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Posts posted by Archaos

  1. 1 hour ago, z4ys said:

    yeah that doesnt make sense. people that do pve in the carezone are equal to a player that is offline regarding pvp.^^

    That may be so, but those same people may choose to engage in PvP sometimes and that is not possible if you force them out of the game. Things are not just black and white with people being either PvP'ers or PvE'ers, majority of people like a bit of both but do not want to be forced to PvP when they are in the mood for some PvE.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Capn Rocko said:

    I agree with the OP that max rank players should not be able to spam missions in their 1st rates in safe zones. If someone is max rank and owns a 1st rate, then chances are they are not in financial trouble. They are just using the safe zone to avoid risk. A possible fix could be that I have is that each time a player levels up, their reinforcement zone gets 1% smaller or simply make 1st rate missions spawn further away. 

    If someone is max rank and spamming missions in the safe zone then maybe they are not in the mood for PvP or maybe they just want to grind up slots on their ship uninterrupted, either way as you say they are avoiding risk, and if you force them to take that risk they may just not play at all. Maybe they have come on just to try out a new setup on their ship and do not want to risk losing it, maybe they only have time to play for an hour and do not want to be bothered finding PvP that is not a gank, or maybe they recently got sunk and they just feel like taking their frustrations out on NPC's, whatever the reason they are not looking for PvP so forcing them to PvP will only serve to chase them from the game. 

    Spamming missions do not give you much at max rank anyway apart from gold which is easy to get, so maybe they are just doing it for the fun of killing AI.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, the Kidd said:

    but sorry if 80% or how much it is ever spend theyre time in safezones that destroyes the game

    But if 80% of the players are staying in the safe zone that means that 80% of the players are not at that time interested in PvP and if you force them to PvP then they may just not play at all. I have said it before and will say it again, forcing people to PvP is not the solution, you have to encourage them to leave the safe zones. Make the safe zones less attractive, restrict the amount of money that can be made there, restrict the availability of better crafting goods and reduce the good PvE drops in the safe zone, but do not stop people playing in the safe zone if that is what they want to do no matter what rank they are.

    • Like 7
  4. 16 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    Many play for the MMO competition sandbox arena. Others play for the age of sail experience rp.

    Traders giving marks is not correct. It should be about the prized goods. If captains wants marks they should prove themselves against warships.

    Place for all.

    Although I entirely agree with what you say, the issue in the game is if it becomes about the prized goods then how is the raider supposed to get away with the goods as usually they cannot carry all the goods in their hold and would need to take the captured trader to fleet which would make them easy to catch by the revenge fleet.

    It again comes down to the distortion between battle instance and OW and how to handle it. I personally would love to have a system where trade goods were that important that raiders would prefer to have them over PvP marks, but how do you implement such a system?

  5. The problem with regional bonuses is that although it may lead to more RvR for control of the important ports the issue is if the bonus is OP then it eventually leads to an imbalance as the side holding the port become too strong to dislodge while the attackers get weaker and weaker.

    Imagine if the hull strength bonus could only be on ships built in Cartegena, whoever owned the port could keep churning out strong hulled ships while the attackers would eventually run out of ships strong enough to attack. At least at present persons who do not own the port have some chance of getting the items to make the bonus.

  6. 17 minutes ago, King of Crowns said:

    I don't know if you have noticed but when the population is 200. the only place you can find another player is in the safe zone. you either find the people trying to do missions and trading and boat building or you find the people hunting those people. until the devs move the safe zones away from the capitals the playerbase has no reason to move out of safe zone. the best place for trading and ship building is the capital, which just so happends to be the safe zone and where all the newbies spawn. move the safe zone to a new location. you have 1/2 of the map that no one is ever using.... put them there. 

    Then everyone who uses the current safe zones will move to the new safe zones and the current safe zones like KPR will be empty and the only targets you will get are the new players leaving the capital to head to the new safe zone.

    Forcing people to fight that do not want to fight is never going to be a solution to creating PvP in any game. Increase the incentives to leave the safe zone, reduce the rewards that can be gained in the safe zone, make the safe zones boring etc. but do not remove them.

