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Everything posted by Terox

  1. There are no implementations that you have indicated that will change the gameplay in any way shape or form from the solo type of player that has occurred during the last 2 events. This is how I see the next event playing out. You will have more trader ships and fewer combat ships. I would suspect the players who have thought about it will travel down in Gros ventres or Indiaman kitted out with gold copper plating and Gold Marines. They will loot from the ships fairly quickly and then either log out for an hour or if they think they can make it head for the nearest port. Those who are thinking about intercepting them wont be large scale organised clans, they will be 2 - 4 ships max made up of the only ships that are likely to catch them and tag them succesfully which is Renomees and Trincs. These ships will have a hard time trying to capture/board the traders. If there is any large scale clan organisation, this will be used to escort their traders to safety, but I doubt you will see much of this. They would prefer to carry out port battles and this would be an ideal time for that to occur. Solo players have 1 choice. Fast Trader, in grab and out or don't bother at all. Conclusion Apart from 1 player can't take it all, nothing will change
  2. Whatever you do it has to be fair to each nation, so to create an event in an area that is too far away for certain nations like you just did is unfair. A better solution would have been to have this "Treasure fleet" repositioned every hour or so as it navigated around the capital cities, allowing each nation a crack at the loot Possibly allowing a time out for any player who captured loot from 1 location to not gather loot from the next and make the loot available to each player, so a clientside availability, not a global availability If you want to have a really good PvP event, then have 2 warring factions meet at a mid point between the 2 capital cities and allow them to fly a special flag while sailing to the event that disallows them the ability to be attacked or attack while en route (This would have to be thought out a little bit more to avoid the obvious exploits) alternatively have the event "JOIN SIDES" area much larger and disallow any attacks for anyone inside it Allow each player who participates some reward (loot drop) based on damage inflicted and the winning side some special loot. To make this really popular, don't take the dura of their ship or the life of their officer, every player would then jump at the chance to do that event
  3. From that perspective and experience of me doing PvP patrols around Jamaica, I see this a lot especially from French Nation players Kudos to the Danes, they hardly every use it
  4. Going back to the post that queried what was being sold in the capital and the statement about not being able to teleport with goods in. 1) I like the idea that you cant teleport with goods and that should remain 2) Most of the assets that are being traded between players can be teleported with the ship, these are a)The ship itself (Would be a nightmare if crafters having spent all the time gathering the resources then have to spend the time sailing from their crafting outpost to the capital to sell Upgrades, mainly exceptional There was a comment about pre planning... this does take place a lot, but there are a lot more fleets organised "on the fly", especially in my nation and especially on our nation teamspeak server Now if you're not working and your schedule is free most days you can always time your very busy life style to fit in with these pre organised sessions Unfortunately I am not so lucky and a good chunk of my day taken up paying for life, like many others. For me to take advantage of these impromptu fleets that are not sailing locally, I spent time sailing to far off outposts, spending the gold to get a port in the hope I could teleport my ship and be part of a fleet that sailed into enemy territory. Again, teleporting your pvp ship once every X hours, maybe just once per day (real life time). Is that such an abhorrent idea, it certainly cant be abused and I strongly believe will improve the Pvp. So in my opinion, to have this functionality replaces the fact that I have to work all day and can't spent all day playing games. I don't see anything wrong with that and for me I will get the most out of the game with it. Other than that i am kind of stuck sailing around my capital on local protection fleets which are most likely now going to be much quieter patrols due to this available exploit being completely removed. It is present state (pre patch) is was too much, once every 4 hours being able to do it would be a blessing for me and many others I also think that attacking an ai ship should only give you the option to sail your original (non captured ship) to your nearest outpost, however allow you to send the captured ship to any outpost). This would balance this ship teleportation to something more logical
  5. Capitals are used for player v player trading, this would cause some issues for that element of the game and most likely reduce the ability of the capital as being the central hub of the nation. Is that a good thing? I dont now.
