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Posts posted by Kair

  1. Malheureusement, ce sont des choses qui arrivent, il est donc indispensable d’être sur ses gardes en territoire étranger. Je comprends néanmoins le désagrément...

    Quelques petites choses ayant déjà (pour certaines=) étaient dites :

    • Utilise la touche "Tab" en bataille pour changer le tab team/all qui te permet de parler a ton équipe (en bleu) ou a tout le monde (en blanc).
    • Parler en Majuscule n'aide jamais a bien entamer la conversation... Certains joueurs ne sont pas au courant de nos arrangements, d'autres s'en fichent... Dans tous les cas, le jeu leur permet de te tag, donc leur gueuler dessus ne fera que diminuer tes chances de les raisonner.
    • De la même façon, venir demander réparation sous menace ne t'apportera probablement pas la sympathie des hollandais, qui respectent cet arrangement pour la majorité d'entre eux (mettre tout le monde dans le même panier sous prétexte que l'un d'entre eux est pourri...).
    • Enfin, prétendre qu'une nation qui n'aurait pas le pouvoir de faire respecter ses arrangements ne mériterait pas se titre (ou quelque chose d'approchant), c'est malheureusement nous inclure dans cette déclaration... Hé oui, a une époque nous avions un conseil de nation, avec réunion et des représentant d'une très large majorité des clan français, des diplomates étaient chargés de la communication entre faction... et pourtant, certains clan ayant eux même une voix au conseil enfreignait parfois délibérément les décisions commune, dont celles des traités de non agression (Je ne juge nullement ces clans/guildes ici ! Chacun a ses raisons)

    Bref, a bientôt sur les flots !

  2. On 26/08/2017 at 10:41 AM, Thonys said:

     @admin well upgrades need a better explenation where they are used for 

    can you figure out this in a sec:

    MAST_PHYSICS_MAIN_SAIL_FORCE_BONUS  "rear wind impact on sails"
    -- slot:NONE; base:0.03; 0.00% +0.03 strengh on square sails (You go faster (+) with rear winds)
    SHIP_TURNING_SPEED_RHEAS "Turning speed of the "horizontal masts"" (?)
    -- slot:NONE; base:0.00; 3.00% +3% turning speed of your horizontal masts (You put your sails in the right position faster) <-- Not 100% about that. Cant remember havent played since too long. will update
    MAST_PHYSICS_JIB_SAIL_FORCE_BONUS "Side wind impact on sails (latin sails)"
    -- slot:NONE; base:-0.03; 0.00% -0.03 strengh on latin/triangle sails (You go slower (-) going up against the wind)

    or this one :

    MODULE_BASE_HP "Bonus to HP to the module beneath"
    -- slot:ARMOR_ALL_SIDES; base:0.00; 20.00% +20% Armor HP (side armor + rear and front armor. NO bonus to structure, just armor) (more is better)
    SHIP_MAX_ROLL_ANGLE "Ship maximum angle at which it can "list" or "roll" sidways" (lower is better)
    -- slot:NONE; base:0.00; 20.00% +20% maximum angle (meaning it rolls more)
    SHIP_MAX_SPEED "Maximum speed at which the ship can sail with his best wind"
    -- slot:NONE; base:0.00; -15.00% -15% max speed (You go slower (-))
    SHIP_PHYSICS_ACC_COEF Base acceleration of your ship (more is better)
    -- slot:NONE; base:0.00; -15.00% -15% you accelerate to full speed slower (-)
    SHIP_PHYSICS_DEC_COEF Base deceleration of your ship (more is better)
    -- slot:NONE; base:0.00; -15.00% -15% deceleration to full stop slower (-)

    for all the new players it needs a good explanation

    i get to many questions form people who can not exactly interpretate the use of it

    it needs a rework   for the right more usefull language 


    • Like 1
  3. 8 minutes ago, Skully said:

    To bring undeniable proof of the tag, do you have a screenshot of the lineup? If not, then do an F11 anyway. It should send up a (prior) log of the battle initialization.

