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Open up the skirmish room one day a week.

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I've been participating in Trafalgar battles on saturday. It's a lot of fun: big fleet battles between players as in the seatrials before.

There are some drawbacks though, everyone has to get there and get back to base afterwards. Also the puzzle to get to a balanced fight is a long process.

All in all it takes up a lot of time of the participants.

To speed up the whole process it would be great if the old ST -lobby with the battlerooms would be opened up once per week on saturdays.

It will speed up the battle entry process and therefore will result in more big fleet battles, providing more testdata about new game mechanics and modules.

By opening it up once a week ppl will still be testing the OW for the rest of the week, but saves up a lot of time for all involved in trafalgar.

Ppl should select a ship in port and then join the lobby of the skirmish room, still losing a dura when sunk.

So let me know if you would like this one day per week easy access pvp battles!

Grtzzz Bubbles

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I agree with Bubbles. It's easy to spend an hour just trying to divide up the teams evenly since they are multinational. This results in a single battle taking 1 1/2 - 2 hours total time investment. It would be nice if we had the skirmish room available for perhaps Saturday only for arranged battles.

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I love this idea. It would get rid of people saying "there is barely any PvP".

But I think we should instead have a borrowed ship and have to rise up through classes like sea trials.

We don't want anybody complaining about losing a santisima do we?

Thx, current pvp earns ppl double xp and loads of gold, so an entryfee of some kind should be fair.

Or the ships are borrowed, but no xp or gold are gained.

If borrowed, the choice of ships should be rank based.

Personally I dont mind putting a dur on the line, I can test trading and grinding during the week to buy ships for spending on skirmish day.

Grtzzz Bubbles

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Brilliant idea, I can see no losers in this concept whatsoever it can get really frustrating trying to get 40 players of different nationalities in one place to set up a trafalgar for an ai snow to nonchalantly sail round the corner and pull 20 people into an instance only to have to start again. It would also quench the thirst of the PvP lovers of which of course I am.



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Having a lobby for players who want to fight seems like a no brainer. Easy access to fights. Perhaps with a start button so the fight can wait till enough players in loaded in.

There seems to be strong feelings from players seeking PVP that there are difficulties easily engaging in a battle with other people.

OW should NOT be modified to make it more difficult to avoid the loss of a ship (but that is a separate topic.) It seems obvious from so many of the comments in the forums that a total OW is not suitable for many of the players to engage in fights enough. But OW is good for other players who are not primarily focused on fighting.  
These players should be allowed to flee and have a good chance of success.  Some people flee because they wish to avoid the battle (not just the loss of a ship or a durability).  That  should be okay.

It seems that there a huge group that wish everyone in game would square off and punch it out. They are not here to quietly explore or peacefully trade. Their goal is not to evade the enemy and escape.  

OW may not be the best forum for single players to enjoy continuous fighting. It doesn’t seem like a ideal place to get into large battles easily.  It’s unreasonable to expect everyone to show up in a such a large theatre and seek each other out just to fight.

Scheduling Trafalgar’s is a great way to increase the size of a battle. The wait time seems excessive for players who intend to have several Trafalgar’s back to back. There is a delay because all of the players seem to spawn together, teams intermixed and have to separate and form battle lines prior to starting. Also while organizing/setting up the AI often engage some the players, draw them into an instance, delaying the start of the Trafalgar.

Operating in a group is almost a necessity to ensure lots of success for finding battles. But operating in a group does not ensure that human opponents will be found easily.

Please open up a skirmish room or conversely designate an AI free area of OW for combat. Perhaps use a special port in the Battle Area as a launching area for battles.

Why not have the skirmish room or Battle Area available everyday? Or at least several days a week.

Edited by Macjimm
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I have nothing against OP's idea but there may be other priorities in NA development than a skirmish mode : Craft, RoE, Port battles, Exploration, Trade, Escort, Repair system... :)

Besides, OW needs testers to be tested.


As a matter of fact, atm I'd like to have the OW developed first, not an arena mode. Just my opinion.

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I have nothing against OP's idea but there may be other priorities in NA development than a skirmish mode : Craft, RoE, Port battles, Exploration, Trade, Escort, Repair system... :)

Besides, OW needs testers to be tested.

I would like to view it as a winwin situation: facilitate current players with an easy acces pvp, while getting more testdata sbout pvp...

Im all for new features, cant wait for crafting and portbattles. It will take a while before that is all properly working, so why not have a controlled skirmish session to entertain players?

Players have more fun/min, devs have more input/min...

WinWin :)

Grtzzz Bubbles

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