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von Beckett

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Everything posted by von Beckett

  1. I like the suggestions of a less organized sort of "Hit and Run" battle, more akin to screening fights, although I think a good way to implement it would be through the old flag system. The old flag system had criticisms mostly from the fact that they were too consequential for their quick and unexpected nature, where some players might not be on one day and unfairly lose an important port. If you implemented it in raiding, they wouldn't be port losses, just resource fights. It'd be a great way to add some spice to the down time between port battles. No need to complicate things by involving tax or resource thresholds or whatever, just buy a flag and have a grand ol' time fighting your enemies.
  2. Even though I've been away from the game awaiting updates, I still am in love with the whole idea of Naval Action. I love this game, and I think it would have to be all due to just fleet fight fun. There's of course the Battle of Santiago (I'm sure the Brits and Spaniards will remember it!) which was a battle that went so well for us we glistened it "Trafalgar 2.0" and put it down in the history books. I think the most magical moment I had in naval action was just that entire campaign, which the Brits I think still refer to as "The Santiago Campaign." Every day I hopped on and there was always action around Santiago, Cuba. We had so many battles and so much fun I just don't think I'd still be here if it weren't for that. Despite occasional saltiness from both sides, I think (hope) both sides came out respecting each other and excited for the next battle. All I must says is thanks to the Spanish, French and occasional Danish forces that we fought at the Santiago Campaign.
  3. I don't see how this is a response to what I said...? I don't mean to sound rude I'm just a bit confused. Edit: I suppose you mean what I said about congratulating the central powers on their 'coordination.' I meant the "Central Powers" coordinated well during the battles. Although I wasn't on, landing 7 port battles at once and getting 5 25 man fleets together is a feat of logistical organization most people would only dream of. Hats off to you lot on that! I didn't mean to undermine that aspect of "Black Wednesday." o7
  4. As far as I've seen reading this thread, hope is what truly shines here. The amount of good sportsmanship I've seen from both sides with all the "gg" and "thanks for the content!" comments is great to see. In fact, just 1 day after the loss of 5 consecutive port battles, some members of the "Quadruple alliance" were willing to just chill in the British National TS and talk freely with their enemies. In months past, if an event like "Black Wednesday" happened to either alliance, we would see sodium-chloride levels on the forums surpass that of the Dead Sea. I suppose the point I want to make here is that I'd like to congratulate both sides for the great sportsmanship shown, and the "Central Powers" of The Dutch Republic, Britain, and the United States for the excellent show of coordination in these battles. (Although I have to give props to the Spanish for tactically winning their battle )
  5. If you have ever played Naval Action, you have no doubt heard of them. My great commendations to you folks. An excellent PVP clan and fun to sail alongside!
  6. I don't like contributing to forum bickering, however this is maybe the single most inaccurate summation of the events you could possibly think up. The British Fleet set out to attack the port of Georgetown.The French and Spanish had defended these islands in the past, so we expected nothing less today. As the Fleet approached, we sighted a Pirate fleet, primarily composed of Bellonas. Realizing they had the BR to tag us, we prepared for battle; we knew a first rate fleet could not outrun a 3rd/2nd rate fleet. The pirates obviously were screening, which was to be expected. Although we knew it would be useless, we attempted to plant the flag. Once battle commenced, the British fleet formed a group and turned into the pirates. The simple goal was to get at least one good fight out of today. As the British formation turned into the pirate fleet, we realized what the next hour and a half of our lives would be like. With the wind in the state it was, The faster and more agile pirate ships easily evaded the British fleet. The pirate fleet turned into full on rout early in the battle (I'm not angry about that, as that's what any sensible Captain would have done). As the British realized this, the order was given to turn around and sail with the wind away from the pirates (even though the Pirates were faster at all points of sail) with the plan being to try to reel them in using the wind. As the pirate fleet drifted away from the British, the kiting began. From a distance, the Pirate Fleet tagged the fleet with long range fire. With this in mind, the British fleet turned into the Bay of Georgetown, hoping the pirates would follow. This was a last ditch attempt at getting a fight, which proved to be fruitless. The British fleet formed up inside the Bay, ready to collapse in for a brawl. However, much to the dismay of the British Captains, the pirate fleet never entered, instead shot broadside after broadside from a significant distance. Neither side sustained much damage in this exchange, however a French Renomee was dis masted and surrendered, while a British first rate lost the top of her mainmast. Eventually the British Fleet retreated behind the island so as to stop tagging/getting tagged. I know this is a lot of words to read, but I really hope I summarized the battle as unbiased as possible so people wouldn't think the British or Pirates were cowards, as neither of those were displayed here.
