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Posts posted by thp

  1. I think there s a reason why pirate players never complain when they got ganked.

    Pirate sails alone & been ganked: " Oh well, that s how it should be, I m pirate  scum that s normal they hunt me, next time  I should be more careful and build up team to get my revenge..."

    National sails alone  & been ganked : " Oh cowards!  how the hell they dare to gank me, I m a honorable navy captain, why those people have no honour ..."

    • Like 1
  2. Let me give you some straight facts to help your insightful analysis - maybe you will be jumping to conclusions less in the future :)


    The biggest drop in Steam ratings was when NPC ship capture for all ranks was disabled on 12th April land patch. The game dropped from 87 to 81 in a couple of weeks. We also know that there are users who loved their personal fleets (which were disabled in Jan) and want them back.

    Some might say that it was because of 1.5x BR limit and such but reading the negative reviews we see its not BR its removal of capture. We listened to people asking to remove npc capture and paid for that.


    And whatever you say about PvP and such is wrong.  All PvP games are in fact PVE. EvE is a PvE game despite what people say. 



    Stats for May 2016 for EvE are the following

    • 250 mln PVE kills
    • vs
    • 630 thousand PvP kills

    source: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/stats/2016-05


    Hope this clears for you what real pvp games are about (those numbers are from the month during which huge war was happening against goons btw)


    Ratio of pvp to pve is higher in naval action (no highsec). But still PVE is dominant


    So if you are a hardcore PvP player, I suggest you start nurturing pve players, embrace them and sometimes lose to them on purpose (like a pro-boxer, who wants to get matches) to help them learn and stay in the game. Because if you don't have them you will have no-one to fight with.


    Posted 08 March 2016 - 02:33 AM

    I will try to give a simple exemple that s very easy to understand :

    Right now it s a democratic process,  everyone are fighting with almost equal weapons, everyone can have a sword even if it s just a rusty sword, now you want to remove it,makes  only the elite people can use a sword, the commun people will fight with a knife, what will you think it will happen when someone using a knife fighting against someone using a sword ?  Actually that s how it works in real life during the Dak Age, only the elite class like knights can have a sword, the commun payseant arent allowed to use it.

    But this is a game, do we really want that kind of elitism in the game ? For some people like you who probably think it s the right way by trying to favour the few elite players. By my experience of playing some games from the past, the games that favour the elite( by by Pay-to-Win or by any other ways), at the end the commun players just all leave because there s no way and no fun to play with a huge disadvantage that gives zero chance to win , everyone know the result of the battle even before the first engagement. In a while only a few elite people will stay but at the very end they will also all leave because it will be boring for them too.



    I still dont like the 12th April land patch that disable capturing ships because the things I already explained before, even if that patch has made me rich as Croesus because I did level up my crafting skill to max level.

    Some people always want to make the game mechanism change into something that favours them only and dont really care about all others. In my opinion, it could never be good to favour some few elite.

    I know some players that left the game because they complained the game is a bit slow to find battle. Maybe adding more difficulty on crew management will make the game even slower and discourage even more people.

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  3. This post amusingly reminds me Charles Caldwell's post few months ago. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/11653-caribbean-painted-black/

    Anyway I think one of the reason pirates are successful because pirates chose their leaders on their deeds. "Actions always speaks louders than words", you can say that Lord Vicious is the biggest arrogant guy as much as you wish but if he doesnt have the competence, he wont be able to do anything against you.
    Personally I have also seen many pirate leaders that have a big ego but no skill trying to take over the pirates but all failed and switch to other nations.

  4.  It's your opinion and we must respect, so please, give us your opinion in why the game (after SORRY toxic and propaganda campaign started) is losing players every week? With luck you can see on sundays 1000 players online.

    I havent seen any pirate complain anything when pirates were losing ports. They just learn from their mistakes and try to change strategy and fight back. But when Royal Navy are losing, there are alot of complains and ask for changing pirate nation again. This is so typical of yours,  blaming everything on your enemy and it doesnt change much since the begin. I still remenber how Royal Navy players blamed everything on russian players, now they just switch target to blame everything on SORRY clan.


