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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by pietjenoob

  1. We can discus the release of your crew
  2. Will their be also some kind of moral game in play. What i am suggesting is that a port is for say 10 days or more, i believe the average time for certain ports it will take longer the prep time then normal becaus the residents of that port have been so long under a certain nation/faction rule. A bit like the boarding game that a fort provides x amount of moral extra. Example if you try to take a port the moral at the very first battle is 100 and you need 10 quests for example to reduce it to zero but with the fort you get 20 moral extra and it will take 15 quests, particially because of the historical reason of forts and natural supplies of the fort. And for pirates it will be a little bit harder in the same situation it will take them at least 18-20 quests because of the fact that pirates are not having the structure of making a cordinated attack (yes i know pirates can coordinate but gameplay wise and a little RP)and to keep, hold and maintain a port, with a few exceptions. So after 7 days of raiding( give it a semi-freetown status) the piratea leave and abondon the town(go back to a neutral port-status
  3. It might that they don't put it in as pb rework but that is part of pb rework and you know that the devs are always a bit secretly what they do implement. Like the 7 days off of that place after capture
  4. Want you can do is as suggestion special events which are player driven? What Hugo van Groijt and Hethwill send you a mail/message about a while ago
  5. Well then if you want to show honour then be honourable and say something else then no, come with a offer yourself that is reasonable for everybody and not for yourself. Remember this game needs players to find the missing, funny and shitty bugs/content and make the gameplayable for everybody not for yourself. I know our diplo were ready to talk about peace without any problems you got have trinidad back, they got no from the french and now you are demanding ports that is ridiculous. And calls himself a gentle ....
  6. and day six six days in a row http://prntscr.com/bfkjoc
  7. Why if i may ask? i have never said anything about the fact that we, Dutch and French, can have an alliance or not
  8. oke then i shall correct myself on that part but some french captain see the British as their Main enemy Well i want to correct you on the part of the British and dutch. The dutch and British has for most of the time being friendly and helpful to each other. The Dutch High council is willing to make it an alliance but since their is no formal Council on the British part nobody can can accept it on that their side, but the dutch and British see them selfs to a certain extent allies of each other unofficially.
  9. if i may ask who are you? We as Dutch are trying to get the french so far that they are willing/joining us to fight the pirates and not attack the british preferably, but they still consider Pampatar Carupano and Galdonas theirs whilst it is been Dutch for over 4 months. The dutch never wanted this war only allies against the pirates Every answer we got on and from their side there was no counter-offer so far is no untill they had Pampatar galdonas and carupano then they came with demands and celebrating that they have pushed us back whilst we let them. The sad fact is also still that they see the british as an enternal enemy whilst that should be pirates but the unfortunate fact is still that they will not even want to listen to anything. i have send an own innitative peace proposal to Horail for reviewing by the french counsil which was approved by our Diplomat Praefect in which stated that they are willing so not forcing to join forces against the pirates together with Sweden and with help of UK and US (us because of distance)
  10. If you say we are not honnorable then you are really ignorent. We, as the nation in general were not very happy, in fact a pretty angry tbh, that the french declared war on the swedish. We risked our relationship with the brits so you could fight them. The only we want and that still is and will be stop looking at the British and get back to the game and see your true enemy and that are those damn pirates. We have a saying for that: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.If you don't get this then there is no hope for the french part who follow kerrieb. Unfortunaly to say
  11. I would their should be negotiation not a power play that helps nobody you can only demand stuff if a nation is a one portminor for example or strip them of of any usefull resource. But demanding ports whilst you only have 5 ports for example that is powerplay. Everybody has demands but they have to be realistic and negotiobable.
  12. Well the proposal should only be in this forum as a topic to end a war mere an announcement. not to see what the rest of the world thinks about it that should only be for the nation who are involveld the matter. We are not going to say for example!! In a peace proposal between british and pirates, british should have an alliance with pirates me as a dutchie, frenchie or what ever it is only pirates and british should go to their own community to inform and see if they have some other ideas. Sometimes they have but do not say no all the time because you lost 3 ports over 4 months ago. We are also not complaining about the fact we lost panama for example or Oranjestad. Get over it. It is a dynamic game we don't have any borders unless we chose to in this case borders are harbours.
  13. but then you should not make this kind of acquisations
  14. sorry glazo FFD is a minor Dutch clan which is a good clan only some people has problems with Johannes coenradus and FFD didnot leave the nation
  15. what we want is you guys to listen for once and stop wining about the british we gave you ports so you could go across to fight them, not a lot of nation would do that and the british were afterwards not happy the only thing we ask is a peace were everybody is happy. but you guys don't want it because of bad community? or is it your are to proud to admit defeat? because most PB iam in it is viva la france since the beginning. what we want is simple realistic we want to defeat the pirates we only ask to not attack the british, but instead attack the pirates that is our main reason
  16. well that had different kind of reason and you mean curse guys
  17. then you should stop with this kind of blackmail you make it only harder for your self, the French and Dutch community and the diplo's. and i want to know who is your contact in the Vereenigde Proviniciën
  18. Fifth day oke this is getting riducilious right know before the porttimer is open Martin van Deelen an pirate Alt acc made the flag for barranquilla. http://prntscr.com/bf78hx http://prntscr.com/bf78ll
  19. this was the best battle ever http://prntscr.com/bf6p5i Captured a 3rd and a SORRY Santi btw the santi got wrecked by a rattlesnake
  20. and this is day 4 http://prntscr.com/besowa and part 2 http://prntscr.com/beujok
  21. and they did it again this evening day 2 http://prntscr.com/bdz8a3 the same guys so this is clearly an exploit by blocking 2 nation from attacking an port and giving the pirates an advantage. Day 3 http://prntscr.com/bee1zh
  22. But a simple other question will the name of the be with HMS for the british and USS/USN for american in front of their name so for example i name my ship the Raven and i get HMS Raven and if captured she will be USS Raven till she is in port?
  23. That log would kept bound to the game for hours then i need to rethink al my ships and their history of some would be amazing. I would not surprise me that some ships just went from country to country and player to player. And the best thing is that you already have the data so it is only a question of how implent and how the log is going to be
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