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Everything posted by Sinbad

  1. Sinbad

    US Server Down

    Appears were all going to lose duras and officer lives which will be a pain.
  2. Sinbad

    US Server Down

    Same,please get this sorted guys,the server is very unstable atm.
  3. The pings even worst with the nxt maintenance,its over 400 now,cant play with that ping,if it continues naval action runs the risk of losing its oceanic player base.
  4. Then why are the PvP servers experiencing such high pings,mine on the US PvP2 is normally 240ish now its PvP2 EU at 350ish,i cant play like this,
  5. The L'Ocean could also carry 18pdr's on the weather deck,instead of 12's [it is interesting to note that though these ships were costly, their design changed to become even larger in terms of overall tonnage with the introduction of the Impérial in 1803. Mounting 18 pound cannon on her third gun deck (unheard of in French three-decked ships of the period), she would set the example for all of the French 118 gun ships to follow] http://sailsofglory.org/showthread.php?1548-Oc%E9an-class-ship-of-the-line
  6. You can smash all those other ships to kindling with the frigate,but thats just my playstyle.
  7. Sorry for my ignorance as i havnt read the posts made but please add sliders,just some simple sliders atop crew stations to manage them more effectively,anyone else who has suggested this,kudos to you as well.
  8. Be careful what you wish for barthas and also how such dynamics change the rules of the game dose not always mean that what you wish for is what you get.
  9. And that is exactly why i play games,for fun,to put forward the proposal that we all should conform to a few peoples ideals of drawing our names from a historical pool or such is in my mind silly,such is the nature of the beast in these forums at the moment with a small number of single minded people seeing fit to dictate what direction this game should be going in and take little consideration of the vast number of other people who may just be happy playing the game with its current set of rules while looking forward to future patches which will undoubtedly improve the game,that said,there are a few names that tend to make me wounder,why?
  10. Hey juan,really do hope spain becomes strong again and great to see you drumming up support for that faction,us pirates really would like to see a few more Spanish galleons to plunder in future
  11. Yes and so not only the idea of provisions is a good idea,but also that it would encourage guilds to invest cold hard cash into 1st rate ships,this would also be an economical and military game change in strategies.
  12. I have yet to play but cant wait to as you know,congratz on launch guys.
  13. Should have my computer upgraded by march pete,will sure to be looking at this gang of cutthroats as my port of call
  14. Definitely a more fun and realistic addition to the game which would add yet more detail and choice for the player,albeit i think even this would have been at least a constant on any captains mind,having too feed and provision a crew and maintain moral would have been foremost in a captains mind.going into battle with a strong crew should be a fair accomplishment for any captain and what he should be striving constantly for?
  15. Not sure i'm too keen to see myself restricted to slots for each ship type or mandatory missions i have to undertake,random missions that a player can choose from sounds a better option for me captiva.
  16. I don't use steam and wont due to some of their licensing and privacy terms so im hoping there will be an alternative download site,or at least the possibility of buying a hardcopy of the game?
  17. Well constructed poll brigand,good choices reflecting a number of tastes,and worded very well.
  18. Sinbad

    Poor sports

    And these are the captains we shall enjoy hunting down the most.
  19. I defer all previous suggestions too the bin in reverence to "The Pig Cloud" as a more appropriate name for any tavern worthy of its name
  20. Im sure i be as fine an upstanding citizen as yourself good sir ,and that doing "honest" business throughout the Caribbean is all one intends to do,as im sure our friend pagan pete also intends too follow the life of a fair and virtuous trader ,to mention the words privateer and pyrate in the same sentence causes an upstanding businessman such as myself to blush.
  21. Sinbad


    You under estimate the power of the dev grasshopper.
  22. Look forward too sharing me tales on this here notice board pete,until then keep with ye stories,most fine entertainment regarding the sinking of his majesties ships and plunder!!!
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