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Isink A Lot

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Posts posted by Isink A Lot

  1. alliance lasts longer than 1 week

    that means you sign one alliance in week one

    and another one in week two

    so by end of week 2 you will have two alliances

    You answered while I was editing the following, can you answer these questions?


    And just what are the other 4 nation states to your nation if they are neither the chosen ally or enemy? What can you do against them, take ports? Open world pvp only? enter their ports? France and Denmark allies week one, what are the Dutch, Brits, Spain, and US in relation to France?


    Week one:

                     France vote ally Denmark enemy England

                     Denmark vote ally France enemy England

                     England vote ally US enemy Spain

                     US vote ally England enemy France

                     Spain vote ally Denmark enemy England

                     Dutch vote ally Sweden enemy Denmark

                     Sweden vote ally Dutch enemy Spain

    Week one results

                     Alliances are France/Denmark; England/US; Dutch/Sweden with Spain with no allies because their top choice was not top choice of other nation?

                    Enemies France, Denmark, & Spain enemy to England; US & France are enemies; England & Sweden enemy to Spain; Dutch are enemy to Denmark.


    Does this make France/Denmark+Spain enemies to Sweden/Dutch and England/US? What is England & US's relation to Sweden & Dutch? What is France/Denmark relation to Spain? Can they take ports, can they enter their ports, can they enter thier PB's, open world pvp only, what can they do or not do to each other? Does the enemy of your ally also become your enemy in effect giving you the potential of having two enemies voted each round?

  2. You can sign 1 alliance per week

    but you can have 2 (or maybe 3) nations in an alliance

    You edited your answer, lol. I still have this questions.


    How? You stated each nation had to be top choice to become an ally. There is only one top choice per week right? Week one France and Denmark pick each other as top choice. Week two Denmark and Sweden picks each other as top choice, does this break the alliance with France for Denmark since both nations must be top choice? Or are you saying the first week vote last two weeks so the second week they do not need to be top choice? Does that also mean that on the third week Denmark and France have to vote top choice to be allies again, meaning every other week you must vote to retain alliance with the nation you picked in week one?


    And just what are the other 4 nation states to your nation if they are neither the chosen ally or enemy? What can you do against them, take ports? Open world pvp only? enter their ports? France and Denmark allies week one, what are the Dutch, Brits, Spain, and US in relation to France?


    Week one:

                     France vote ally Denmark enemy England

                     Denmark vote ally France enemy England

                     England vote ally US enemy Spain

                     US vote ally England enemy France

                     Spain vote ally Denmark enemy England

                     Dutch vote ally Sweden enemy Denmark

                     Sweden vote ally Dutch enemy Spain

    Week one results

                     Alliances are France/Denmark; England/US; Dutch/Sweden with Spain with no allies because their top choice was not top choice of other nation?

                    Enemies France, Denmark, & Spain enemy to England; US & France are enemies; England & Sweden enemy to Spain; Dutch are enemy to Denmark.


    Does this make France/Denmark+Spain enemies to Sweden/Dutch and England/US? What is England & US's relation to Sweden & Dutch? Can they take ports, can they enter their ports, open world pvp only, what can they do or not do to each other?


    what if scenario...
    week 1
      France (declared enemy england) allies denmark (declared enemy england)
    week 2
      denmark (declared enemy england) allies with Verenig. (declared enemy USA)
      If France launchs a series of invasions against Verenig. (as it seems you do not need to have them as declared enemy to do so)
      can danes join BOTH sides in a PB? no side? How is green on green fire defined in this stance?
       "Alliances also will play important part in hostility generation"  does this means a bonus to hostility against "chosen enemies"?




    Dutch wil be part of France/Denmark alliance so france won't be able to attack them




    both nations must be a top choice for each other - but because the voting lasts for a week and you get multiple votes you will be able to put votes to make the second choice a first choice


    basically - only 1 alliance per week.


    How do these quotes work together? They seem to contradict one another. How can the Dutch be apart of a French/Denmark alliance if you can have 1 and only 1 ally per week? Per your first post Denmark cannot ally with Verenig until they break their alliance with France first.


    I'll ask again, can you please show us an 8 week voting process for all nations and what the "state" (there are only 2 types, allied or war) between each nation would be after each weeks vote? All your answers to questions in this thread look to me like they contradict each other. Or am I missing something?

