to capture one ship.
  5. In my opinion every single Fleet Perk should be tied to player rank. The higher the rank, the higher number of ships in your fleet you can command. Seems much more realistic. With the rank of Admiral, let's say you could command up to 6 ships (just an example number) 1 of your own and five in your fleet. Keep in mind that you'll still be limited by the amount of crew you can have. Now it's 1100 souls, if I remember correctly.
  6. Who said they are cheating? I didn't. Also they didn't use any exploit. They were just unfair, it's all there is. My idea not helpful? Why? It's the perfect solution that will stop twats from logging off in front of enemy ports.
  7. I can tell you a quick fix guys. Don't allow logging off in enemy regions. (those circles that indicates them)* That's it, problem solved. Also, what where you expecting from Danes Russian players? Fair play is the last thing that comes to my mind. * - unless you're a smuggler
  8. Woah, what a magnificent map! Where can I download this in very high resolution?
  9. So I've been thinking - NA is still in Early Access state and I wonder about two things. 1. What kind of wipes and how many of them can we expect during the rest of EA? 2. What kind of final wipe can we expect when the game is fully launched?
  10. Mahagony is: -1% speed +7.5% structure +5cm armour I also wonder about Bermuda Cedars stats. Please give us more info captain
  11. I didn't have time to play NA or even check the forums. I hope you can understand.
  12. Alrighty then, problem solved! Thanks for help everyone.
  13. Wait, forgive me if I sound noobish, but according to the attached photo, the port battle for the Gulf of Maracaibo will take part on 22-10-2016, if my mates win, these ports will be ours the other day, right? If yes is the answer, then I don't have to move ships nor goods.
  14. So I guess it's pretty much over for me, at least until Gulf of Maracaibo will be conquered by the Dutch... According to my calculations, to transfer all my goods to the capital as a smuggler, I would have to do 50 courses. (not going to happen) I cannot remove the mods, simply because those are far more expensive than my ships. Also I can see that my Trincomalee has been downgraded from Exceptional to Mastercraft, what does this mean? I haven't been in other hostile ports where I have my ships, does this mean that it could also happen to my Except. Victory, Bucentaure or Renommee? EDIT: Okay, so I've found the answer to one of my issues " ship colors have changed for some vessels, due to recalculation of the color of the tooltip. Stats and parameters are the same. Color indicated that there could be better ships now."
  15. Yeah, sure. It's impossible to leave the port on a non-trader ship. Any other ideas? By the way, if wipes like this one are being introduced, shouldn't all my ships and goods be moved to the capital of my nation?
  16. So apparently there was a map reset and I missed this information somehow, because I didn't have time to check forums or play the game lately. Now all my ships are in enemy ports: 1)Sinamaica -Exceptional Victory, -Exceptional Bucentaure, -Exceptional Renommee, 2)San Timoteo -Fine Le Gros Ventre 3)Casigua -Common Le Gros Ventre -Exceptional Trincomalee (what the hell happened to my Trincomalee, it was exceptional before the patch !) +All my stuff, worth A LOT of money is in Casigua. Is there a way out of this? Or do I have to take a break from the game until (if ever) mates from Verenigde Provincien will recapture those ports?