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  5. Meh, we talked about it since the wee months of early access, way before all this stuff with SORRY etc... The problem is, the devs are as stubborn as it gets. Chances are, doing this will only reinforce their resolve, delaying any sort of changes.

    But, in the mean time... The game is broken. Play it broken or make it even more, that is the option we have.

    For being playing pirate since the begin, I would like to say something if you dont mind.

    The Coalition of pirate was founded and its goal was first to fight against British Royal navy because some old pirates that played before the wipe know that British nation was the biggest threat against pirate because their capital is very closed to Mortimer that allow them regularly come to hunt pirate down.  Some of old pirate  me included only want to keep the the bahamas against the USA. But the situation has changed alot since one of the USA clans joint pirate, i think everyone know SORRY was that clan and they had internal drama with US council. The pirates that USA need to fight against now are mainly former USA player that switch to pirate.

    So it s mainly US players  lost  against Former US players since the begin,  I think the situation will be the same again if SORRY clan insteed of joining pirate join Spain or any nearby Nation that allow them to fight against USA.

    May  I suggest that insteed you complain and blame everything on pirate, maybe you should consider what you have done to set up that situation that currently exist right now and try to correct it. If there s no more pirate nation, there will be just another nation and the thing will be the same again.

    All I wish is US nation become strong again like you were before.

    best regards.


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  6. The sadest part about this is I can't listen to "Paint it Black" anymore without feeling a bit of a betrayer to my nation for playing the pirates anthem, and its a darn good song. Now before we go on any further about who is betraying who, I would like the pirates to choose another anthem, and get my problem sorted.


    Would you guys agree on using "Will Smith - Men in Black" as your theme from now on? I don't like that song anyways. Thanks in advance.

    Actually we didnt chose that song, you guys chosed it for us before but we like it that s why we keep it .


  7. @thp u are totaly intolerant, are fitted with wrong historical informations and dont see, that pirates in Naval Action are Nation number 8. If you are against the ideas, just say that once and its done. Stop complaining about intolerance and stuff like that. People like you are glad to be against anything and I dont see, that you thought about the ideas in real. You throw some of your wikipedia informations and try to explain, that Pirates were as big as other Nations, doin the same as Nations in those times. This is - by far - WRONG! Not more, not less. By sure some of them captured ports. Others were privateers before. Some criminals were called Pirates aswell ;). But all those mentioned things never count for "all pirates", because there was never a Nation called pirates or a Pirate Nation, which act like Spain, France or Briatin. The Republic of Pirates, Brethren of the Coast and other mentioned Pirates stand for their own ideology and didnt waste time by thinking about other Pirates. If you have some Ideas, i would like to hear them. Otherwise thx that u took place and search for a new thread u are against. Otherwise this thread turns into something far away from the topic. I know you are Pirate and its ok, that you like the pirates. Me and some others want to place some ideas for interesting changes, which you dont like and want to see in the game. The good part is, that this is not our both decision.


    BallsOfSteel: I guess they will fix it somehow. There are also other "bad abuse" things with this mechanic. U can stealth a big fleet with that mechanic also.


    I would love to see some Ideas for reworking pirates from other people.

    Posted 03 March 2016 - 04:50 PM   Best Answer

    We focus on important things and important things are determined by the community. 

    Current priorities list (voted by players) will not let us focus on anything related to pirates for quite some time. 

    Shouting about lack of attention to this topic is wrong and will only lead to ruined relationships of the dev team with those players.

    Some are even threatening to leave the game which for us means complete lack of understanding of what this community voted for to be done first (+ also means that pirates won ;))


    Regarding pirates

    First will address the port capture


    Lack of port capture is not going to make pirate gameplay interesting. Henry Morgan captured a lot of towns using his own forces (at some point he had 1400 infantry under his command - all buccaneers), if henry morgan could do it (he had funds and could hire people on the promise of riches) then any JackSparrow111 could do it too if he has enough funds and friends. But you can try to persuade us to the contrary.


