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Sir Cloudsley-Shovell

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Posts posted by Sir Cloudsley-Shovell

  1. It seems that the day to night transition isnt as smooth as it was before the Patch.It sort of gets darker in "lumps" as opposed to a smooth transition.Also im not too happy about the 10 min Vulnerability if you exit mid Ocean,you sometimes have no option but to do this.I prefer it the way it was pre patch.I also noted a distinct reduction in  AI Traffic.The wind is also not changing smoothly as it was pre patch,again it changes in "jumps" rather than a smooth transition.

  2. Of course IF you wanted Buffs then British Ships would have superior Firepower/Loading values over other Countries...............that would lead to vast numbers of purely British Ships wouldnt it,but then it IS Historically Accurate.So where do you draw the Line?

  3. Wouldn't the larger seafaring nations, esp their navies, in our NA timeperiod be using brass (it's referred to as brass but I believe this meant bronze) cannon rather than iron, though? I'm pretty sure brass was a superior material to make cannon from, as it withstood the pressures a lot better. Plus you could melt it down and recast a new cannon from it, something that was more difficult to do with a used iron cannon because of the way the structure of the metal was weakened.


    My metallurgic knowledge is slim at the best of times, though, so if anyone needs to correct me on this, feel free to do so :)

    Bronze was too expensive to mass manufacture,also it used moulds that were destroyed to remove the cannon from it,so it was also far more time consuming against Cast Iron.

  4. I think Turners HMS Temeraire is the most evocative Painting,you really get the sadness of the loss of such a beautiful Ship being towed to its eventual demise by the thing that would replace Sail and revoloutionise Naval Warfare......................Steam!



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  5. There is no evidence that a Copper or Muntz metal clad vessel was faster than not clad.It was to stop marine Worms and Weed from growing on the Hull,thus slowing the ship down.Adding copper had its drawbacks as it reacted with the ships iron bolts.hence the invention of Muntz Metal which was a copper and zinc alloy.This reduced the electrolytic effect on iron bolts.Muntz metal has its own problems,notably that it as to be worked hot.Its still in use today,most notably on the Cutty Sark.



    The Coppering of Royal Navy Ships was a slow affair to start with which was hampered buy the issue of the iron bolts reacting.Slowly the fleet was retrofitted with new bolts.The first ship to be coppered was HMS Alarm,but in 2 years the bolts holding her together were shot so the copper was removed.Had it not been for several Conflicts Coppering probably would never have happened.The use of copper allowed the Fleet to stay at sea for far longer thus maximising the Royal Navy's combat efficiency.Interestingly,Merchant vessels were invariably not copper sheathed,possibly due to the stingyness of the Owners.

  6. There will be some stuttering especially on highly detailed routes as the next "tiles" load up,even with a top end Gaming Rig youre going to get them,i can run it on High Detail with my HP Envy Laptop no probs,although some smoke particles slow it right down so i just change views.Happily the SSS advanced steam particles dont do this!.Get rid of the "Procedural Flora" for a start.Best to have a go with everything at lowest then ramp them up and check the performance untill you have the best performance.Regards the speed thing,use the HUD at the bottom of the screen,it shows upcoming speed limts and then you will get Yellows warning you of the speed reductions.Of course when you use Steam Locos on "old Fashioned" routes you will have to learn the Old Semaphore Signal System.LOL

                                                                           One thing i will say is that the "stock" routes are not as good as some of the ones made by the UKTS Community,the main one is London to Peterborough which is renowned for his FPS hits.Try some of the Freeware routes like North Lincs or the Cambridge lines.

  7. One of the good things about Train sim is that you can use DEM Data and Google maps for Route Building.DEM data takes the strain out of making the terrain from scratch!And i can testify that it is VERY time consuming.There are many Routes that have Trestles in them(notably the US Routes)Once somebody has made a Trestle model then its just a matter of "stitching " them together.Also if you are any good at 3D Modelling ,you can always make your own Rolling Stock and Locos!At present it seems that DTG are having a bit of US Building madness,not to mention new Locos coming out for US Routes.

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