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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by pietjenoob

  1. Which would mean people are also then a bit re leaned on alts but could be funny
  2. @admin The Dutch will loose all there assets? if not captured in time?
  3. no, the sails i get, but after the Vid i started rubberbanding, somebody even saw me spawn in WS harbour on a LGV whilst was near Las Aves with a Victory, I was near the port it self and was TP backed SW of the small island west of LA
  4. oke thanks, is the rubberbanding also part of the bug?
  5. Also since then a lot of rubberbanding for some weird reason
  6. pietjenoob

    Funky Sails

    I found a bug that makes my sails go on a weird rhythm and it seems to influence speed too. shortly after the capture my game more or less crashed so had to restart. Now @admin
  7. Well certain nations were Infamous for there use of shallows/shallow water ships. For example the Dutch dealt a good amount of damage to the combined Anglo-French fleet that they had to retreat near Texel. But also local knowledge of shallows would mean u had a chance to stay safe. There have been reports of experienced captains making use of shallows, to evade or ambush people. And from a strategical standpoint a river can be easily defended by a single fortress if placed correctly, but at the same time very easily being blocked off by the enemy if need be. But that can also mean that for example Dutch, Danish, Swedish and Russian ships (for a certain extend) would come very useful in those scenario's while a open water battle say at sea a Spanish, English and French ships would more useful. Just to give u guys an idea what I mean: Bucentaure 80 gun, 1803: length of gundeck: 55.5m breadth: 14.3m draught (forw): 7m draught (aft): 7.8m Admiraal de Ruyter 80/90 gun, 1806: length of gundeck: 54.9m breadth: 14.3m draught (forw): 5.9m draught (aft): 6.2m Also take in account that the shallow ship nation which I mentioned earlier tend to have a flat belly instead of a keel/fin Before i forget to mention the ships are both from the 1800's
  8. Do you happen to have a screenshot of dutch getting slaughtered at roseau?? As my intel suggests none were lost
  9. I would like to Introduce the 7 Provinciën en de Vrijheid or HMS Vryheid after her capture at camperduin and the Admiraal de Ruyter
  10. I would love to see Dutch ships ingame, they promised that they would come. The ships we have are not the biggest or famous but they packed a big punch, the 74 gun class of 1780's had a base loadout of 36, 24, 12 Dutch pdr as a normal loadout. The only ships that come close to a Dutch is the Chapman Indiaman (currently ingame) which is based of a Dutch Hekboot aka Hagboat, and the Yacht as a class
  11. May I ask why do the Dutch still have to this day then Willemstad, Curacoa, Fort Zoutman, Aruba and Oranjestad, Sint Eustatius to name a few Dutch cities. Not to mention the trading triangle we set up/part of for almost 400 years, Europa-Africa-America?
  12. i hope u have seen the date on it, yes friendly but not allied that are 2 different things, and it is merely for certain clans than anyone which i do not belong too
  13. no he hasn't confirmed that we are allied to French and do you consider Sweden to be allied to GB, because GB screened for Sweden? That we are at war with sweden nor allied to french
  14. may i ask on what basis do you say Dutch is allied to French? One time screening does not say we are allied might also be they were on look for prey u can also say that sweden is allied to GB because GB helped with screening for Rosseau and what indication do you have we have a war against Sweden?
  15. Dutch do have pop more than enough, we don't have the same problems as the french or US has
  16. pietjenoob

    FPS drop

    As for now it seem to have been solved with both installing the visual and restarting the laptop I will post later the gpu driver
  17. pietjenoob

    FPS drop

    i was playing on the Testbed today, because of constant crashing after firing a broadside, probs an AMD related issue and chanced back to normal i noticed that my FPS dropped a lot from a relatively stable 12 fps to nearly unplayable 3/4 fps. I have redownloaded the game and rechecked my settings. please help to get it back up to 12 FPS
  18. my game keeps crashing as soon i fire the guns Also AMD Radeon R4 graphics with a AMD quad -cor Proc A6-6310 up to 2.4 GHz
  19. Well only up to a certain distance after that shallow a bit like Maracaibo, and with the possible war company's vote and buy dredging ships?? to sail x amount further per x time
  20. There is not enough clarity to PB timers. For example we never had a PB scheduled when it was 100% and suddenly apparently it can be scheduled after PB timers close again. Please devs clarify this
  21. Well done Brits hopefully there will be more like these kind of battles. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/833580547906611237/0AF9684836F5143181B5168BCA814B363A98C387/ https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/833580547906611237/0AF9684836F5143181B5168BCA814B363A98C387/
  22. TP to national towns should be there otherwise it will not be fun to do trading combat and other stuff but tping to freetowns should be as it and that is none. it will otherwise encourage ganking and huge fleets that is not part of your nation and will take down the complete economy for weeks. Freetowns should give you refuge to attacks in hostille waters not a staging ground to hello kitty up the game
  23. Well i was in a battle against surprises and i was in my Santa Cecillia and it was funny they tried to capture but i demasted them and left with the second battle they tagged me better and they shot at my mast but couldn't take my mast down and kept shooting, and I shot at their hull and they had to flee i had like 50% sails left and more than 50% hull and the 9 and 6 pdr kept bouncing off my side, she was a tank of a frigate. I hope to get her back some time.
  24. I would like to thanks the devs for the making the ships so beautiful despite some are ugly and for the amount of ships we have. I believe the rigging on de Endymoin is gorgeous. I have had the priveledge to sail the LGV, surp and indiaman. And they are fantastic in their own ways but the indiaman needs a little bit of help. I want to know something despite shipbuilding by the devs have stopped. Can we expect a proper Dutch ship any time soon?
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