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Everything posted by Marques

  1. Uff....many many demands for improve this game.... WHY ?? something is really wrong here... But do you realize ? All that people want is the same thing. It's realism. Please read more history and navigation books, copy from history....see the good things that already have other pirate games and combat games.... Just copy stuff and give us a User Interfaz as soon as posible. Thanks.
  2. My 5 questions listed. This questions are really important to me in order to get an idea of what quality the game we will have. 1. Do you plan to add more crew to the ships, as in battle, as in the open world? If yes or not why ? 2. Have do you already solved the issue of flags, both national flags, and flags for the clans? 3. When are we going to see some new images of the user interface, some different design, images of the ships into the menus etc? some UI,new graphics to help us... 4. When are you going to introduce Spanish ships? NA Is supposed to be a game in the Caribbean, at the time where Spanish fleets there still sailing there, but nobody knows why there aren't Spanish or Portuguese ships? 5. Finally ... can you please give us any clue about all the demands of many other players, without answer, and when the game will be release. Date, approximatelly, month and year. 2018 ¿? Suggestion: make Port Battles able for diversity of many different mixed ships... Please no more 25 Victory againts 25 Victory it's so ridicoulus and boring. Beginner players will be thank you if you change to mixed battles. Then go to limit number of big ships in battles. Thanks for your hard work !! I hope the best game will be with us soon to enjoy many years.
  3. The conquest everyday is the problem...flag system, or another system will not work. Think about less in port battle and more in people, history, a kind or role for the players. Only thinking in map an conquest will ruined the game. The game need another thing and you will allways thinking about the same. Let the map free , forget for a while the port conquest please. Is my opinion. Thank you.
  4. . I've added here some changes in NA Europe Map. See the mediafire link. Some small changes in NAVAL ACTION Europe MAP.Distances.Guarnizo port eliminate. Castro Urdiales add in his place.The Polish navy flag add to chart flags. http://www.mediafire.com/view/blr0cyct62kc4c2/Euro.NA._Map.Marques..jpg Thank you
  5. Some small changes in NAVAL ACTION Europe MAP. Distances. Guarnizo port eliminate. Castro Urdiales add in his place. The Polish navy flag add to chart flags. Every square is 125 Km....you can calculate the real size, aproximatelly 8 squares is 1000 Km. Very accurate scale. http://www.mediafire.com/view/blr0cyct62kc4c2/Euro.NA._Map.Marques..jpg
  6. This Great Spanish Model Ship is on sale.... I hear your offerts. Thank you.
  7. The main problem star in IA Fleets...kind of robots that doesn't exit in real world...only create problems. My point of view, and solutions. They need to fix: 1. All the IA fleets should be under control of players. Except sometimes. 2. All the IA fleets can be attack for the players. Eliminate BR for this attacks. 3. All the IA fleets can attack you or every player. And you can jump to command every ship, among your IA ships. 4. Increasing at least 50% more the IA fleets all over the map. In number, type, and locations... Every city need a fix number of IA Fleets to defend it. This number become the rate of hostility in ports. This become 0% (attack free) when the defender IA fleets would be eliminate. In this way, we will have allways battles on the OW, and Battles in ports, Most important we will have allways ships to commander, big and smallers. Big battles with less players will be normal, so PVP will reborn again.
  8. It seems to me one possible solution would be to use the Non Players Fleets IA as a coast patrols, or sea police. In this way these fleets would be forced to defend every player on disadvantage. For example, 3 against 1, or when the battle ratting was very different. To implement this change, should have more NP IA fleet protecting players and traders. It might even be right to request the help of these NP IA fleet and take your own command of these ships. I think this could be possible only for coast areas, so everybody will be protected in some areas near your cities coast.
  9. Beeing honest with aim of improve: Boarding without see sailors or marines ...it makes no sense Ships without crew on board... it makes no sense... Seas without ships.... it makes no sense... Ports without fishboats, and maritime traffic... it makes no sense... Losing 5 ports without fighting on it... it makes no sense... Cities without people... it makes no sense... Forts without lights, flags, soldiers and canions... it makes no sense... Hot a big county area without haven´t seen ships around... it makes no sense... Close a battle in two seconds, without chance to enter..... it makes no sense... Sailing for hours without doing nothing.... it makes no sense... Turn off the computer, restar again, and put 25 ships inside the Cartagena Port, for a battle...it makes not sense... PortBattles, allways in the same type "25 Victory againsts 25 Victory or Santisimas"... it makes no sense... Big fleets without nobody to attack them.... it makes no sense... Caribbean map changing cities owners everyday....it makes no sense... Big fleets without not chance to take control of them..... it makes no sense... Big fleets without any chance they help you.... it makes no sense... Big fleets crossing in front others big enemys fleets without enter in combat... it makes no sense... Days and days sailing without seeing a simple one trade to attack them .....it makes no sense Many silly objets to trade with it, but not profit on it, or purpose.... it makes no sense... Many forts around the cities without shooting balls,.... it makes no sense.... Seas without see marine animals , like whales, dauphins, etc.... it makes no sense.... Caribbean seas with a only one Spanish ship (Santisima) ....it makes non sense... Don´t think about Hispanic Caribbean history and Portugal meaning and presence....it makes non sense. Anayway, the overall game is very good and will be a big succes....but please don´t try to complicate much more. Thanks to Devs for your hard work.