    • Like 4
  7. On 2/6/2018 at 7:53 AM, King of Crowns said:

    So I recently had a guy get the game and I was trying to get him into the game. so we spent the first 20 hours of his gameplay grinding AI. so we finally got him undercrewing a ENDY and we went out to find pvp. So we sail over to KPR and Tortue and USA east coast. long story short in over 80 hours since then he has been in 3 PvP fights with a total of almost 100 hours in game. Main reason for the waste of 80 hours was safe zones. so this guy is done he will never play the game again and I don't really blame him. if that was my experience in the game I wouldn't play it either. 

    The mistake you made was teaching him that regions with safe zones are where to look for PvP.  

    If there are so many people looking for PvP then why does everyone have to congregate round the safe zones to find PvP? Are there no other PvP hot zones on the map? If someone is not looking for PvP and they are close to a safe zone what do you expect them to do if they see you heading towards them?

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    Doesn't lead that to bring 1St rates or be in a disadvantage? 

    That should be addressed in my opinion.

    I guess if the attacker just brings first rates they run the risk of the defender entering with 10 first rates too, which would make the battle 10 vs 20. I dont care if half of the 20 are NPC, I know which side I would rather be on.

    This may swing too much in favor of the defender, will be interesting to see how it plays out.

  9. As admin has stated that all abnormal rewards should be reported, I would like to ask at what point do we class the rewards as abnormal. Yes it is very clear that if I am making 100 million off a single trade then it is abnormal and there is something wrong, but as can be seen from a response I gave to the above topic there are ways to improve rewards that do not appear abnormal but could still be counted as exploits.

    In the example above I did do those delivery missions and I have also done ones that were better than that. In the example I first had to ferry all the items from Brewers to Black River using trader brigs and then ship them to Belize in 5 Indiamen, which was a lot of time. Once delivered there I just had to do the teleporting back and forth to repeat the delivery mission. My profit was 3.25 million which I would not count as excessive for a few hours time spent, but because of the teleporting trick would this be classed as an exploit?

    The better Mission I had another day gave me over 50 delivery missions to complete, I cannot remember the exact details but I had to collect goods from several ports around Bonacca and Black River and deliver them to Belize and then just teleport back and forth between Bonacca and Belize. If I can remember correctly that netted me around 10 million profit. Yet again I felt this was not excessive for the amount of time I had to invest in gathering the materials and delivering them and the only questionable thing I feel could be the teleporting aspect to repeat the mission.

    The point I am trying to make is that at what point do you class the rewards as excessive when you can make over a million by doing a 25 minute battle against AI OW fleets with the additional chance of getting a drop that is also worth several million, or you can go out and PvP and sell PvP marks at a minimum of 100k each netting you over a million per ship sunk. The increase in delivery mission rewards was brought in to make delivery missions more attractive as at one stage they were hardly worth taking as your profits were often less than you could get from selling direct to the NPC.

    Maybe if the teleporting is an issue then the delivery mission should change once it has been taken so it cannot be repeated.

    • Like 1
  10. 6 minutes ago, Hethwill said:

    To each its own. Space truck simulators or in our case, sea truck simulator, is a occupation as important as any other. That's not the subject here.

    It is important to note the loophole on Delivery missions. The "this is just too easy" should be a signal to report it :) ; but in spectacular fashion two issues got covered - the web of delivery missions and the cash limit.

    The thing is I do not think it is a loophole in delivery missions. What the OP has not said in his explanation is the time taken to gather all the delivery items. In my case it took me around 5 hours to transport all the items to the delivery port before I could do the teleporting back and forth. Okay I made around 10 million for 5 hours work with 2 characters operating simultaneously, but I could have made the same if not more doing missions or attacking OW AI fleets in the same time with one character. That is why I did not view it as a exploit.

    If you reduce how much money can be made from trading then you have to also reduce how much can be made from PvE and also put a limit on how much PvP marks can be sold for.

    Personally I do not see how fighting generates wealth, normally wars and fighting are huge money sinks. Maybe the game needs to reflect this more so that nations that have strong traders can afford to have a strong navy.

