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Bloody Hound

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Everything posted by Bloody Hound

  1. It would make the extra crew mods more desired, Hammocks etc for hunting ships to get that extra 100 or odd crew for crewing the captured ship back into port. Then Moral etc can come in and have the other crew rebel against you so you end up fighting them
  2. People would end up carrying more Rum to voodoo the dead/numbers back up before leaving the battle instead. Granted that would mean more Rum at sea so i don't mind that
  3. I could always do another section to the more specific requirement Bountys. Not today though. Don't think it'll be as fancy as the spots though, More like a standard list like in my 2nd post.
  4. If i'm understanding you correctly then yeah it would take up alot of time plus the added rules means alot checking this thread constantly making sure you doing the right thing for the right person, I don't want to be tabbing in and out the game at the start of combat to see XYZ must be killed in a Connie while on fire and has no stern while screaming "Kind Regards in chat" and i bet other people don't. When names were in open world it was not so bad, now they're in battle alot of people forget in the heat of the moment that this guy has a target on him let alone the extra rules. but yes, i want something i can jump on sort out in 5-10 mins a day and leave it at that. My issue now is debating if i should get paid upfront before any more bountys are added so i can pay out as soon as kills are done.
  5. Nice one @Aster I've told the guy hopefully he'll pay you or pass it onto me so i can. I saw that in Chat also I'll welcome the attempt aslong as it's not night flips @pit I'll pay you for killing those DMENT guys as i get a feeling they no longer play as much.
  6. Done, you can delete your quote image. @Gregory Rainsborough That is literally the reason i did the card xD
  7. Ah my post got deleted i expected it would've happened.🙈 I'll assume it's due to the photo, if not feel free to remove this one also.
  8. I prefer names to be shown, but i'm pirate and i like my name being called out in Combat news and open world!
  9. Aye i suggest the clan gets a % of resources brought by other players in said port. That way no one losses out.
  10. I agree i'm unsure about the upgrades thing too, i can see the benefits and negatives. Benefits being lone hunters etc could profit more. Negatives being people wont want to stray far from the capital again so they'll just build a Shipyard in a nearby port for the benefit of increased chance of a exceptional ships but the reduced risk of being caught out in the ocean with upgrades. Examples being - Little River on the US coast will become the main shipyard i think. Belize will become more important than KPR due to the ports you can capture around it. They would build the ships in said ports and move them to the capital to add the upgrades. As upgrades are generally worth more than ships. I think the chance to build an exceptional vessel outside the capital is a must first.
  11. Issue with that is that is a old screenshot, and you're no longer French but infact British nation now
  12. Issue is i don't like these added requirements as it leads to confusion and more rules on something that should be as simple as just killing someone Only way i can enforce this and change it so it does work is make it so no bountys unless im paid the reward in advance so i can pay it out.
  13. Yeah @Palatinose will pay ye, sometimes people pay me and i pass it on but most the time people manage payment themselves.
  14. It's still got some UI on it as i had to keep the UI Map up to keep an eye on a Ship that was near me as i was flying around
  15. I mean the port battle at great river he brought his Alt in... Is that not against the rules also? Which i think denies a spot for a actual player as the British had more than enough people outside for the battle. This might be worth another tribunal. As i think this screwed the ARMED guys setup for that Port battle.
  16. @Wyy Sank your target, can you pay @Banished Privateer the 20 pvp Marks @Gregory Rainsborough As far as i know only person with WTF targets was @Liq and that was awhile so it's up to him.
  17. Not really a great battle, but fun none the less. Reason we turned up in bigger numbers... (Which they complained about)
  18. Personally i don't mind missions for the new players, get them into the game and into battles quickly. I'm guessing the new tutorial does that though now. Otherwise OW fleets are alot better and encourage people to different areas rather than outside the capital. The only time i would like see see missions if they're limited and this is an example... Once a day and from that you get good rewards and loot. Granted this is technically a daily quest then but the idea of admiralty coming to you every now and then and telling you to go her and sink this etc etc would be better than the mindless missions we have at the moment. The Reward, Loot etc would make it worth it. High Ranks need to suck it up and go sailing further than the capital.
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