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Posts posted by Arvenski

  1. "When the battle started, we were sailing towards each other, and I wanted to pass him by broadside to broadside at close range, but before that he made a turn and I crashed right into his flank. He rolled over onto his side and I was pushing him onward like this for a bit. When I stopped, he went back upright again. "


    Oh, I hate it when they do that. It looks like you're going to pass broadside to broadside, like you say, and then they'll turn into your path at the last minute. Before the last change to how leaks work, a solid ramming hit like that (just the hit, no capsizing) could have you taking on a lot of water, so there were a couple of times where I nearly lost my ship right at the start of a mission after AI ships turned in front of me like that. Now I've gotten to the point where I kinda expect them to do that, so I watch them closely as we're approaching each other at the start of the battle, and then I turn the other way at the first hint of them starting to turn. 

  2. I was wondering that as well. She actually looks rather pretty to me. I'm guessing that the problem is that she's very low in the water (her lower gun deck ports are very close to the waterline), but I don't really know. 

  3. That's a good question, actually. I suppose I took a wild guess at how many guns she might carry. Although, now that you mention it, she could end up being a 4th-rate like the Constitution. (On a similar note, I just saw that this thread says that Kepler's gun deck is the same length as that of the Consti. Hmm.) 


    edit: This is where I must've gotten the number of guns from. I'd completely forgotten about it:





    36 gun ports.

  4. le Bucentaure  is ready and waiting its turn for QA with others ships like Ocean, Hermione, Prince and others.  The dev team is focused on game-play issues and delivering the new patch. As mentioned before new ships will be added with every patch.

    Didn't know about the Prince de Neufchatel. Okay. However, what this guy said is still a good point:


    Has any ship been added this patch ? 

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