  11. 16 minutes ago, rediii said:

    Just make it 100% playerbased and delete these trading nonsense with AI.


    Also give us craftable upgrades ofc.


    That upgrades are worth more than ships very often is the biggest problem in my oppinion.

    To do this you have to create a market for usable goods otherwise you may as well remove trading from the game altogether.

    PvP'ers are always wanting repairs, rum, cannons etc readily available at ports, but the issue is its not a regular market and the trader cannot work out what the demand will be. Today there may be a player looking for a type of cannon in port X but then it may be a week or more before that requirement comes up again at that port. This coupled with the undercutting I mentioned previously seriously impacts on margins and means the trader is always running the risk of losing money. You may say that is a good thing, that there should be risk in trading and they should not be able to make ridiculous profits, but when you compare the current possible trade profits with what can be made from missions or attacking OW NPC fleets it would make trading a waste of time. 

  12. 41 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    The entire trading goods is something I hate and always opposed. What we need traders to do is trade cannons, repairs, ship building materials, but at the moment it's not as profitable as some trade goods that no one needs and they give income of millions gold. I killed yesterday @Mear O'Breannen 4 indiamen, all of his trade goods went down to the bottom of the sea. If that was teak or other useful stuff, then maybe I would bother to haul it to port.

    I agree that trade goods just for the sake of making money from trading from and to NPC's is a bad economy, but there is very little profit in trading crafting goods as once you hit a certain price it is not worth people buying them, and coupled with the fact that there is not a ready market as you have to list them at a certain port and the sale is not instant or guaranteed and unless people visit that port there is no way to know if the item is for sale there. You could make and put cannons up for sale in a port and they do not get sold, costing you money, or someone could see your listing and undercut you by 1g. You do not get that with NPC traders, you have an instant sale and a profit that can be calculated right away. This is why trading in NPC trade goods will always be more profitable for the trader.

    I have suggested several times that they bring in a requirement for trade goods as part of port upkeep costs, at least that would create some other reason for these goods to exist and a reason to transport them to various ports, but they do not seem interested in such a system.

    One of the biggest issues in the game is that there are no gold sinks. Normally in a game the only way to make money is by trading or capturing loot that can be sold. But in NA you make money by trading, you make money doing PvE and you make money doing PvP (by PvP marks), so there is no gold sink unless you are very bad at all aspects of the game.

    Having seen the OP's explanation I am more inclined to believe he has done it legitimately, but I still think it would take an awful lot of time and dedication and sheer boredom to get there. 

  13. 1 hour ago, FRAN said:

    Sorry for the delay in answering, I have life outside of Naval Action. I will try to answer the questions that I do in a brief way, without detailing much, in order not to spread the content much and so, I publish it.



    1. I deny doing any illegality that you try to attribute to me. I have not made any changes to files, server attacks or use of third-party applications to obtain a personal or collective benefit. I focused on optimizing the existing mechanisms in the game. Investing a lot of time in TRADE mode.

    2. I have reported many bugs that I have detected using F11. Remember, even a bug similar to this, reported one or two days after the wipe of March 2017 (bug, Port Ays - Trade Mission - High reward with negative gold)

    To expose my argument, I would like to start from the basics, which is to know the mechanics of the game:

    Mode Trade

    1. Buy Goods in port (Origin Port) (low price) 
    2. Navigating / transporting the goods by ship (time) 
    3. Sell goods in another port (high price) 
    >>> Benefit = High Price - Low Price

    Having these points clear, each player can mark their individual goals, which can be different from the rest of players (buy products of little or greater value, spend a lot or a little time, or sell cheap or expensive), and these strategies change according to experience and interest acquired by the player

    Viewing the different responses in the forum, they are summarized in: +Benefit = +time ... -Benefit = -time

    Therefore, the variable "TIME" is something to be taken into account. And the question is: How can I get the most benefit in the shortest time?