    • Like 3
  4. Quote #1

    Hello Captains


    Would like to share our final view on the design of alliances that will be deployed next patch. 


    Allied Nations will be enforced by a ruleset. 

    Allied nations:

    • Can enter each other ports
    • Are pulled into battles as friendlies
    • Can enter port battles
    • Cannot be attacked

    Enemy nations: Needed to block situations where your ally also has an alliance with your enemy. 

    You cannot ally with nations who have alliances with your enemy and vice versa. They must dissolve that alliance first and only after that you will be able to ally with them. Alternatively you must change the views on the enemy and then will be able to join the alliance 


    Alliance creation is a political process that requires national effort in voting screen and in real life. 

    Alliances are created by national voting and are enforced by systems. 


    How voting will work. 

    Voting is done in weekly rounds.


    Every voting round your nation does 2 things

    • votes for the enemy nation (same enemy can be picked)
    • votes for the potential ally

    Alliances are signed for top choices for matching nations for a certain time (several weeks). 


    Example on how it will work.


    Week one

    1. France picked Sweden as a top ally choice (picking denmark as enemy)
    2. Sweden picked France as a top ally choice (picking great britain as enemy)

    Then during next maintenance alliance is signed for 2 weeks between France and Sweden. Once alliance is signed all votes are reset and credited back to the player for the next round of voting. 


    Week two

    France is already allied with Sweden

    1. France wants to ally with Great Britain
    2. Because one of their ally members has listed Great britain as enemy this alliance cannot be signed and is not available for voting
    3. To be able to ally with Great britain france must persuade Sweden to drop Great britain as enemy and replace it with someone else (for example Denmark)

    As a result in 3 weeks (3 rounds of voting) 2 or 3 large blocks will be created. Over time the situations might change. Because of the forced enemy decision there will always be 2 large blocks at the minimum. 



    Vote limits are granted based on level. Voting is allowed above a certain rank. To be able to vote for allies player must first vote on the enemy. 


    Other considerations.

    Alliances also will play important part in hostility generation

    Sinking enemies will grant extra points in pvp and pve. Attacks on allied NPCs will be forbidden and will force players to move closer to hostile waters. 


    Quote #2

    Pirates cannot sign alliances


    Quote #3


    both nations must be a top choice for each other - but because the voting lasts for a week and you get multiple votes you will be able to put votes to make the second choice a first choice


    basically - only 1 alliance per week.


    Quote #4

    if you are not allied you are at war

    enemy choice is needed for blocking purposes - but i am sure your nation hate one of the nations more than others


    Quote #5

    you can only have 2 (current) or maybe 3 alliances

    but everyone can pick the same enemy yes. 

    These quotes don't add up to me, can you clarify for me please?


    8 nations: your nation plus the pirate "nation" (quote #2), plus your voted ally nation leaves 5 nations you are at war with at all times Per your quote #4. So you have 2 states for each nation you can be 1. ally and 2. war, but only one nation as an ally at a time per quote #3.


    How does this work? 6 nations only 1 can be an ally (last 2 weeks per quote #1), only 1 can be an enemy (how long does this last, not stated anywhere I read?), what are the other 4, per quote #4 should be war therefor an enemy? Now if you had a neutral state this could make since to me but you state per quote #4, which was a reply to this question, that there is no neutral state. So how does quote #5 work where you can have 2 or maybe 3 current allies when quote #4 says you can't? Can you do a full 8 week of voting scenario with all nations shown to show how this works?


    Using your example France & Sweden are allies with different enemies. Is Denmark an enemy of Sweden since Sweden is allied with France? So Sweden would have 2 declared enemies after this voting (as would France), but what are the other 3 nations to Sweden and France, per quote #4 they must be at war, but how?


    The way this reads to me is you can have one ally only, one declared enemy (and one per your ally maybe?) and 3 or 4 nations you are still at war with. What the difference between a declared enemy and a nation you are at war with? Only declared enemy can you pull flags for? I cannot see how only two state for a nation works.