  7. I was talking about the first rates. The BRITISH had 12 first rates after half the fleet TP'd to defend GT, which were blockaded by around 25 - 30 pirate first rates at Sant Iago... never did I mention the USA v Pirates battle. That screen VS the usa is an impressive show of superior tactics against your enemy. GJ in that battle. I also realize I responded to the wrong post, I meant to respond to the previous one about the brits not wanting to fight. That's my mistake, and I wish to offer my sincere apologies. Cheers!
  8. Vicious, we had 12 ships and you had at least 30. Those odds are impossible to overcome, especially as a lot of us are very rusty with first rate battles. However it was an impressive show of force from you lot there, regardless
  9. Although I do think we could have done more to help the Dutch nation during the final stages of this war, we simply do not have the proper amount RVR players active right now. After 7 months of constant fighting, The British Empire has been all but burnt out. Of course, this is subject to change soon with the upcoming patch as those players return. Britain has been sending full fleets to help the Dutch for about 3 weeks straight, and before then when British Captains helped the Dutch defend Pampatar. I wish good luck to the brave Dutch Nation in the final days before the patch. Cheers!
  10. A good bunch of players, I'll say that. In my time on PVP2 SOB we fought them, and I had great fun at every battle. Even though outnumbered, they fought bravely and most skillfully. I'd highly recommend them to any PVPer looking for a good fight. Cheers!
  11. I believe this battle is the Danish VS Dutch, mate.
  12. They had a mortar brig? on defense? that seems a bit odd. Calling rush was a good call, as a fleet with sails up will take a long time to start moving, especially in first rates. The British on PVP1 had a similar encounter. We had 9 ingermanlands heading for a port battle, when an enemy screen attacked us with 16 ships (mostly second, third and 4th rates), they should have sunk the lot of us. (we even had one of ours isolated in the tag) But they decided to shoot sails. We pounded their hulls and took the wind from them, so at the end of the battle no British ship had been lost, and 5 enemies had sunk (there were multiple heavily damaged ships that fled, including 2 second rates) I'll admit though at the end of the battle even though none of us lost any masts, none of us had any sails left to shoot either.
  13. This thread has far strayed from what it was originally made about; The battle of Port Antonio. I suggest we talk about the battle, and what happened. I'll start. How did the pirates manage to accomplish such a victory? What tactics were used that outsmarted the british/american fleet command?
  14. I really don't see the point in arguing about towers, timers, and port battles. The whole system is about to be completely changed. We will get a 48 hour warning for port battles, giving every nation equal opportunity to defend their ports. It will provide more Open world PVP in conflict zones, and it will make the game focused on Maritime tactics rather than just people complaining about flags.