    1. I do not usually trade with Iron Fittings, the benefit is very low, except for crafting but it implies a lot of Labor Hours and time. I focus more on GOODS TRADES

    2. ¿3000% profit of <ITEM> in 2 minutes?  EASY

    To respond to point 2, I want to mention before, some features of the game: (Not created or implemented by me)

    • Trade Mission. Commercial missions for the sale of product in a port. Bonuses: + gold, No taxes
    • Trade Tools. Tool to see the quotes of products in different ports, among other things. Bonuses: Quick location / comparison of prices
    • Outpost / Teleport. Outpost, is a port of its own in a city. Teleport, allows you to teleport in different outposts in a short time. Bonus: Save time
    • Trade Ships. Ships destined to the transport of merchandise. Bonuses: Higher load capacity
    • Perks. Skills that a captain has. Bonuses: + Loads or + Boats or etc.

     Now, making a mix of all the above, features + experience of the player, i can give answers to the question “How can I get the most benefit in the shortest time?” (from my point of view).


    Tips (or exploit according to admins) (Summary)

    1. Buy Merchandise in port (Origin Port) (low price)

    • Use Trade Tools (search for low prices) 
    • Use Trade Ships + Perks (4x Indiamans - 16000 charge) 

    2. Browse / transport the goods by trade ships (time) - Move / Store goods to Outpost, normally, destination port. 
    3. Sell goods in another port (high price) 

    • Use Trade Mission. + Income - Taxes = + Profit

    4. New!!!. 

    - I want more money?  Repeat point 3
    - What? Yes
    - How? 

    4.1. Build a outpost in the port where the mission is. Take a Mission. 
    4.2. Teleport to Destination port 
    4.3. In the destination port, you have to have a lot of stored material of the same product (use large fleet). Redeem mission 
    4.4. Teleport to Outpost Mission


    Answering to @Hethwill   “3000% profit of <ITEM> in 2 minutes?”, with a practical example

    URL Screenshoots: https://imgur.com/a/2IZvx



    An example today (January 29, 2018)
    Basic Data:

    • Good Trade: Historical Artificial
    • BUY: Tamiagua (46296 gold)
    • SELL: Vera Cruz (138195 gold)
    • Stock Outpost: x31
    • Mission:  x2 . Reward: 314281 gold
    • TAX (unit):      138195 – 10% = 124.375.5    //    46296 – 10% = 41.666.4 


    • Shop Sale:  138195 – 46296 = 91899 gold (-10% = 82709.1) >>>  178 % profit 
    • Mission (unit):  157140.5 – 41666.4 = 115473.6  >>> 277 % profit
    • Con 11 Historical Artifact redeemed (example = x6 misison)
    • Gold = 115473.6 x 11 =  1270209.6 gold  >>> 277 x 11 = 3047 % profit
    • All stock redeemed mission: 15 missions = 3464206 gold   (8310% profit)


    • Maximum Time = 120 seconds
    • Teleport Time = 5 seconds
    • Redemed Mission Time = 4 seconds
    • Redemed Total Time = 9 seconds
    • Total Time 3000% profit = 9 x 11 = 99 seconds   (99<120)


    Yes, in what time?


    Other answers: 

    • The items with the greatest benefit are of high added value 
    • I sail in remote areas, outside green areas. My round trips are between 40min -60min. I have been attacked and I have lost ships and merchandise, therefore, there is risk. 
    • I do not use alters in the tradeo of goods

    I hope to clarify many questions or questions. I am still aware that there will be who wants more details.

    I understand most of your explanation and it is something I have done myself to maximise profits while at the same time levelling my alts in crafting and xp. One day I was lucky enough to get missions that allowed me to complete it over 50 times by teleporting back and forth which is over 2500 craft xp while making good profit.

    The one thing I do not see in your explanation is the amount of time it took you to get the 31 Historical artifacts to Vera Cruz as for items like that I seldom see more than a few for sale at a time in any port, so although the buy price was good in Tamiagua were you able to buy all 31 items there or did you have to get some from other ports or do you buy and store in speculation waiting for the missions to come up? I was starting to look into doing something like that on the global server, but never got round to looking properly into the mission patterns, if there was one.