    Can I suggest a 3rd state - the neutral state:

    Neutral nations:

    • Can enter each other ports
    • Are NOT pulled into battles as friendlies - must manully enter as you can now
    • Can NOT enter port battles
    • Can be attacked on OW - will create tensions for changing who the enemy is maybe?
    • Can be an enemy of your ally 
    • Cannot pull flags

    Allied nations:

    • Can enter each other ports
    • Are pulled into battles as friendlies
    • Can enter port battles
    • Cannot be attacked
    • Cannot pull flags against

    Enemy nations:

    • Cannot enter each others ports
    • Can pull flags for ports
    • Like 3
  5. The reason I have not been on in the last week is:

    1. Most of my clan is waiting on the PvP2 merger so they can get most of their stuff (which they have not yet resupplied themselves with on PvP1, read grind of ships, BPs, and resources)

    2. Most made new characters on PvP1 in different nations, and moving what they have to a non-pirate nation is a royal pain in the you no what! So they are waiting for merger and then deciding on what nation to go to.

    3. Since they are waiting and this game is loads more fun in a group I haven't really been on to do solo stuff.

    4. And again the complete pain it is to lose all your BP's and need to re get them though rng crafting BS is disheartening and not fun, and I want to do it only one more time until the finial wipe before release. If it was as easy to retain all my stuff to switch to another nation as it is to switch to the overpopulated pirates then I would make the switch now and still grind out my last level and my crafting, but since it is not I will wait until the merger and the nation we decide to go to. I am not the only one in my clan who feels this same way.

  6. A lot of work for the developers to code it into the game i assume, but where are you getting the idea that people will need quantum computers for something that adds almost no graphical intensity to the game. Even "Age of sails" back in 2006 had shallows. So im quite sure unless someone is running a xerox alto, they wont feel much of an influence in regards to game performance.

    Depends on how detailed the shallows are now doesn't it. Has nothing to do with graphics but everything to do with data points (how many) and calculations (how many per second) to and from the sever in relation to the ships you are sailing. I think the shallows we have in OW would be about what to expect and they, in that state may not give you the desired effect you're looking for. Just a guess.

  7. This type of selection would come naturally if ship draft and multiple harbor depths are added when land and proper forts get in to PB.

    Not sure natural ship drafts (read swallows and varying harbor depths) will be able to be done due to technical reasons, unless you want to buy everyone a quantum super computer. Some things would be great but are still out of reach technically. So the question is what can be done now with the tech and coding we have?

  8. It will not work because battles are not DOTA matches and are not pre arranged.

    Letting the fleet composition into the hands of players for an important battle is a recipe for disaster - ask any clan

    If you don't control entry into PB your composition will be screwed up by a couple of random joiners. Its already happening but it will become worse if there are limits



    RO is not an open world game. it will not work here

    You sailed your 2nd rate to a port through enemy thorns. Then you enter the battle room and given a cutter?


    Whats the point of the OW then. RO is a lobby based shooter. You cant even choose a class if your favorite class was taken and have to run with the Kar or Mosin


    BR limiter etc. will work in tournaments and events. But not in OW port battles where the goal of your group or nation is to destroy enemy by bringing a superior force (in skill or in guns or in both).


    So there will be a BR limit? I like the idea because teams need to mix up and it would be the end of the 25 1st rates fleets.


    I like the BR limit idea also, but read the thread (not just you but all asking this), Admin has said BR limit will not work for the above reasons and until the assignment of your port battle ships can be done before you sail to the port on the OW. Stop asking for it, it is not going to happen.


    Now something like my suggestion below may be doable until the assignment of your ship can be figured out, or something better comes along. It splits up the ships into a more even BR rating and makes more ship used and more level players needed to do these port battles. We need to figure a way to involve all players in the RvR part of the game as it is 1/3 of the game. This does that I think, what do you think?


    If we can make a change to 3 types of ports can we not make a change to 4 or 5  or even 6 types of ports? If we can do that what would the consensus be for ship sets for port battles?


    Set 1 =1st rates (BR 900 ships)

    Set 2 = 2nd & 3rd rates (BR 500 to 600 ships)

    Set 3 = Constitutions & Ingermanland (BR 300 ships)

    Set 4 = Essex, Trincomalee, Belle Poule, & Frigate (BR 170 to 200 ships)

    Set 5 = Rnommee, Surprise, Niagara, & Cerberus (BR 100 to 140 ships)

    Set 6 = Lynx, Cutter, Privateer, Pickle, Brig, Snow, Navy Brig, & Mercury (BR 20 to 70 ships)


    Deep water would be 4 types using sets 1 to 4 with shallow two types using set 5 & 6. Is this something that is technically viable to do? Port type would be dependent on the amount of resources it produces or consumes? Would something like this work with the goal of every ship and any level captain could be useful in those port battles?