  6. I don't have an issue sailing from 1 end of the map to the other but if I just log into the game and find there's an organised fleet about to depart from a forward operating base that I actually have as an outpost then it would be really nice if i didn't have to miss the opportunity to take part in this form of team play. I am not asking for a teleport to A,B C with my PvP ship as often as I want, I am simply asking that the ability to teleport to the capital is expanded to any of my outposts There hasn't been one person against this that has asked for the teleport to capital to be removed, and what i am asking for really isn't that much different. Once every 4 hours or 6 hours etc isn't really going to be of much use as an exploit but could well be used to create some very large PvP battles, which has got to be good for the game. So why is it okay to TP to capital once every 4 hours but not TP to any other port you have an outpost in ? That i would like explaining from those who are opposed to this, if you dont mind as I dont see any different arguments between the two options
  7. some ideas Missions: Intercept a convoy Some open world instances that spawn randomly anywhere, that you can come across while sailing Tow a battle damaged ship to port Rescue a crew adrift or from a prison ship Some AI ships have a bounty placed on them, making them a juicier target if you come across them while sailing around Answer a distress flare Bottles Location High value target ship (High value cargo) to be captured Area of High value target ship (Bounty)
  8. +1 from me for both the Who is in port and If the battle is PVP or PVE
  9. As this is only to do with the battle screen and has nothing to do with OW play, this simply wont effect you and if you only log out of the battle screen maybe twice a week, you would definitely be outside any limiting time factor to incur any punishment, so again, this will have no effect on how you play the game. This only effects players who continuously use the exploit I explained in my initial post, So now that hopefully you understand the concept a bit more, do you still have reservations ?
  10. Well the other option is wait, wait, wait while another player and then another player is trying to make their way to the fleet form up point, there is enough waiting around as it is with players hiding in the battle log screen.
  11. The issue: A fleet enters a battle with another fleet Battle ends (Escaping ships or ships that have won the battle can then stay in the battle management screen (The screen where they can "USE" their med kits) instead of reappearing in the open world, or alternatively they ALT F4 and shut the game down Side effect: While the battle has been ongoing, players have organised a fleet to ambush these ships when the reappear back into the O/W The players who were in battle don't reappear and the players waiting in ambush sit around for 10 minutes (or until they get bored) waiting for these players exploiting this bug to reappear Very frustrating when this occurs Reasons for using exploit: Its midnight, player has been battling for nearly 2 hours and needs to go to sleep-work in morning (Fair point and we should cater for this in the solution Player does not want to lose his ship knowing full well he has a fight on his hands when he reappears. (he has a friendly player spotting the awaiting ambush fleet, so he knows what is waiting for him and therefore escapes this by logging off) Solutions: The proposals I have heard are a) Limit the time a player can spend in the battle logging screen. (10 mins max) Time to make a coffee, use the toilet etc if a player logs out while in the battle log screen 1) Have a check, to see if this player has done so previously with X realtime hours (maybe 4, 6, 8 hours perhaps) If he has done so previously, then he incurs some form of punishment If he has not do so previously, then he incurs no punishment (For example he doesn't use this as an exploit, he really needs to go do some RL stuff) 2) For either case there needs to be some visual indication that there are no players in the battle log screen, this could be in the form of When a player logs out of the battle log screen, a text message is sent to all nearby players informing them of this. or possibly keep the Battle icon seen in the open world in place until all players have fully exited the battle, change the colour to red to indicate battle is closed or finished but there are still players inside the battle and when selecting this 3D icon gives you information on who is still logged into the battle (Player names and factions) If the player disconnects (Alt F4's) while in the battle screen, again check if he has done some within X amount of hours previously and then incur some form of punishment, also inform all nearby players he has disconnected Punishments Possible punishments that could be given (If the player has previously exploited the game in this way within the allowed time intervals as stated above) Remove all XP and other benefits gained during the battle Remove 1 dura from the ships lives and or officer Catering for folks with disconnection issues To try and reduce the number of complaints this could generate by players who just simply have unstable connections or hardware Allow a time out of say the remaining time left that they would have been granted in the battle log screen (Whatever is remaining of the 10 minutes) before any punishment is placed upon their character, reconnecting places them directly in the o/w Any other ideas that could be implemented to help reduce the use of this exploit down to something that could be accepted as reasonable ?