    When I had a good run it took me about 5 hours to ship all the items to Belize and I had to gather them at various ports from Bonacca to Black River and along that coast. The issue I found was that although that was a good day and I made over 10 million profit, doing that day in day out would burn me out, which is why I was skeptical that anyone could get so much gold from trading. Once you have enough to buy anything you want in game dosent the motivation to make more go away?

    • Like 2
  14. 5 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    You can't TP to capitals but you can teleport to deep water ports inside the green zone, which almost all long-haul traders carrying anything of value will do.

    In any case, the OP clearly has found extremely lucrative runs, likely uses alts, and probably plays a lot.  (Giving him the benefit of the doubt about any other possibilities....) Without a potential exploit he's almost certainly selling stuff in a capital which means that the green zone mechanic is in play. And the fact that people can TP to the green zone with the valuable goods is my point here. 

    Green and capital zones should be a much less profitable place to do business and reserved for newbies. We should be encouraging an intersection of the economy and RvR such that those cities where the most profit can be had should be outside of safe zones, period.  If you want to PvE and trade without risk that's great! Do so to your heart's content, it's your game time.  But it should not be anywhere near as profitable as getting outside of the safe zone where ports can be captured and your ships/goods are at risk.

    I think you are still missing my point. The trade run I gave as an example was from KPR to Cartegena, so the tow to port would not have been into a green zone. But the main point is that even giving the benefit of doubt it is still highly unlikely that he can make that much money from trading as looking at the screenshot he also does PvP and PvE, I just cannot see where he got the time to make that much without some form of exploit or mistake in the pricing.

    I agree that green zones should not be able to generate much profit and maybe they could include ports in the green zone to be excluded from tow to port. Personally I have never used that feature as part of my trading strategy and in general I have found that even the best trades only compare with attacking OW AI fleets in terms of gold per time spent. 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    This is just wrong and shows that you're not being very efficient in the way you're moving your goods.  If I was moving three Indiamen filled with the most profitable goods (there are much shorter routes to KPR with textile machines by the by) then all you have to do is move half way towards KPR and then Tow to Port, which would put you in a deep water port within the green zone, from which you can easily scout your way through the green zone to KPR.  

    There are so many ways in which trade is completely risk free in this game once you learn the mechanics that it makes the hunting side of the game work completely backwards from the way it should: Higher rank, more profitable traders with large capacities and bank rolls are doing their trading almost completely without risk, while new traders in solo trader brigs, who are just learning the game and its mechanics are the only ones to be preyed on.

    And the greatest irony is that when we capture traders, it's almost irrelevant what they're carrying because if I can sink that Indiaman or Trader Brig for 11 or 5 PvP marks and resell those PvP marks for 400k per piece?  LOL, that's a lot more profitable than capturing the ship and/or it's goods and tawdling my way back somewhere to sell them. :rolleyes:

    I agree with the points you make here, but it still does not explain how they are making as much money as the op has, and I still do not see how the green zone affects it apart from giving you a few more ports to aim for with tow to port function. You can see on the map your closest port and even without the green zone you would still just make KPR your nearest port before hitting tow to port.

  16. 1 hour ago, SKurj said:

    One day...  there appeared a large mass of non-british goods in Saint Anne (or montego I forget)  No idea where it came from, a 4 indiaman fleet could not have delivered it.

    Was this recently? if so it could have been redeemed items from the Global server. Anyone with a bit of sense stocked up with items on the Global server before it closed and then redeemed them in the port of delivery on the new server. I still have some stuff on my alts I have not redeemed yet.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Wraith said:

    I don't doubt you or your experience, but you're sort of missing my point.  Right now you make the most profit by bringing goods back to national capitals (which are in side capital safe zones, housed inside green zones). So at least a large portion of that sail in your Indiamen is inside the green zone.

    My point was that sure, you can take those lucrative trade goods back to Havana, but you should lose half your profits to taxes, bribes, etc. Instead, take them to Campeche, Cartagena, Nuevo Orleans, San Juan, or Port au Prince (e.g. capturable hubs) where those goods can be sold at much higher margins. If this mechanic was in place, then it would encourage fleeting, PvP, and sheep-dogging, as well as RvR to capture these ports and benefit from the taxes, etc.