  9. If we can make a change to 3 types of ports can we not make a change to 4 or 5  or even 6 types of ports? If we can do that what would the consensus be for ship sets for port battles?


    Set 1 =1st rates (BR 900 ships)

    Set 2 = 2nd & 3rd rates (BR 500 to 600 ships)

    Set 3 = Constitutions & Ingermanland (BR 300 ships)

    Set 4 = Essex, Trincomalee, Belle Poule, & Frigate (BR 170 to 200 ships)

    Set 5 = Rnommee, Surprise, Niagara, & Cerberus (BR 100 to 140 ships)

    Set 6 = Lynx, Cutter, Privateer, Pickle, Brig, Snow, Navy Brig, & Mercury (BR 20 to 70 ships)


    Deep water would be 4 types using sets 1 to 4 with shallow two types using set 5 & 6. Is this something that is technically viable to do? Port type would be dependent on the amount of resources it produces or consumes? Would something like this work with the goal of every ship and any level captain could be useful in those port battles?

  10. This will not happen.

    They just changed it from "First Rates" to "Fourth Rates" So if you join a PB with something smaller than a 4th Rate you will be "the idiot who lost the PB". 

    Its "the bigger the better" rule that is still active (for port battles, a experienced Captain can beat a bigger ship in a 1vs1 but in a 25vs25 the individual skill becomes less important than the Armor and Cannons of your Ship).

    Yep your right. What we will have now is 1st rate only PB's for capitals, Ingermanland/Connies only in normal deep water PB's, and Mercury (or Niagara if it changes to being allowed in) only in shallow water. It's a start but it does not fix the "bring the biggest allowed" setup. When looking at battles that occurred in history 1st & 2nd rates only made up 10 to 15% of a battle fleet, 3rd rates where 60 to 80% with frigates the last 5% or so. In a 25 vs. 25 battle we should only have 3 first rates, 3 second rates, 17 third rates max, and at least 2 frigates in deep water port battles. How this is done with current game play I am not sure, but I bet the Devs and the community could come up with something.


    I do look forward to the different cap methods and how it will play out, but it will be all the same ships as it is now, and I would really like to see a wide variety of ships used in PB's.

    • Like 2
  11. Separate servers, that's your answer? You don't want this game to last do ya? See this game is a niche game, it will never have a pop that can sustain two servers. A combined community is the only thing that will make this a game that can last. I think your problem is you don't want others messing with your idea of what your nation should be doing. You play on your time zone I'll play on mine and don't mess up anything I do, is a poor mind set to have. I hear all the time this game being compared with EVE, does EVE have separate servers? No, no it doesn't. So how can we set this game up for port battles, pvp, and econ to flow over all time zones and not be unfair to small pop nations? Timers are not he answer. Multi battle port battles might be. Lets see what we can come up with shall we?

    • Like 2

    I can understand, that those in another time zone don't like the timers from other nations.

    But as soon as you get this concept to work, you will neglect the smaller nations in a terrible way.

    You are basically saying: "Those, which are able to set up as much players as possible above a time of 24 hours will win"

    Portbattles and battles are limited to a specialised amount of players. You will not be able to set the playeramount unlimited. This is technical not possible.

    That means, that those which can constandly sent a lot of players into those battles will win, even if they loose any real (big) battle.

    As far as I see, I don't even get why this is a point. This is something, that you can not put to practice, without shutting the nations which are having a hard time anyway (because they only got fewer players). And hell yes, I am talking about Sweden.

    I still wonder why there is complaining about the time differences. I mean the last time I've checked, the server was still called PVP 1 EU.

    There are nations which don't have players from both time zones.

    How can you possible compensate the points these will loose meanwhile the other nation can collect even more points?

    (Thanks to the rotation of players from both time zones)

    The only answere is: You can't

    Conclusion: Port battles should stay limited to a time of ~3 hours

    Edit: I know, it might sound harsh, but I don't see any good point in this at all. There are thinks, you might be able to change. But to get these main time zone together is not possible. The only option I see is to give those in another time zone their own server.

    The carribean is not splittet up in 2 totaly opposing timezones. There might be 1 or 2 differences by 1 hour but not a whole day. Keep that in mind guys!