    IMHO if you tagged, he has no rights to claim the LGV.

    I could not acces to F11 or any other fonction (the log window was messing everything up). However, I really dont care that he caped it, I proposed several times to let it go for him. What I did not like though, was the fact :

    1. He was aggressive regarding me as I stayed polite all along. and

    2. he freindly fired at me several times without ANY reasons (I wasnt even trying to prevent him from caping and/or sinking the LGV.) And when I say he fired at me, I mean a complete, aimed broadside several times.

    • Like 1
  4. My ingame name : Kair Alzahir (Privateer)

    Offender ingame name : Capitaine Mormoila (indéfatigable)

    Green to green damage : 2-3 complete broadsides, intentional (no ship near me, was almost point blank).

    I tagged the LGV.


    Once I got the logs up, couldnt close it anymore (had to crash the game and log back in) so I dont have the full logs.

    A witness was there the entire time : "blancherive"

    Conversation went as folow :

    I tagged a LGV with my Privateer, he joined in and started saying I was "avid" ("rapace" in french), and that I was going the other way and when I spoted him folow the LGV I folowed him to piss him off. I replyed I was sorry, and that was never my intention. I then sailed away (was verry close to the LGV). He continued on the chat telling me I couldnt take an LGV with a privateer so I was obviously there to piss him off. I answered I could easily take it, and that my intentions were never to be disobliging, and that he should calme down. Then he said he would be happy to see me try (mokking me about it). I said ok, and sailed back to the LGV. By that time he had catched up. He went board to board with him and started shooting his broadside. I fired a few shots in the LGV sails while stern camping it, also did a few crew kills (~50) and eventually passed on "Capitaine Mormoila"s starboard. He asked me what was the purpous of me staying in combat, I did not answer.

    He then fired a first broadside at me (100% of my armor was destroyed in one volley). I got the logs out and could not close it neither maneuver my ship anymore. By the time I logged out, he fired a second, and maybe a third broad side at me.


    Did not lost my ship it seems, but I stayed cool ALL along and proposed several times to let him the LGV though I was the one that tagged it... People with a bad spirit like that tend to kill nations/games, it seems to me important to report actions like that.

    • Like 5
  5. I have always considered many Danes and many Swedes to be honorable - and, for some of them my friends - captains.
    But this has not always been... I remember waging war against the Danes in my early years as a captain, and strugling to settle peace between France and Sweden one year aggo...

    War can reveal the worst in someone, but it can also bring much more... May it strengthen the respect both of your nations have towards oneanother.


    • Like 10
  6. Je pense qu'une certaine unité au niveau du TS est effectivement quelque chose d'utile pour une bonne cohésion et une efficacité accru. A ce titre, la mise a disposition du serveur EDR pour la nation Française a, et je l’espère sera, un atout inestimable.

    Je n'ai pas été suffisamment présent ces 3 derniers mois pour une analyse pertinente de "comment relancer la France et/ou le TS", mais peut être - et je dis cela par rapport a avant - que "lisser" un peu les différents chan, pour qu'il y ai moins de différences entre les chans EDR et les chan des autres clan, ainsi que lisser les "autorisations" dans le même sens, pourrait contribuer a encourager certains a revenir ? Ou recréer un TS neuf, plus "neutre" ? J'ai bien conscience que ce TS est payé par les EDR et avant tout pour les EDR, d'où les autorisations spéciales (qui ne sont en fait pour la plupart que de la cosmétique)... Mais peut être que, conduit par leur affecte, la fierté, l'égo, le désire de s'opposer etc. certains sont justement parti symboliquement ?

    Tout cela ne reste qu'une analyse fort probablement simpliste qui n'englobe certainement pas tout le monde...


    Ps : Je n'ai cité que le clan EDR dans mon post, mais il est évident qu'un certain nombre d'autre clans on fortement contribué, a mon sens, a faire du TS un lieu agréable pour tous. Merci a eux !