    Current mechanics were explained in detail to mods and those who asked.

    The difference with the pirate mental model is strong for several reasons. 


    Reason 1: Current war mechanics.

    • Pirates can attack each other.
    • But everyone else can also attack each other.
    • Because you can attack anyone anyway -
    • pirate is no different from the dutch because he can freely engage anyone
    • Because of this the line between nations (who can be at peace) and pirates (who are always attackable) is blurred from the national player point of view
    • But you miss one thing - pirate is not safe from his friends (explained in detail in reason 4.)

    Reason 2: Sandbox goals


    In a sandbox everyone has access to same tools and can use them the way they want.

    Some players want pirates to have to extremely limited tools hoping their gameplay will become a lot more interesting as a result. For some reason many of those players are not pirates. Two proposals are common: lack of port capture (in reality pirates did capture towns) and lack of ability to sail first rates (in reality pirates did not need first rates because their goal was to steal enough money to retire)


    In the sandbox getting enough money is easy and if you don't want to retire you create new goals for yourself and retiring is not one of them. Because its a sandbox you cannot really control those goals.


    Reason 3. No war/peace cycle

    If peace/war could cycle could happen between nations then pirates would be a main target (because criminals) during peace times - or used as harassing force against nations you are at peace with. Original thought was this - players who are interested lots of pvp opportunities join pirates because they attack each other (lots of PvP). But player base use the tools provided the way they want. And pirates decided to unite. 


    Reason 4. Unity

    Those who comment on the lack of difference do not understand the strong unity that exist in the pirate nation. You can attack and sink ANY Pirate with no consequence. You see a beautiful ship you don't have; you attack it and take it. Pirate towns are not safe (unlike british coasts). Pirates can sink you if you are a pirate and steal everything. But Pirates DONT attack each other because of the unity, because thats what they chose to believe. 


    Reason 5. Disney and books

    It is tied to goals players set for themselves. But disney/historical pirates are very hard to replicate in a sandbox environment. Because

    Disney pirate - robs 3 player snows filled with gold and retires.

    Sandbox pirate - robs 3 player snows filled with gold and buys a 3rd rate.

    Rob enough players and you have a fleet of 25 third rates. 


    In summary

    Players proposing "I was hoping pirates were interesting" should offer things that will make pirates interesting. 

    People play historical sandboxes because they want to change history, because they want to conquer the world as Albania in EU4 or conquer germany as poland 1938 in Hearts of Iron. But because its multiplayer you can stop them.


    Pushing the game from sandbox into themepark will affect nations more than pirates.


  8. Those ports are more similar to the mentioned hideouts. At the moment Pirates owning more Ports then some Nations. I said they should not be able to capture Ports. Didnt say that there are no Ports which they can use as hideouts.


    If I would take your example, then pirates must form a clan and capture a port for that clan only. Then they can keep it as long as they can defend it. Because those mentioned examples everytime started with a bunch of privateers or even pirates.


    "Pirates" are lawless. They formed up groups and wrote down their own laws. Those laws never count for every pirate. And sailing small ships isnt really true. A Pirate Frigate is a big "enough" ship to capture mosty everything interested out there. Also you can easily kite and kill Constitutions and others. The way u describe seems a bit intolerant aswell btw.. There was a Republic of Pirates, Brethren of the Coast and much more similar "Clans". But those clans stands for themselve and not all pirates in the whole world. In Naval Action, all Pirates are together. One big bunch of people sailing under the "Nation of Pirate" Flag and capturing / defend ports in the same size as spain, Great Britain or France. Those scenarios never happend in real life.


    So my question again: Why is the pirate way so similar to nation way.


    BTW: To setup a Shipyard in these days and craft mentionable ships took ages. Build up trading routes and crafting facilities aswell. When we go back to the Republic of Pirates, which lasts 11 years, they could never manage to build up a high trading and crafting influence. In Naval Action the Pirates are real trading and crafting gods. A thing which you can perform in every nation. There is no need to make it that similar.


