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The state of your ship

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Yesterday as I was demasting  a frigate something dawned on me; I was better informed about the state of his masts than he was - when I fired a broadside it was very difficult for my opponent to tell whether I got 8x masts hits or 12x; yet I know the exact number.

It is not only in demasting that this is an issue - there are other areas of the game where the enemy have just as easy or an even easier time accessing information concerning my ship than I do:

  • Mast hits
  • Cannon hits (lost guns)
  • Crew hits
  • Reloaded guns per side

I propose limiting the information available to your opponents, or give both sides access to the same information.

I know a new Battle UI is underway so I'm curious to know if this information will still be available then? What do you guys think of the above mentioned?

Edited by Percival Merewether
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It would be very useful to have some sort of status/health info for masts.

And that we have access to vital info on enemy ships is not realistic. We should not be able to see if another player has his broadside loaded or not. I use this a lot in battle for timing when to go parallell with the enemy ship and fire. We should have to remember when the enemy ship shot of it's broadside and then try to estimate when it is ready to fire again.

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9 minutes ago, Coraline Vodka said:

WeLL you would be able to see the guns run out so knowing if they are loaded is easy. Ofc ingame models cannons don't move so we have the guns loaded info when looking at them

Not completely true, you would only be able to see if the guns had been run out or not - you'd have no idea if they were actually loaded. The commander may also wait with running out the guns until the last second to make it appear as if the guns aren't ready.

It's much more accurate to let us count the seconds since the last broadside and let us evaluate whether the enemy is ready to fire or not by using skill and knowledge of the enemy guns instead of the UI.

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2 hours ago, jodgi said:

If we get to see the hp of own masts, I think it's fair that the enemy can see if his mast shots are penetrating (enemy doesn't necessarily have to see his opponents mast hp).

well is it fair for the opponent though? could you really tell from 500 meter that you penetrated the enemy mast or just hit it? it would be logical to have an officer aboard your own ship telling you(the captain) the conditions of your own ship during battle and an other spotter telling where the enemy ship is weak or what not

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10 hours ago, Wyy said:

could you really tell from 500 meter that you penetrated the enemy mast or just hit it?

Our type of demasting isn't how it was done and could be viewed as an approximation to the historical method of targeting rigging and shrouds to bring down masts. I'm guessing you could say that a proper seaman would be able to assess the state of the enemy's rigging.

To me it's about game mechanics so it's not important at which level anyone buys into the above abstractions.

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They kept firing until something happened :), hence so many close range combats, at the least you knew you'd be hitting AND if chance came, to board the enemy.

Half the time they knew the battle was half won before the first broadside though - tides, wind, leeshore, and general knowledge of the enemy ship/captain.

Yes, abstraction is present in all games based upon historical reality.

Is information part of abstraction design to simulate a realistic outcome ? Maybe.

I'd rather go with good old "unreliability" of the information aka. fog of war.

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