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Sir Cloudsley-Shovell

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Posts posted by Sir Cloudsley-Shovell

  1. would a ship that's on fire go faster than a ship that isn't?



    Not if its Sails catch on fire,so you would need to time it just right when to set the fire as it would need time to catch and become a decent blaze.I do remember that Fire Ships will at some point be added.

  2. I just wanted to post this as it is slightly weird and needs a fix. I was just sailing in my cutter and a Mercury attacked me so I moved outside the attack circle and still got pulled in, I was not even slightly outside I was a fair distance from the circle but still got pulled in. This has happened when I have been attacking enemy AI, I have made sure that no other AI have been in the circle and they have still been pulled in, I thought this was important because the circle is meant to show the edge of where ships can be pulled into the battle.

    Its happened to me on a few occaisions.

  3. After losing HMS Chichester to Action i was looking for a new Name for my ship.I like to keep them Historical and ended up with HMS Gladiator.it seems she was quite a ship,it seems she was the Place to hold Courts Martial!She held no less than 74 Hearings.

    Sentences raged from:

    G. Kennet, Corporal of Marines,Desertion,sentenced to be mulcted of his pay, reduced to the situation of a private, and to receive one hundred and fifty lashes from ship to ship.


     James Haily, a seaman,for striking a midshipman in the execution of his duty, and for other mutinous conduct. The charge being fully proved, he was sentenced to be hanged.


     William Moore, a seaman,for having declared that if every man was of his mind they would drag Lieutenants Rowe and Dyer out of their cabins and murder them, and for uttering other mutinous expressions. The charges being proved, the Prisoner was sentenced by the Court to receive 20 lashes on board of, and along-side such ships as the Commander in Chief should direct : to be mulcted of his pay, and to two years solitary confinement in the Marshalsea.


    William Sheard, John Moore, Henry Jones, and John Porteous, seamen of The Gladiator, for writing a letter, containing false charges, against Captain Dawson and the Officers of the Diadem, and other mutinous conduct. Jones and Porteous were found guilty. The latter, being writer of the letter, was sentenced to receive 100 lashes from ship to ship, and be imprisoned one year in solitary confinement in the Marshalsea — Jones is to have 50 lashes on board his own ship. Sheard and Moore were acquitted.


    G. Kennet, Corporal of Marines, of the Beaver, for desertion. He was found guilty, and sentenced to be mulcted of his pay, reduced to the situation of a private, and to receive one hundred and fifty lashes from ship to ship.


    Lieutenant John Horrodem, of H.M. ship Amazon, for drunkenness. The charge being in part proved, he was adjudged to be dismissed from his ship and deprived of ten years of his rank on the list of Lieutenants.


    John Shea, a seamen, belonging to H.M. ship Hindostan, for desertion. The prisoner was found guilty, and sentenced to be mulcted of his pay and to receive fifty lashes.

    Lieutenant Thomas Vanthysen, of the Sophie, for going forward, after a man had been punished, among the ship's crew, and saying publicly in the hearing of the people, ""If l was the ship's company I would be damned if I would not write against the Captain. I have taken an account of every man that has been flogged since I have been In the ship.""—The charge being fully proved, he was sentenced to be dismissed his Majesty's service, and rendered incapable of serving his Majesty, his heirs, or successors.


    Mr. William Dimock Smith, Boatswain of the sloop Fairy, for drunkenness, neglect of duty and behaving in a contemptuous manner to his captain. The charge being proved and he was sentenced by the court to be rendered incapable of serving again as an officer in the RN, and to serve before the mast on board such other of HM ships as the Commander in Chief at Spithead shall direct.


    William Webb, Boatswain's Mate of the Termagant, for desertion. The prisoner was found guilty, and sentenced to receive two hundred lashes, on board or alongside such ship or ships as the Commander in Chief should direct.


     Seamen John White and John Furlong, of the Pomone. On being found guilty they were sentenced to 200 lashes each, through the fleet, and to forfeit all their pay.


