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Everything posted by TommyShelby

  1. I remember the last time i asked a developer (I was a forum mod) if this was a possibility and my idea was immediately shot down. I'd like to get admin's thought's on this before we discuss further (Maybe he has made a comment somewhere else which i didn't see, please refer me to that if so). - While here though i'd like to contribute with my opinion ofcourse. Personally, because of the game (someone mentioned something similar earlier in this thread) and the way it's made (Real factions) and such, i'd like to refer to something i read the other day in "Daily Life in the Age of Sail"; - Quote, page 105, Lines 16-19. "Admirals were flag officers - They had the right to fly their own flag (...)" I'd also like to refer to wikipedia (Yes, i'm referring to wikipedia..); (Page about Battle Ensigns) -Second picture on the right; "Niagara flying Òliver Hazard Perry's - Don't Give up the Ship - Battle ensign at the Battle of Lake Erie" - - Another quote from the the first section on that page; "The battle ensign was seen as an important element for the morale of the crew and was held in high regard. (...). Some countries use their national flag as the battle ensign, while others use their naval ensign. Sometimes unique flags were made and used as battle ensigns, for example the one flown by USNF at the battle of Lake Erie" Then i'd like to quote another wikipedia page; (Maritime_Flag) - Quote 1, section about House flag. "Merchant ships often fly a flag identifying which company owns the vessel. This was formerly flown from the mainmast but is now usually flown from the jackstaff" - Quote 2, section about Private Signal. "Private signals are custom designed flags used to symbolize and identify the owner of a boat". - Quote 3, on Distinguishing marks. "On 16 January 1899, commisioned ships of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey were authorized to fly their own flag to distinguish them from ships of the US Navy, with which they shared a common ensign (For info on "Ensign"). Although they continued to fly the same ensign as U.S. Navy ships, ships of the Survey flew the Coast and Geodetic Survey flag as a "distinguishing mark" (...)". Based on all this i think we really need a custom flag slot for all captains (The small private flag), a bigger "Battle ensign" for the more "honored" tester/players, and finally, the opportunity for clans to have a "Distinguishing mark". The custom/private flag slot could maybe - If possible - Be linked to a database which players and testers have access to, there we could see the flags ingame and then place a vote, (Approved, Not Approved). The "Battle Ensign" would ofcourse be approved by game-labs and so would the distinquishing mark. - There also needs to be a "report flag" option so that one can report a flag if one feels harrassed/provoked by it. But again, i'd like to hear Admin's opinion on this. ^^
  2. Oh - I thought he meant it was changed in-game (Like, insider info from admin or something :3 ) It's a small change though so maybe, just maybe they have included it in this patch.
  3. Nice to know! Got my spreadsheet updated with that minor change then ^^ - If we haven't been reset i'll throw an update on the "Commodore" rank (Just after Flag Captain) as soon as i get it. I was missing about 3000 exp when OW closed.
  4. Have you even checked the "Open World - Subforum"? - Spoiler, there is a sticky thread, actually, it's the sticky at the very top. It's called "Long Maintenance warning. Open World Servers". Cheers.
  5. Ehm, maybe checking the front page of forum would help you out a bit - The game is in development and open world testing has begun.
  6. Hahah i'd prefer a beer on a Tavern some time when open world comes out! Gone through about something like 1.500.000 - 2.000.000 combinations so far with no luck (4-string combinations is the max so far: XXXX, XXXY, YXXX etc.) and the time it will take increases exponentially. So my conclusion is that i'll be through some time throughout the weekend. Now the only thing left to do is to pray to the gods that i've gotten my hands on the right file and i'm not busting my way through this encrypted file just to get a virus... - That was a small status update i guess. I'll now go to bed praying that it's 8 bit encryption or even less and not 56 bit or something even worse: 256 bit encryption....
  7. I need to find this movie. Right now. I think, i might have the movie in a couple of hours (There is a shitload of password combinations) but i'm working on it! - If i have any success i'll upload it somewhere and provide you all with a link (No shitty surveys or the like!) ^^
  8. Darby i read this as if he had the stats proving him also having played the NavyBrig and Cerberus - Though my first though was the same as probably went through your head: "No he doesn't? He just doesn't realise the ship lineup changed" Looking forward to an answer (Hoping this game is goddarn unhackable)! Cheers.
