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Everything posted by Tac

  1. Or if you accept the grind , your living the wrong life.
  2. Ahh retrospect is a wonderful thing, how many has Russia taken?
  3. I think there’s a test server with your name on it.
  4. I like being wierd, it separates me from the mundane. Glad you missed me though, it’s nice to be appreciated.
  5. Only RvR crafting port? I mean I like a good read of fiction from time to time, but honestly you can’t just make shit up and expect to be taken seriously. As for the server police they were defunded.
  6. We have seen it before , fire ships OP? Answer: Use buckets fire ships no longer OP. Modules are not the answer , it needs to be tuned a hell of a lot, we’ve been here before.
  7. I wouldn’t know, I don’t use it.
  8. Yes fair point, i guess at this point the only difference is that in Sweden nobody cares that much. In the past I would of felt your pain though.
  9. Just to be clear, I have no plans to use your face or your port, I just believe destroying your own port if this is implemented is well potatoe . Also a self harming empty threat. Please carry on though, it would be hilarious to watch.
  10. Why would you cut off your nose to spite your face? Sounds a bit over dramatic.
  11. Don't forget the Buckets!!!
  12. Your not supposed to get it,you didn't order the cake but you will eat it and you will enjoy it and you will pay for it too.
  13. Oh it is indeed as stale as year old loaf of bread however getting people to give up power and possessions is extremely difficult especially when you have to work so hard to gain such power and possessions in this game. I guess that's just the way it is. A wipe is a big risk with 700 player pop especially if on the flip side the result is the same.
  14. Look on the brightside,when everyone is bored of AI PBs the map will be mostly neutral anyway.
  15. My point was that if i lose £100 i don't rage at everyone else like it's their fault.Even if i got ultra ganked in a golden ship iv'e never raged in chat and ive always steered my clan away from behaving like a petulant child in chat too.Simply because i know it really doesn't matter,or in the big scheme of things it shouldn't. Why people spend money on DlCs is quite a nuanced thing with multiple reasons and one of them will indeed be "because they look nice" everyone values items differently.
  16. Then it seems my “irony” spell of the DLC misfired.
  17. On the flip side mate i would suggest the problem isn't being able to chat but that you found yourself hating a random guy from the internet on a niche sailing game forum. The loss of pixels for some people i guess is just to much to handle, To give you a negative example Last battle de-masts a Priv guys christian gets called a c**t ,do i wanna report that? Nah id rather they spend there time on the next DLC.
  18. Yes , they received Woke badge bronze lvl. One question after this patch do I need to do more PvE?
  19. Yes i have never posted a tribunal,can't really see the point but i have video from last week of REDS clan tagging for 25-30 mins in a hostility mission just to grief until the timer is up. So i can post this video if desired which in essence is the same thing as both are done to deny RVR. Please don't make me do it i'm lazy.
  20. Please don't interrupt the enemy whilst they walk into a well placed hypocrisy trap.
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