  7. Hmmm... As Chustler, Tommy, Hethwill, Manuva, SeaWolf etc. pointed out, we've already been thru this and 1 or 2 minutes seemed to be the maximum we should get to avoid all sort of "unfun" behaviors and abuses. Havent had time to sail mutch lately but unless I missed something really big, I dont understand why going back to longer timers ?

    • Like 11

    Combine this = Great improvement.

    On 21/11/2016 at 4:40 PM, admin said:

    Hello captains

    We would like to share some more information on the forthcoming updated events and gather your thoughts for final tuning. Previous events despite being open for all were not inclusive and allowed prizes for the select few. We wanted to retain the challenge component but fix the problem that the majority did not even have a chance to have fun in those events. 

    PVP events.

    PvP events will run 3 times a day in 2 pre-selected location in the Caribbean (alternating between shallow and deep water). The event is basically a zone where all captains can arrive in the ship they want and pvp against others. Zone will be clearly indicated on the map when it starts and server announcement will be published. Initial times for the events will be set for EU, Far east and US prime times. Sinking other players grants player points. By the end of the event top 10 victors will receive a special reward in form of the deadman's chest alternative granting ship customizations, blueprints upgrades and ship redeemables. Victory points will depend on the class of the vessel you sink. Player AI fleets will be disabled in that zone and will not arrive to battle when it starts. 

    The only concern we have is the potential for the arranged battles (where players will give each other points for victory by alternating sinking and winning). But initially we are ok with that risk because due to small size of the zone trying to use under-crewed ships might just grant more victories to people who actively hunt for enemies.

    PvE challenges

    Two types of challenges will be added available from the lobby

    • Ironman pve challenge: Player will be tested against constant stream of NPC reinforcements in the instance. 
    • Time trial pve challenge. Player will be tested on how fast he can sink 1-2 NPC enemies.

    Event will run 24/7 and can be repeated multiple times until you are satisfied with the results. The leaderboards will be reset after the event ends giving everyone the chance to try to get the prize. 

    If popular - challenges can be expanded in the future allowing the player to challenge himself in various ship to ship actions from demasting to boarding or sinking a first rate in a cutter.


    In the first iterations of the events top 10 captains on the leaderboards will be provided with a prize. Leaderboards will be reset when individual event ends. Because events will run all the time and pvp events are split into timezones everyone will have a chance, as time spent on the events will not matter and only player skill will decide the result. in the future tiered leaderboards can be implemented - but for the current online one will be enough (we think).

    Lets see how it goes. And lets discuss


    26 minutes ago, TommyShelby said:

    I think it sounds pretty good. 

    I do see alot of complaints already about only the top 10 being rewarded. 
    Perhaps you should reward "Currency" to people instead.

    Then you can reward the top 50 (or even 100): 
    1-10 = 100 Currency.
    11-25 = 50 Currency. 
    26-50 = 25 Currency.
    51-100 = 10 Currency. 

    Ofcourse you would have to add a new "Shop" where we can use our Currency. Personally i think this is the best idea. 
    To expand on the "Currency/New Shop" suggestion i'd like to give some examples of what could be sold: 
    - Rare 5th rate (Santa Cecilia as an example): 1000 Currency. (You can choose the exact build/setup you want ofcourse).
    - Rare 5th rate BP (Santa Cecilia BP): 10.000 Currency. 
    - Rare 1st rate (L'Ocean?): 2500 Currency.
    - Rare 1st rate BP (L'Ocean?): 25.000 Currency. 
    - Common 5th Rate (Surprise): 250 Currency. 
    - Common 5th Rate BP: 2500 Currency.
    - Rare Paint (Sangreé): 500 Currency. 
    - Rare Paint BP (Sangreé): 5000 Currency.
    - Common Paint (Ehh, Black/White Chequer?): 200 Currency.
    - Common Paint BP (Black/White Chequer?): 2000 Currency.

    Or with the current idea make it so drop chance for "rare" stuff gets lower the further down the "Leaderboard" you are but everyone gets something:
    1-10 = 50% Chance for Rare Drop.
    11-25 = 25% Chance for Rare Drop.
    26-50 = 12.5% Chance for Rare Drop. 
    51-100 = 6.25% Chance for Rare Drop.


