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Everything posted by GreatScott

  1. You said you "Blew up" the first ship you were shooting at. Do you mean you hit their magazine and they exploded? Because if you're close enough to a ship that explodes the explosion can kill your crew all in one go. It happened to me yesterday. I wasn't even right on top of the ship that exploded because my ship itself didn't take a ton of damage but the crew was completely decimated.
  2. Exactly, I sorta felt obligated to join once I read the background on the Auld Alliance. My Great Grandmother was from Edinburgh I got a bit of Scottish Blood in me.
  3. Are you guys still active in Sea Trials? I was thinking about starting up a guild similar to this, specifically American's playing French (name it after Lafayette) but I feel like The Auld Alliance would be a good fit for me. I'll apply to the website when I get a chance and have another friend I could try to bring along as well.
  4. Yea, I'm gonna have to go ahead and lock this thread...
  5. This has been brought up in other threads and I believe that there was a response from NA employee about this being added at some point. I think it only makes sense to have this, otherwise a lot of the advantage of making a maneuver like this is lost to shots that go wide or hit sides.
  6. Just running away to make the battle last longer then it needs to be is troll and you would be a dick for doing it. What is completely fine and part of the game is to kite, for lack of a better word, while still firing and actually attempting to win (even if it is near impossible). Once in open world, when you are able to escape from battles then running right from the get go to save your ship would obviously be fine.
  7. Give 29B away to Charities to help children with cancer, invest 1B in muni's and never get out of my Pajama's.
  8. Completely situational, however, I would say 95% of the time it should be avoided.
  9. When it comes to the game I don't want a realistic game with terrible game play. Although I find this discussion interesting, to me the most important thing is that the game is fun while being as realistic as possible.
  10. I ran across this on steam today and saw it was on sale - 15 % off http://store.steampowered.com/app/244160/ Never played it, it looks like it's a single player which is probably why.
  11. Same answer I gave you in the other thread you posted in. Servers are down until 10 AM CET, that is 4am EST. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4070-extended-server-maintenance-22-02-2015-030-am-1000-am-cet/#entry79864
  12. Originally, Long Island, NY. Currently living in Orlando ,FL.
  13. Servers are down until 10AM CET, that's 4am EST I believe. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4070-extended-server-maintenance-22-02-2015-030-am-1000-am-cet/#entry79864
  14. It already seems like just about every battle I've been in turns into a close range slug fest. If we make long range inaccurate does it give people even more reason to go in close range? Will there ever be a point in shooting from a long distance? Accurate long range guns - Historical? probably not so much. Good for the game? To be determined...
  15. Have have you bought the game yet? Unfortunately, they've stopped selling alpha access for the time. So if you haven't you will probably need to wait until they reopen alpha or start on steam with early access.
  16. MM seems fine to me. We want it to be perfect in an imperfect world, which is impossible. Some teams are stronger then others but when I look at it, it always seems logical.
  17. Welcome, glad you like it.
  18. I can't help but point out the irony of your name. Ignore them, do what you think is best and always try to win the game. Seriously, the people doing this are children, but it's also childish to say you're going to quit the game because of it. There is no crying in Naval Action.
  19. I mean they're going to stop selling the keys tonight.. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3910-pre-orders-stopping-tonight/#entry77185 If you've already bought it you may receive it after tonight but new players won't be able to buy until they reopen the alpha or start selling early access on Steam, as I understand it.
  20. Better tell them to buy it quick. They're going to stop selling it tonight.
  21. Cool, another TIL. http://www.parkes.atnf.csiro.au/news_events/apollo11/
  22. This is pretty hilarious. As an American, I just take it all as jokes. I've never had anyone say something like what the OP is talking about in any way other then a joke. Maybe they talk behind our backs but whatever. I also learned today that there are three countries that use the Imperial system of measurement. I sorta find that funny because a lot of people like to use the joke about two types of countries, those that use the metric system and those that have put a man on the moon.
  23. I hope some day I'm rich enough to write the check they'll need to recreate a SOL.
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