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LethaK Maas

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Everything posted by LethaK Maas

  1. The AI is simply too accurate at all times, in all conditions, and never miss any single shot. In the long run of a battle, this is a huge bonus over a player having to re-aim every two or so boardside, or after each wave.
  2. I would like to add "ship deliveries" as a suggestion for implementation
  3. If you remove the ability to teleport with cargo their is the problem that a large amount of player will not be going to play again, because traders will abuse their margin.
  4. Teleport and cooldown should be divided imo Existing: Teleport from outpost to outpost (without ship) - 3h CD Existing: Teleport to capital (with ship) - 1H CD New: Teleport from Regional capital to Regional capital (without ship) - 4H CD
  5. Indeed... Here is a quick PHP function to transform this javascript declaration into proper JSON returns null if something is wrong, or a PHP array containing datas from the "API" function fetchEndpoint($endpointUrl) { $content = file_get_contents($endpointUrl); if($content!==null && is_string($content)) { $equalPos = strpos($content, '='); if($equalPos!==false) $content = trim(print_r(substr($content, $equalPos+1), true), ' ;'); $JSON = json_decode($content,1); return $JSON; } return null; }
  6. Perso je n'apprécierais pas des "-100" en rouge au dessus des cibles. Exactement la même remarque. Pour la taille de du studio, Naval Action s'en sort pas trop mal
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