  10. Pablo y Eferdex, muchas gracias, efectivamente Guarnizo esta pegado a Santander, y en la lista original si estaba Castro Urdiales. Este es un cambio a realizar, junto con las banderas que estaban todas en modo provisional. En cualquier caso, debido a la mala educacion y poca inteligencia que he visto por parte de otros, no voy a seguir con el mapa. Ya he hablado con el Ucraniano que lleva esto, y como es un proyecto a largo plazo no pienso decir nada más aqui, ni en el foro Inglés, ni hacer de momento los cambios pedidos. El que quiera hacer mapas o saber algo del futuro del juego que pregunte en otro sitio, no a mí. Gracias por vuestra aportación.
  11. Galbatorix, tus comentarios no aportan, más bien sobrán. Denotan un orgullo que otro historiador te podría rebatir y dejarte en rídiculo. Nosé a que te dedicas pero si eres un historiador, jamás contaría con tu arrogancia para hacer nada. Tu debes ser el único que no se ha dado cuenta que este mapa es una propuesta para que la gente normal se imagine un juego,batallas, puertos y rutas. No para discutir fronteras, ya que naval action es un juego de mar y personalmente importa muy poco la frontera en tierra, o si un estado estaba ya anexionado, o no. El mapa por otra parte esta sacado de otros mapas historicos entre 1740 y 1770, (abajo los tienes) y para jugar a naval action durante 100 años nadie puede hacer un único mapa perfecto. ¿ supongo eres medianamente inteligente para entender esto? Deberias aportar tus ideas con algo mas de educacion, como hace el resto de la gente, porque lo que demuestras en tus comentarios es pura soberbia. Si quieres un mapa Napoleonico o otro a tu gusto, hazlo y ponlo aquí, a ver si eres capaz de aportar algo positivo. Ya que tu debes ser un historiador de la hostia seguro que lo haces perfecto. Venga, te reto; sorprende al personal haciendo tu mapa, sinceramente dudo mucho que seas capaz de hacerlo. Si yo fuera el moderador eliminaría tus comentarios, simplemente por tu falta de educacion. Aqui tienes algunos de los mapas del siglo 18. De 1740 a 1760....De ellos se ha hecho este, con ayuda de gente que ha colaborado pasando listas de puertos y muchas otras ideas. Ya puedes empezar , a ver si lo mejoras. http://www.many-road...istorical-maps/ https://www.google.e...5CbGjmMQXSkdkM: https://www.google.e...Rw7OwOR5_jqSjM: https://en.wikipedia...748-1766_en.png
  12. Hello, there aren´t any anachronisms. The Map is Europe in 1740. I just wrote "Europa map 1740" in Google pictures.... and ! voila ! you can see four or five maps similar to this one. Here you can see the links: http://www.many-roads.com/maps/european-historical-maps/ https://www.google.es/search?q=europa+map+1740&safe=active&rlz=1C1GIWA_enES631ES631&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSjeKYso_PAhXDCBoKHZfgCDMQsAQIIA&biw=983&bih=425#imgrc=5CbGjmMQXSkdkM%3A https://www.google.es/search?q=europa+map+1740&safe=active&rlz=1C1GIWA_enES631ES631&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSjeKYso_PAhXDCBoKHZfgCDMQsAQIIA&biw=983&bih=425#imgrc=Rw7OwOR5_jqSjM%3A https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Austrian_Succession#/media/File:Europe_1748-1766_en.png So please, be positive and make your Napoleonic Map for Europe NA, or whatever you want. Here we post proposal, and your comment is nothing positive. Please download your best map here. Show us here how would be your 1815 map, but you should know this game are made with ships from 1690 to 1820 more or less. Anyway the map could change across the weeks; there is a timer just in the middle up (1740). Years and Borders can change in historical way, or as a result of players conquest week after week. The Flags are proposals. If you find the Holy Roman German Empire Navy Flag, please share it here to improve this or another Europe Map. Thanks. Postada..Criticar es muy facil....haz algo mejor, si sabes hacer mapas claro.
  13. Intrepido....por favor explicate mejor que no se entiende lo que dices. Gracias.
  14. Para el que no lo conozca, hay un link con una propuesta de futuro. Quizas para 2018 ?.... quien sabe. El mapa es muy grande 250 cm x 250 cm Asique aqui pongo solo una version reducida, pero el que quiera puede descargarse el original en el hilo general de habla inglesa. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/12422-see-a-europe-map-for-naval-actionit-would-be-nice-isn%C2%B4t-it/page-6#entry304244
  15. Felicidades a todos !! yo también estuve el viernes de madrugada en una de esas batallas. Tres de nuestros heroes eran , si se les puede decir asi "hispano-americanos" o simplemente son Norte Americanos residentes en California. Desde España enhorabuena ! y un fuerte abrazo para ellos. Espero tengan muchos amigos y enrolen a muchos más para beneficio de todas la facciones españolas. Mención para Medalla y Muchas Gracias. !
  16. This is a small, reducction view. You have down the mediafire link for 250cm x 250 cm Hugh Map
  17. Marques


  18. Ok. Sorry about mistakes. Off course I think every faction should be at least 3 differents flags. Is nice this polish flag. Spanish flag here is wrong, as well. We don´t have tricolor flag untill 1785. Spanish navy flag was white with monarchie shield. Anyway I think this map could be a good beginning. Thanks for your help. I hope we will have NA Europe in 2018. Will see.
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