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Everything posted by Skully

  1. The limit will always form a hard block. You could also be facing it when surrounded by 1 Nation. A Clan needs to be able to open at least 1 PB in their timeslot. Having to sail 2 hours to do so, fails the timeslot rule. Being forced to fight allies fails the alliances rule.
  2. Mission limits are bogus, so is excessive rewards on easy missions.
  3. So now that we have established that the (time zoned) zerg controls the PB timers. How does the dev team see other players (from other time zones) doing PBs?
  4. There I was happily crafting Iron Ingots for my ultra-cheap Hull Repairs (3750 / p), when I noticed I can't craft the final batch... The port has 20% Labor Hour discount, so the original craft is 60 hours (greater than 57 hours), but the real craft is 48 hours (less than 57 hours). Glorious revenue missed because of a small bug... :cry:
  5. Are you one of those ricers who believe paint makes things go faster? The red ones make you go faster, the black ones make your enemy flee away and the pink ones make them cuddle up to you. So yeah, paint is definitely pay 2 win.
  6. What will convince you to move your base of operations closer to the enemy?
  7. Skully


    Any form of compound taxes / cost hurts the market. That's why it is has never been used IRL.
  8. You can find information on hackmud at http://store.steampowered.com/app/469920/hackmud/ and https://www.hackmud.com/. skully.bladerunner was the defacto payment provider for any service (read bank or gambling operation) in the hackmud world. It was based on a real life concept/company in which payments are done by a third party within 24 hours on you behalf, while you pay that party 100% plus some extra cost within 60 days. Basically you lend money for 60 days. Given that skully.bladerunner was a MIDSEC (read: full access to funds and financial history of a virtual account) being used by Zero-Day-Corp, the largest bank within hackmud, we controlled the whole economy. (Until things got "patched". ) skully.finance was the financial market tool for stock brokers. I managed to convince the hackmud community that stock was a valid security. It was a followup on bladerunner to bypass the patch and once again brought us control of the economy. In later patches they made "invincible" accounts, like myself, be subject to random hacks, so the game killed itself. https://hackmud.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/222394608/comments/226582408 http://steamcommunity.com/games/469920/announcements/detail/1431433950228518959 Basically I got nightflipped , but with the difference that I lost it all.
  9. I would say, some "swedes". Exactly, I only stated who went to war against whom.
  10. Just take a look at Global map, specifically to Pirates and Danes. There is nothing that says, please stick to your safe zone so you never see action. Nor, please paint all dots. Go out, go forward fast until you meet action. Do not increase speed, or decrease the world, decrease the area of operations.
  11. I found some screenshots from skully.blade and skully.finance.
  12. It takes time for a Nation to react to events. This has proven to be roughly 1 day. So the rule is: the OODA loop of a Nation is roughly 24 hours. http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/22473-ill-show-you-hostility/?tab=comments#comment-461462 http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/14406-grander-port-battles-tomorrow/
  13. Neither is it a single player game in which you are your own game master.
  14. I think the actual numbers mentioned there qualify as bronze and I may need to refine it to:
  15. A 25 (PB) Fleet must be able to defend/hold at least a single port, unless defeated directly in a 25x25 fight.
  16. You can only fight who is in your time slot, regardless of alliance. It can also be phrased at, you can only fight whoever is online at the same time.
  17. We game by real life alliances, not by what any mechanic will dictate to us regardless of Clan or Nation. The game can only provide basic constructs that allows us to structure those alliances and be prepared for the inevitable. https://www.polygon.com/2017/9/12/16297364/eve-online-coup-co2-violence-threat-gigx-ban-the-judge
  18. We know our friends and they know us as well, so do our enemies. ISN is at war with HOST.
  19. I don't care about the perk cost. I would even say you get Fleet I for free. It should however not influence the BR rule to make invincible (Indiamen) fleets for hunters.
  20. Should you ever cap one, you'll know what I mean.
  21. As admin stated somewhere else: I would say, this needs those ships to be named individually. It should pose no problem now that we have 1-dura. And it would be a shame if somebody can not identify a "cursed" ship and accidentally sunk it.
  22. No need to get all in a spit fight. @Ink will look on Monday and judge whether this is a bug or an exploit. Since it seems to violate the rules it makes sense to put it up on Tribunal as opposed to Support.
  23. Skully


    Combat marks is the first currency. http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/22624-royal-bank-of-scotland/ And production of cost does not equal market value, so it's an interesting proposition. http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/22727-the-definitive-pricing-guide-september-1817/
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