    The numbers i use are ofcourse made up and just made to provide an idea of what could be done. 
    I'd also argue chance for Rare Drop from PvE should be less than half of what it is in PvP due to Risk/Reward.
    PvE is basically "no risk" though the "iron man" thing might introduce some risk to it. So you can still get Rare Drops from PvE but chances are much lower than from PvP. 

    Personally i prefer the idea of "Currency/New Shop". It eliminates RNG which has been one of the biggest complaints throughout the development of Naval Action.
    - It will take longer for some people to get enough currency to buy Rare (Or even Ultra Rare/Exceptional) stuff but everyone has a chance and as long as you get in top 100 you gain currency. 
    - Most importantly it eliminates RNG so you don't have #99 on Leaderboard get super lucky and get most rare item/ship ingame while a person that has been in top 10 several times still haven't gotten that item.
    Furthermore when eliminating RNG Drops you can choose your own reward, why is this good? 
    This is good because i might not want a any of the items i actually get, this would annoy the shite out of me to be frank.
    Getting Paints/Ships/other rewards that i have no interest in because of RNG. 
    - The only real downside i can see in the "Currency/New Ship" Suggestion is that those with more time will be able to earn more Currency than others, but in my eyes i don't see that as a downside. You can't make a game where this doesn't happen unless everyone have all the same things right away.
    - A player with more time can earn more money from trading than a player with less time. A player with more time can earn more money/xp from playing the game than someone with less time. It is just how it works. 

    Please keep in mind, this is for PvP server only. 
    Feedback would be lovely but keep it constructive.
    Tommy Shelby. 

    PS. I look forward to testing the upcoming patch, i sincerely hope it'll bring the PvP aspect of the game back to life! :)


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  9. You mean the ones that are only on  PvP1?  When was the last time something has been done for the other two servers?  You know the PvP2 server and the PvE?  Maybe that is why they are dead cause there is no support.  Hell I went almost 9 months before I ever saw a dev or Mod speak in chat.


    Must be nice to play on pvp1 with tournaments, and fun stuff.. Can't find one on pvp2..rattle heavy is gone too.. they don't play anymore.


    The tournament was a player created content. It took us a LOT of time to organize and make this tournament happen, trust me (have a look at our spreadsheets).

    The organizer then decided to support this. In general, the Devs tend to give free and/or special ships to people that help them by in many ways : making tutorial videos, organizing events, finding new and brilliant ideas etc. It's a way for them to say "thank you" to theses peoples :)

  10. In relation to Agamemnon BP, even though its BR and speed have been reduced, it is still a better/tougher ship than the Inger or Connie. It needs to be craftable by all Nations to make it fair. Special drop ships should not be the best of a particular Rate. (IMHO)


    With the recent BP being handed it out as tournament rewards, I think EVERY nation has acces to the Agamemnon BP.


    • French have 2.
    • Swedish have at least 2.
    • Danish have at least 2.
    • USA have between 2 and 4 (dont know if they handed out some of them, but they got 3 or 5 from the tourney).
    • Brits had at least 1, could have gotten 1 or 2 more from the USA.
    • Dutch have at least 2 (I think.)
    • Spanish have 1 (maybe more ?) and France and sweden (maybe even the Danish) offered to build them for them.


    I don't have any knowledge about the Pirates having one, but it wouldn't surprise me if they had at least one.

  11. A lot of good things in this patch.



    Regional system & new conquest mechanics :

    I love it. Conquest is not that fast anymore (since the small patch) and you have time to "prepare". It also just "feels" better the way the regions ownership is handled. Also, open sea pvp is now something that actively helps the conquests (would underline it 3 times if I could), and this is the main improvement imho. It may not seem like that much of a deal, some would say that it already did have in impact by sinkings ships and making trade difficult, or maybe hitting on the enemis moral... All that is true, but this patch "legitimates" it.



