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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by pietjenoob

  1. Bring back the 1.5 br would only help the gankers and not the people who get ganked so it is an bad idea to bring the 1.5xbr back maybe to the old system??
  2. That is not what we mean we want to see it ingame not of a third persone party Oh well you know my nickname so... and i am doing a better job then the pirates
  3. yes because the Dutch nation had a few problems with port timers and we had to ask other nations to check for us and porttimers atm are very importand
  4. Konali89 i can confirm both, the ship is very effective at killing slow ships and stationary target if they have a decent width but the are atm quite funerable to other (faster) ships. It is a real joy if you hit. I would like to refer to olavdeng vid with the mortarbrig were he got hit by a ball and almost shits his pants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCkpTnx9ZoQ look at min 11.30 till 13.00 there you will find your answer
  5. i do agree with mouse of war it is more helping the gankers instead the people who get ganked
  6. Maybe I should be more precies improve the aimspeed, especially if you are in the last part of aiming
  7. I am playing the Mortar Brig, it is a nice ship but there is a problem with it, Which is the fact that the Brig is not a stable platform that means that i can't fully aim my shots and it has already a horrendous last circle aiming and with not a stable platform it is not completly aimed when i fire maybe improve the aiming of the ship?
  8. What do you think a cargohold full of supplies, most of them are yours actually but you never collect them, yeah I am scared!!
  9. I hereby pledge the sum of onehunderd thousand guldens for the capture or sinking of a Lynx or Privateer vessel commanded by Hethwill, captain under the Pirate flag.
  10. yes something like that and the more ship you make the more efficient use of the materials maybe a combination crafting level and specialization
  11. Well I was thinking and talking today with some people and I was wondering if builders in general can get a sort of system were the more you produce of a certain good or ship that get a discount on labour hours and materials. The way i see it is for ships you have in the beginning very inexperienced crew, beginner, experienced, veteran and elite for example. say that the inexperienced crew is getting no bonus and with the beginner you 2% and so on but that doesn't count for the carriages in shipbuilding but it does for building the carriages it self
  12. Sorry to say but who is trolling and fucking up the timers
  13. What is also a possibilty is that you put one rank extra so you get 11 ranks instead of 10 Levels currently Level 1: 40 Level 2: 60 Level 3: 120 Level 4: 150 Level 5: 200 Level 6: 250 Level 7: 350 Level 8: 650 Level 9: 800 Level10: 1100 Levels should be Level 1: 40 Level 2: 60 Level 3: 120 Level 4: 150 Level 5: 200 Level 6: 250 Level 7: 350 Level 8: 500 Level 9: 650 Level 10: 850 Level 11: 1100
  14. Let's see how good the Le Gros Ventre. I hope it is good.
  15. Did you know what Nelson did at the battle of Trafalgar just that
  16. it is possible but it is sometimes hard but after a while you can get the hang of it but you need also use manual sailing
  17. i find it actually better to cap then before
  18. I think it is more like a desk decoration then anything else
  19. Well i don't have a real base more an area which i rather don't tell you
  20. Also a little bennefiet is that after you have done your capture you need to port and put everything first in warehous and then in Trader now it is even more time saving. Every ship i capture is around 7.5min or faster for the brig and snow. Cutter i think in 5 min and lynx really depends on coorporation of the crew and with a renn or snow it will take more time because of sailing back and forth and i can do 15 trader catches before going to any port in best situation. Minimal damage
  21. Well there is supposed to be a voting to change my name to 'Pietje the Privateer' because of my 'Funny' traders snow.PS I am willing to give people a little course 'how to catch a trader with a trader'
  22. It sheems we are going back in time for elderly. Let us bring back the type-writer and the telegraph.
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