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Everything posted by exSkurj

  1. I was in 2 groups tonight with guildmates. The only time all 3 of us could see each other was in the battle instances. We would spawn from port and perhaps 2 of us could see 1 other member, the 3rd member could see no one. (this was the case for 3 missions we did, in 2 different groups, between 5 different players) This happened over the space of a few hours and I even logged out for dinner between groups. I also so more reports of this in help channel.
  2. I am not a fan of the spinney strange viewpoint changes while in combat and switching between guns... I'd like to suggest an alternative... change to 2 view points, deck level and top of mast - use 2 methods for switching between these points - keyed (perhaps pgup and pgdn) and using the scroll wheel, where the scroll wheel user can move up and down the mast to any height they wish not exceeding the predefined limits. allow 360 degree views from those 2 points (as it is now) add another option for switching to the gun views, keys.. for example Numpad 8 for front, 2 rear, 4 left, 6 right
  3. Its not so much the pan view its the fact that you have no control over the speed or the direction I believe. I believe its related to people who suffer it in cars or what have you, but only when they aren't driving... there is no connection between your actions and what is passing before your eyes or something like that. When leaving cannon view u warp to mid mast and then warp from mid mast to the other side.. this sort of motion is just odd.. and you really have no control of that change of view. Even when on deck. I am told once I get to frigate it will be a null issue, some others mentioned similar effects. (John Wilkes in game)
  4. Last night I finally got into some larger fights, and with all the spinning I actually felt sick after 20 mins in a fight with a few ai brigs. My fps is good around 60 in battle, but I don't think that is it. What I think maybe causing it is the shift in perspective when you change from aiming guns to half way up the mast and back again to aiming guns. If that transition was instant, and perhaps when leaving aiming mode the view direction and position didn't change it might alleviate the affects.. In this particular fight I was in a snow, and with guns at all sides it exaggerated the effects as well I believe. Don't see many posts about this so perhaps very few of us are affected.. This is new to me I am not usually affected by motion sickness.
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