    This game needs overlapping and reinforcing mechanics that provide content to multiple play styles.

    I gave an example in another thread for a run from KPR to Cartegena with a cargo of Textile Machinery, on the day of that example it was one of the most profitable runs I could find and it was equating to a profit of around 750k per Indiaman full. But that run is around an hour and your time in the safe zone is around 5 minutes max, as you would usually depart with a favourable wind. So around 8% of your trip is in the safe zone, so the safe zone is not the issue.

    People try to blame it on the safe zone mainly because they want to camp outside the port being able to see every ship that departs. The only advantage the safe zone gives the trader is that the hunters cannot watch every exit from the zone. It means hunters have to work for their prey, study the trade tool and work out where the profitable trades are for that day and set traps for the traders, but most are too lazy they want to sit within sight of the port and then complain when no one comes out.

    I did not miss your point, but the point I was trying to make is that to make that much profit the person was not doing runs completely in the safe zone. They may have been doing them in some quiet corner of the map and even if they were trading into or out of a safe zone majority of their time is in unsafe territory.

    And as I said I doubt that sort of profit is made solo trade running without some serious time dedicated to it or they are running many alts and even then the sheer work involved in gathering all the materials from different ports is many hours work. I remember once coming across a port that had around 700 madagascar jewels available at a good price (7k if I remember correctly) now usually these can sell for around 30k, so it works out as around 19k profit each when tax is taken into account, nice profit, but it took me a few days to shift the lot and that was using a couple of alts. But the point I am trying to make is that to make that much profit you would have to be doing that daily for many months, which is some dedication. Plus after you get to a certain amount of gold the motivation to make more sort of goes away.

    • Like 2
  18. 1 hour ago, Wraith said:

    LOL, I can't even... I've advocated for it before, green zone trade and production should be taxed so heavily that it's almost a requirement to get outside the green zones at higher levels, or to implement resource gathering locations that pop up outside of green zones, discoverable on coastlines, that allow for trade good and material "production" at much reduced cost in exchange for added risk.

    At the very least permanent mods shouldn't get a free ride in teleport as it makes this kind of wealth accumulation extremely easy across alts...

    But more than anything else, if you want the economy to work you have to create money sinks so this kind of build-up is impossible. I suspect greatly that most of this wealth was accumulated from easy, high return trade runs and it wasn't an exploit. It's more a function of having too few people, with short runs and green zones, and a smart trader exploiting that.

    But as you accumulate such wealth then the costs of protecting it should go up... through bribes, security and warehouse maintenance...


    Trading wholly within the green safe zone cannot generate anywhere near that amount of profit, unless he has found some mis-priced items. The green zones are not the issue here.

    To tell the truth I find it hard to believe that that amount of money was generated just by trading unless he is using multiple alts. Even with the best profit goods you will struggle to get 1 million profit per Indiaman run (and you will have to sail outside from the green zone to do it), so even if he is making 1 million profit per Indiaman and is running 4 in a fleet, that is 4 million profit per run and those sort of runs are usually at least 30 minutes minimum. so to make that sort of profit he has to have done over 500 runs and that is not even considering the time to find the goods as good profit trade goods are usually snapped up.

    I have done a lot of trading outside the safezone and I can say it would take a lot of dedication and multiple alts to generate that sort of profit as well as do PvP and PvE missions to also generate the marks and drops he also has.

    I am sure someone will come on and show a run where they have been able to get a bigger profit, but to be able to achieve that consistently is very difficult.

    • Like 1
  19. 9 minutes ago, admin said:

    probably yes. thats could be the plan, i need to see how shabby ships work first

    Please do not remove safe zones because of this. People will still attack trash NPC ships just for the fun of it or to troll other players. People had no qualms about farming new players even before there was PvP marks and it will just be too tempting for players to attack others just for fun.

    • Like 1
  20. 1 minute ago, Iroquois Confederacy said:

    I copied and pasted, deleting what I figured was "junk."  It is not my concern if you were too lazy to actually read through the list for yourself.

