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Sir Cloudsley-Shovell

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Posts posted by Sir Cloudsley-Shovell

  1. Firstly load your stern Chasers with double shot or chain.That way at least you can do some damage to him.A lot depends on what ship you have as well,of course you could ask your team mates for help(doesnt always work!).I had this happen to me last night,i just couldnt shake him.I was in a Suprise and it just couldnt turn fast enough,but i did get on his tail eventually.He wasnt too happy about my 24pdr double shotted Carronades hammering his bows!

  2. I think it should only affect the Reloading,Sail Setting and Survival parts of the game.No increase in Weapon Power,just a better set of gun Crews.This could be based on the differences between the amount of Damage Caused v the amount of Damage received thus giving you a "Morale" bonus for the next Battle.So the better you "fight " your Ship,the more morale Points you get.these could be split over the 3 aforementioned areas,so you dont just have one Bonus.

  3. 1. actually i would love to see the full crew, i dont like the idea of a ghost ship... if any players cant afford the power caused by the PC setup im fine, for myself, i got the engines and looking forward to a fully crewed ship.


    also, a lot of new people post  ideas to change things, but at the point the game is atm its not needed caused by Sea Trials are only here for gather data.

    I doubt VERY much this will happen,the FPS hit would be enormous!

  4. Simulations can KILL gameplay.Its all too easy to get bogged down with minutiae.For me NA has the right Balance between Simulation and Regular game styles.NA can only get better when the Open World and its proposed elements get introduced.For me i cant stand the Run n Gun,button bashing games.I like to have a game where one has to think before doing as well as having a good Tactical awareness,rather than a "Super Cannon" and ships with Teflon coated hulls made out of Titanium!

  5. Signalling poses several issues.Firstly each Nation will have Different Signals.Secondly,speaking about the Royal Navy,there were several Books of Signals.One would be the "Standing General Signals Book" used across the Fleet.Then each of the Senior Admirals would have their own "personal" signal books, and even lower down the food chain other Flotilla  Commanders would have one.It wasnt untill Marryat made a standardised system(mainly for Merchantile Marine)that the system became a lot easier.

                                                                                                       All that said,i have managed to find a Signals book from 1799,printed in Madras,it was owned by Lt John Batt(?) Acting Captain of HMS Suffolk 2nd of Sept 1779.As you will see he has made his own Signals (the signal Numbers written in freehand) later on in the book.I should think very little changed (the "Official" Signals) through the Period of Naval Action.




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  6. You were asking about Signal Flags.That poses several issues.Firstly each Nation will have Different Signals.Secondly,speaking about the Royal Navy,there were several Books of Signals.One would be the "Standing General Signals Book" used across the Fleet.Then each of the Senior Admirals would have their own "personal" signal books, and even lower down the food chain other Flotilla  Commanders would have one.It wasnt untill Marryat made a standardised system(mainly for Merchantile Marine)that the system became a lot easier.

                                                                                                       All that said,i have managed to find a Signals book from 1799,printed in Madras,it was owned by Lt John Batt(?) Acting Captain of HMS Suffolk 2nd of Sept 1779.As you will see he has made his own Signals (the signal Numbers written in freehand) later on in the book.I should think very little changed (the "Official" Signals) through the Period of Naval Action.I hope this helps.




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