  12. If the group leader leaves the group or is disconnected, rather than the group automatically disband, the group leadership should automatically pass to either the next listed player in the group or the highest ranked player in the group
  13. There has been an exploit available prior to todays patch which allows 2 players on the same side to work together so that they can teleport one of the players ships to one of their outposts. This was most likely not intentional and was made available by one player sailing with a smuggler tag in a basic cutter out to a waiting player who wants their PvP ship teleporting to a forward port. The basics are that they would engage in battle, the basic cutter would surrender. The other player can then capture the cutter, send his pvp ship to an outpost of his choice, sail back to KPR and then teleport to his outpost, pick his ship up and then sail out. Unfortunately, the fact that you can no longer engage in battle with a player on the same side as you, prevents this exploit from being used. The exploit was typically used for PvP when a lot of players organised a fleet to patrol on its boundaries, meaning any player from anywhere on the map could participate and we could have a decent sized battle. I personally do not feel this exploit was abused and it did add to the organised player game mechanics and fun on this game, however it now makes doing large fleet patrols in remote areas much more difficult and therefore less likely for a large fleet to attack a nation in its own back yard.. To solve this without making it too exploitable, I would suggest that you expand the Teleport to capital option to any port the player owns. There is an obvious workaround for this, the player could just attack some low level NPC ship to allow him to do this anyway, its just a lot more hassle. I see no real negative effect this can have and I do believe it will promote more larger scale pvp battles.
  14. I dont mess about like that. I have 2 Voice commands for turning I like simplicity, maybe its not totally fine tuned but its good enough for me Sails left < and Sails right > ​also Sails Front (For auto) Depower that's all i seem to need atm
  15. Just an idea. We have the ship report letters that are commonly dropped between missions, most of these seem to be discarded, unused. My suggestion. Have a small number of ai pirates with a high bounty/ high value drops, sailing around randomly attacking players, that can be intercepted by players if they come across them. Have the ship letter drop update of these pirate last known locations. The more failed attempts by players or players sunk when attacked the higher the bounty Any ships the AI pirate captures is added to its fleet to make it even more difficult or as the pirates notoriety increases so does the fleet size (Within reason) When that ship dies, its automatically replaced by another AI pirate and so the cycle begins again. Vary the type of ship and the skill level of the crew to make it more diverse to the extent that a fleet of players is needed to take out the higher value AI pirate
  16. How about this Global: (Not sure if this is really required) Side: British/Spanish/French etc which we already have Admiralty: Fleet commanders (Delegated Clan Spokesperson) Fleet: Clan Custom: Create a channel and invite by clan or individually Local: For those within a certain distance of other players, or split the map into "Areas" The admiralty chat can then be used to organise clans as one major force for an expedition into enemy territory, conquests etc They can then all sit in this channel and discuss organisation of conquests etc When a group has then agreed on an expedition, they create a custom channel and they all sit in that
  17. Not knowing the load on the server/s when 1800 people all try to join at the same time, i think its sensible to queue after a server restart. But surely the queue time can be reduced somewhat How much data is being transferred up and down from clients to server per join ? Take the average up and down bandwidth of a client Monitor the server cps just after a restart and fluctuate the number of joins to maintain a minimal "server cycles per second" That should optimise connecting without degrading server performance. Am guessing its probably at a fixed rate at the moment, 1 join every 5 seconds or something like that ? Summary, we as clients do not have the data to criticise the way the restart progress is being done but there must be a way to better optimise it. Having said that, how many coding resources should be spent on something like this issue when server restarts are not that common. There are other game mechanics that I would say take a higher priority. Like all projects/businesses, resources are not unlimited and it would appear that the devs for this particular game have a more practical approach than other developer teams I have come across in the past
  18. why dont we just have satellites , gps and radar too. Navigation is part of the game. Navigation aides that were available in those days could/should be made available in the game but have a high price for the upgrade. Coastal ships shouldn't be able to afford them, they used to navigate by keeping eyes on the shore line, thats how it should be done here. Ships can and should get lost, strong winds , strong current blowing you of course was a thing then, it should be reflected in the game. I'm all for hardcore sailing sim. lets not make it arcadey, You have World of Warships if you want that.