     Court Martial was held on board the Gladiator, for the trial of John Watson and James Allen, two seamen late belonging to the Hermione, for being concerned in the mutiny on board the said ship, and in carrying her into La Guira. The charges being proved against the prisoners, they were sentenced to suffer death, by being hanged by the neck, on board such ship or ships as the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty should direct. The prisoner, John Watson, appeared to be nearly 60 years of age, and, previous to the mutiny, had pretended to be afflicted by blindness, on which account he had been excused doing duty aloft ; but he took a very active part in the mutiny. The prisoner, James Allen, had been servant to the second Lieutenant previous to the mutiny, and was then about 14 years of age ; but, it appeared, he had also been very active in the mutiny, and had even assisted in the murder of his own master. The principal witness against Allen was Parrot, late butcher on board the Hermione, who deposed, that on the night the mutiny took place he was seated on a chest in the gun-room. He then observed a band of murderers dragging the second Lieutenant across the deck, who repeatedly stretched out his hand, crying, ""Mercy! Mercy!"" He was drawn up the ladder by the hair of his head, after receiving many wounds. Parrot declared that at this moment he saw the second Lieutenant's servant, James Allen, with a tomahawk or hatchet in his hand, and that he exclaimed, ""let me have a cut at him;'' on saying which he dreadfully wounded his own master. On receiving this deposition from Parrot, a general groan of horror was heard in Court. Every thing, however, that naval justice could devise was exercised on behalf of the prisoner; but the very witnesses called by him ultimately proved of disadvantage to himself ! Both Allen and Watson came home to England in the Prince of Wales, but were not recognized till their arrival. Allen, to the last, denied having struck his master. As to the particulars of the murder of Captain PIGOT, of the Hermione, it appeared, that hearing a noise upon deck, he immediately ran out of his cabin, when being badly and repeatedly wounded, he was at length obliged to return. He had reached his cabin, and was sitting on a couch, faint with the loss of blood, when four men entered with bayonets fixed. Crawley headed them. Captain PIGOT, weak as he was, held out his dirk, and kept them off. They seemed for a moment appalled at the sight of their Commander, when Crawley exclaimed, ""What, four against one, and yet afraid ? Here goes then,"" and buried his bayonet in the body of Captain Pigot. He was followed by the others, who, with their bayonets, thrust him through the port, and be was heard to speak as he went a-stern."


    And for those that have read "Kydds" Betrayed Novel

    7 Court-martial of Sir Home Popham for unapproved expedition to Buenos-Ayres, and leaving the Cape of Good Hope undefended


    I note that those that recieved floggings around the Fleet also had their pay forfeited,i should have thought that 100 to 200 lashed from EACH ship wouldnt have left much to flog!



    For a full listing go to





    I would be somewhat dissapointed if in the future, there's no plans for free-roaming within the ports honestly. POTBS & UWO had them and they were amazing; to trade, to fight, to socialize.. ;)  

    Then NA would be just "another"POTBS/UWO wouldnt it?I dont care for wandering about ports,i want to sink Ships!

  5. I think the teleport function should not be convenient. I see it as a way to get out of a problem with game mechanics during testing.

    I agree,i was just postulating that we can swap Capitals,some are a long Distance from usual Areas of Action.I also note that there are some Capitals that are not Deep Water Harbours,so large deep draught vessels cant use them.Obviously make this option an EXPENSIVE one!

  6. I finally watched this film.Despite a few comments about the casting(not being well versed in Dutch Historical Personages i cant comment)its a great film.I learnt a lot from it.I never knew that the Dutch were such a divided country,similar to GB in the English Civil War period.Cinematicaly its a sumptious film,lots of period loveliness.The sea battles are awesome,some really good camera work.This film MUST rank up in the top 10 Sea Warfare/History films out there.Given the budget they had,its a masterpiece.What we need now is a Film about Lord H Nelson!

  7. I wouldnt be averse to have to pay for "New Ship Models",it takes time and a lot of effort to make them so a small cost would be fine by me.They dont have to be "Uber" ships but maybe "Specific" vessels that really existed in NA's timeframe.Obviously we dont know if the Devs wil allow 3D Modellers to offer new Vessels to the Community,but it would be awesome if they did.

  8. Kung Fury is an over-the-top 80’s action comedy that was crowd funded through Kickstarter. It features Kung Fury, a Kung Fu renegade cop who travels back in time to kill his Nemesis, Hitler. The film features nazis, dinosaurs, vikings and cheesy one-liners.

    The campaign that was launched in December 2013 was backed by more than 17 000 people who together gave more than $630 000.



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  9. You cant use Cannon in OW,you need to initiate a "Combat Instance",you do this by clicking on a ship you see,the hit the Hail tab.If you want to attack the unit then close the distance and hit the spacebar,you will then go to what amounts to what you had in Sea Trials(minus islands and lighthouses),there you get to fire your cannon!FYI the Lynx can now use 6 Pdr csnnons.

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  10. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
    We will remember them.

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