  17. I'm here for the jokes, please don't be mad. Someone had to do this You know nothing Jon Snow.
  18. Around £550 you can get: CPU: i5-4460 or AMD FX-8320 (your choice) GPU: R9 380 or GTX 960 (your choice) MOBO: MSI or Gigabyte - this choice is up to you, size of the motherboard, colors, design (just don't spend more than £60) PSU: BeQuiet! Pure Power L8 600W is good enough RAM: Corsair Vengeance Low Profile 2x4GB 1600Mhz CL9 (doesn't matter, difference between RAM is marginal) HDD: Seagate or Western Digital 1TB CASE: Again your choice, size, color and overall design (I wouldn't spend more than £45 on the case) DVD Drive: Whatever you like, it costs less than £10 For example: Intel i5-4460 £155 Gigabyte GTX 960 4GB £175 Gigabyte GA-B85M D3H-A £ 50 BeQuiet! Pure Power L8 600W £ 60 Corsair Vengeance LP 2X4GB 1600Mhz CL9 £ 44 Western Digital 1TB Blue £ 42 Zalman Z3 Plus £ 33 + any DVD Drive £10 = £ 569 * AMD FX-8320 + R9 380 might be a cheaper option *-Calculated value from PLN (Polish złoty) to GBP
  19. Hello, this morning I came up with the brilliant idea... READ THE WHOLE THING TO GET THE IDEA At the current state of the game when we're sailing in Open World we can see ranks of every captain. What I suggest is to limit the "Rank visibility" so that we only can see ranks of captains in our nation. Why? In Open World: 1.Because it would make a lot of sense. In navy you can more or less determine the rank of friendly captains. But how can you determine ranks of hostile captains? Short answer is, you can't. You're not a spy + enemy navy is not giving away ranks of their captains just like that. 2.It's more realistic comparing to what we have now. 3.This brings the element of a doubt and element of surprise. For example: You see an enemy Constitution on the horizon and you think two things: a)there is no way he is sailing this thing fully crewed, you take your mates and attack the fellow. What can happen? -boom, you're right and you sink that bastard -holly cow, he is fully crewed and he sends you and your buddies to the devil b)damn, if he's sailing this thing on our waters he must be confident enough and he must be fully crewed. What can happen? -you run as fast as you can -some of your friends tags him, you get into battle and it turns out he's sailing that ship with 50% crew. You outmanouver him and fire 10 broadsides to his 1 which means he's dead On the other hand imagine YOU are sailing the Constitution and you see an enemy or a bunch of enemies on the horizon. What can happen? a)you are fully crewed but they don't know it. What can happen? -they run like flies due to your Fear Factor -they think you're undercrewed and they attack. And then the fun begins... b)you are undercrewed but you think your Fear Factor will do the job. What can happen? -they run like flies due to your Fear Factor -they think you're undercrewed and they attack. Turns out they were right and you're literally torn to pieces In Battle Mode: 1.This whole thing leads us to one great feature we ALL want you to implement - THE SPYGLASS - 2.Imagine how many good things this would bring. The only way you could determine enemy rank, number of crewmembers, number of working cannons could be only possible through spyglass. We could exclude the armor and rigging status, pump status, rudder status or magazine status so that is stays visible all the time (it would be hard to determine those things with the spyglass). 3.By opening the map in Battle Mode and clicking the enemy ship silhouette you could only see: a)Armor b)Percentage of sails (85% Sails etc.) c)Type of ship (Cerberus etc.) d)Shocks e)Pump, Rudder, Magazine status THE SPYGLASS should have limited realistic range (obviously) and it should be some kind of mechanism, for example: (the loading circle would appear with the message "Gathering information" - similar to the one when you Capture a ship, but you could move the camera and your ship to track the enemy with your spyglass) a)If you want to determine the Rank of the Enemy Captain you should SCAN that ship with the spyglass for let's say 60 seconds b)If you want to determine the more or less accurate amount of crew on enemy ship you should SCAN that ship with the spyglass for let's say 90 seconds c)If you want to determine the type of cannons on the enemy ship you should SCAN that ship for let's say 45 seconds d)If you want to determine the amount of working cannons you should scan that ship for let's say 120 seconds (time of each scan is just an example, it would have to take further tweaking once you would like to implement the Spyglass mechanism) So whay do guys think? I know it would make the game even harder, but "spotting mechanism" is at the moment ridiculous. Too many information about the enemy is within arm's reach. The current state limits the PvP capabilities by a large margin. EDIT: Almost forgot - by using the spyglass in battles you could also implement a thing called "Captain's Log" or "Captain' Journal" in which every player would have the database about players he had encountered. The database would be updated after the battle ends with the information you gathered by scanning each captains ship. The database would (of course) be one time registration. Which means that to get the latest info about the captains you've encountered you would have to encounter them again. The information you store in your Captain's Log would be: Captain's name, ship, rank (or whatever information you think will be suitable)
  20. you probably won't have a pleasent experience or any fun with that fps
  21. I think that UI should be more "packed up" so that it takes the smallest size possible on screen. Sorry for my retarded Paint skills haha photo storage
  22. CPU: i5-4690k 4,4 GHz OC GPU: Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming 1,55 GHz Core 8,2 GHz Memory OC MOB: Gigabyte z97x Gaming 5 RAM: 8 GB 2400 MHz SSD: Samsung EVO 850 Locked at 60 fps Everything maxed out You won't get better performance per dollar than this build http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/10889274
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