    Ship specs/upgrades & crafting :

    I love the new upgrades on the ships, and the fact that the RNG is getting less and less important (even more in next hotfix). Also, the new upgrades on ships are verry well thought ! It's difficult to decide wich one to take, and if it's difficult to decide, it means it well engineered and ballanced !


    However, I am a bit uneasy and confused with one or two of theses regional bonus. If my understanding is correct, there is 2 "kind" of bonus :

    1. the more comon ones : you can find them in more regions, they have weaker overall bonus (single bonus).
    2. the rarer ones : you can find them in less/more restrictive regions, but they have a better bonus (combined bonus).

    But being both "comon bonus" why would anyone pick Regional eplorer refit over Regional speed bonus (3% vs 5%) ? I mean, most other bonus are different, not just flat better or worst. Also, in the "rare bonus" cathegory why would anyone pick French refit over British Refit ? This also feels a bit "meh ?" dont you think ? Are French supposed to be that bad that British ships should be the same but better ? I know "national pride" should not be concidered, but if this bonus is for historical reasons (Brits did in fact relaod way faster), wherent the french supposed to build better ships overall ? Anyway, this may be a bit off topic.


    Regarding crafting itself, and the fact you now need to "move" a lot of your stuff around is making me still unsure about what I think... It's a good thing caus we see more traders moving around sure, but it also gives more power to major clans over small groups. Of cours, teaming with others should give you advantages, it's the entire point, but this is a game and creating to much of a gap between solo players and huge clans is not always the best way to go (for the game and to make people to play it I mean).

    Regarding wood types : addings theses was a great idea ! Though I am not a 100% with you guys when you want to get less "good ships" on the water. Why make good ship "reserved to an elite class" ? (Edit : It seems overall ship quality is just getting dumped in the future. Great news !). But I still need testing on that part to have a real opinion so wait and see.



    ROE :

    I like it and I dont like it. The double circle system is nice, very nice, but I still think people should be able to enter the combat after it has launched. Even if you make it 1 minutes, atm if you have 3 factions that encounter eachother, one will stay out, and cant decide to help one team or another. That's not a good thing for the pirates or for a nation in the "3 day pending for the alliance".

    I still did not test it intensively though.



    Carronade rebalance : (Copy-past of what I said in the tournament feedback thread)

    To me, even though carronades may have been a bit overpowered (or longs a bit underpowered?) they were no way as overpowered as people tend to think/say.

    The carronades were indeed favoured in the tournament, but this is the consequence of the tournament mechanics itself. The fact that you are supposed to fight it out, and can’t win by just “going away” just makes the entire “meta-game” favour more firepower/resilience. Long guns would not penetrate the hulls in the tournament? Of course, almost all ships were full liveoak with extra planking – stiffness etc. They were resilient beasts made to force everyone up against them to get closer. But if you transfer theses ships in open world battle, well they better be well escorted and never have to flee the combat because they will not get far.

    In OW at the moment, things are kind of balanced regarding carronade/longs. If you have longs, and say get up against a same ship with carronades, you would be mad to get up close with it, especially if he is built around resilience! Maybe you won’t penetrate him, but he’ll never catch you anyway… He has the firepower sure, but you have the initiative of doing whatever you want. And in open world, initiative is worth A LOT.

    You will never destroy something you can’t catch, and people at some point will group up and outnumber you. If you give longs the firepower and penetration to compete, in a “head to head” confrontation, against carronades, you completely destroy the carronades usefulness.


    I’m not sure aiming at getting all guns balanced by saying “in a precise situation, they should all have equal chances of sinking the other ship” is neither good, neither possible. Both guns used to have their advantages in specific situations, and this was good thing. You will have to sacrifice a lot, to get a lot. Also I’m sure not seeing that much full carronade ships in open world small groups which tends to indicate (imho) that they are not that overpowered.

    • Like 1
  12. As promised, these are the spreadsheets we made to help us organise the tournament. The sheets are mostly self explanatory. You can freely copy them to your own google drive for any future events. To do so, I'll use Tommy Shelbys words (in this post) :


    Making a Personal Copy of the Spreadsheet.