  19. To make both the loss of a crew more damaging and the expertise of a crew more important I have the following suggestion: Add a crew training mechanic for the various aspects of the game, which could FOR EXAMPLE be SailingTacking Hoisting and lowering sails Rigging RepairSails Carpentry Rigging GunneryMarksmanship Ranging reloading MedicalAbility to keep crew alive and return to duty Hand to hand combat (For or defence against boarding)Sword fighting Musketry Boarding Grappeling Defence Suggestion for crew training Mechanic Have a gui option list for "Training" which can be accessed while at sea or for the case of gunnery practise at set locations where there is a "gunnery Range" and then select from a drop down list the type of training you want to carry out. Training time earns training points per individual crew member who carried out the training The training points that an individual crew member can have is capped, lets say for easy maths 10 points per crew member The crew skill over the range of possible skills is then given as a percentage, lets say we have a ship of 100 men Losing that crew member loses that training skill set for the ship Have a cooldown timer that reduces the number of training sessions you can have over a period of online time players online time Or you could buy from the shop "Training Aids" The training mechanic would obviously increase the skill of the crew at whatever skillset they trained at The maths principle Lets say we have a ship with 100 men Each crew member has 10 possible training points then can aspire to So the maximum skill points for that ship would be 1000 points lets say the captain has fully trained his crew, half of all training was spent on Gunnery and he has 500 points, of which half of the gunnery training was spent on Marksmanship and half on reloading. So the training points awarded so far are: 250 for marksmanship 250 for reloading. He then spends all the other training time on repair until he reaches the following status 250 for Carpentry repair 250 on Rigging repair The crew would then have achieved a professionally trained status and the data that the captain and only the captain would be given would be something like Training Skillset Crew Training @ 100% Gunnery: Marskmanship 25% Gunnery: reloading 25% Repair: Carpentry 25% Repair: sails: reloading 25% What happens if he wants to retrain the crew. He needs to select the skill sets he wants to lose in order to retrain a different skill set. if the skill set is in the same category, for example Repair, lets say he wants to retrain from rigging to sail repair, the training is done more quickly. however if he wants to retrain Gunnery reloading to Sailing - Tacking, this would take longer because its a new concept to the crew What happens if a crew member dies Those 10 points are deducted from the ships skill set and the captain needs to recruit a new member back at a port or can use a crew members from a ship he has captured if he hasn't sold them into slavery (A crew full of slaves could mutiny) To simplify the system, you could allocate training values to each deck and split them between port and starboard So you could have a port lower deck crew which has a deck full of carronades fully trained in just reloading quickly In Summary Adding a crew training mechanic like this makes the crew and the captains ability to look after his crew way more important and adds an additional element to combat
  20. My main issue with how things are set up at the moment is the difficulty finding the battles that my mates are in or finding my admiralty mission. Also If I am in an admiralty mission, other players coming in uninvited, stealing the ship from under me by blocking any attempt I make to board or simply just getting in my way For that reason, i would like to suggest the following Missions in General Ability to view the Crossed swords GUI via spyglass and see some information about who is in the battle Not sure exactly what information would be ideal, but certainly Players names (Maybe only if on your friends list, Clan members etc Your Admiralty Missions Crossed swords GUI overlay could do with a different colour than standard battles to make it easier to differentiate Ability to "lock" the battle and select who can enter the battle On request (Same pop up box as a friends request) Clan members Friends list As an addition, any battles that your friends are in or your clan members could also do with being differentiated maybe again by colour or possibly different symbols as the GUI overlay
  21. I must admit, I consider these forums to be extremely mild and well behaved, so I was a bit surprised to find Capt Pugwash's thread here
  22. This is the internet, people have anonymity and can pretend to be or act however they like with little if any penalty for their actions. Being on any internet site that has interaction between others requires you as an individual to have a thick skin and a sense of humour and not be politically correct as required by the falseness of the corporate world . This is the cold stark reality of it. The I/net if made up of folks from all over the world with different cultures, ages, moral standards and backgrounds. It is naive to think this would be a happy place where everyone acts appropriately to one n other. It would appear your also British, sarcasm is a major part of your culture, it's what makes the British humour stand out from the rest. You should ask yourself, Do I respect this person that is being sharp with me? Do I know this person who is being sharp with me? Does this person know me? If the answer is NO to all 3, then ignore it as if it were a spoilt child. By responding you may actually be falling for their baiting.
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