  9. The use of hotshot has been discussed several times throughout the forums. From what i know there is atm. three opinions on it: 1. It could not/Was not used on board ships because of several reasons: - It was dangerous - Furnaces were needed - Transporting the hotshot from the furnace to the cannons on board was a problem 2. It could/was used but not very often and only in very low amount because of the aforementioned reasons. 3. It wasn't dangerous and we should have hotshot in excessive amounts.
  10. Would be great right? I've been looking forward to the movie oh so very much!
  11. You can play "custom battles" (Skirmish - Siege - etc...) and "campaign". Both have online functions. In shogun 2 they introduced something called "Avatar conquest" (Some kind of weird online thing). I have no knowledge about the latest installment "Attila" but the Total War series will never die! ^^
  12. Waow. Thanks for spending time on this! - The more i learn about the Danish ships the more i want some to be ingame. Not only a SoL but also a frigate - I'm sure there are some places around the carribbean where a shallow draft frigate will be nice to have! Again, many thanks for this! Cheers.
  13. Oh that's cool! - Since the alot of the waters around Denmark are relatively shallow (And the vikings used that to their advantage as well) i'm thinking the Danish ships might have been built to sail in places with less water? (I might have to set up a document comparing Danish and English ships, just to see the where the differences lies) ^^
  14. From what i've read about some of the danish ships they were supposedly very beatifully build? (I'm a Dane but have no real knowledge about the age of sail) - Might you have any knowledge about what impressed the British? - Were the Danish ships built a bit differently, sturdier maybe? Or was it purely the cosmetics of say, the "Christian VII"? Cheers, Tommy Shelby
  15. Destroyed after several hours of battle with the english ships STATELY and HMS Nassau The most interesting thing about the whole thing is that HMS Nassau was originally named HMS Holsteen and was a 60-gun Danish lineship as well.
  16. The more Danish ships the better! (Yes, i'm biased - I'm a Dane). For once a game is made about the period in which Denmark were a superior nation in many ways and it would be amazing to see a Danish ship make it into a game like Naval Action. I get a weird feeling of pride and honor just thinking about sailing a Danish Ship in here. Cheers.
  17. I'm sorry but all this "Useless" "We have more important stuff to be implemented" is really not arguments. It's just your personal opinion... - Right, we don't have calm winds ingame atm. So what? We can't discuss this topic as common folk? I'm sure calm winds will be implemented at some point and i think studding sails should be implemented at that point (Personal opinion). Why do i think such? Because it's a gameplay feature which adds depth, variety, detail, (Realism?) and options/choices to the game. Imagine a battle in calm winds, you can choose to spend, say 60-120 seconds on putting up "Studding sails" and gain a small "speed boost" so to say. - Disadvantage being you can't tack properly forexample. I don't think anyone said that it should be implemented right away, i believe the thread was merely made so as to start a discussion on the topic (And to see if it might be implemented some time in the future, when more important stuff have been added already) So instead of thinking "Hmm, what a useless feature if it was implemented right now" think of how it could be implemented in the future, a long with all the other features to be implemented. Cheers. Tommy Shelby.
  18. Really? I hope there's some better reasoning for choosing not to implement it. I personally think it looks amazing (Ofcourse, i haven't seen it ingame, if maybe Admin could show us how it would look if they already experimented with it..) ^^ - It could basically be a thing for open world play and not for use in the instanced battles. I assume they take some time to deploy but it would be a cool feature for open world and the long trips we will probably be making. Well i take that back after reading Dazed's comment, if true i'd say it should be something we can buy for our ships if we want to. I imagine there must be some disadvantages when it comes to using them in battle?
  19. Hmm, oops. Like JRT i thought this was a Naval Action topic.(God it still confuses me that Gettysburg and NA is on the same forum). I have no idea then, sorry for wasting your time! Cheers.
  20. I know atleast 2 players off the top of my mind. And i've seen several players saying they "just got the game" in the general chat (Since purchases was closed that is). ^^
  21. I suggest you try writing your post in an email to game labs. This is their email: info@game-labs.net I wish you the best of luck in getting a key my good sir. Cheers. NB. It wasn't Clinch who wrote the above, it's the quote from "Admin" which "Hammock" was referring to earlier. I wasn't sure how to quote from another thread so this is how it ended up. Once again, the quote is from Admin and not Clinch. ^^ NB. NB. "Teatrader" seems to have an extra copy lying around if that might be of interest. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/4693-trade-extra-copy-of-naval-action/
  22. I'm honestly not sure what you mean? What do you want our thoughts on?
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