    These are resources that make "nice" things but not "necessary" things.  Without them, nations can still, entirely within their protection zones, craft oak and fir vessels and medium cannons to go on it.  Everything else should actually involve some modicum of risk.

    Then please give me an example of how much profit can be made from the items you mention that can be made without leaving the safe zone.

    As far as I can see you posted an original list trying to make a point and when challenged on it you went quiet, then you posted again in this thread and when challenged again you change from trade goods to craft goods to still try and keep your point valid. But the simple fact remains that you are talking about profit from crafting and not trading. So please do not try and say that traders have it easy due to the safe zones.

    Traders of trade goods probably take the biggest risks in the game, they load up a slow ship with cargo that is worth millions which slows them down further so that even a 1st rate could catch them and then they sail out usually on a run that is on average 40+ minutes, knowing that if they are intercepted they have little to no chance of survival even when faced by the smallest of vessels.

  21. 2 minutes ago, Iroquois Confederacy said:


    Caguairan Log
    Teak Log




    Grietje van Dijk


    Live Oak Logs




    Almeria Saltpeter
    Caguairan Log
    Extra Labor
    Mahogany Log
    Pino Ocote Log
    Sabicu Log



    United States:

    Live Oak Log
    White Oak Logs


    NB:  I might be missing some other important trade goods that are required for making modules, as I cannot recall the requirements for all modules off hand.

    You have amended the list from your original post. The goods you post now are Crafting Goods not Trade Goods. The reason they need crafting goods to be readily available within the safe zone is to allow a nation the ability to rebuild if they are reduced to just the unconquerable ports. Even then there is very little profit if any to be made on these goods without using labour hours to craft something with them.

    You obviously do not do a lot of trading as not many independent traders carry these goods to sell for profit as the margins are too small and with the tax on buying and selling most are loss makers. Trade goods are items like Textile Machinery, Lancashire Iron, Assam Tea etc. that are not required for crafting but can be sold direct to NPC for profit. There are none of these as far as I know that you can make profit on by trading only within the safe zone. Traders who trade in these trade goods regularly leave the safe zones and spend most of their time in OW, the only advantage the safe zone gives them is that the hunters cannot sit right outside the port waiting for them which gives them some chance to leave the safe zone at a point of their choosing and makes the hunters have to work a bit to find them.

  22. 37 minutes ago, Iroquois Confederacy said:

    Also of note - look at the list of trade goods at the bottom of this first post.  These are all inside the safe zones, let alone those that are only 30 seconds sail outside of safe zones, which are (due to initial invulnerability timer and tagging timer) effectively a part of the safe zones as well.

    You keep mentioning this as if it has a big effect on the game, but the availability of those trade goods within the green zone does nothing to enhance trading. I challenged you in that post to show me which of those trade goods could be traded for a profit without leaving the green zone and you did not respond, yet you still keep using the availability of these trade goods within the green zone as a reason why the green zone should be reduced or moved. So I ask you again to tell me how the availability of these trade goods within the green zone makes things easier for a trader when to make profit on them they have to sail out of the green zone and usually some fair distance to make profits.

  23. 5 hours ago, Christendom said:

    Had a PB tonight against the brits.  It turned into a Russian beach party.


    I can appreciate the inclusion of leeyway into the game, but to be honest it's not really that enjoyable.  

    I do not think you can blame leeway for what happened. Most of the time you had the wind behind you and there was little leeway. You steered towards the shore and continued steering towards the shore in order to capture or kill your targets. The leeway did not really come into play until you were aground and tried to get off which meant you had to have the wind on your starboard side which meant you couldnt get off the beach.

    I think people just need to realize sooner what is going to happen if they sail too close to the coast. You had plenty of time to avoid that situation and in fact I think it may have been part of your plan to drive the defenders onto the beach as no attempt was made to avoid it when it was clear the situation was developing. Personally I think you should take damage over time if you are on the rocks and eventually sink if you cannot get off. Maybe then people would be more cautious around the rocks.

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