    You know PvP2 had a good size Sweden pop for US prime time. Most of that pop moved to PvP1 a few weeks back. Most, including me did not go to Sweden. You know why? No port battle timers in that area of the map are set for US prime time play. Any and all arguments that want timers to be set for your and only your play time is closed minded and results in poor game play for all other time zones. Solutions for PB that allow all time zone to participate in is what we should be striving for. In the above suggestion can the PB battles that don't have players from both sides in the battle at the same time not count toward the victory points?


    What we all want is for everyone to have the ability to fight in big port battle fights regardless of a nations population, or a ports time zone setting. Lets find ways to make that happen. And maybe incentives for players to play on the smaller pop nations is what is required?

    • Like 2
  13. Next content patch the minor fix to timers is going to be deployed (main rework will come with the politics patch) 


    After the patch Lords protectors wont be able to change the timer time any more.

    If you set it for 6am it is going to be 6am forever until recapture.

    Please adjust the timers if you think you do not like them any more.


    After patch hits you wont be able to change them.


    If your lord protector is not online - ask him to log in and change the timer 

    National leaders with ports where lord protectors do not exist anymore (player deleted) please request changes for port timers in this topic or in private


    You have approximately 10-20 days before the patch lands, but it can land earlier. So do not wait please

    What is the purpose of this change? What problem is trying to fix? This will make conquest slow to a crawl if not completely stop it, as most nations know when their enemies have the fewest players on, so "off time" timers will be all that we have. If I can not fight Port Battles in my time zone then you have excluded me from 1/3 of your game. If I can not play all aspects of a game I will go find a game in which I can, and I am sure I am not the only one!


    It is posted intentionally to get more information.   :D Stay on topic please and don't get distracted. As we all know forum polls are useless and anyone can click yes or no having no clue what is going on. Developers made this post for a reason. Clearly larger crowd supports devs suggestion and I do as well. 

    Still no link to said poll? Isn't all of this forum "International" as the internet is by design international? And my post was most defiantly "on topic". Did you even read it? As a Moderator I expect...... no I demand that you do not use hyperbole to try and prove your point of view. If you can not use facts as they are without made up numbers then maybe your status as a "moderator" should be reviewed.

    • Like 1
  15. More than 50% of players like it and this might be why it's a good temporary fix until they code the final one . 

    Can I see the poll you used to get this 50% please?


    Why was the 1.5 BR rule implemented? Answer: people where hiding in battle screens or ports then jumping out when a bait ship tagged a smaller group or solo player. That player then found himself in a battle at 10 to 1 odds and was ganked. 1.5 BR was thought to solve this but didn't, instead a friendly who was just out side the tag circle could not help the ganked player because of the BR rule. BR rule was removed for this reason. Now without the BR rule the gank group can sail past the tag and cut off the gankee's escape path by a magic time/space warp. So how do you fix all this?


    Just make invulnerable timers 2 minutes 30 secs, and battle close 30 seconds, and tag circle twice as big and forget all this BR difference junk! Now gankers can't hide in ports or battle screens, they won't get in, what you see in open world is the fight you get, and the bigger tag lets multi ship groups fight together but you spawn in at the distance you where when tag happens. So attackers still have to coordinate but the gankee may get help from friendlies that where in range but will have to sail to the battle to help. Now everyone gets what they see, no surprises, if you are ganked its your fault for poor awareness on the open world. The only BR rating system is what ships should be able to tag another ship (cutter should not tag a first rate, and vice verse). How is this not simpler?

    • Like 8
  16. true, it's hard to judge how NA'S difficulty is perceived from a complete beginner.


    Even harder to get reliable data if the game really is too harsh for beginners. Too harsh as in- will chase away the majority of interested new players.I sincerely hope that young'un will stay  ;)


    Back in the day when I fought my first battle against an AI cutter I lost, too.

    I stayed, 'cause the sirens were beckoning loud in this one. NA's class clearly shone through its hardship's.

    After winning my first couple of battles I was completely hooked. There's a great satisfaction in mastering challenges.


    I dunno- there might be more AI low level tweaking needed. But I suppose the battle for nebies might rather be lost in the current lack of proper tutorials and a proper UI department. Beating the UI is not a challenge granting lots of satisfaction :P

    True it is very difficult for vets to judge the toughness of new player missions. I personally love the new leak system and how one can sink before you lose all your armor. That's great for higher level missions, for beginners not so much. I had him in carronades as I was hoping the extra damage would make up for his lack of aiming. A new player would not know that, so even I cheated his experience a little.  I'll try him in basic starter 4's and see how he does in the next 10 if I can get him to do  that many.