  15. Indeed you did! Fine PVP today I'd say. you had our fleet outgunned 2-1 (Or even more so) which should be expected when intercepting a flag. Well fought today at Robras. Spain fielded what, 40 guys today in a single spot? I do suppose Spain is not as underpopulated as you keep calling yourselves. Today showed you clearly still have more than adequate numbers to fight, and fight you did. Don't just roll over and complain when things get tough. You guys outnumbered and outgunned us very well, so good job on that. I look forward to more fighting with you and your allies. (If your allies decide to help you guys at all....) Rear Admiral Cutler Beckett, Commander of HMS Serendipty
  16. Hopefully I can clear some things up here and add my 2 cents to this topic The lead up to the "Blitzkrieg" against Spain came out of Diplomacy. Originally, the Spanish sued for an extension to the Three Admirals treaty, but soon both side quickly forgot it and discarded it. After, the British tried to extend the treaty under the threat of war. (of course, as that was the only other option) However, the British DID warn that this exact thing would happen to Spain, but the talks continued to be fruitless. Finally, after British diplomats spent countless hours trying to talk with Spain, the Spanish simply declined all agreements and declared war. A strait up declaration of war against someone you are at peace with is a very bold move. With this, many people in the British nation expected there to be a sudden scourge of Spanish vessels into British waters, and quickly went into defensive mode. after nearly a week of war, the expected Spanish armada never came. You can understand at this point the 3 allies were disappointed. No major offensive came, nothing. This had all but wasted everyone's time. At this point, the Allies of Great Britain, Holland, and the United States met up, organized, and went on the offensive. I say "Allies" because the attacks against Spain were in no way only British. Plenty of Dutch and American captains helped a LOT. And the rest is history. Port after port fell to the Allies, and the Major engagements were won by the British (pointing at the battle of Daguilla and outside Robras) except for the first battle of San Lazaro, which ended in Spanish victory after overwhelming numbers joined in. (the port was taken the following day after the Dutch/British brought a larger force) That's just a summary of the British POV. OPINION TIME: Spain should have expected the reaction they got, and their allies were not there for them when they needed it the most.
  17. To be really honest the 7 nations pulling flags was more of just a gag than anything. I know many people thought the whole server really was against the Pirates, but that was not the case. The British and Danes pulled flags first, and then the US started the gag, afterwords Spain, France, Holland and the Swedes joined in. I really enjoyed it, as it helped people from all nations into more of a single community rather than a bunch of separate groups arguing. Also, the Standoff in front of Macao was fun http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/494654052796402598/8EF0D98F65408039FDDCBC33B15354DC363CE3EE/ http://i.imgur.com/6g7hr1x.jpg
  18. I hope you are prepared to have long meals. Danish lunches can last hours. As a man of heavy Danish decent I've had a few
  19. So THIS is how we get the Swedes and Danes to help eachother. This is something not even 1000 years of history has been able to achieve!
  20. I understand SORRY's stance on this. Teamspeak is a vital tool for any major fleet engagement. Having half a fleet in Teamspeak and the other half randoms can be very bad, and can cost you a fight even if you have greater BR. This has been the case in many battles off of the coast of Kingston where 25 randoms rally and get crushed by a fleet half their size due to no communication. However, abandoning fellow pirates when the pirate nation is in the state that it is in was the wrong decision. I'd recomend you advertise your national TS to smaller clans and randoms. I worked decently enough for us Brits
  21. Lo siento, se me olvidó traducir mi mensaje. Usted no tiene ninguna prueba de que hemos cerrado la sesión en el mar. El viento era muy bueno para la navegación, por lo que llegó a Puerto Escondido muy rápido. Había 2 personas que nos vio navegando a Puerto Escondido, Commodore Clay y EL LOCO. Tal vez sus exploradores buscaban el lugar equivocado? Muchos de sus marineros estaban defendiendo Portillo, mientras que plantamos la bandera. Por favor, no suponemos que hicimos trampa sólo porque no nos vieron tan pronto como nos dejó puerto. Me disculpo por mi mal español. Traductor Google no es 100% precisa XD
  22. No tengo idea de dónde ustedes sacado de cuento de esta, pero no, no cerrar la sesión y volver a tomar en Puerto Escondido. Navegamos desde Haití como un Blob Con viento y muy bueno hizo allí en buen tiempo para una primera flota tasa. De hecho, pedir a los jugadores conocidos como [siento] Commodore Clay y [HUNT] EL LOCO como esos dos jugadores vieron la flota se aproxima a las costas de Cuba. Además, la mayoría de la Armada Española se centró en nuestro segundo ataque a Portillo en el momento en que plantamos la bandera, que explica por qué se mantuvo oculto para la mayoría de la vela a Puerto.
  23. Of course I don't direct anything at you, as you had nothing to do with it Blackthorne.
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