    - Click the image bellow. You should now be redirected to the spreadsheet.

    - Click "File" in top left corner of the browser.

    - Select "Make a copy", this will create a copy of the spreadsheet in your own Google Drive.

    - Add the new sheet to bookmarks if you are not familiar with google drive and fear losing the link.



    You'll find 2 main tabs at the bottom of the page :


    Tab 1 : Teams

    • All teams and rosters
    • Information regarding registrations
    • Team contacts (with link included)


    Tab 2 : Schedule

    • Groups and matches
    • Match organisation (dates and judges and streamer registrations)
    • Link to videos







    I will, at some point, clear the names / teams etc. to make it nice and clean.


    If you still haven't done so, please help the Devs make Naval action a better game by taking a minute of your time to give your feedback on the tournament !


    [This post may be edited for more explanation if needed]

    • Like 5
  13. Nice ! I'm eager to test that asap ! Just one small question though :


    ROE (experimental feature)

    We will be testing several options for Rules of Engagement – ROE this patch. This might upset some users but it have to be done before release (will be impossible after).

    • Open world battles: 2 circles system is being tested. 1 tag circle for attack and 1 large circle for pull. Battles will close instantly on start (except for rookie zones)

    I play 75% of my time with either my Danish or Swedish allies. Will I be pulled in with them ? Or is it like before I need to "manually" get in just after they started combat ? Because if that is the case, does that mean I wont be able to play with them anymore ? :(

    • Like 2
  14. Hello Twig,


    A lot of your questions have been answerd already, but I'll go through them as well :


    • Tournament could be concidered as a special event, the devs did monitor it from there end (even making a special "Mission room" for it). That being said, It is unfortunate that the other servers did not get a tournament. It was however already a LOT of work for us to organise on 1 server and I dont see how we could have found the time to make it happen on 3 servers by ourselves.
    • The tournament was indeed a "player based event", but as said just above, the Devs did support it in many ways. They monitored it to test the fighting mechanics, they sponsored it reward wise and finally they created a unique combat room named "Tournament" next to large and small battles. It is still player based, but isnt it a good thing that the Devs of a game support some community events ?
    • The tournament was open to entry for more then 3 weeks. Several teams even asked me in after tournament closure and we did manage to get them ALL in. Understand me this way : ALL teams that asked for entry eventually got in. You can ask LG team 1, BT team 1, SLRN Team 3 and Kin team 2 for exemple.
    • 32 teams, 3 rewarded... Doing the tournament "just to get a BP" is not, in my oppinion, a very effective way to manage time/reward. Team had to go through a lot of matches, lose ships, officer lives, win the matches etc... The rewards are a way to "mark the achievement" and they are well deserved concidering the route every team made.
    • I do not understand you phrase : "This is also about capriciousness". But if you a refering to the fact some people actually "proposed" at some point to change the ships for BPs, I'm affraid it has nothing to do with "capriciousness" as the Devs told us a long time aggo that the prices would be changed to BPs. We were however asked to keep it for us as they wanted it to be a surprise.
    • The exact numbers are as follow : 131 players got, at some point, entry to the tournament. Some of them quit, or simply did never answere the PMs. Others got in, did not have time to play there matches, and some played part or all of them. Add organizers and judges = 5. Streamers (not counting judges) = 4. Initial idea by Molonlabb = 1. So a total of 141 personns got involved one way or another. Theses are just the numbers, not trying to prove anything with them, only the fact it was a "big" player event (and I'm not even counting the Dev team that did help us out).


    Now to say things the way I think them : I do understand this can be frustrating at some point to realise afterwards that the prices could have given you more interest in the tournament. That being said, nothing has been taken from anyone, it's only a bonus to some few that actually did a lot of efforts. It was a small competition that turned out way more time-consuming and difficult to everyone. Let's be honnest, the rewards to theses teams were very well deserved.


    I wish you all the best,


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