    Every MMO's starter missions are cake walks, there is a reason for that. One it gives new players a chance to learn the controls and how the game works, and two winning is fun and losing is not. If you constantly lose at the start you will go find something else that is "fun".I have faith the Devs will get the right balance on the starter missions as I think now those are the only ones that need a tweak. But us vets need to take in consideration when talking about the enter level stuff that we relate it to new players who do not have a clue yet and not what we as vets find easy or hard. I'll report back after he has had a few more goes at it.

    • Like 1
  17. yepp- fought a midship man mission AI in a shitty basic 4pd med cutter. It was a tough fight but I never felt overwhelmed and sniped to death like before. 'twas fun and felt, well: balanced. Good work so far, devs :)


    Current AI shall challenge new players, but won't scare them away.

    Not so sure about that, You and I know how to aim, know how to move our boat with wind, new players don't. I let my daughters boyfriend try out the game on my account, gave him a basic cutter and sent him into a level 1 mission. I was there to explain to him how to aim and sail. He got waxed by the AI, wasn't even close, did little damage to the AI. SO i had him kill a Lynx Trader to practice his aim in between the two battles. Lost the second battle too, a little bit more damage in that one, but still lost by a lot. The AI in level 1 missions are still to accurate a shoot for players who are just starting. They aren't for us because we already know how to fight, but noob will lose 9 out of 10 I bet (I'll see if I can get him to fight 8 more times), and if they do you think they will stick around for 11? I don't.

    • Like 1
  18. Greeting fellow Sweds of PvP1. As a Swedish player from PvP2 I have at this time lost my clan on said server as they have come to PvP1 as both Brit and Pirate. I however do not wish to join those to over crowded nations. What is the out look for PB & PvP battles for a Swedish Captain in the time zone of 0-4 & 4-6 server time? I very much wish to continue with with the Bork I have grown to enjoy on PvP2 and if I can find fights within the Swedish waters for this time zone I look forward to joining you all this weekend.

    • Like 1
  19. I can give you my Swedish view of the events that transpired from when I entered the server leading up to where we are today.



    The entering of this Server.

    1. Non-aggression pac with Pirates ports to the south, open world PvP.

    2. Non-aggression pac with Danes ports, no  PvP.

    3. Invited to SW clan.

    4. Capped unused Dutch ports of Fort Biaa & Oranjestad first night, we had 20 ships max.


    The boredom and looking for fun.

    For the next week I was setting up my crafting and gaining gold due to the server/side switch. The others where getting tired of the mission grind and the leaders where mostly not playing. The ones left want to see if the Danes had the players to PvP and do port battles against. Do to lack of leaders on most leave SW to form BORK.


    The "British Deal".

    1. SOB states "give us a port to fight the Pirates with or we will take all your ports". Assume Danes given same "deal".

    2. SOB told to take a hike.

    3. Brits take Frederiksted.

    4. Most Danes leave to re-roll Brit.

    5. In light of this moves it is decided to take all the Dane ports without timers to protect our boarders.


    The Fun time.

    1. While taking the Dane ports WIS and TCF enter the mix by taking ports on Puerto Rico, Aquadilla and Arecibo. We had a fun PvP fight right after they capped Arecibo as the Danes where no were to be found.

    2. Pirates beat back Brits and take Frederiksted. Then move back south to fight France.

    3. Brits take Fajardo and Frederiksted at the same time, 50 plus ships to our max 20 we can call upon.

    4. Call goes out to France for help as they are finishing up war against Pirates in the south.

    5. WIS & TCF take Pasaje from us that sparks the Swedish Chef video and the Bork Bork Bork mantra is born.

    6. Sweden retakes Pasaje back against no defense from Brits. Where were you guys?

    7. Brits try to retake Pasaje and a great PB battle was fought with about the same number of ships and ships sides, at the time we could field 3 3rd rates max. This was the high water mark of fun to this day.

    8. Much PvP is had on both sides with more Brit clans showing up and more French coming into the area.

    9. Brits retake Pasaje with a massive BR fleet of 7000 plus against our still mostly frig fleet of 3000br at most. They had ship and numbers advantage and just killed the towers and left, boring as hell.