    I want to give some nice Ideas and not to break gameplay. Who ever want to play big ship boredom and trading simulation, could do this in 7 other existing Nations. So it should be fair, if there is another way of gameplay in Naval action aswell, isnt it? That is not really intolerant. To say: "But some pirates like it" and because of this you create Nation number 8 with a totaly similar way of play, then this is intolerant.


    Think about some creative Ideas for a Pirate way of life. The thread is called "Ideas for authentic Pirates", not "Force Pirates to play diffrent". Think about a modified captured Trinc with more crew and the posibility of capturing while at 6kn or so. Just as an idea. Hull should be weak because of higher speed and turn rate. You can capture ships pretty easy but also can sink easy when u mess with the wrong people. It would bring a bit more dynamic fights in the game and also those Pirates could play the real Pirate way a bit better and the crafter / trader are in the correct Nation to do so.

    That s exactly what happenned in game, the coalition of pirate got it own law, but not all pirates or pirate clans belong to coalition nor accept the coalition law either. Therefore  coalition of pirate didnt force you to do thing if you dont want to. You are pirate and free to do what you want even fight against the coalition of pirate, just expect that you ll be be fought back too if you do so.

    You still can be a pirate and corsair and work for the british to fight against the french or spanish( like in real in life ). Just make a base in french or spanish water neutral port and hunt their traders down, or the opposite , be a privateer for france or spanish and fight against the british. But I think the  problem is right now, even national players can do that too , so there s no real reason to be a pirate to do it. All nations can play like pirate as I said before.

    The game is a sandbox, what would happen if pirate didnt accept king's pardon and if the royal navy failed to hunt down pirate, insteed pirate could declare independance and build up their own country ? that some of pirates like to play that way.

    You only see what you want to see, there are already many pirates  played like you want but they just dont ask for ALL other pirates to do like them if other people dont want to. Sailing in small ships,  dont craft ships just capture. Again you are free to do what you want but you want other people not free to do what they want because what you ask it s making the game mechanics restraint to only your way of piracy, that s intolerant.


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  9. First of all - sorry for my bad english sometimes. Now to your points: Pirates can buy normal ships at every harbour if they can use any mechanic of stealthing themselve. False Flag was an example.


    The Republic of Pirates was a small Part in Nassau. For 11 years and not more. Never founded as a Nation. It was some kind of safe harbour for privateers. But it was not state or something similar. Most Pirates from those centuries formed up to syndicates. The so called "Republic of Pirates" just survived 11 years out of more then hundred years with pirate activities.


    People who want to play in the - so called - "big content" of this game, can do so in 7 Nations. Pirates should be totaly diffrent to them. And to keep up with your example: The Republic of Pirates didnt fight for Ports somewhere deep in enemy Terretories. They didnt sail with first rates aswell ;) Small fleets against Navy frigates could be possible. Thats all.


    The Gamestyle of a Pirate should more be like an outlaw. And I am pretty sure, that there are tons of Players like me, who would love to see an outlaw Pirate life in this game. The Base of the game is totaly great to do so. With stolen ships from other players and bought ships from raided gold its a very diffrent gameplay.


    Ask yourself: Where is the diffrence between any of the 7 other Nations and the Pirates atm? I counted 2. 1) No Pirate NPC  2) Pirates can attack each other to avoid battles ;) or even raid their mates. ah and even 3) I can buy 1rd anytime in MT.... :( no command ;)


    Pls dont get my Ideas about pirate lifestyle wrong. Its not written with a bad mood against the devs because i really love this game and the settings. I just think that those way of playing would enhance the fun and experience for everyone who is playing. Think about a sailing turn, where you dont tab out to look youtube videos, because everyone who is crossing you could be an enemy. It would bring back the heartbeat while hauling tons of trading materials. People who love to be outlaw, can be outlaw just by choosing Pirate.

    Henry Morgan, Francis Drake  (in the caraibe)  and many other pirates over the world did capture ports if you care to make some research. Even Jamaica used to be a pirate bay before it became British posession. Many of those gentlemen were pirate and then retired from piracy when they were rich enought.

