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Everything posted by Wimbley

  1. Bump - Going on week 3 with no support.
  2. Still no help? I have waited almost 1 week now for a response. What about refunds? if you guys don't want to support issues, than would you support giving me my money back?
  3. Tuesday March 15, 2016 - still no help? Not asking for a lot here. I backed this game early, and now that I need a little help - I get NONE. I dislike that I have to post in a public forum my issues with the game.
  4. Well this was my main(and only) character with 110+ hours played on the character with a lot of experience gained.
  5. Can you guys help? I own this account, it is all of my information.
  6. Yes, but when I log in with the original steam account it still says my same ID name logging in... and it's gone on that one? I was never warned before that I would lose my progress/character.
  7. I patched, logged in and clicked on PVP US Server 2 which I usually play on. My character name did not show up, I re-logged and it still did not work. A few hours later I tried again, and then was going to see if I re-create the character if it comes back. It said "This character already exists". Please, help! Thank you.
  8. So we have all seen it happen a lot during the testing, when an unaware person is maneuvering carelessly to double broadside or range in. They begin tunnel visioning so hard they smash into a friendly. Would an alarm, or even a voice of a crew member yelling "Captain! we are about to collide with another ship!" or go as far as red letters flashing in the middle of your gun sight to wake the person up. This is going to get even more frustrating when/if ships have heavy repair costs, or replacement costs and you get sunk without firing a shot by a troll/intoxicated/newer/unaware player. Thoughts?
  9. Full realistic isn't fun. A lot of things can be on the realisitic side, but you still need balance and fun gameplay. Nobody is saying a row boat has to be as powerful as the Constitution though. But if a guy is AFK at sea, why shouldn't a ship with cannons not be able to just park next to him and fire shots into the lower end of his hull? If you want a big, reliable community you need a balance of the two. Create the feeling that you are sailing a real ship, on the real ocean with a lot of risks and stuff is fun. If they go the route of factions, or anything that locks you into a side it should be balanced. Look at any game, and people always swarm the OP stuff.
  10. I would like to see more privateer stuff than actually choosing one nation. But whoever has the faction reward I want, or best perks for my play style for sure.
  11. Wimbley

    No key still

    It is past 11 and the key is not in my spam folder, regular folder, or any folder for that matter. I ordered the game a few days ago and paypal went through properly.
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