    Let the boredom return

    1. The blitz of 4 more Swedish ports by the same 7000 plus BR zerg, half the Bork Clan re-rolls French. This half is our highest level players.

    2. Remaining Bork create new Bork Bork Bork clan, and begin fleeting to gain levels. No PvP to be had.

    3. France then caps 14 Brit ports over the weekend kicking Brit back to Haiti. Again sounds like on PvP to be had.


    Without PvP I can not sink and that makes me a sad Panda.


    We could have had a great little fight if WIS and TCF would have A) Been the only squad to come over here, & B) Not zerg capped ports with the boring BR kill tower win leave thing that now has been done to them. Now we are left with the French to our south and both France and Brit to our north, with Us and the Danes stuck in the middle. We still do not know if the Danes have a force we can have some fun with PvP and port Battles back and forth or if its just the Chain clan we have heard about. I guess the fun is yet to see if it happens.

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  20. I was there when this started with WIS and TCF, was great fun the first couple of days. We where all in about the same size ships with the same size groups and the PvP and PB's were fun. Then came the zerg and 4 to 5 new clans appeared (this was our fear), all in Trincs and 3rd rates. The last PB I was in was a joke of a PB, when we got there, which was about 5 mins into the battle, they had 3 towers down already and the last two under fire. We were out numbered 23 to 18 (this is about all we can muster a night) and out gunned as half our fleet was Surprises or lower, and instead of Pvping they just killed the last two towers and left. Boring! It is POTBS all over again with now you must be 3rd rate or better to join PB, and soon to be first rates only. It is dull boring game play, you know it, I know it, we all know it, so lets figure ways to not make it boring.

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    1. As a Leader in TCF i can formally say that we had absolutely no intention of taking swedish ports until the danes asked us for help.
    2. The 3rd rates you currently see are because instead of running around in frigates and tagging people and running away wasting time...... we actually grind fleets when were not dealing with swedish bullshit and frances nepotism.
    3. I FLAT OUT WARNED SWEDISH LEADERSHIP NOT TO TAKE GUYAMA...... You Brought This upon yourself
    4. We tried to negotiate this deal and get the swedes to back off.  We were accused of "Zerging" and trying to wipe out Sweden, and have proved that was not our position.  Now, look who is trying to wipe out one of smallest factions on server in zerg type actions.

    5. We will not tolerate any swedish ships near British ports

    6. we gave up 3 ports to the danes.... in hopes of getting the swedes to back off....and start giving them back some ports........ over 5 days we waited not one was given back..

    As it Stands right now we have no ill intentions towards france or wiping anyone out however we will defend ourselves!!!!!!!!

    -TCF- Leadership



    Yuoo Sur ere-a a Leeer und a cheet. Zee oonly teeme-a yuoo feeght is vhee yuoo hefe-a soopereeur noombers und lerger sheeps. Yuoo sey yuoo ceme-a tu help zee Demes boot yuoo hefe-a telkeeng mure-a purts thun ve-a hefe-a seence-a yuoor erreefel. Ve-a tuuk tvu purts fur resuoorces thet ve-a du nut hefe-a und tu see-a iff zee Dunes hed inuoogh pleyers tu deffend zeemselfes, und hupeffoolly set up sume-a beck und furt purt bettles. Vhee zeey deedn't it ves deceeded tu teke-a ell purts veet nu teemers setoop tu keep yuoor lut oooot ooff oooor veters. Pert ooff zee deel tu geefe-a beck purts tu zee Dunes ves fur yuoor cluns tu leefe-a zee erea. Yuoo respunded by tekeeng mure-a Duneesh purts. Vhee Sun Jooun ves tekee zee deel ves ooffff tu geefe-a beck purts tu yuoo pets. Bork Bork Bork!


    Translation for you non Bork types:

    You Sir are a Liar and a cheat. The only time you fight is when you have superior numbers and larger ships. You say you came to help the Dames but you have talking more ports than we have since your arrival. We took two ports for resources that we do not have and to see if the Danes had enough players to defend themselves, and hopefully set up some back and forth port battles. When they didn't it was decided to take all ports with no timers setup to keep your lot out of our waters. Part of the deal to give back ports to the Danes was for your clans to leave the area. You responded by taking more Danish ports. When San Juan was taken the deal was off to give back ports to you pets.

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