    Libertalia( still not sure it exist ) was a possibly fictional colony founded in the late 17th century in Madagascar by pirates under the leadership of Captain James Misson.

    Outlaw only meant outlaw of king and country, but some pirates still have their own laws, it s just doesnt work if people live in society without at least some basic  harmony.

    If you want to play a lawless pirate that sail in small ships only that's all good for you. You still are free to do it as many other pirates already done. I personally know some of pirate in Black clan exclusively play that way already. But  what you want is forcing all other pirates to play your pirateway because you think that s the ONLY way is kind intolerant and historically not true either.

    "Ask yourself: Where is the diffrence between any of the 7 other Nations and the Pirates atm?  " Those national players have nothing in commun with royal navy either if you ask my opinion, they play like pirate but under the name of nations, they are free to do what they want.

    I think the developers stated something before like  the main difference between national players and pirate was what they fight for. Royal navy fight for king and country whilst pirates fight for gold , rum & whore or what ever they want. Then why cant pirate fight for the ideology republic of pirate ?

  10. 1. Pirate shouldnt be able to own Ports : no more crafting materiels to craft ship that lead to point 3.
    3. pirate should not able to craft ships : pirate will use 1 duration ship, no more good upgraded( who would like or could really afford to bring very expansive stuff when they can lose everything in 1 battle). Pirate will be condemmed to use basic stuffs when the world is hunting them in gold ship and gold upgraded. This is just another world for nerfeding pirate without really said it.
    4."Turning into "Pirate" should be a penalty for players. So they should be thrown out of their "safed" life in a 150 member clan into a deep community of ugly, angry and beard people who kill each other for no reason, when the rum rations ran out"  : historically , during war time all nations were using privateers to capture enemy traders. Then they signed peace treaty, those sailors just became unemployment and rejected by their own nations and turned into pirate. Some people believed that serving under a pirate ship was something very awfull , ugly but the reality was just the opposite, the  crew served under nation used to be oppressed by the captain that was the only master of live and dead before god, he ruled his ship like a monarch ruled his kingdom whilst pirate  were much more democratic, every commun sailor can vote to demote their captain if they judged he was unsuit to the rank. ( exemple Hornigold was deposed as captain of the Mary Anne then elected Bellamy as captain ). I believe the condiction for a simple sailor was much more better on pirate ship than on a royal navy ship.
    "IMPORTANT: Pirates shouldnt be a Nation as they are atm. They should not have any friends in their own "Pirate faction" expect their Clan or ally mates. " Again historically Pirates did actually have a fleet and never attacked each other unless in very rare exception of power conflict. The fact was that republic of pirate did exist in Nassau where pirate captains docked to share their loots and experiences.  Blackbeard was later voted by the pirates of Nassau to be their 'Magistrate', to be in command of their 'Republic' and enforce law and order as he saw fit. That s very far from the lawless pirate,  "Everyone who dont see this, should go back in the history lesson" and dont only watch hollywood movie about piracy  (no offense).
    The only way british empire can bring the piracy to an end was giving king's pardon to all pirates and  hunt down and capture those pirates who refused to surrender. What would happen if no pirate accept king's pardon insteed they build up their own republic and keep fighting against royal navy, that was we tryed to play in game.
    Also this is a game, historically pirate only want to hunt trader ships because only them give profits.  Pirate avoided to fight royal navy as much as possible because  who would like to take a risk in battle with no gain. But this is a game, making pirate only able to hunt trader ships are no fun to play for players that play pirate and forbid them to take part in a big content of the game  if that was you really want to do .

  11. The real loss is being unwilling to provide meaningful content for other players. Only when you are willing to sail around (read participate) and "potentially" provide content are you making the game better.


    If you hide in port = less "game". If you never go into danger zones = less "game". If you only hang out in 8, 10, 12 ship "gangs" jumping single ships = less "game".




    This is why the "gank squads" hurt the game - they never take a real chance to provide meaningful content to other players - instead by ganging up they try to ensure that any content they provide is just them sinking/capturing what they consider "lesser" players.


    I know many "gank squads" will squeal like little pigs when they are caught with their hand in the cookie jar by a strong RN force - they will squeal and cry as you force them to provide content ;)




    This happenstance is also why we need a useful "surrender" mechanic.

    This reminds me funny story before, SLRN came near Islet, when pirates were still very low level, unorganized and no match for the RN , all newbie pirates were scared and hiding in Port, then one of the British player with a pirate name ( it s King of Pirate or something like that if i remenber well ) just call in global chat that he had been ganked by british and need pirates to come out to help, but we are not stupid we just check his info and see that he s actually british that try to get  pirate come out to be ganked.

    From my personal experience in this game, I had been ganked almost like everyday before when I was doing mission order alone to level up. That only makes me play better and less imprudent when I sail alone, the lost of in game materiels is nothing compared to the lesson we learn from that experience. Been ganked mainly hurt our own ego, more we got a big ego, more it will hurt us, because we wont learn any lesson from it but only keep complaining insteed of trying to see what was our mistake and correc t it. In my opinion and from experience of the pvp game I played before,  I have never seen a game can really avoid ganking by game mechanics unless it turn the game into PVE cooperative farming .


    P.S : to the mod that just remove my post, please tell me why ? there no personal attack and nothing offensive in my post. It s just my opinion about ganking. Please dont use abusively your power just because you dont like what I write .




    Removed forum PVP - Moderator Team

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  12. May I have some questions :


    Is the time zone for capturing ports will remain like 2h before and can be set at anytime time or there are some specifical time slots. ( time slots could be something like : morning time, afther noon, night time ) ? In my opinon, 2h timer  zone will be no longer need it if there s are raidings to open a port for capturing because people will exactly know which port will be attacked and come to defend,  there s no more surprised attack.


    Is the capital port will be also openned for raiding and capturing too ?


    Thank you in advance for your answers.

  13. Everytime when I need to check our own nation port timer I need to sail to the port itself or using another data base from the internet  whilst I can easily see all other nations port timers and lord protector. I think it will be easier for every nations if we can also see our own nation ports in Conquest Info. I think our own nation ports should be added in Conquest also but just disable the possibility to buy a flagg.

  14. Why Bother doing PVP  ??


     The XP and Rewards you get for being in a PVP BATTLE is So Low compaired to PVE.

    For the amount of time you put into the battle It does not make it even close to being worth it.

    Now why is that ?? I am on a PVP server but it pays way more to just Grind against the Bots.


    The amount of GOLD and XP Gained from a Dumb-Bot battle is 2-3 times more than doing a hard fought battle vs a REAL LIVE PLAYER.

    Fighting Real Players Is the Main reason I am on a PVP  server.


    The Rewards (Loot,Gold,XP) for PVP on a PVP  server need to be increased by several times IMO...

    This is why you see alot of players not engaging in PVP the risk is way higher than the rewards so why do it  ???

    PvE will become boring afther awhile, the AI ships will ALWAYS do the same thing over and over, playing against players is much more fun because we never know what the player will do. And sometime it can even give a hug amount of gold in big pvp battle,  I got like 1millions to 2 if there many sols involved in 25vs25 battle.

    I think people care to lose their ships like people that care to lose a battle too much and forget about the fun, we play games for fun, does really matter winning or losing ?

  15. If you Devs are looking at doing a fundermental error in a server wipe, which is you prerogative.

    How about bring it back to 5 nation plus a TRUE Pirate Faction.

    Get rid of the Sweeds and Danes as historically the had ONLY one port and a very small influence in the area.

    5 Nation is the OPTIMAL. AMOUNT with using traditional Capitals.

    Have Pirates as a real PvP faction, let them only have up to Level 2 Shipyard.

    The can only raid a Port not take it.

    After 48 hrs the Port reverts back to its original state.

    BR is equal to the Crew Percentage so a 3rd Rate at 50% has only 250 BR.

    THEN it would justify any map/Server wipe.

    But what would I know, I just listened to so many people and have over 30 years of policy management.

    How about afther the Wipe, get rid of all factions and only let british nation on the map ? it could be faster. I think you guys will get bored when you have no one to fight anymore if that s really you want to do.

  16. May I ask which server you are playing ?

    I think Pve is just a way to get enought money to upgrade your stuffs or learning the basic of sailing when you start the game then it becomes boring very fast. If you want to do more PvP then I suggest you set an outpost in contested ports, very closed to enemy water, you ll find alot of oportunities to do PvP. Dont stay in Mortimer, Capital town used to be the area for newbies that do PvE grinding and it s even safer now they set a protection zone that doesnt allow PvP anymore. But even in pirate waters, you still can easily find PvP, the neutral ports are the spots where national players dock their ships to hunt pirate, you can also find alot of pvp over there.

  17.  The solution of this problem could be something like, no protection zone around the capital but if other nation players come to the capital and enter the battle, the forts of the capital will shoot them. I think the developers already stated something like that in one of the their previous post.

  18. Fuck me what a lonely little life you must lead to go and look up what clan i'm in ingame.


    I play with FTS because i like their company and have good fun with them. At the end of the day it's a video game i'm not too bothered about pirate nations quarrels and arguments, think its pretty pathetic really, i just play to have fun and anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see that pirate nation is more like the fucking U.N Navy than looters n pillagers.

    you lie to yourself mate,  you said you are not too bothered about pirate nations anymore but keep making post to try to change pirate mechanics to allow you to have your revenge and what you failed to do in game. Pirate stick together to fight against other nations because it s just commun sense. Isolated, egocentric like you want us to be and we are weak and easy to bring down but  it s beyond your understanding because you are probably too smart for that.Too bad for you that I have only  two brain cells but that s enought to see throught the  plan from a genious guy like you. like I said to your clan menbers before "When someone needs to use so many ugly words to try to push someone else down, it means that that person is weak, and lacks any real arguments." you guys never changed.

  19. Maybe, here you only need to say "A" and someone shows up saying; "Hey, you can also say B, it is fun !"


    Sorry, mate...reading helps...

    Sorry you missunderstand me, I wasnt trying to argue against you, I didnt mean to say " You are wrong, I m right !"

    I thought you want to say this is boring and you dont know what to do, that s why I was trying to help and show you what you can do in a sandbox game. ;)


    The second part of your post has nothing to do with the first part actually, I think you can also edit your first post and add in the same one too or maybe it s wrong idea, it will be too long.

    You took 1 page or maybe more to say may I resume as it  " we need a longer timer  for defenders, to allow reinforcement for people that have been ganked " you go to lose a lot of people by writting a so long post to say something that s very easy with 1 sentence. :D


     I understand your idea and what you want to do, but favour defender too much wont help people against gankers, actually ganker always find a way to gank as players always find a way to take the advantage of the game mechanics. If you played this game before the wipe you would know it, (when there were very strong reinforcement from AI ), the british navy come to Mortimer in big fleet, hide their main ships behind the horizon, let 1 small ship come closer and wait for some newbie pirates attacked, then all their big fleet behind just join in and gank everyone. If favour the defender too much, people just dont attack anymore but wait for other to attack first.


    By some of my experiences in pvp game from the past, no matters how we try there s no game mechanics that can really avoid that unless changing all the game into PVE.   In my opinion, the best way against ganker = gank them, the best way against PKers, PK them.

  20. I loved Sid Meier Pirate, I played the first version too long time before when with my old pc 286, but it s a pve game and you mainly have quests to tell you what to do.

    This is a sandbox game that means you set up yourself the quests you want to do  ( exemple for me and some of my friends : Building up the Republic of Pirate and destroy the British Empire ).But

    some of us just want to hunt down traders, some other people want to sail all around the maps and discover as many ports as possible,.... 


     For PvP Is it only hunting for victims :  you dont need to hunt for victims , you can also hunt the hunters.


    Use your imagination and try to set up your own quests in game and you ll enjoy the sandbox game things.

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